Build and go beyond

That's all the effort that is needed to integrate the Flux architecture into a React application. If you compare your React application without Flux and with Flux, you'll quickly see how much easier it is to understand how your application works when Flux is part of it. I highly encourage you to visit the Flux official website and learn more about it at

I think it's a good time to check that everything is in perfect working order. Let's build and run Snapterest!

Navigate to ~/snapterest and run the following command in your terminal:


You should see an output similar to this:

Finished 'default' after 2.42 s

Make sure that you're running the Snapkite Engine application that we installed and configured in Chapter 1, Installing Powerful Tools for Your Project. Now, open the ~/snapterest/build/index.html file in your web browser. You should see the new tweets appearing on the left-hand side. Click on a tweet to add it to the collection that appears on the right-hand side.

Does it work? Check your web browser's console for any errors. No errors? Congratulations!

This is the end of our journey in learning the essentials of React.js. I am very grateful to you for investing your time and money in this book. I hope it helped you become a better React developer, and I am sure your investment will pay off very soon!

Wait, let's not stop here; let's continue with our conversation. If you have any questions left unanswered; any doubts, suggestions, ideas, or comments, or if you want to showcase your Snapterest application, then go to and create an issue. I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can.

Enjoy your React experience!

Build and go beyond
Build and go beyond
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