How to do it...

Execute the following steps to download the stock prices and calculate simple/log returns.

  1. Import the libraries:
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np
import yfinance as yf
  1. Download the data and keep the adjusted close prices only:
df ='AAPL', 

df = df.loc[:, ['Adj Close']]
df.rename(columns={'Adj Close':'adj_close'}, inplace=True)
  1. Calculate the simple and log returns using the adjusted close prices:
df['simple_rtn'] = df.adj_close.pct_change()
df['log_rtn'] = np.log(df.adj_close/df.adj_close.shift(1))

The resulting DataFrame looks as follows:

The first row will always contain a not a number (NaN) value, as there is no previous price to use for calculating the returns.

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