Small and decreasing autocorrelation in squared/absolute returns

Investigate this fourth fact by creating the ACF plots of squared and absolute returns.

  1. Create the ACF plots:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12, 10)) ** 2, lags=N_LAGS,
alpha=SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL, ax = ax[0])

ax[0].set(title='Autocorrelation Plots',
ylabel='Squared Returns'), lags=N_LAGS,
alpha=SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL, ax = ax[1])
ax[1].set(ylabel='Absolute Returns',

Executing the preceding code results in the following plots:

We can observe the small and decreasing values of autocorrelation for the squared and absolute returns, which are in line with the fourth stylized fact. 

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