
Appendix 1: Summary of the Section 106 Agreement

Planning obligations may be used to secure the provision of, or contributions towards, a number of social and regenerative benefits that are in accordance with Circular 1/97 and the councils’ Unitary Development Plan, and are:

  • necessary
  • relevant to planning
  • directly relate to the proposed development
  • fairly, and reasonably relate in scale and kind to the proposed development
  • reasonable in all other respects.

The King’s Cross section 106 agreement1 was over 250 pages long and contained detailed clauses on payment schedules, lease arrangements, conditional requirements and operational requirements for uses, services and facilities. This Appendix therefore represents a highly simplified summary of the main provisions.

Employment and training
  • Provision and operation of a construction training centre
  • Provision of a skills and recruitment centre, plus operating costs
  • Support to a community enterprise credit union and community development finance initiatives offered to communities
  • Provision of a range of space suitable for small businesses and voluntary organisations (unsubsidised)
  • Local business support and a local purchasing strategy
  • Establishment of a business volunteering scheme
Community facilities
  • Establishment of a social and community fund – grants or loans to projects which would mitigate the effects of the development and/or enhance its benefits
  • Provision of community meeting facilities
  • Implementing community safety measures including CCTV
  • Secondary education – payment to assist with the council’s programme of expansion and or upgrading of local secondary schools
  • Provision of a pre-school children’s centre
  • Provision of a two-form entry primary school
  • Establishment of an exploratory centre – a temporary centre for visitors to explore issues of education, sustainability and building, to facilitate links between schools, higher education and employers
  • Provision of a floating classroom
  • Provision of a public indoor sports facility
  • Provision of high quality local area for play
  • Provision of a public health and fitness facility
  • Provision of a primary healthcare centre
  • Provision of a primary healthcare walk-in centre
Public realm areas and development estate realm areas
  • Agreement of the principles for adoption, delivery, maintenance and management of public realm
  • Funding of adjacent street improvements
  • Funding of improvements to adjacent/local open spaces
  • Funding of a programme of public art within the public realm areas
  • Financial support to Camley Street natural park
  • Provision of a pedestrian bridge – Wharfdale Road to the Boulevard
  • Funding for canal enhancements

Support for implementation panels

Access and inclusivity clauses

Environmental sustainability requirements

Gasholder guide frames
  • Requirements for dismantling, refurbishment and re-erection

Code of construction practice

  • Financial contributions to establishment of controlled parking zones in Camden and Islington
  • Establishment of various incentives for sustainable travel
  • Provision of a bicycle storage facility
  • Payments for improvements to bus services
  • Financial contribution to reopening Maiden Lane station

Land use details on nightclubs and casino, retail, nursing home, housing and affordable housing, estate management charges, etc

Appendix 2: Development Data and Financial Information

Table 1 Land uses (% of site) at King’s Cross Central1
Buildings 53%
Streets/surface parking 15%
Landscaping/open space 32%
Total 100%
Table 2 Land uses (sq ft) at King’s Cross Central2
Table 3 Comparative plot ratios- King’s Cross and other developments3
Table 4: Comparative site coverage and building heights- King’s Cross and other developments4
Table 5 Comparative uses- King’s Cross and other developments5
Table 6 Financial information
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