Depth Function

In some applications, we may be interested in changing the default behavior of depth testing, which discards fragments with a higher depth value than those fragments in the depth buffer. For that purpose, WebGL provides the gl.depthFunc(function) method.

This method has only one parameter, the function to use:

Parameter Description
gl.NEVER The depth test always fails.
gl.LESS Only fragments with a depth lower than current fragments on the depth buffer will pass the test.
gl.LEQUAL Fragments with a depth less than or equal to corresponding current fragments in the depth buffer will pass the test.
gl.EQUAL Only fragments with the same depth as current fragments on the depth buffer will pass the test.
gl.NOTEQUAL Only fragments that do not have the same depth value as fragments on the depth buffer will pass the test.
gl.GEQUAL Fragments with greater or equal depth value will pass the test.
gl.GREATER Only fragments with a greater depth value will pass the test.
gl.ALWAYS The depth test always passes.


The depth test is disabled by default in WebGL. When enabled, if no depth function is set, the gl.LESS function is selected by default.

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