plotly and cufflinks

By using cufflinks, we can use the iplot method directly on a pandas DataFrame. To create the previous plot, we used subplots (subplots=True), specified the shape of the figure (shape=(3,1)), indicated that the plots share the x-axis (shared_xaxes=True), and added the title (title='MSFT time series'). By default, the selected type of plot is a line chart (kind='line').

One note about using plotly in Jupyter—in order to share a notebook with the option to view the plot (without running the script again), you should use nbviewer or render the notebook as an HTML file and share it then.

The extra line of code cf.set_config_file(world_readable=True, theme='pearl', offline=True) sets up the configuration (such as the current theme or the offline mode) and should be used only once. It can be used again to reconfigure.

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