The plot method of pandas

Our goal was to visualize all three series on the same plot (sharing the x-axis) to enable a quick visual comparison. To achieve this, we had to complete the following steps:

  • We created a subplot, which we then populated with individual plots. We specified that we wanted three plots vertically (by indicating plt.subplots(3, 1)). We also specified the figure size by setting the figsize parameter.
  • We added the individual plots using the plot method on a single Series (column) and specifying the axis on which we wanted to place the plot.
  • We used the set method to specify the title and axis labels on each of the plots.
When working in Jupyter Notebook, best practice is to run the %matplotlib inline magic (once per kernel) in order to display the plots directly below the code cell that has produced it. Additionally, if you are working on a MacBook with a Retina screen, running the extra IPython magic %config InlineBackend.figure_format ='retina' will double the resolution of the plots we make. Definitely worth the extra line!
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