About the Authors

image image Dr. Mark Lui received his doctorate in physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and worked as a research scientist in the semiconductor industry for 11 years. He transitioned into the software industry, consulting in the areas of enterprise application integration, business process monitoring, and enterprise information integration, as well as general enterprise Java development. Mark is currently a senior software engineer at Shopzilla. He has experience using commercial-based solutions, such as webMethods and WebLogic, in addition to open source projects such as the Spring Framework, Spring Integration, and ActiveMQ. Mark can be reached at his blog site, http://drmarklui.wordpress.com, or via Twitter(@drmarklui).

image image Mario Gray is an engineer with more than a decade of experience in systems integration, systems administration, game programming, and highly available enterprise architectures. He is ever vigilant of force-multiplying technologies to better enable businesses. He has developed countless systems, including CRMs, market data ticker plants, and highly available web applications, using leading open source enterprise Java frameworks and tools. Mario has a record of successfully leveraging open source frameworks to better serve businesses. He lives in the city of Chandler, Arizona, with his wife, Fumiko, and his daughter, Makani. Outside of his career, he enjoys recreational sports, exercise, and family activities. He maintains a blog at http://www.sudoinit5.com, and can be reached at [email protected].

image image Andy Chan was born in Hong Kong and was first introduced to computer programming using Applesoft BASIC on the Apple II computer when he was five years old. After he graduated from the University of California, Irvine, in information and computer science, he started his early career as a Windows NT software/driver developer using C/C++. He switched to the Java platform in the late 1990s and has been using Java to develop complex business applications. With more than 15 years of professional experience developing large-scale enterprise software systems, he currently works at Shopzilla as a software architect. Andy’s current interest is dealing with big data using Hadoop and HBase. He can be found in the Los Angeles Hadoop Users Group (LA-HUG) and the Santa Monica Java Users Group (SM-JUG). He can be also reached via Twitter (@iceycake) or his blog site, at http://www.iceycake.com.

image image Josh Long is the Spring developer advocate for SpringSource, an editor for InfoQ.com, and author/coauthor of many things (including Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition, published by Apress). Josh has spoken at numerous different industry conferences, including Geecon, TheServerSide Java Symposium, SpringOne, OSCON, JavaZone, Devoxx, JAX, and Java2Days. When he’s not hacking on Spring Integration and other open source code (see http://git.springsource.org, http://github.com/SpringSource, and http://github.com/joshlong), he can be found at the local Java user group, a coffee shop, or the airport. Josh likes solutions that push the boundaries of the technologies that enable them. His interests include scalability, big data, BPM, grid processing, RIA, mobile computing, and so-called smart systems. He blogs at http://blog.springsource.org and http://www.joshlong.com, and can be reached at [email protected].

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