I would like to dedicate this book to Robin and my parents. Robin, thank you for your unwavering support even after all of the lost days, nights and weekends. Mom and Dad, thank you for your endless advice and encouragement.

—Eric Overfield

To my boyfriend and my parents, thank you for inspiring me to always challenge myself to be better.

—Rita Zhang

I dedicate this book to my lovely wife and daughter, who put up with my lack of “being there” during my writing experience. Every day that went by, I felt both a bit of guilt and sense of accomplishment. Without their support, understanding, and love, I wouldn’t have been able to spend time contributing to this wonderful book.

—Oscar Medina

I’d like to dedicate this book to my wife, Hardip, who has provided me unwavering support and continues to push me to be a better man. Also, my two bundles of joy, Paras and Harsimran, for giving me another reason to smile every day.

—Kanwal Khipple

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