The Flux Architecture

One of the ways in which Facebook, in relation to ReactJS, has declared war on heisenbugs is by declaring war on the mutable state. Flux is an architecture and a pattern, rather than a specific technology, and it can be used (or not used) with ReactJS. It is somewhat like MVC, equivalent to a loose competitor to that approach, but it is very different from a simple MVC variant and is designed to have a pit of success that provides unidirectional data flow like this: from the action to the dispatcher, then to the store, and finally to the view (but some people have said that these two are so different that a direct comparison between Flux and MVC, in terms of trying to identify what part of Flux corresponds to what conceptual hook in MVC, is not really that helpful). Actions are like events—they are fed into a top funnel. Dispatchers go through the funnels and can not only pass actions but also make sure that no additional actions are dispatched until the previous one has completely settled out. Stores have similarities and difference to models. They are like models in that they keep track of state. They are unlike models in that they have only getters, not setters, which stops the effect of any part of the program with access to a model being able to change anything in its setters. Stores can accept input, but in a very controlled way, and in general a store is not at the mercy of anything possessing a reference to it. A view is what displays the current output based on what is obtained from stores. Stores, compared to models in some respects, have getters but not setters. This helps foster a kind of data flow that is not at the mercy of anyone who has access to a setter. It is possible for events to be percolated as actions, but the dispatcher acts as a traffic cop and ensures that new actions are processed only after the stores are completely settled. This de-escalates the complexity considerably.

Flux simplified interactions so that Facebook developers no longer had subtle edge cases and bug that kept coming back—the chat bug was finally dead and has not come back. Later on in this part of the course, we'll only look at implementing the Flux Architecture using Fluxxor. We'll look into more details on the Flux Architecture in Chapter 9, Supercharge Your React Architecture with Flux, in Part 2, React.js Essentials.

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