Interrupt Data Processing

On a DSP processor, the processing of samples can be done within an ISR (interrupt service routine). Let us first discuss interrupts. As the name implies, an interrupt causes the processor to halt whatever it is processing in order to execute an ISR. An interrupt can be issued externally or internally. Twelve CPU interrupts are available on the C6x processor. The priorities of these interrupts are shown in Table 5-1. RESET is the highest priority interrupt. It halts the CPU and initializes all the registers to their default values. Non-maskable interrupt (NMI) is used for non-maskable or uninterruptible processing provided that the NMIE bit of the control register CSR (control status register) is set to zero. As indicated in Figure 5-1, there are a total of 16 interrupt sources while there are only 12 CPU interrupts. As a result, an interrupt source must be mapped to a CPU interrupt. This is done by setting appropriate bits of the two memory mapped Interrupt Multiplex registers.

Table 5-1

Priorities of CPU interrupts.



Figure 5-1 Interrupt mapping and operation

Interrupts can be enabled or disabled by setting or clearing appropriate bits in interrupt enable register (IER). There is a master switch, the global interrupt enable (GIE) bit as part of CSR, which can be used to turn all interrupts on or off. For example, the assembly code shown in Figure 5-2 indicates how to enable INT4 and the GIE bit. Here the instruction MVC (move to and from a control register) is used to transfer a control register to a CPU register for bit manipulation. Another register called interrupt flag register (IFR) allows one to check if or what interrupt has occurred. (Refer to the TI TMS320C6x CPU manual [1] for more details on the interrupt registers.)


Figure 5-2 Setup code to turn on INT4 and GIE

The location where the processor will go to after an interrupt occurs is specified by a predefined offset for that interrupt added to the interrupt service table base (ISTB) bits as part of the interrupt service table pointer (ISTP) register. As an example, for the CPU INT15, the processor goes to the location ISTB + 1E0h. At this location, there is normally a branch instruction that would take the processor to a receive ISR somewhere in memory, as shown in Figure 5-1.

In general, an ISR includes three parts. The first and last part incorporate saving and restoring registers, respectively. The actual interrupt routine makes up the second part. If needed, saving and restoring are done to bring the status of the processor back to the time when the interrupt was issued.


1. Texas Instruments, TMS320C6000 CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide, Literature ID# SPRU 189F, 2000.

Lab 2 Audio Signal Sampling

The purpose of this lab is to use a C6x DSK or EVM to sample an analog audio signal in real-time. A common approach to processing live signals, which is the use of an interrupt service routine, is utilized here.

The AD535 codec on the C6711 DSK board provides a fixed sampling rate of 8 kHz. As done here, the audio daughter card PCM3003, shown in Figure 5-3, can be added to the C6711 DSK board in order to alter the sampling rate. PCM3003 has two stereo 3.5 mm audio jacks for a line-in and a line-out signal, plus two on-board microphones. The sampling rate can be varied from 4 kHz to 48 kHz via its timer. On the C6701 EVM board, there exists a 16-bit stereo audio codec CS4231A which can handle sampling rates from 5.5 kHz to 48 kHz. There are three 3.5 mm audio jack inputs on the back of the EVM board for a microphone-in, a line-in and a line-out signal. Each audio jack has its own amplifying and filtering capabilities. The block diagrams of the DSK and EVM stereo interface are shown in Figure 5-3. The codecs on both boards are connected to the C6x DSP through the multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP).


Figure 5-3 (a) PCM3003 audio daughter card,(b) DSK stereo audio daughter card interface, (c) EVM stereo audio interface.

The configuration and control of the peripherals are done via application programming interface (API) functions of the chip support library (CSL) library for C6711 DSK, the board support library (BSL) for C6713 and C6416 DSK, and DSP support software for EVM. In this lab, CSL without DSP/BIOS is used to perform audio signal sampling. In Chapters 9 and 10, CSL is used with DSP/BIOS for real-time analysis and scheduling.

Considering that the peripherals and thus the libraries for the DSK and the EVM boards are different, the hardware and software configurations for these boards are presented in separate sections.

L2.1 Initialization of Codec and Peripherals of C6711

In writing a program that uses the codec to sample an incoming analog signal, several initializations have to be performed. Among these are the initialization of the CSL library, McBSP, and timer. To achieve these initializations or adjustments, the API functions are used. Once the required initializations are made, an interrupt needs to be assigned to the receive register of the serial port to halt the processor and jump to a defined interrupt service routine. The final program will output the same input sample back to the codec. The following program includes an order of API functions that achieves all of the foregoing mentioned initializations (Figure 5-4 shows the flowchart of the steps involved):


Figure 5-4 Flowchart of sampling program on C6711 DSK with audio daughter card



Let us explain this program in a step-by-step fashion. Here, CSL is used without DSP/BIOS. This requires defining the chip identification symbol either in the source code or build option. The first line in the code specifies the chip identification symbol chip_6711 for the C6711 DSK. One can also define this symbol by stating chip_6711 in the field Compiler tab → Preprocessor category → Define Symbols in the menu Project → Build Options.

The first step consists of initializing the CSL library. This is done by using the function cs1_init ( ), which must be called at the beginning of the program before calling any other CSL API functions.

Next step involves opening a handle to the McBSP in order to send and receive data. The McBSP API functions are used for this purpose. The API function mcbsp_open ( ) opens the McBSP, and returns the device handle hMcbsp for controlling the McBSP. The first argument of this function represents the port to be opened. Since the audio daughter card is connected to port 1, the port number is specified as MCBSP_DEV1. The second argument, MCBSP_OPEN_RESET, specifies the initialization of the port register based on the power-on defaults. It also disables and clears any associated interrupts. If this opening fails, the symbolic constant INV is returned (for more details, refer to the TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library API Reference Guide [1]).

Next, it is required to adjust the parameters of the McBSP. In the serial port control register (SPCR), the RRST and XRST fields are set to 1, so that the serial port receiving and transmitting capabilities are enabled. The RINTM field is configured in order to generate receive interrupts (RINT1), i.e. data gets in the data receive register (DRR) as a result of the codec sampling. The frame and word lengths are set to 0 and 32 bit in the receive control register (RCR) and transmit control register (XCR), respectively. The sample rate generator register (SRGR) controls frame period, frame length, and sample rate clock divider. The multichannel control register (MCR), receive channel enable register (RCER), and transmit channel enable register (XCER) are used to configure subframe data receive and transmit modes. And the pin control register (PCR) is used for general-purpose I/O configuration.

The following lines of code perform the above configurations:


Next, we need to adjust the codec parameters. Considering that the sampling rate of the audio daughter card is set to 48 kHz by default, its jumper setting needs to be changed in order to change the sampling rate by software. There are twelve jumpers on the daughter card for configuring data format, bit rate, data rate, enable/disable on-board microphone inputs, and master clock source. JP5 jumper connects pins 3 and 4 by default generating the master clock (MCLK) from the 12.288 MHz ADC clock. This jumper needs to be moved to connect pins 1 and 2 so that MCLK can be provided by the DSK timer.

The timer needs to be configured to set the sampling rate. The steps involved to open and configure the timer is similar to the McBSP. First, the timer is opened with the TIMER_open ( ) API to get a handle, similar to the procedure to get a handle to McBSP. The first argument is used to select the timer device. Here, TIMER_DEVO is used to specify timer 0. The second argument, TIMER_OPEN_RESET, initilaizes the timer device register with the power-on defaults, and any associated interrupts is disabled or cleared. If this opening fails, INV is returned.

The timer parameters need to be specified. In the timer control register (CTL), the CLKSRC field selects clock source, and the CP field selects pulse/clock mode. The HLD and GO fields are set to 1 in order to enable and start counting. If the FUNC field is set to 1, the timer output pin TOUT is configured as timer output, otherwise it serves as a general-purpose output. For this lab, the FUNC field is set to 1. The value in the timer period register (PRD) indicates the number of clock cycles to count before sending out the output clock signal. The PRD values and corresponding sampling rates are listed in Table 5-2. The listed values correspond to default positions of the jumpers except for JP5. The timer counter register (CNT) is incremented when it is enabled to count. The following lines of code are used to initialize the codec as just described.

Table 5-2

Examples of sampling rates using PCM3003 stereo audio codec.

PRD value fs (Hz)
0 73242.19
1 36621.09
2 18310.55
3 12207.03
4 9155.27
5 7324.22
6 6103.52
7 5231.58
8 4577.64
9 4069.01


The initializations of the CSL, McBSP and timer are now complete. Next, let us turn our attention to setting up an interrupt to branch to a simple ISR in order to process an incoming signal.

L2.2 Interrupt Service Routine

The idea of using interrupts is commonly used for real-time data processing. This approach is widely used, since it eliminates the need for complicated synchronization schemes. In our case, the interrupt occurs when a new data sample arrives in the DRR of the serial port. The generated interrupt will branch to an ISR, which is then used to process the sample and send it back out. To do this, the interrupt capabilities of the DSK must be enabled and adjusted so that an unused interrupt is assigned to the DRR event of the serial port.

The first task at hand is to initialize the interrupt service table pointer (ISTP) register with the base address of the interrupt service table (IST). Upon resetting the board, address 0 is assigned as the base address of the vector table. In this lab, we use this default value for ISTP, noting that the address can be relocated by changing the ISTB field value in the ISTP register.

Next, we need to select an interrupt source and map it to a CPU interrupt, in our case the McBSP1 receive interrupt (RINT1). Here, the CPU interrupt 15 is used and mapped to the RINT1 interrupt by using the function IRQ_map ( ). To connect the ISR to this interrupt, the IST needs to be modified. Let us define the ISR to be serial PortRcvISR ( ). The following assembly code defines the IST which hooks the CPU interrupt 15 to the ISR serialPortRcvISR ( ).

The last item to take care of is to enable interrupts by using the IRQ_enable and IRQ_globalEnable APIs. The following lines of code maps the CPU interrupt 15 to the RINT1 interrupt.



Figure 5-5 Assembly code defining interrupt service table


A simple ISR can now be written to receive samples from the McBSP and send them back out, unprocessed for the time being. To write such an ISR, we need to state an interrupt declaration with no arguments. The MCBSP_read and MCBSP_write APIs are used to read samples from the DRR and write them to the DXR (data transmit register) of the McBSP. The device handler acquired during the configuration of the McBSP should be specified as an argument in both MCBSP_read and MCBSP_write. The ISR is presented below.


Considering that the CPU is not actually doing anything as it waits for a new data sample, an infinite loop is set up inside the main program to keep it running. As an interrupt occurs, the program branches to the ISR, performs it and then returns to its wait state. This is accomplished via a while (1) {} statement.

Now the complete program for sampling an analog signal is ready for use. Basically, this program services interrupts to read in samples of an analog signal, such as the output from a CD player connected to the line-in of the DSK.

To build this program in CCS, the project should include two libraries: rts6700.lib and csl6711.lib. The library rts6700.lib is the runtime-support library containing the run-time support functions such as math functions. The chip support library csl6711.lib is a collection of the API modules for programming the registers and peripherals. This library allows the programmer to control interrupt functionality, CPU operational modes, and internal peripherals including McBSPs and timers. In addition to these library files, a linker command file needs to be added into the project. The following command file is used in this lab:



Figure 5-6 shows the Project View panel after the necessary files are added into the project. To build an executable file from these files, the button Rebuild All image needs to be clicked. The executable file can then get loaded by choosing the menu item File → Load Program. By running the executable and connecting the output of a CD player to the line-in and a pair of powered speakers to the line-out, CD quality sound should be heard. Figure 5-7 shows the block diagram of this setup.


Figure 5-6 Project view for Lab 2


Figure 5-7 Block diagram of Lab 2 setup

The effect of the sampling rate on the sound quality can be studied by modifying the value in the PRD register as part of the main program codec .c as indicated below:


This will change the sampling rate to 4 kHz. By rebuilding, reloading, and running the executable code, degradation in the sound quality can be heard due to the deviation from the Nyquist rate.

It is possible to manipulate or process the audio signal. For example, the sound volume can be controlled by multiplying a volume gain factor with the sound samples. The code for doing so is as follows:


The variable volumeGain is declared as a global variable in order to be accessed at run-time. To change the volume at run-time, the option Edit → Variable should be chosen, which brings up an Edit Variable dialog box. As shown in Figure 5-8, by entering volumeGain in the Variable field and a desired gain value in the Value field of this dialog box, the sound volume can be altered.


Figure 5-8 Editing value of a variable

L2.3 C6711 DSK without Audio Daughter Card

If the codec AD535 on the DSK board is used instead of the daughter card, the McBSP, codec, interrupt configurations need to be modified, considering that the codec sampling rate is fixed at 8 kHz. The timer configuration is no longer needed. The McBSP configuration stays the same as before with one difference in the register value corresponding to the codec data format. The codec configuration is done based on the secondary communication mode of AD535 via McBSP0. That is, the LSB of the data must be first set to 1 to get the codec ready for configuration. Then, during the primary communication mode, the LSB needs to remain 0 for general purpose I/O. This is done by performing a masking operation with 0xFFFE. The AD535 codec is configured to select TAPI & microphone preamps for ADC input, set voice ADC input & DAC output PGA gain as 0 dB, and set 60-ohm speaker L/R buffer gain as 0 dB. The interrupt configuration is the same as before except for the interrupt source being IRQ_EVT_RINT0, since the codec AD535 is accessed via the McBSP channel 0.

The source code of the foregoing configurations is shown below.




L2.4 C6416/C6713 DSK

The codec AIC23 on the C6416/C6713 DSK is different than the codec AD535 on the C6711 DSK. The configuration of this codec is achieved by using the C6416/ C6713 Board Support Library (BSL) as part of CCS. Two serial channels, McBSP1 and McBSP2 (McBSP0 and McBSP1 for C6713), are used for the configuration. The McBSP1 (McBSP0 for C6713) is used to control the codec internal configuration registers. The McBSP2 (McBSP1 for C6713) is used for audio data communication. Consequently, the interrupt source should be stated as IRQ_EVT_RINT2 (IRQ_EVT_RINT1 for C6713).

The sampling rates supported by the AIC23 codec are listed in Table 5-3. The sampling rate is configured using the DSK6416_AIC23_setFreq ( ) (DSK6713_AIC23_setFreq ( ) for C6713) API. Using the default configuration of AIC23, the sampled data is stored in a frame consisting of 16-bit left channel data followed by 16-bit right channel data. In order to have code consistency across different DSP platforms, the default configuration of McBSP defined in the DSK6416_AIC23 library needs to be customized. This is achieved by modifying the transmit/receive interrupt mode (TINTM/RINTM) field of SPCR so that the transmit/receive interrupt (XINT/RINT) is generated by a new frame synchronization. Also, the transmit/receive word length should be set to 32 bits to process data from left and right together. A more detailed description of the codec internal registers is provided in [3].

Table 5-3

Sampling rates allowed by AIC23 stereo audio codec.


To build the project, the Board Support Library, dsk6416bsl.lib (dsk6713bsl.lib for C6713), needs to be added to the project. The source code of the foregoing configurations for C6416 is shown below.



L2.5 C67x EVM

All the configurations stated for the DSK can be done in a similar way for the C67x EVM through the DSP support software provided by Texas Instruments. The DSP support software contains C functions for accessing and setting up the EVM board, McBSP, and codec. The codec library is supplied in the archived object library file drv6x.lib (drv6xe.lib is the big-endian version of this library). The corresponding source file is drv6x.src. The codec library contains API functions that can be used to configure and control the operation of the codec. The functional descriptions of these functions can be found in the EVM Reference Guide [2] under TMS320C6x EVM DSP Support Software. These functions are utilized here to write a sampling program for the C67x EVM.

Since the main structure of the code for EVM is exactly the same as that for DSK, this section includes only the parts that differ with DSK. The EVM version of the program is shown below.




Similar to DSK, the first part of the program involves initialization. Since we are using the DSP support software instead of CSL, the EVM initialization is done by stating the function evm_init ( ) before calling any other support functions. This function configures the EVM base address variables, and initializes the external memory interface (EMIF). The return value of this function indicates success or failure of the EVM initialization.

Once EVM has been successfully initialized, next step is to open a handle to the McBSP in order to send and receive data. The McBSP API functions are used for this purpose. The API function mcbsp_drv_init ( ) initializes the McBSP driver and allocates memory for the device handles. The return value of this function also indicates success or failure. After the initialization of the McBSP driver, the data structure elements that control the behavior of the McBSP are set to their default values (for more details, refer to the EVM Reference Guide [2]). Then, the McBSP needs to be actually opened to get a handle to it. The API function mcbsp_open ( ) is used to return the handle dev for controlling the McBSP.

Next step is to adjust the parameters of the McBSP. The data structure of the McBSP gets initialized to its default values as a result of using the initialization functions, so all that is required is the adjustment of several parameters to suit our needs. The loopback property of the McBSP is turned off or set to FALSE in order to disable the serial port test mode, in which the receive pins get connected internally to the transmit pins. The update property is set to TRUE for setting properties. The source signal for clocking the serial port transfers is made external by setting the clock mode to CLK_MODE_EXT. The frame and word lengths are set to 0 and WORD_LENGTH_32, respectively. The adjustments to the McBSP are made by allocating memory to the structure mcbsp_Config using the function memset ( ). The address of this structure is passed as an argument to the function mcbsp_config ( ), which performs the required adjustments.

Finally, the McBSP needs to be activated. This is done by using the macro MCBSP_ENABLE ( ), which is defined in the header file mcbsp.h. A macro is a collection of instructions that gets substituted for the macro in the program by the assembler. In this lab, the macro MCBSP_ENABLE (0) places the selected port 0 in the general purpose I/O mode. The following lines of code are used to do these adjustments:


Next, we need to adjust the parameters of the codec. The codec is initialized by using the codec API function codec_init ( ). This function sets the codec to its default parameters. The main item to adjust here is sampling rate. This is done by using the API function codec_change_sample_rate ( ). This function sets the sampling rate of the codec to the closest allowed sampling rate of the passed argument. The return value from this function will be the actual sampling rate. Table 5-4 lists the sampling rates supported by the codec. The other required adjustments are the selection of line-in or mic-in and the adjustment of their gain settings. To have stereo input, both channels should be selected and their gains adjusted to 0dB settings. The API functions that accomplish these tasks are codec_adc_control ( ), codec_line_in_control ( ), and codec_dac_control ( ). It is also required for the codec to generate interrupts as data is received in the DRR. Hence, the interrupt processing capability of the codec must be enabled. This is accomplished by using the API function codec_interrupt_enable ( ). The following lines of code are used for the purpose of initializing the codec as just described:

Table 5-4

Sampling rates allowed by CS4231A stereo audio codec.



Now, in order to set up an interrupt, the first task involves the initialization of the interrupt service table pointer (ISTP) register with the address of the global vec_table, which is resolved at the link time. This is done by placing the base address of the vector table in the ISTP register. The function intr_init ( ) is used for this purpose. Next, we need to select an interrupt number and map it to a CPU interrupt, in our case the RINT0 interrupt. Here, the CPU interrupt 15 is used and mapped to the RINT0 interrupt by using the function intr_map ( ). To connect an ISR to this interrupt, the function intr_hook ( ) is called, to which the name of the function that we wish to use is passed. The last task is to enable the interrupts via the macros INTR_ENABLE and INTR_GLOBAL_ENABLE. The following lines of code map the CPU interrupt 15 to the RINT0 interrupt and then hook it to an ISR named seri – al PortRevISR:


To build this program in CCS, the project should include three libraries: rts6701.lib, drv6x.lib and dev6x.lib. The library rts6701.lib is the runtime-support library containing the runtime-support functions such as math functions. The library dev6x.lib is a collection of macros and functions for programming the C6x registers and peripherals. This library allows the programmer to control interrupt functionality, CPU operational modes, and internal peripherals including McBSPs. The linker command file for EVM is shown below.



Figure 5-9 Flowchart of sampling program for EVM


1. Texas Instruments, TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library API Reference Guide, Literature ID# SPRU 401G, 2003.

2. Texas Instruments, TMS320C6201I6701 Evaluation Module User’s Guide, Literature ID# SPRU 269F, 2002.

3. Texas Instruments, Stereo Audio D/A Converter, 8-to 96-KHz, With Integrated Headphone Amplifier, Literature ID# SLWS 106G, 2003.

4. Spectrum Digital Inc., TMS320C6416 DSK Technical Reference, 2003.

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