What’s on the CD-ROM?

Included on the accompanying CD-ROM:

• The lab files corresponding to the following DSP platforms:

image DSK6x11 :DSK 6711/6211 using AD535 on-board codec
image DSK6x11_ADC :DSK 6711/6211 using PCM3003 audio daughter card
image DSK6416 :DSK 6416
image DSK6713 :DSK 6713
image EVM6x01 :EVM 6701/6201
image SIM6xxx :Simulator

• • In each platform folder, subfolders for eight labs and four projects are contained as follows:

image Lab01. Source files for getting familiar with Code Composer Studio.

image Lab02. Source files for audio sampling.

image Lab03. Source files for Q-format and scaling.

image Lab04. Source files for FIR filter.

image Lab05. Source files for adaptive filter.

image Lab06. Source files for frame processing and DMA operation.

image Lab07. Source files for real-time analysis.

image Lab08. Source files for real-time synchronization and communication.

image Proj01. Source files for sine wave generation.

image Proj02. Source files for second-order cascade IIR filter.

image Proj03. Source files for filter bank.

image Proj04. Source files for PN sequence generation.

• All the subfolders for labs and projects need to be copied into the folder

    C: imyprojects” where the CCS is installed.


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