Chapter 3. Reactive Programming – The Basic Theory

Reactive programming, including functional reactive programming as will be discussed later, is a programming paradigm that can be used in multiparadigm languages such as JavaScript, Python, Scala, and many more. It is primarily distinguished from imperative programming, in which a statement does something by what are called side effects, in literature, about functional and reactive programming. Please note, though, that side effects here are not what they are in common English, where all medications have some effects, which are the point of taking the medication, and some other effects are unwanted but are tolerated for the main benefit. For example, Benadryl is taken for the express purpose of reducing symptoms of airborne allergies, and the fact that Benadryl, in a way similar to some other allergy medicines, can also cause drowsiness is (or at least was; now it is also sold as a sleeping aid) a side effect. This is unwelcome but tolerated as the lesser of two evils by people, who would rather be somewhat tired and not bothered by allergies than be alert but bothered by frequent sneezing. Medication side effects are rarely the only thing that would ordinarily be considered side effects by a programmer. For them, side effects are the primary intended purpose and effect of a statement, often implemented through changes in the stored state for a program.

Reactive programming has its roots in the observer pattern, as discussed in Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides's classic book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (the authors of this book are commonly called GoF or Gang of Four). In the observer pattern, there is an observable subject. It has a list of listeners, and notifies all of them when it has something to publish. This is somewhat simpler than the publisher/subscriber (PubSub) pattern, not having potentially intricate filtering of which messages reach which subscriber which is a normal feature to include.

Reactive programming has developed a life of its own, a bit like the MVC pattern-turned-buzzword, but it is best taken in connection with the broader context explored in GoF. Reactive programming, including the ReactJS framework (which is explored in this title), is intended to avoid the shared mutable state and be idempotent. This means that, as with RESTful web services, you will get the same result from a function whether you call it once or a hundred times. Pete Hunt formerly of Facebook—perhaps the face of ReactJS as it now exists—has said that he would rather be predictable than right. If there is a bug in his code, Hunt would rather have the interface fail the same way every single time than go on elaborate hunts for heisenbugs. These are bugs that manifest only in some special and slippery edge cases, and are explored later in this book.

ReactJS is called the V of MVC. That is, it is intended for user interface work and has little intentions of offering other standard features. But just as the painter Charles Cézanne said about the impressionist painter Claude Monet, "Monet is only an eye, but what an eye!" about MVC and ReactJS, we can say, "ReactJS is only a view, but what a view!"

In this chapter, we will be covering the following topics:

  • Declarative programming
  • The war on heisenbugs
  • The Flux Architecture
  • From pit of despair to the pit of success
  • A complete UI teardown and rebuild
  • JavaScript as a Domain-specific Language (DSL)
  • Big-Coffee Notation

ReactJS, the library explored in this book, was developed by Facebook and made open source in the not-too-distant past. It is shaped by some of Facebook's concerns about making a large-scale site that is safe to debug and work on, and also allowing a large number of programmers to work on different components without having to store brain-bending levels of complexity in their heads. The quotation "Simplicity is the lack of interleaving," which can be found in the videos at, is not about how much or how little stuff there is on an absolute scale, but about how many moving parts you need to juggle simultaneously to work on a system (See the section on Big-Coffee Notation for further reflections).

Declarative programming

Probably, the biggest theoretical advantage of the ReactJS framework is that the programming is declarative rather than imperative. In imperative programming, you specify what steps need to be done; declarative programming is the programming in which you specify what needs to be accomplished without telling how it needs to be done. It may be difficult at first to shift from an imperative paradigm to a declarative paradigm, but once the shift has been made, it is well worth the effort involved to get there.

Familiar examples of declarative paradigms, as opposed to imperative paradigms, include both SQL and HTML. An SQL query would be much more verbose if you had to specify how exactly to find records and filter them appropriately, let alone say how indices are to be used, and HTML would be much more verbose if, instead of having an IMG tag, you had to specify how to render an image. Many libraries, for instance, are more declarative than a rolling of your own solution from scratch. With a library, you are more likely to specify only what needs to be done and not—in addition to this—how to do it. ReactJS is not in any sense the only library or framework that is intended to provide a more declarative JavaScript, but this is one of its selling points, along with other better specifics that it offers to help teams work together and be productive. And again, ReactJS has emerged from some of Facebook's efforts in managing bugs and cognitive load while enabling developers to contribute a lot to a large-scale project.

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