
Kings Cross transport infrastructure timeline

Political and planning timeline

1 Introduction

2 The planning and development process

The UK planning system

The role of planners

The role of politicians

The development sector

Community involvement and the mistrust of planning

3 History and development context

The history of the King’s Cross area

First regeneration proposals

The King’s Cross partnership

Rail infrastructure

Completing the site assembly

Selecting a development partner


4 Establishing the framework for negotiations

Camden: the place and its politics

Engaging councillors

Preparing for the negotiations

The negotiating teams

The negotiating process

Negotiating tactics

Establishing the policy framework

Deciding the nature of the planning application

The bottom line


5 The masterplan

The role of the masterplan

The masterplanning team

Site context

Early discussions

The first masterplan

Developing the masterplan

Refinement of the masterplan

Linking the plan to the wider area


6 The middle game

The break-up of Argent’s partnership with St George Housing

Management of the public realm

Environmental performance


Other planning benefits

Calculating the value of the section 106 agreement

Reflections on the negotiation process


7 Community consultation

Pre-application consultations

Consultations on the original planning applications

Consultations on the revised planning applications

King’s Cross Railway Lands Group


8 The decision

Camden’s officer-councillor interface

The development control subcommittee

The decision

Rebuilding political support

The judicial review

Islington’s decision on the ‘Triangle’ site


9 Building King’s Cross Central

The land valuation and transfer

The first phases of development

Variations to the planning consent

Adoption of the public realm

Place-making at King’s Cross Central

Employment and training

North Central One

The new King’s Cross station square

Impact on the surrounding areas


10 Conclusions

Evaluating the success of the King’s Cross Development

Lessons from the King’s Cross Development

Implications of recent changes to planning and funding regimes


11 Appendices

Appendix 1: Summary of the section 106 agreement

Appendix 2: Development data and financial information


List of acronyms


Image credits

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