
images A

Add method, 94


code writing

calling stored procedure, 220

connection string retrieving, 219

record updation, domain service code, 214219

SQL command, 213214

data connection, 204

ADO.NET Entity Framework model, 204

Ambient transactions, 111114

Application administrator, 578

ApplicationDatabase.mdf file, 666

ApplicationDataService class, 604, 609

Application deployment, 615

application updation, 650

ASP.Net web site, 648

client requirements, 621

data deployment, 650

IIS7 ZIP file deployment, 649650

options and tasks, 615

publishing vs. packaging, 621

SQL Server connection string, 649

SQL Server tasks, 616

three-tier browser application, 648

three-tier desktop application, 645648

topologies application type settings window, 619

browser applications, 620

client topology, 619

desktop applications, 619620

two-tier desktop installation

administrative user setup, 644645

database connection string, 644

database tasks, 643644

Install.htm, 642

procedure, 642643

setup.exe, 644

wizard files, 643

two-tier/three-tier applications, 616

web server setting (see Web server setting)

Windows Azure (see Windows Azure

wizard, 616)

authentication page, 639640

certificate page, 640642

database configuration page, 637638

database connections page, 636637

prerequisites page, 638639

Publish Application Wizard, 634636

Wizard workflow, 617, 618

Application object

IntelliSense options, 90

properties and methods, 91

screen code, 9192

Application trace

appSettings element, 670

DefaultTraceListener, 667

diagnostic settings, 669670

diagnostic subsystem, 669

Fiddler, 671673


output window, 669

TraceInformation method, 667

Trace.TraceError method, 668

Trace.TraceInformation, 667668

Microsoft.LightSwitch.Trace class, 667

ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file, 671

settings in web.config, 670671

trace.axd handler, 667

Trace.Axd page, 671

web.config file, 669

ArgumentNullException, 602

ASP.NET, 476

ApplicationName, 560, 561

_AuthData connection string, 561

connectionStrings element, 560

ExistingASPApp, 561

IIS 7 Manager, 563

_IntrinsicData connection string, 560, 561

LightSwitch web.config file settings changes, 561562

machine config key section, 562

new connection string creation, 561

new page creation

data source wizard, 478479

final report, 480481

GridView control, 479480

port number, 480

SqlDataSource object, 478

time-sheet report, 477478

pie chart creation, 481483

project creation

Solution Explorer, 476477

static port, 477

securing access

Forms Authentication, 484

web.config file, 485

Windows Authentication, 483

web.config file, 560

web server setting, 630

web site, 648

AspNetMembershipProvider, 561

AspNetProfileProvider, 561

aspnet_regiis, 676

AspNetRoleProvider, 561

ASPNetSQLMembershipProvider element, 559, 560

ASPX page, 587588

Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID) principles, 110

AuditDataSource method, 112


basic table properties

ArgumentNullException, 602

C# class, 598

Central.Utilities, 597

change table, 597

entityObject, 602

extension methods, 598602

IEntityObjectExtensions VB module, 598

OldValues and NewValues, 597

StorageProperty method, 602

TrackedProperties method, 602

change tracking, 595

customer/order screen, 596

general approach, 595

advantages, 595, 603

changes, 596

changes code, 604607

changes table, 604

disadvantages, 603

EntityID, 603, 604

EntityName, 603

imports/using statement, 595

specific approach, 595

advantages, 607

changes, 596

changes code, 609611

changes table, 608609

disadvantages, 607

SQL databases, 596

Utilities class library, 595

Authorization, 565, 594

application administrator, 578

current user storage, 584

Do Not Enable Authentication option, 565

helper methods

GetDomainName method, 581582

GetUserName method, 582

holiday request system, 580

log out option creation

ASPX page, 587588

authentication cookie, 587

navigation menu item, 591594

project's build output, 588589

screen command, 589591

permissions, 565

debugging, 568

definition, 566567

entity set (table) permissions (see Entity set (table) permissions)

LSML file, 566

query setting, 577578

roles and users assignment, 565

screen setting permissions (see Screen setting permissions)

SecurityAdministration, 568


logged-on user, filtering records, 585586

user, filtering records, 585

roles screen, 579

SubmittedBy property, 583

users screen, 580

AutoCompleteBox control

items setting, 306

nested AutoCompleteBoxes, 308309

properties pane, 305306

unbound AutocompleteBox, 307

value setting, 307308

AutoCompleteBox values, 101102

images B

Business type extensions, 452454

attributes, 455

ControlFactory attributes, 455456

Export attributes, 455

creation, 454

implementation, 457

interfaces, 456

IControlFactory interfaces, 457

IResourceProvider interfaces, 457

images C

Change sets

DataWorkspace.ApplicationData.Details, 102

DiscardChanges method, 103

GetChanges method, 104

IsChanged property, 105

methods and properties, 103

OriginalValue property, 105

orginal value retrieve method, 105

ChangePassword and IsValidPassword methods, 121

Client design project, 383

business type extensions

Image file, 462

ImageProvider class, 462463

control extensions, 448

Image file, 448

Image Provider class, 448450

folders, 383

subfolders, 383

Client project, 382

business type extensions

CentralTypeControl class, 459

CentralTypeControlFactory class, 459461

Code-Behind file, 458

namespaces, 458

XAML file, 458

CentralTheme Class file, 401404

control extensions, 443

CentralControl class, 445

CentralControlFactory class, 44547

namespaces, 445

XAML file, 444

folders, 382

shell extensions, 423

CentralShell Class file, 423425

Code-Behind file, 426

XAML file, 425

subfolders, 382

Themes folder, 400

XAML file, 404

brush definitions, 406415

Text Styles, 404406

ComboBox control, 343344

Command's CanExecute method, 575576

Common project, 384, 416

business type extensions

Editor and Viewer controls, 465

LSML file, 464465

control extensions, 450

LSML file, 450451

LSML file, 416

Metadata folder and files, 384385

Resources folder and files, 386

shell extensions, 426427

Theme folder, 416

Comparison-Type drop-down

global values, 162

literal values, 157


optional parameters, 158

on screens, 158162

properties, 158

Concurrency, 116

conflict resolution, code, 119120

data conflict screen, 116, 118

Connection transactions, 111

Control extensions

attributes, 441443

creation, 440441

element mapping, 451

implementation, 443


IControlFactory interface, 443

IResourceProvider interface, 443

Microsoft's sample, 452

types, 439

Custom controls

calling screen code

code to call SaveData, 359

CustomButton, 359

reference to data context, 361

vs. control extensions, 337

Silverlight class library (see Silverlight class)

Silverlight controls

ComboBox control, 343344

Custom controls, Silverlight controls (cont.)

HyperLinkButton control (see HyperLinkButton control)

PasswordBox control, 338343

Custom validation. see Data validation

customErrors element, 672

images D

Data access objects, 90, 122

application object

IntelliSense options, 90

properties and methods, 91

screen code, 9192

change sets, 89

DataWorkspace.ApplicationData.Details, 102

DiscardChanges method, 103

GetChanges method, 104105

HasChanges property, 103

IsChanged property, 105

methods and properties, 103

OriginalValue property, 105

orginal value retrieve method, 105

client and server interaction, 89

concurrency, 116

conflicts resolution, code, 119120

data conflict screen, 116, 118

Customers table, 90

data source methods, 93

DataWorkspace object, 93

entities, 95

entity sets, 9495

nullable data type, 9697

SaveChanges operation, 89

save pipeline

access control methods, 107

EntityFunctions Class, 109110

events, 107108

Me.Refresh(), VB.NET, 108

phases, 106

Screen_Saved event, 108

server-side code, 109

table designer, 107

this.Refresh(), C#, 108

screen data

AutoCompleteBox values, 101102

grid and list values, 99100

ItemDataBound/ItemCommand type events, 98

text box values, 99

transactions management

ACID principles, 110

ambient transaction creation, 112114

banking system, 110

database trigger, data insert failure, 114

error dialog box, 114, 115

.NET, 111

reading data, 111

save pipeline, 111

SQL Server Profiler, 115

user data, 121

Data aggregation, RIA service

data source attachment, 211

domain service class, code addition

entity class, 208210

object context creation, 206208

query methods, 210211

link addition, model file, 205206

Database trigger, 114

Data conflict screen, 116117

Data controls

AutoCompleteBox controls, 255

collection controls, 256257

data grid controls

clickable links setting, 261

grid commands, 260261

paging, sorting, and searching options, 257258

properties, 258259

detail controls, 254

editable control

date picker control, 252

email and money controls, 252

image uploading, 251

multiline text enabling, 252

phone number control, 252

types, 251

Modal Window Picker controls, 255

read-only controls

font label styles, 254

types, 253

Data querying

data sources, 147

default queries, 149150

entity set queries

creation, 151

query properties, 152153

Singleton queries, 153154

Source drop-down box, 151

exists/in queries, 183184


child items, 182183

date elements, 185186

graphical designer (see Graphical designer)

LINQ (see Language Integrated Query (LINQ))

not exists/not in queries, 184

query execution, 148

on clients, 176180

data type, 174

PreprocessQuery method, 173

query pipeline, 174176

on server, 180181

query type, 147

return entities, 149

RIA services, 148

screen queries, 150151


child records, 190191

grids, 188189

parent record, 190

sort expressions, 163164

top N records, 186187

user-defined global values

class creation, 192194

Date and DateTime data types, 191

LSML editing, 192

user-defined query, 148

Data source extensions, 465

creation, 466

implementation, 467

Server project, 467

Data source methods, 93

Data transactions

ACID principles, 110

ambient transaction, 112114

banking system, 110

.NET, 111

reading data, 111

rolling back transactions, 114115

save pipeline, 111

Data types

binary data type, 68

changing data types, 69

choosing field names, 69

datetime data type, 68

double and decimal numeric types, 62, 63

Email business type, 65, 66

image data type, 68

money business type, 66

phone number business type, 63, 65

string data type, 62

Data updation, RIA service


entity class, 211213

SQL Server database, 211

Data validation

client-side validation engine

dependency tracking, 129

entity properties, 129

Silverlight implementation, 130

tracks details properties, 129

custom validation

child collections and records, 137139

Client/Server/Common Validation Code writing, 126127

compare validation, 134135

file sizes, 136137

Regular expressions, 135136

rules and warnings, 127129

Social Security Number field, 132

uniqueness and duplicates, 132134

deletions, 140144

errors, 123

predefined validation

data length validation, 126

field level properties setting, 124125

range validation, 126

required field validation, 126

programatically accessing validation results, 130131

screen and entity validation, 123

screen validation, 139140

SQL Server database, 144145

workflow, 123

DataWorkspace object, 93

DateTime.Now method, 604

Default queries, 149150

DefaultTraceListener, 667

DeleteEmployee permission, 578

DeliveryMethod attribute, 530

Design project, 386

folders, 386

screen template extensions, 431

CentralScreen class, 433434

CentralScreenFactory class, 434439

Class file, 433

image files, 432433

namespaces, 433

subfolders, 386

Details.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() method, 539

Details screens, 230231

DevExpress Xtrareports, 523

DiscardChanges method, 103

Drill-through reports, 488

images E

Editable Grid Screen template, 231

EditProduct permission, 566

Emails, 525

application type techniques, 525


mailto hyperlinks, 544546

pickup folder, 539


Outlook message (see Outlook message)

server-side code (see Server-side code)

System.Net.Mail namespace, 525

Entities, 95

entity.Details.OrderStatus.IsChanged method, 528

EntityFunctions class, 109

EntityID, 603, 604

EntityName, 603

Entity set (table) permissions

access control methods

access restriction, 570572

CanDelete method, 569

CanInsert method, 570

CanRead method, 570

CanUpdate method, 570

SaveChanges_CanExecute method, 570

IsReadOnly method, 572573

table/entity set level, 568

Write Code drop-down menu, 568

Entity sets, 9495

EventLogTraceListener, 667

Extensions, 365

advanced data entry, 366

business type extensions, 367

control extensions, 367

external data access, 367

screen template extensions, 366

attributes, 396

business type extensions (see Business type extensions)

control extensions (see Control extensions)


LightSwitch 2011, 378

LightSwitch 2011 Extensibility, 379

installation, 379380

templates, 379

Visual Studio 2010 Professional, 378

Visual Studio 2010 SP1 SDK, 378

data source extensions (see Date source extensions)

debugging extensions, 468

distribution, 468

Setup file, share, 469

solution configuration, 468

Visual Studio Gallery, 470

enhanced look and feel, 366

shell extension, 366

theme extension, 366

installation, 376377

interfaces, 396

LightSwitch Extension Library project (see LibrarySwitch Extension Library project)

screen template extensions (see Screen template extensions)

shell extensions (see Shell extensions)

theme extensions (see Theme extensions)

third-party vendors, 374

ComponentOne, 375

First Floor Software, 375

Infragistics, 374375

RSSBus, 375376

Telerik, 376

types, 365

Visual Studio Gallery, 367

Extension Manager (see Visual Studio Extension Manager)

LightSwitch Community Extensions (see LightSwitch Community Extensions)

images F

Fiddler, 671673

Finding controls, screen code

focus setting, 280281

hiding and showing controls, 281282

IContentItemProxy method and property, 280

read-only check boxes, 282283

Forms authentication, 557

application-defined identities, 556


ApplicationName, 560, 561

_AuthData connection string, 561

connectionStrings element, 560

ExistingASPApp, 561

IIS 7 Manager, 563

_IntrinsicData connection string, 560, 561

LightSwitch web.config file settings changes, 561562

machine config key section, 562

new connection string creation, 561

web.config file, 560

cryptographic hash, 556

identities and passwords, 557

Users administrator screen, 557

images G

GetChanges method, 103105

GetDomainName method, 581582

GetUserName method, 582583

GetValueOrDefault method, 98

Globally unique identifier (GUID), 651

Graphical designer

comparison value (see Comparison-Type drop-down)

data query filtering

Comparison Type drop-down, 157

elements, 154155

operators, 155156

data query sorting, 163164

images H

HasChanges property, 103

HasValue property, 97

Helper methods

GetDomainName method, 581582

GetUserName method, 582583

HolidayRequest table, 583

HTTP protocol, 629

HTTPS protocol, 629

HyperLinkButton control

attributes, 344

data binding expressions, 346348

value converters, 345346

images I, J, K

IIS7 ZIP file deployment, 649650

Infragistics, 524

_IntrinsicData entry, 649

IsChanged property, 105

IsReadOnly method, 572573

images L

Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

characteristics, 164

Lambda expressions, 168

advantages, 169

sample, 169170

syntax, 170173


data joining, 168

dataItem variable, 166

IEnumerable<T>, 166

LINQ parts, 166

query execution, 167

Select clause, 166

string-matching code, 164166

types, 167168

Layout controls, 246

data item containers, 249250

presentational containers, 246248


ApplicationDefinition.lsml File

contents of, 2830

nested navigation groups, 3032

references to, 28

screen elements, 30

application lifecycle, 1921

attaching to existing data

binary data types, 58

database Objects dialog box, 55

Datetimeoffset and unsupported data types, 57

deleting a data source, 59

finding missing tables, 5556

MySQL data source, 54

refreshing an external data source, 5657

SharePoint data, 58

WCF RIA services data, 58

authorization (see Authorization)

choice lists

excerpt from LSML File, 71

vs. related tables, 71

reordering items, 70

ClientGenerated project, 35

Client project, 3435

Common project, 36

compact solution, 4849

components, 5

computed properties

.NET string formatting tips, 8081

arithmetic calculations, 8283

date calculations, 8384

formatting data, 8182

returning images, 86

rounding and truncating numbers, 8486

sorting and filtering, 8688

summary property, 7980

custom controls (see Custom controls)

data access objects (see Data access objects)

data types

binary data type, 68

changing data types, 69

choosing field names, 69

datetime data type, 68

double and decimal numeric types, 6263

Email business type, 65, 66

image data type, 68

mapping with .NET, and SQL, 61

money business type, 6667

phone number business type, 6365

string data type, 62


attaching processes, 45

Autos and Watch Windows, 44

Immediate and Command Windows, 45

Locals Window, 43

queries, 46

Run to Cursor option, 43

threading issues, 47

deletion behavior, 78

entities and properties, 53

extensions (see Extensions)


illustration of SQL schema, 73, 74

intrinsic database table

moving to external database, 60

properties modification, 5960


logical and file views, 2325

many-to-many relationships, 76

object relational mapping system, 5

one-to-many relationships, 7273

one-to-one relationships, 76

relationship error, 7778

root folder contents

Default.htm, 25

GeneratedArtifacts Folder, 28

_pvt_extensions Folder, 25

ServiceConfiguration.cscfg, 2526

ServiceDefinition.csdef, 2627

Silverlight.js, 25

self-referencing relationships, 74, 75

ServerGenerated project, 33, 34

Server project, 3233

SQL Server (see SQL Server)

Unique Index check box, 69


LightSwitch Community Extensions, 372

Luminous Software, 373374

Spursoft solutions, 373

LightSwitch Extension Library project, 380

Client Design project, 383

folders, 383

subfolders, 383

Client project, 382

folders, 382

subfolders, 382

Common project, 384

Metadata folder and files, 384385

Resources folders and files, 386

Design project, 386

folders, 386

subfolders, 386

Lspkg project, 387388

project dialog box, 381

Server project, 387

solution explorer, 381

VSIX project (see VSIX project)

List Detail screen, 232233

logged-on user, 121

Logoff.aspx Code-Behind, 587588

LogOff.aspx in Build Output, 588589

Lspkg project, 387388

images M

Makecert, 642

MakeUpperCase method, 99

Management Studio, 650

Me.Refresh() method, 108

Message display

ShowInputBox method, 275276

ShowMessageBox method, 273274

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services

installation, 486

report creation

BIDS report design surface, 486487

Cancellation Counts, 486

code writing, 487

data tab/window, 487

design tab, 487

Drill-through reports, 488

report deployment, 488492

minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters attribute, 559

minRequiredPasswordLength attribute, 559

Modal window control

display, 292293

helper class methods, 294

assembly locations, 295296

assembly references, 295

model creation, 296301

SelectedItem dragging, 293294

Model-centric architecture

data tier, 78


building blocks, 6

runtime, 7

logic tier

data providers, 11

data service, 8

entity sets, 89

Save and Query Pipeline, 910

presentation tier

hosting process, 12

LightSwitch shell, 11

screens, 12

shell UI, 1316

theming service, 16

XML, 7

Model-view-view model (MVVM)


model part, 17

run time, 18

view and view-Model, 18

Presenter Model (PM) pattern, 17

software design, 16

view model, 17

images N

Navigation menu item

Logout code, 592594

Log Out screen, 592

new data screen addition, 591

Nested navigation groups

illustration, 32

LSML fragment, 31

outline of, 3031

New Data Screen, 233

Nullable data types, 9697

images O

Object relational mapping system, 5

OrderStatus_SingleOrDefault method, 101

OriginalValue property, 105

Outlook message

AutomationFactory.IsAvailable, 540, 543

CanExecute method, 543

client-cide COM code, 540542

CreateEmail function, 542

disable code, SendToOutlook button, 543

mail.Send method, 543

screen code, 542543

SendToOutlook, 542

images P

password changing, 557

PasswordBox control

SetBinding method

calling, 340

Data Context text box, 342

FindControl method, 341

onscreen appearance, 342


choosing first node, 340

selecting the control, 339

specifying a custom control, 339

passwordFormat attribute, 560

Permissions, 565

debugging, 568

definition, 566567

entity set (table) setting

access control setting, 571572

CanDelete method, 569

CanInsert method, 570

CanRead method, 570

CanUpdate method, 570

IsReadOnly method, 572573

SaveChanges_CanExecute method, 570

table/entity set level, 568

Write Code drop-down menu, 569

query access control methods, 577578

roles and users assignment, 566

screen setting

command's CanExecute method, 575576

screen's CanRun method, 574575

security administration, 568

PersonChange table, 608609

Predefined validation. see Data validation

PreProcessQuery method, 585586

PropertyMetadata argument, 355

images Q


logged-on user, filtering records, 585586

user, filtering records, 585

Query's CanExecute method, 577

images R

Regular expression validation, 135136

RepeatableRead level, 111


adobe PDF documents

output, 522

PDF creation code, 522

silverPDF draw method, 522

silverPDF programming, 519521

ASP.NET project (see ASP.NET, report creation)

display, LightSwitch screen

details screen, 501502

list screen, 502504

URL, 500

Microsoft reporting (see Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services)

new browser window opening

using button, 488492

using hyperlink, 495500

reporting techniques, 475

simple automation

code writing, 504506

Microsoft Word template, 504506

template distribution, 506508

third-party controls, 523524

Word mail merge

code writing, 511519

letter template, 510511

RIA services

code writing

data aggregation (see Data aggregation, RIA service)

data updation (see Data updation, RIA service)


assembly references addition, 201

Class Library addition, 201

data connection, 203204

domain service class addition, 201203

data aggregation, 199

enternal data source attachment, 200

LightSwitch application

entity selection, 222223

service list selection, 222

WCF RIA service, 220

SQL view stimulation, 199200

images S

Save pipeline

access control methods, 107

EntityFunctions class, 109110

events, 107109

phases, 106

server-side code, 109

Write Code option, 107

SaveChanges_ExecutedFailed method, 107

SaveChanges_Executed method, 107

SaveChanges_ExecuteFailed event, 108

SaveChanges_Executing method, 604

SaveChanges method, 89

SaveEntityChanges method, 604605

Saving_Executing method, 609

Screen collection property, 99

Screen data

AutoCompleteBox values, 101102

grid and list values, 99100

ItemDataBound/ItemCommand type events, 98

text box values, 99

Screen designer

command bar

Add Data Item button, 236239

edit query button, 236

location, 235

options, 236

label positioning options, 264265

parts of, 235

Screen Content Tree

data control (see Data controls)

layout control (see Layout control)

nodes, 245

root nodes, 245

Screen Members list, 239240

customer object, 240

screen query (see Screen query)

sizing options, 262263

Screen designing

code writing

argument value passage, 278279

control value setting, 279

finding controls (see Finding controls, screen code)

message display (see Message display)

screen behavior, 277278

screen events (see Screen events)

screen opening, 278

screen title setting, 276277

common screen elements, 227228

refresh button, 228230

save button, 228

customization scenarios

add/edit screen design, 318320

custom search screen, 316318

empty screen creation, 310311

home page addition, 310

links addition, 315316

many-to-many screen, 320324

multiselect data grid, 324327

static image addition, 312315

static text addition, 311312

designer (see Screen designer)

runtime screen designer, 265266

screen addition

data item selection, 227

new screen dialog box, 226

screen data drop-down, 227

screen templates, 226

solution explorer, 227

Silverlight file

opening, 331334

ProductDocument table, 327328

uploading, 328330


details screen, 230231

editable grid screen, 231

list detail screen, 232233

new data screen, 233

search screen, 234

user interface setting

general property settings, 267

localized application, 267

properties pane, 266267

screen navigation, 268270

Screen events

access control events, 272

catagories, 270271

collection events, 273

general events, 271272

screen property events, 273

Screen query, 150151

parameter setting, 243244

properties, 241242

related collections, 243

selected data item, 242

Screen_Saved event, 108

Screen setting permissions

access control method, 574575

execute methods, 575576

Save button, 574

Screen template extensions

attributes, 428429

creation, 427428

implementation, 431

interfaces, 429

IScreenTemplateFactory interface, 431

IScreenTemplate interface, 430431

Microsoft's sample, 439

Screen validation, 139140

Screen's CanRun method, 574575

Search screen, 234

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 616, 629630

Security administration permission, 568

SecurityData method, 121

SelectedItem/SelectedValue property, 101

SendAsync, 528

SendEmailByHyperlink method, 545

SendMail method, 528

Server Explorer

Add Connection dialog box, 38

Add Connection option, 38

ApplicationDatabase file, 40

User Instance option, 39

Server project

LightSwitch Extension Library project, 387

data source extensions, 467

CentralSource class, 467

Class file, 467

namespaces, 467

Server-side code

button code, 534535

command/conduit table, 526

Credentials property, 528

data source events, 526527

data update, 527528

DataWorkspace, 535

email attachments, 526

binary data type, 535

Dispatchers.Main.Invoke() method, 539

modified SendMail method, 536537

SaveChange() method, 539

screen code, 537539

EmailOperation table, 533534

entity.Details.OrderStatus.IsChanged method, 528

helper class

configuration settings, credentials, 530532

DeliveryMethod attribute, 530

SendMail method, 528

SmtpClient Credentials property, 530

SmtpMailHelper class, 528530

MailMessage, 528

MailMessage object properties, 532

operation table, 526

Order entity, 527

SaveChanges method, 535

SmtpClient, 528

Updated method, 526

SetShippingDate method, 99

Shell extensions

attributes, 421422

creation, 420421

implementation, 422

interfaces, 422

Microsoft's sample, 427

ShowScreen method, 91

Silverlight class

data binding in XAML, 349

dependency properties

binding to the data context, 355356

calling methods, 356358

code for registering, 354

code-behind RichTextBoxInternal Control, 352354

dynamic value resolution process, 350

introduction, 350

PropertyMetadata argument, 355

RichTextBoxInternal.XAML Contents, 351

new class and control creation, 349

slider control, 350

Silverlight controls

ComboBox control, 343344

HyperLinkButton control (see HyperLinkButton control)

PasswordBox control, 338343

Singleton queries, 153154

SmtpClient Credentials property, 530

SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, 530

SmtpMailHelper class, 528

SqlExpressInstanceName, 665666

SQL Server

connection problems

ASP.NET settings, 675676

Data Link Properties window, 674675

default connection timeout period, 673

invocation target, 673

ping command, 674

SQL2008Srv, 674

TCP/IP protocol, 673674

UDL file, 674

database validation, 144145

intrinsic database, 36

intrinsic database connection, Server Explorer, 37, 40

log file, 666667

non-english versions, 666

SQL Express, 36, 665666

SQL Server Profiler, 4042

user instance, 37

error, 666

generation failure, 664

SQL Server Compact Edition, 663

SQL Server Express, 663

SQL Server Profiler, 4042, 115

SQL2008Srv, 674

StorageProperty method, 602

SubmittedBy property, 583

Surname property, 99

System.Net.Mail namespace, 525

SystemTransactions namespace, 111

System.Windows.Browser namespace, 544

images T

TextWriterTraceListener, 667

Theme extensions

attributes, 398399

control styles, 397

creation, 397398

hidden theme, 417419

implementation, 396, 400

interfaces, 399

ITheme interface, 399

IThemeExtension, 400

Theme Element Load Order, 400

Microsoft's sample, 420

rename, 419420

style sheets, 397

this.Refresh() method, 108

TrackedProperties method, 602

TransactionScope object, 111

Troubleshooting, 663

installations, 663664

publishing, 676

SQL Server

log file, 666667

non-english versions, 666

SQL Express service, 664666

user instance generation failure, 664

user instances error, 666

images U

User authentication, 551

forms authentication, 556557

membership provider

ASP.NET, forms authentication (see Forms authentication)

aspnet_Applications, 558

aspnet_Membership, 558

aspnet_Roles, 557558

aspnet_Users, 557

aspnet_UsersInRoles, 558

changing password-complexity rules, 558559

changing password-encryption settings, 560

Clear option, 560

Encrypted option, 560

Hashed option, 560

UserId, 557

UserName, 557

method selection, 551552

no authentication, 553

types, 551

windows authentication

allow any authenticated user, 553555

allow specified users, 555556

images V

Value property, 97

Visual collection methods, 100

Visual Studio Extension Manager, 368, 369

accessing methods

LightSwitch project properties, 369370

Visual Studio Tools Menu, 370371

uses, 371372

VSIX project, 388389

external settings, 390391

Author Setting, 391

Description setting, 392

Getting Started Guide setting, 393

Icon Setting, 393

Preview Image setting, 393

Product Name setting, 391

URL setting, 393

Version setting, 391392

internal settings, 393

ID setting, 393

License Terms setting, 395

Locale setting, 394

Supported Framework Runtime setting, 395

supported vs. editions setting, 394395

VSIX Manifest Designer, 389390

VslsHost.exe, 620

vs_vslsweb.exe file, 663

images W, X, Y, Z

Web server setting

ASP.NET configuration, 630

IIS6, 624625


Windows 7, 623624

Windows 2008, 622623

IIS application pools, 626627

LightSwitch prerequisites

components, 630

DLLs, 631632

Microsoft Web Deploy Tool, 633634

Microsoft Web Platform Installer, 632633

setup running, 631

Secure Sockets Layer configuration, 629630

SQL Server Windows authentication, 627629

web.config file, 559, 560

Windows Azure, 616617

Cloud-based service, 650

publishing steps

connecting, 655657

entering database connection details, 660

self-signed certificate, 659

service configuration page, 658

SSL certificate selection, 659

web portal, 650

database creation, 654655

hosted service creation, 651652

storage account creation, 653654

subscription ID, 651

Windows Communication Foundation Rich Internet Application (WCF RIA) service, 58

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