
Let’s summarize what we learned in this chapter:

  • We learned how to extensively use colors with objects, lights, and in the scene. Specifically, we’ve learned that an object can be colored per vertex, per fragment, or can have a constant color.
  • We reviewed lights and the various approaches to lighting models.
  • We covered how to create lights of different colors and leveraged concepts from directional and point lights to create spot lights. By introducing several light sources in our scene, we updated our architectural patterns and used uniform arrays to reduce the complexity of creating and mapping uniforms between JavaScript and ESSL.
  • We learned that proper translucency requires more than just using alpha values in our color vectors. Because of this, we explored various blending behaviors, render sequences, and WebGL functions to create translucent objects.
  • We learned how face-culling can help produce better results when there are multiple translucent objects present in the scene.

In the next chapter, we will learn how to leverage textures to help us render images in our scene.

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