
Some of the items in this index refer to subject matter, and not to the precise wording, in order to help to guide readers to other relevant pages.


Absorbent screens behind consoles, 495, 578

Absorbers, 131

active, 410

effect of angle of incidence, 166

fibrous, 110, 115

in floor, 367

Helmholtz, 118–19, 122–3, 663

membrane, 116, 119, 142, 666

panel, 118–20, 142

porous, 110, 117

quarter wavelength, 18, 755

rear wall, 666–8, 747, 750–5

resonant, 118–20

Absorption, 110, 131

coefficients, 123, 315–6, 336, 360

effects of thickness and density, 111

frequency dependence, 87

interrelation with reflexion and transmission, 56

loss in dry air, 110

low-to-mid frequency, 459

wavelength dependence, 36, 116–18

AC mains (electrical) supplies, see also Electrical installations, 294–8

Academy characteristic, 628–9

Acoustavoicing, 662

Acoustic centre, 457, 506

Acoustic disturbance by mixing consoles, 6

Acoustic source, 506, 508, 518, 519

Acoustic waves, velocity and pressure components, 36

Acoustical Manufacturing Company, 437

Acoustics, non-intuitive nature of, 6

Activated carbon, 115

Active room control, 350–1

Acustilastic, 70

Adaptive digital filtering, 350–1

Adiabatic losses, 36, 115

Adiabatic propagation, 115

Advertising, cost of, 437

Aesthetics, importance of, 293


absorption, 627–8

effects of density, 171–2

non-linearity, 542

pressure relative to altitude, 35, 171

propagation distortion, 542

weight of, 35

Air conditioning, 284–8, 582

split type, 285

Air-conditioned rooms, 287

Allen, Ioan, 630, 632

Alphabet response, 356

Altec, 662

Ambisonics, 28, 203


for active monitors, 559

choice of, 554, 566

Class ‘A’, 546, 556

as a constant voltage source, 687–8

instantaneous current capability, 539, 557

sonic differences, 553–4

valve (tube), 445, 546, 559

Amplitude phase grating, 244

Amplitude reflexion grating, 126

Anechoic chambers, 18, 19, 86–7, 321, 344, 373–4, 415, 627, 757

free-field responses, 321

Angus, J., 124, 407, 786

Arkobel, 76, 77–9, 180

ATC SCM10, 556, 574

Auratone 5C Sound Cube, 379, 447, 528–36

Averages, possible irrelevance of, 463


B-weighting, 22

Balanced and unbalanced audio systems, 720–3, 725–8

Balanced power, 297, 708–10

Bank and Wright, 579

Banzai Mobile Lda, 657, 663, 681–2

Bass/bass-drum, relative levels, 433, 528, 539

Batchelor, Tony, 28

BBC, 376, 390, 511

Beams, bending resistance, 142–3

Belendiuk and Butler, 28

Bell laboratories, 466

Bell, David, 430, 485, 604

Berger, Russell, 390

Bernstein, Leonard, 191

Beyer DT100, 688

Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 21

Bi-directional stereo rooms, 600, 606

Bi-directionality of stereo rooms, 606

Bi-wiring, 560–1

Black art:

perception of acoustics as, 360, 426

Blackwing studios, 201–2, 205, 212

Blancot, 77–9

Blumlein, Alan, 466

Bonello Criterion, 138, 369

Bonello, Oscar J., 138

Bonham, John, 188, 192

BOP TV, 477

Brain, human, perception of speech:

vis-à-vis music, 15, 203

Branson, Richard, xviii, xix, 200

Briggs, Gilbert, 363, 407, 511, 542

Brownian motion, 26


Cable tubes in floors, 49–51

Cables for interfacing, 550, 553

Cables for loudspeakers, see Loudspeaker cable

Cables for power:

mains feed, 297–8

section size, 296, 704

Cables, length of, 705

Camden partitioning, 732

Cannon experiments, 170–2

Canon wide image stereo, 441

Capacitance in cables, 705

Capacitive interference, 709

Capitol records, 390

Capri Digital, 404

Car parking, 280

Ceiling height:

importance of, 49, 54, 66, 409

lack of, 9, 49

Ceiling traps, (panels), 738, 743, 748, 750

Celenit, 181, 230

Central mono source, 415

Cepstrum analysis, 459, 508–9, 589

Cepstrum, power, 472, 508–9, 522

Cepstrum responses, 524

Chanting of masses, 218

Characteristic sounds:

of guitars, 189

of materials, 194, 198

Chess Records, 190

Chess studios, 190, 192

Cinema theatres, 598, 625, 628, 641, 645

Cinemar Films, 622–4

Class ‘A’ amplification, 546, 556, see Amplifiers, Class A

Classical music, 653

recording monitor loudspeakers, 650

Clearmountain, Bob, 528–9

‘Click’ tracks, 695

Close-field monitoring, 378–82, 448–9, 454, 500, 540, 612–13

orientation of loudspeakers, 501

positioning of loudspeakers, 500

Coaxial loudspeakers, 674

Cobalt, 582

Cocktail party effect, 225

Colam, Stuart, 737, 745, 750

Collins, Phil, 199, 200

Colloms, Martin, 512, 566, 586

Colouration, 106, 134, 158, 244, 370–1, 392, 408, 486–7, 557, 577, 579, 586, 592, 615

Comb filtering, 152, 327, 329, 417–8, 448, 535, 661, 673

Community M4, 588

Complete frequency response, 506, 508

Computer modelling, 192, 216, 311–3, 319, 751

Concredamp, 53

Concrete density, 70

Concert halls, typical acoustics, 217–8


Jack plugs, 695, 715–23

Speakon, 695

stereo jacks, short circuit, 695

XLR connectors, 695–6, 717, 725

Constant voltage distribution, 686–90

foldback system, 686–91, 696

Constant voltage source, 686–7, 704

Constrained layers, 58, 169, 256

Contact adhesive, 58, 255

Control room decay times, 5, 394–5

Control rooms:

directionality of, 399–400

in the days of mono, 363

digitally adaptive, 662

noise floors, 284, 287

as working environments, 489–90

Controlled reflexion room, 376–7

Converters, A-D, D-A, 454, 551–, 569, 572–3, 613

Cook, Nick, 529, 535

Cost ratios:

as perceived, 45, 54, 177, 261, 284–5, 651

Cotton-waste felt, 141

Cox, Trevor, 315

Creativity, importance of, 134

Critical distance, 339–41, 344, 380–1, 448, 462

Crossover distortion, see Distortion


active, 567–9

Butterworth, 570–1

constant impedance, 554, 556, 566

digital, 569–73

Kinoshita, 554

Linkwitz-Riley, 570, 572

orders of, 569–72

passive, 554, 564–9

slopes, 564–5, 571–2

Crown amplifiers, 529

Crown effect, 48

Cycle of a sine wave, 16

Czerwinski, Eugene, 545


D’Antonio, Dr Peter, 124, 315, 392

D’Appolito layouts, 404, 674

Dacron, 115

Damping, 38, 121–2, 407, 583, 588, 658, 666

Damping agents, 53, 119

Damping factor, 557

Davis, Chips, 390, 394

Davis, Don and Caroline, 390

Daylight, 277

dBA/dBC scales, 21–3

De-pressurisation of aircraft, 35

Dead rooms, 163–5, 227–8, 252

definition of, 187

Deadsheets, 51, 121, 167, 668

Decay time, 109

Decay times of control rooms, 5, 394–5

Decibel, 13, 19–20, 31

Decoupling of structures, 39

Delta function, 422

Densities of materials, 46, 51–2

Dialogue recording rooms, 177–82

Dickinson, Philip J., 317

Dictionary of Acoustics, 187

Diffraction, 126–7

by edges of loudspeaker cabinets, 337–9

Diffuse sources, 547

Diffusers, 123–6, 134–5, 244, 407, 488–9

actively driven, 245

Schroeder, 124–5

Diffusion, 123–6, 156

by stone walls, 211

Digital equalisation artefacts, 367, 462

Digital reverberators, 199, 203–5

Digitally adaptive control rooms, 662

Dipole radiators, 101, 403, 424, 604, 607, 611, 616

as acoustic sources, 101, 196, 322–5, 330, 334–7, 403

Direct sound:

importance of, 345, 637–44, 661

Directional acoustics of control rooms, 399–400

Directivity index, 340

Directivity response, 464, 506

Discrete Research, 586


absence of, 547

(in) air, see Air

(in) amplifiers, 556

crossover (zero-crossing), 556

Doppler, 580

equivalent quantities, in dB’s and percentages, 508

harmonic, 439, 441, 447, 506, 511–4, 533, 540, 545

intermodulation, 439, 511–4, 540–8

(in) magnet systems, 513, 547

non-linear, 464, 511, 779

(in) suspension systems, 513

time/phase, dynamic, 547

tweeters (passed into), 559

Distributed mode loudspeakers, 363, 430, 604, 607–8, 617–8

Dobrolyot studios, 234

Dolby, 287, 316–7, 597, 603, 606, 623, 626

Dolby Digital, 437, 565, 608, 618, 628

Dolby noise reduction, 628

Dolby Stereo, 427, 603, 609

Dolby surround, 598


damping of, 587

Domestic listening practices, 455, 463, 468–9

Domestic playback, 344, 613

Domestic responses of loudspeakers, 343–4, 363

Door handles:

cost of, 293

Doors, glass, sliding, 256–7

Doors, isolation, 24–5, 270–3

Doors, plywood, 272–3

Doppler effect, 580

Double distance rule, 21

Double glazing (acoustic), 257–60

Double leaf partitions, complexity of, 55

Double sloped wall concept, 263–5

Double spring systems, 75–6

Douglas, Alan, 529, 531, 538

Drum booths, 199, 204

Drum rooms, 191

DTS, 608

Dual Concentric loudspeaker, 589, see also Tannoy Dual Concentrics

Dubbing theatres, 621, 624

Dummy head, 28, 439

Duncan, Ben, 724, 726

DVD, 613


Ear (the), 25–31

Early decay time, 302–4

Early reflexions, 155, 486–7, 491

Earthing, 298, 699, 720

Eastlake Audio, 261, 600

Edinburgh Festival Choir, 191

Effects racks, 495, 500, 503

Eigentones, 95

Elastic limits, 77

Elasticity, 112

Electrical installations, 294–9, 699–714

Electricians, misunderstandings with, 711–3

Electromagnetic interference, 626, 700, 707

Electronic room-correction, see also Equalisation, 353–7

Electrostatic loudspeakers, 322, 336–7, 403

step function responses, 522

Ely cathedral, 191–2

EMT reverberation plates, 190

Energy/time curves (ETC’s), 305, 308–9, 390, 740

Equalisation for room correction, 345, 352–7, 635–45, 661, 677–8

limitations of use and effect, 352–3

one-third octave, 347, 365, 381, 623, 636–40, 738

position dependence of, 345–6

signal dependence of, 345–6

traditional use, 364, 367, 387

misapplication of, 353

Equipment racks, see Racks

E-trap, 358

Euphonix CS3000, 663

Excess phase, 347


when best to consult, 6, 9, 11, 24, 67–8


Fabrics, 158, 167, 176, 184

Fahy, Professor Frank, 55, 750

Fantasia, 598

Fazenda, 371–2

Feedback (Musical), 226

Ferro-fluid, 583

Fibrous absorbers, see Absorbers


digitally adaptive, 350–1, 367

state variable, 567

Filters, decay time:

effect on RT plots, 738

time responses, 176

Financial considerations:

bad debts, 2

loans, xxxii, xxxiii

under-financing, 7

Fletcher-Munson contours, 14, 219

Flindell, Ian et al., 469

Floated floors, 45–53, 68–9

domestic types, 137

spot (point) loads, 46

on weak sub-floors, 52

Floating materials:

selection for given uses, 42

Floating of structures, 39–42

Floor dips, see also Floor reflexions, 365–8, 376

Floor loading, 9–11, 48

steel reinforcement, 10

Floor reflexions, 310, 740

Flush-mounting of loudspeakers, 91, 346, 392, 394–9, 402, 409, 446, 458, 474, 487, 534, 574, 605, 613

Flutter echoes, 104, 106, 130, 149

Fold-down, 424–5

Foldback, 288–92

via loudspeakers, 291–2, 685–6, 695

Foldback balances, 691

Foldback feed, 690

Foldback mix, 690–1

Foldback system:

balances, 685

connectors, 695–6

constant voltage distribution, 686–90


avoiding use of, 685

types of, 694–5

in-studio mixing, 690–3

mixers, 690–3

multiple, 689

as a monitoring environment, 685

stereo or mono, 690

tracking loudspeakers, 685–6

Foley, Jack, 229

Foley rooms, 229–31

Fourier transform, 17, 352, 444


definition of, 16

description of, 15

Frequency modulation, 580

Fresnel, Augustin, 126

Frictional losses, 115, 118

Front of house (FOH), 697

Frontal sound stage:

importance of, 600

Fuses in loudspeaker circuitry, 562


Galaxy studios, 261

Geddes, Dr Earl, 263

Genelec, 372, 611

Genelec S30D, 765

Generators, three-phase, 706

Geometric control, 151, 386–7

Geometrical near-field effects, 674

Gerzon, Michael, 203, 466, 518

Giddings, Philip, 729

Gilford, C. L. S., 138

Glass, laminated, 257

Glassband, Martin, 708

Glossop, Mick, 530

Gravity, 80

Grounding, 298, 699–701, 720

Grounds, signal, 727

chassis, 727

Group delays, 508, 569

in filters, 350, 518, 563–4


characteristic sounds of, 189


Haas effect, 135, 353–4, 390, 393, 673

Haas Kickers, 392, 467

Half-vibrations, 15

Harmonic distortion, see Distortion

Harris, Lara, 371

Hawkins, David, 261

Headley Grange, 188, 192–3


connectors, 695–6

impedance, 688–694

open or closed, 291, 694–5

risk to ears, 694


compression, 25

critical bands, 365

directional detection, 29

frequency dependent directivity, 425, 602

doubling and halving of loudness, 13–15, 42

(the) ear, 25–6

ear canal responses –0° and 90°

incidence, 30

ear drum displacement, 26

equal loudness contours, 13–14

horizontal directivity sensitivity, 602

human auditory system, 25–6

integration time, 445

logarithmic nature, 13

pinnae, see Pinna(e)

pitch detection, 26

sensitivity threshold, 14

variability of perception, 27

vertical discrimination, 310

Heaviside function, see Step-function responses

Heeley, Malcolm, 662

Height, importance of need for, see Ceiling height

Heil air-motion transformers, 583, 591–2

Helmholtz, Hermann von, 445

Helmholtz resonators, 663, see also Absorbers

Hemi-anechoic chamber, 392, 460, 773

Heraklith, 181

Heyser, Richard, 308, 437

Hidley Infrasound, 459

Hidley, Tom, xviii, 386, 392, 459, 476–7, 479, 584–5, 661–2

High-frequency roll offs (on monitors), see Response contouring

Hilbert transform, 308

Hinged acoustic panels, 237–8, 241, 243–4

Hirata et al., 393

Holland, Dr Keith, 415, 477, 505, 533, 757, 786

Holman, Tomlinson, 604, 606–7

Holophonics, 224

Horn effect, 750


compression drivers, 588

constant directivity, 590

general rules for highest:

fidelity in mid-range, 588–9

mid-range horns, 588–90

sensitivity of, 556, 589

spheroidal radiation from, 590

tweeters, 584

Humidity control, 286

Hydraulic closing systems, 272–3

Hysteresis, 76


IEC, 369–70

Impact noises, 64–6

Impedance, 688, 773 Impulse responses, 305–7

Infinite baffles, 325

Information content, 356–7

Instantaneous current requirements, 539, 557

Interconnect cables, 724

Interfacing cables, 550, 552–3

Interference, harmonic, 287

Interleaved studs, 169

Ishii Mizutoni rooms, 374–5, 392


imprecise measurement of, 61, 318–9

by reflexion, 85

as a specialist subject, 67–8

Isolation shells:

repercussions of, 85, 193–4, 218, 409–10, 735

Isothermal propagation, 115

ISVR (Institute of Sound and Vibration Research), 316, 415, 440–1, 477, 505–6, 533, 579, 671, 731, 737, 757


Jackfield/patchbay, 689, 716, 718–22

JBL, 372, 611, 717–8

JBL LSR, 32, 505, 514

Jeans, Sir James, 26

Jenkins, Chris, 530, 662

Jensen, Wolfgang W., 388–90, 392, 599

Johns, Andy, 189, 192

Jones, John Paul, 188–9


Keele, Don, 590

KEF loudspeakers, 372, 630

Kelly, Stanley, 586

Kinetic barriers, 141

Kinetic energy, 94, 308

Kingsway Hall, 191–2

Kinoshita monitors, 554–5, 566

drive requirements, 566

Kinoshita, Shozo, 477, 498

Klein, Michael, 531, 537

KRK loudspeakers, 529, 531

Kustom Konstructions, 663


LA5, 668

Lab (The), 478–9

Lagadec, Dr Roger, 15

Laplace, Marquis de, 112, 115

Laplace’s correction, 112, 115

Large-room frequency, 213, 215

Led Zeppelin, 188–9, 192

LFE channels, 609

Light ray models, 314

Light, spectrum width, 18

Lights, 277–9

dimming of, 278

fluorescent, 277–8

tungsten, 278

Lights, low-consumption, 279

Limpness, 38

Lipshitz, Stanley, 472, 653

Listening rooms:

‘golden’ dimensions, 138, 272, 274, 369

standard rooms, 138, 369–71

Live-End, Dead-End control rooms, 252, 390–2, 394, 400, 437–43, 485–92, 540

Live room, 194, 252

Live room, definition of, 187

Liverpool Cathedral (Anglican), 224

Location of studios:

choices, 4

Lockwood/Tannoy monitors, 659

London Symphony Orchestra, 191

Loo roll (toilet paper), 528–9, 532

Louden, M. M., 138


doubling and halving of, 20

Loudspeaker cable, 557, 559–62

coaxial, 562


band-pass enclosures, 433

beaming, 581

cabinets, 573–79, see also Transmission line cabinets

coaxial, (see also Tannoy Dual Concentrics), 674

cone decoupling, 580

cone drivers, 585

cone materials, 583

different types for home and work, 651

dipole, see Dipole radiators

distributed mode, (DML), see Distributed Mode Loudspeakers

dome, 583–8

domestic on-axis responses, 344

efficiency, 386, 556, 581–2

flush-mounted, see Flush-mounting of loudspeakers

focus point, 575

horn loaded, see Horns

(as an) information channel, 445

low frequency time responses, 539

magnet systems, see Magnets

on meter bridges, 540

mounting height, 575

(as a) musical instrument, 437

omnidirectional, 344, 424

panel vibrations, 574

performance below resonance, 402

reflex enclosures, 353

ribbon, 583, 590–1

ring radiators, 586

sealed box responses, 353, 402, 539, 579

sensitivity, 556, 581–2

spikes for mounting, 575

on stands, 576

suspension stiffness, 573

suspension systems, 513, 546, 580

thermal compression, 573, 581

time responses, see Transient response

voice coil resistance, 581

voice coil temperature, 581

Loudspeakers vis-à-vis microphone techniques, 653

Loud sounds as warnings of danger, 627, 634

Low frequency management, 608–12

Lycra ‘stretch’ fabrics, 158, 666


Macatee, Stephen, 725, 727–8


Alcomax, 582

Alnico, 582

BL non-linearity, 547

cobalt, 582

ferrite, 582–3

material costs, 582

rare-earth, 582

Ticonal, 582

Majestic studios, xvii

Mann, Manfred, 190, 192

Manor Mobile, xviii, 657–61, 663, 665, 681–2

Manor studios, xviii, 200, 661

Manger drivers, 592


adverse effects of, 559, 583, 593, 725

Mass control, 329

Mass law, 39

Massenburg, George, 392, 442, 530–1

Mastering engineers, 448, 539

Materials, characteristic sounds, 194, 198

McKenzie, Angus, 512

Mean free path, 108

Measurement in a reverberation chamber, 414

Memphis Minnie, 188–9

Meyer, 588

Microphone techniques:

stereo, 456, 472–3

Microphones, positioning and directivity considerations, 196, 221, 228, 236, 265, 267–8

Middle/side microphone technique, 456

Mineral wool as a spring, 69

Minimum and non-minimum-phase responses, 346–7, 350–3, 661, 677

acoustic, 678

(in) crossovers, 563

(in) loudspeakers, 350–2, 677

Mirrored room analogy, 87, 89, 108, 331, 336

Misapplication of equalisation, 353

Mixing consoles:

acoustic disturbance by, 6

AMS/Neve 88R, 494

digital, 494

monitor circuitry, 550–2

Neve Series, 80, 659

reflexion from top surface, 495, 497, 679

reflexion suppression, 495

Modes, 94–103, 130

axial, 95–6, 137–9, 147, 678

coincident, 138

damping of, 372, 407

density of, 97–9, 369

distribution patterns, 99, 138, 408

energy of, 99

forced, 95

golden proportions for distribution of, 138, 272, 274, 369

oblique, 96

as pathways, 94–5

resonant (effects of), 101, 134, 174, 405

spacing of, 98

standing wave patterns (70Hz), 149–153, 408

structural, 310

tangential, 95–6

Modulation transfer function, 353–7, 371–2

Moir, James, 431, 511

Monitor equalisation, 661–2, 677–8

special circumstances, 678

of sub woofer, 611, 678–9

Monitor loudspeakers:

height of (preferred), 575

high mounting of, 495, 502

mounting of (horizontal or vertical), 501

Monitor systems:

high definition/resolution, 527, 549, 552

subtle differences only heard in good rooms, 655

Mono source (central), 415

Monopole sources, 101, 325, 328, 330, 336

Morimoto and Ando, 29

Motor Museum, 271

Moulton, David, 437

Multi-amplification, 562

Multi-tone testing, 542

Muncy, Neil, 725

Musical instruments, true sound of, 133


capturing a performance, 3

comfort of, 4, 137, 163, 193, 220

general needs, 218, 226

loss of motivation, 289–80

unease with environment, 226

Mutual coupling, 328, 337, 418–9, 423–4, 430


National Electrical Code (US), 708

Near-field effects, driver separation, 674

Near-fields, 381

Neve Series 80 consoles, 659

New, Anthony, 546

Newman, Tom, 189

Newton, Isaac, 112, 115

Nicholas, David, 528

Nodes, and anti-nodes (velocity), 196

pressure, 196

velocity, 196


background levels, 3, 557, 599, 635

mechanical, 3, 557

modulation related, 542

Noise criteria, 24

Noise rating, 24

Nomis studios, 478, 496

Non-environment rooms, 359, 392–3, 398, 400, 453–484, 599, 620, 664, 732

Non-intuitive nature of acoustics, 6

Norris-Eyring equation, 109

NS10M, 380, 448–9, 527–40, 551, 570, 654


Ohm, Georg Simon, 445

Oldfield, Mike, xix

Olympic studios, 188, 240

Open baffles:

roll off, 578–9


Page, Jimmy, 188–9

Pan-pot dilemma, 423–4

Pan-pots, 423–4, 467, 602

Panel absorbers, 118–9, 142

Parking of cars, 280

Pendulum, 36, 92, 94, 308

Perception of detail, 410, 462, 621, 625

Perception of speech and noise (not music), 365, 641, 643–5

Percussive to resonant level balances, in rooms, 462, 644–5, see also Bass/bass-drum relative levels, and Reflexion density

Phantom sound stages, 426

Phase deafness, 445

Phase dispersion, 35

Phase, excess, 347

Phase law (of Ohm and Helmholtz), 445

Phase responses, 464

importance of, 445

Phase shifts, 106, 359, 518, 563, 569

Phase slopes, 106, 359, 508


optimum number of for mains, supplies, 295–6, 701, 705–7

Pin-one problem, 725

Pink Museum, 271

Pinna(e), 26, 439, 605

perceptual differences via, 28–9, 32

positional cues, 29

transformations, 28–9

Piston radiator, 341

Pit-traps, 367

PKB2, 141–2, 144, 666–8

Plane-wave tube, 315

Plant, Robert, 188–9

Planta Sonica, 208, 405, 748

Plywood beams, 142–3

PMC, 586

Polarity, 717

Poly-amplification, 562

Polyurethane foam, 49, 54, 63, 165, 255

traction limits, 58

Potential energy, 92, 94, 308

Power cepstrum, 508–9, 522–3

Power conditioners, 704, 707, 714

Precedence effect, see-Haas Effect

Pressure amplitude response, 506, 509–11, 743–4

smoothing of plots, 322

Pressure gradient sources, 336, 424

Pressure zone, 168, 213, 401–3, 407, 678

equation, 168

frequency, 168

Psychoacoustics, 26

Pumice, 117

Purple, Dave, 190

Pye records, xvii, 659


Q (directivity), 340

Q (quality factor), 121–2, 142, 372, 750

Quad amplifiers, 529

Quad Electrostatic Loudspeaker, 522

Quadratic residue sequences, 154

Quadrophonic(s), 598

pan-pots, 602

rooms, 400, 426

systems, 467, 603, 610

Quested loudspeakers, 531, 674, 681

Quested Q405, 674, 680

VS115, 680–1


Rattles, 511

Racks, 495–6, 500, 503

Radian, 16

Radiation impedance, 420

Radio-compatible mixes, 447, 527

Radio compatibility of mixes, 447

Rayleigh, Lord (Baron), 26, 31, 443

RCA studios, 390

Real-time analysers, 364

Rear wall absorbers, 666–8

Rectangular room shells, 272, 274

Reflectors, acoustic, 221

Reflex enclosure, 353, 579

Reflexion density, 405, 627

Reflexion-free zones, 390, 486


discrete (specular), 123, 155, 213

early, 155–6, 491

from mixing console, 495, 577, 679

scattering of, 124

Refraction, 127

Relays in loudspeaker circuitry, 562

Resonance (floors), 65, 68–76, 80–1

Response contouring:

at high frequencies, 510, 539, see also X-curve

Reverberation, 107–10, 205–9

Reverberation chambers, 86, 107, 189, 204, 208, 315, 341, 415

measurement in, 414

Reverberation decay process, 108

Reverberation plates, 190

Reverberation time:

equations for calculation of, 109

presentation of, 301

Reverberation times for orchestral recordings, 218


acoustic, 108, 189, 204

artificial, 203, 220, 462

digital, 199, 203–4

mechanical, 190

Rigidity, 38

Ring radiator, 586

Ripple tank models, 129, 314–5

Robinson-Dadson contours, 14, 219

Rodgers, Caroline (Puddie), 28, 390

Rolling Stones (The), 188, 190

Rolling Stones mobile studio, 188, 192, 659

Room absorption, (definition), 187

Room constant, 340

Room control, adaptive, 350

Room correction, electronic, 350, 353–8

Room cut-off frequency, 168, 401–2

Room (monitor) equalisation, see also Equalisation, 661–2

Room standardisation, 411


dead, see Dead rooms

drums, see Drum rooms

live, see Live room

preferred dimension ratios, see Rectangular room shells

reflective and reverberant, 194

small, 163–5, 244–5, 408–9

subjective neutrality of, 176

sufficient size for equipment, 6

Rotating acoustic panels, 237, 239–42

RPG, 154, 392

Russell, Scott, 315

Ruskin, John, 724


Sabine formula, 109

Sabine, Wallace Clement, 56, 109, 313

SAE TM160A, 765

Satellite loudspeakers, 432

Scale models, 311, 477, 751

Scaling limitations, 244, 246, 374, 408

Schroeder integration, 738, 742

plots, 301, 305, 307–9

Schroeder, Professor Manfred, 124, 154, 307, 316, 445

SDDS, 428, 608

Sealed box, 353, 579

Shaw, E. A. G., 30

Shoebox halls, 218

Shufflers, 466

Signal processing artefacts, 438, 446

Silo studios, 191–2

Sine wave:

amplitude and phase components, 16, 17

perfect, 278

Sintonia studios, 388–9

Slap back echoes, 135, 153

Small room reflexion density, 405, 407, 627

Soares, Luis, 477

Sofas, 499–500

Soffits, 395, 397, 399

Sonodec, 282

Sound, 15–16

Sound fields, 29, 439–40

perception of, 28–9

Sound intensity, 20–1

Sound level meter, 21–2

Sound power, 20

Sound pressure relative to decibels, 20

Sound propagation:

adiabatic, 115

isothermal, 115

Sound pulse modelling, 313–4

Sound spectrum, 18

Southampton University, 373, see also ISVR (Institute of Sound and Vibration Research), 313


owners wish to, see it all, 141, 408

requirements, 7

Spaciousness, 462, 505

Spacial separation, 690

Speaking tubes, 21, 283

Specialist manufacturing, demise of, 499

Specific heat of air, 115

Speed of sound:

in air, 17, 345

frequency dependence, 17, 32

in other materials, 37

Spring isolators, 45–49, 53

Springs, 39, 40, 70–82

overload (effects of bottoming), 70, 77, 79

resonant frequency, 39–40

stiffness, 39

SSL consoles, 530, 535, 662

Staff, importance of, 85

Standardisation of rooms, 369–71

Standing wave field, 661, 667

patterns, 150

Standing waves, 92, 150, 215

Stationary waves, see Standing waves

Step-function responses, 508, 518, 521–2, 533

electrical signal, 533

of electrostatic loudspeakers, 522–3

perfect, 518

Steradians, 20

Stereo imaging, (affecting), 547, 577

Stereophonic sound reproduction, (concept of), 455

Stradivari, 312

Stud walls, 140–2, 169

interleaved, (staggered), 169

Studio headphone, 688, see also Beyer DT100

Studio monitor systems:

not for enjoyment, 446

Sub-woofer, 432–5, 608–12, 678–81

dipole, 611

equalisation of, 611, 678–9

multiple, processed, 611–2

positioning, 432–3, 608–9

stereo, 434

temporal misalignment, 432

Surround sound, 426, 434, 462, 597–625

channel delay, 618

channel limitations, 618–21

Dolby, 598

mastering for, 612

pan-pots, 602

psychoacoustics, 602–3

rooms, 400, 597–625

systems, 377, 471, 597–625

ten channels, 603

(for) TV, 599

use of dipole radiators, 429, 607


TAD monitors, 564

Tannoy Dual Concentrics, 517–8, 658

Tannoy, factory:

Tannoy monitors, 529, 659

Tannoy System 600A, 505, 512

Tape One, 663

Technical earth, 298, 699

Tennis racquet analogy, 411

Teopler, 313

Thomas, Chris, 528

Tiles, used for acoustic variability, 157–8

Time base whistles, 251

Time Delay Spectrometry, 390

Time responses, 444–5, 523, 526, 579, 677

of small rooms, 245

Tio Pete studios, 249, 731, 749

Toilet paper, 528, 532, see also Loo roll

Toole and Olive, 443, 449, 652

Toole, Floyd, 455, 468–9, 471, 611

Tortuosity, 36, 115

Total power response, 414, 514, 676

Townhouse studios, xix, 190, 199, 240–1, 396–7, 437, 662

Toyashima, Sam, 237, 393–4, 396, 477, 599

Tracking loudspeakers, 685–6, 695

Transient response, 444–5, 579

Transformers, balancing (audio), 720, 725

Transmission, 37

flanking, 61

Transmission line cabinets, 579, 658

Tuning, 6

Turbulence, 580

Tweeters, horn-loaded, 584

Twenty-percent rule, 205, 241


Uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), 297

UREI 815, 556, 574

Uzzle, Ted, 312


Valve amplifiers, 445, 546, 559

Variable acoustics, tile system, 157–8

Variacs, 278

Velocity component of wave motion, 92

Vented enclosures, 579

Ventilation, 280–4, 287

acoustic ducting, 282, 287–8

duct size considerations, 283

over-pressure, 281

required flowrates, 284

speed control, 283

system noise, 283

water coils, 287

Vertical discrimination, 310

Vibration conduction via ground, 48

Video monitors, 496, 499

Virgin, xviii, 190

Virgin studios, 662

Viruter, 181

Viscous losses, 115

Vocal recordings, see also Dialogue, 163, 267

Voishvillo, Dr Alexander, 540–1, 545

Volume-velocity sources, 329, 336, 580


Walker, Bob, 376, 395

Wally Heider studios, 390

Walter, Alistair, 671, 733, 745

Walthamstow Town Hall, 192

Waterfall plots, 309–10, 523, 533, 735–7

Water pipes – propagation of sound through, 21

Watkinson, J., 586

Watkinson and Salter, 445

Wave number, 17

Waveform distortion, 445


panels, 668–9, 671–2, 733, 735, 745, 750

on loudspeakers, 535

Wavelength, 17

Wedges, fibrous, 18

Weeks, Alex, xx

Westlake Audio, 386–7, 390

Westlake BBSM-5, 505, 512

Westlake monitors, 390, 661

Window systems, 257–60

laminated glass, 257

quadruple glazing, 257, 259

Wonder, Stevie, 476

Woodcemair, 180

Woodman, Bill, 586

Workhouse studios, 190

Worm and snake analogy, 103

Wrightson, Jack, 390, 470, 485


X-curve, 626, 628–33, 635–6, 639, 644


Yamaha NS10M, see NS10M

Yamaha NS1000, 586


Zuccarelli, Hugo, 224

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