Rendering React Elements

The ReactDOM.render() method takes three parameters: ReactElement, a regular DOMElement, and a callback function:

ReactDOM.render(ReactElement, DOMElement, callback);

ReactElement is a root element in the tree of ReactNodes that you've created. A regular DOMElement is a container DOM node for that tree. The callback is a function executed after the tree is rendered or updated. It's important to note that if this ReactElement was previously rendered to a parent DOM Element, then ReactDOM.render() will perform an update on the already rendered DOM tree and only mutate the DOM as it is necessary to reflect the latest version of the ReactElement. This is why a virtual DOM requires fewer DOM mutations.

So far, we've assumed that we're always creating our virtual DOM in a web browser. This is understandable because, after all, React is a user interface library, and all the user interfaces are rendered in a web browser. Can you think of a case when rendering a user interface on a client would be slow? Some of you might have already guessed that I am talking about the initial page load. The problem with the initial page load is the one I mentioned at the beginning of this chapter—we're not creating static web pages anymore. Instead, when a web browser loads our web application, it receives only the bare minimum HTML markup that is usually used as a container or a parent element for our web application. Then, our JavaScript code creates the rest of the DOM, but in order for it to do so it often needs to request extra data from the server. However, getting this data takes time. Once this data is received, our JavaScript code starts to mutate the DOM. We know that DOM mutations are slow. How can we solve this problem?

The solution is somewhat unexpected. Instead of mutating the DOM in a web browser, we mutate it on a server. Just like we would with our static web pages. A web browser will then receive an HTML that fully represents a user interface of our web application at the time of the initial page load. Sounds simple, but we can't mutate the DOM on a server because it doesn't exist outside a web browser. Or can we?

We have a virtual DOM that is just a JavaScript, and as you know using Node.js, we can run JavaScript on a server. So technically, we can use the React library on a server, and we can create our ReactNode tree on a server. The question is how can we render it to a string that we can send to a client?

React has a method called ReactDOMServer.renderToString() just to do this:

var ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');

It takes a ReactElement as a parameter and renders it to its initial HTML. Not only is this faster than mutating a DOM on a client, but it also improves the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your web application.

Speaking of generating static web pages, we can do this too with React:

var ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');

Similar to ReactDOM.renderToString(), this method also takes a ReactElement as a parameter and outputs an HTML string. However, it doesn't create the extra DOM attributes that React uses internally, it produces shorter HTML strings that we can transfer to the wire quickly.

Now you know not only how to create a virtual DOM tree using React elements, but you also know how to render it to a client and server. Our next question is whether we can do it quickly and in a more visual manner.

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