
images  A

images  B

images  C

Content rollup solution

    landing page

        floor plans

        global navigation termset

        menu flyout

        page URLs icon

    search web part


        change query


        content rollup page

        current user’

        display templates

        managed properties



        result source

        sort order


        system-generated query


Content type

    Article page

    column type

    content type hub

        managed metadata service application

        site collection


    custom page layout

        About Us page mockup


        check in, publish

        content page


        design manager (see Design manager)

        div-based structure


        HTML Mockup

        HTML prototype layout

        .NET .aspx page layout

        page ribbon

        pages document library


        preview icon



        store data

    custom type creation


        column properties

        default to calculated value

        extensive list

        information storage

        new site content type

        site collection

        site content types page

        site settings page

    data configuration


    HTML Page Layout



        inline scripts and styles


    out-of-the-box page layouts


        publishing feature

        seven types

        thirteen visible types

    page layout customization

        field column

        image rotation

        sample page layout

        title and meta description

    page layout snippets

        containers section

        custom ASP.NET markup section


        HTML master page


        page fields section

        preview page layout

        web parts

    pages library

    responsive page layout


        bootstrap framework

        current navigation

        flow of content

        HTML master page

        left navigation


        primary function

        primary row

        vertical utilization

        viewport utilization

    storage location

        managed metadata service application

        site collection

    text/wiki layout


    WCM system

images  D

Design manager

    errors and warnings

    HTML page

    HTML prototype


        HTML Mockup

        sample page

    master page gallery

    new page layout

    page layout customization

        .aspx file

        body tag

        community property

        ContentPlacerHolder comment code

        errors and warnings

        HTML code

        HTML page layout

        .master file

        new body section

    Specter Property

images  E

images  F

Files uploading

    client-side API entry

    file upload control

    HTML5 file API

        change event

        content creation

        file accessing

        file interface

        local file resources


        binary file

        CRUD operations

        HTTP request

        jQuery Ajax

        OData representation

        POST http request

        REST endpoint URL

    Specter Group Community web site

    Spector Group implementation

        bootstrap framework integration

        file filtering

        HTML5 controls

        HTML5 drag and drop API

        jQuery (see jQuery, Specter Group file upload)

        thumbnail previews of images

        upload progress bar

images  G

Geolocation features

    app catalog

        client web part

        company’s app catalog


        package .app file

        users’ sites


    custom SharePoint app

        app deployment

        app domain configuration


        AppManifest.xml file

        autodetect location (see Autodetect user’s location)

        default.aspx page

        features folder

        hosting options

        host web

        images folder


        JavaScript client object model (see JavaScript client object model)

        package folder

        pages folder

        project file structure

        scripts folder


        testing and deploying

        Visual Studio 2012


    HTML5 geolocation

        AJAX control 7.0

        API properties and functions

        Bing maps service

        getCurrentPosition() method

        Google maps API

        Google maps service

        share location data

        user’s latitude and longitude

        watchPosition() function

    map presentation


        Bing maps control

        Bing maps integration

        community content type

        latitude and longitude value

        latitude and longitude values

        site collection

    SharePoint lists


    Specter Group site

Grid system

    bootstrap grid


        footer code

        header code

        HTML structure

        main content code

        navigation code

    grid-based design

images  H, I


    API support




    semantic web

HTML master page

    clean-up process

        common styling technique

        ContentPlaceHolder DIV element

        ContentPlaceHolderMain add

        “Main” Div

        .NET control

        PlaceHolderMain DIV

        sample convertion


        design manager

        file conversion

        .master Master Page


    “cutting up” process

    design environment

    design manager

    design package

    file conversion

    folder structure

    markup generation

        <body> tag


        <head> tag

        preview page

    master page gallery

        Dreamweaver site creation

        local drive

        upload design files


    publish and assign page

    SharePoint project

    snippets and snippet gallery

        registration and login

        registration and sign in

        search box snippet

        “Security Trim” snippet

        sign in

        site logo snippet

        site sign in process

    style sheet adjustment

        additional padding

        suite bar recolor

        suite bar text

    warning and error

        compact view

        conversion success

        <html> and <head> tags

        sample error message


    wireframes and design comps

images  J, K

JavaScript client object model

    Bing maps key

    custom list instance

        app web


        drop-down list

        HTML code

        location list button

    list item

    rebuild and redeploy



    feature detection


    screen resolution

    style change

images  L

images  M

Multilingual web sites

    cross-site publishing

    deploying language packs


        language identifier

        language packs downloading


    international users


        content translation

        language pack requirements

        languages and locales

        navigation term sets

        search engines

        variations and labels

    public Specter Group web site


        content creation

        machine (see Machine translation service)


        XLIFF translation packages

    variation hierarchy

        configuration settings

        edit timer job

        language setting

        site content

        target labels

        timer job status

        variation labels

        VariationRoot page

images  N, O, P

Navigation site structure


        add snippet




        separator image

        snippet conversion

        styles for

        tablet and mobile view

    current navigation

    custom code

    footer navigation

    navigation menu bar

        custom master page


        master page


        snippets gallery

        static/dynamic level

    primary management method


        managed navigation

        structured navigation

    public Specter Group web site

    site map

    style issues

        border items


        drop-down arrow span

        drop-down selection

        floating navigation

        Hide ’n Cry

        hover/mouse-over event

        inline edit mode

        menu location and border

        off-canvas navigation

        rendered HTML

        snippet insertion

    term store

        application pool

        configuration settings

        custom order

        default installation


        general tab

        internet explorer 9+

        management tool error

        navigation tab

        new managed metadata service application

        pinning terms

        quick edit mode

        site collection

        specter global navigation

        term-driven pages tab

        term store management tool access

images  Q

images  R

Registration form

    bootstrap typeahead

        Date.js library

        document ready function


        ISO format


        open house events

        Title property

    event system design

    JavaScript code

        bootstrap typeahead


        jQuery-based Ajax

        list item

        <HEAD> tag

        script tag

        title and event date

    page layout

        bootstrap styles


Responsive web design (RWD)

    adaptive design



    browser-centric design

    browser vendors




        media queries

        style sheet



    detecting browser

    graceful degradation


        API support




        semantic web


        flexible media

        fluid grid

        media queries




        feature detection


        screen resolution

        style change

    leverage framework




        twitter bootstrap

        Zurb foundation

    mobile site vs. full site

    older browser

        device channel (see Device channel, 160)


        progressive site

        upgrade notification

    one web philosophy



        design file deployment location

        fixed widths responsive

        framework downloading

        HTML <link> Tag

        media query

        grid system (see Grid system )

        SharePoint:CssRegistration control

        viewport meta tag

    progressive enhancement

    responsive issues


        fluid behavior

        images and icons

        misplaced elements

        pad/space element

        ribbon spans/drop-down menu

        rotating images

        viewport layout

    separate mobile sites


    smart phones

    specter group site

    tailor user experience


Rich forms

    entity type

        Ajax code snippet

        list item

        REST API

        success and error handling functions

        web browser

    form validation

    registration form (see Registration form)


    Twitter bootstrap modal

images  S

Search-driven content

    cross-site collection publishing


        catalog settings page

        continuous crawl

        incremental crawl

        managed metadata

        search managed properties

        search service application


        tag content

    custom display templates


        cbs-LargePictureContainer class


        control display template

        Control_ListWithPaging files


        HTML file XML noncomplaint

        HTML markup

        HTML output

        inline JavaScript



        JavaScript, HTML, and CSS


        managed properties


        out-of-the-box control_list


        template creation

    floor plans

    publishing process

    query rules





        floor plans


    result type

        beachfront properties


        item display template


    rollup solution (see Content rollup solution)

    specter design component




Social media integration

    custom sharing experience


        add follow button div

        JavaScript errors

        plug-in code





        like, subscribe, or follow

        share buttons


    planning implementation


    sharing tools

    social bar



        display/hide bar


        icon bar expansion






        pop-up issue

        share buttons

        Tweet feed widget

Software requirement

    image editor

        Adobe Photoshop


        Xara Web Designer

    installation and configuration

    visual studio

    web editor

        Adobe Dreamweaver



images  T






        add feed

        custom styles




    pop-up issue

    “share buttons”

    Tweet feed widget

images  U, V

User-centered design (UCD)

    architecture and interaction design

    information architecture and interaction design

        global navigation



        site structure


    task analysis

    user analysis

        community member

        persona development

        public web site user

        specter web site administrator

    vision, goals, and objectives


        blog page

        community home page wireframe

        community page

        design comps

        full desktop wireframe

        home page

        iPad view

        iPhone view

        page layout


        site elements

        site page

        Specter Group

    wireframing and design

images  W, X, Y

images  Z

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