Appendix B SAE/EPC specifications

The EPS is specified in a set of new specifications as well as updates of existing GSM and UMTS specifications. Some of the specifications listed below are hence introduced for EPS in Rel-8 while others have existed for GSM and UMTS and have just been updated to cater for EPS.

All specs are Rel-8 if not explicitly mentioned otherwise.


TS 22.011 Service accessibility  
TS 22.168 Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System (ETWS) requirements  
TS 22.220 Service requirements for Home Node B (HNB) and Home eNode B (HeNB)  
TS 22.268 Public Warning System (PWS) requirements Rel-9
TS 22.278 Service requirements for the EPS  


Click on spec number for details.

TS 23.002 Network architecture  
TS 23.060 GPRS; Service description; Stage 2  
TS 23.203 PCC architecture  
TS 23.216 Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC); Stage 2  
TS 23.221 Architectural requirements  
TS 23.236 Intra-domain connection of Radio Access Network (RAN) nodes to multiple Core Network (CN) nodes  
TS 23.272 Circuit-Switched (CS) fallback in EPS; Stage 2  
TS 23.401 GPRS enhancements for E-UTRAN access  
TS 23.402 Architecture enhancements for non-3GPP accesses  


Click on spec number for details.

TS 33.401 3GPP SAE; Security architecture  
TS 33.402 3GPP SAE; Security aspects of non-3GPP accesses  


TS 23.003 Numbering, addressing and identification  
TS 23.122 Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode  
TS 24.301 NAS protocol for EPS; Stage 3  
TS 24.302 Access to the EPC via non-3GPP access networks; Stage 3  
TS 24.303 Mobility management based on Dual-stack Mobile IPv6; Stage 3  
TS 24.304 Mobility management based on MIPv4; User Equipment (UE)-foreign agent interface; Stage 3  
TS 24.312 Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) Management Object (MO)  

CT3 and CT4

TS 29.002 Mobile Application Part (MAP) specification ?
TS 29.060 GPRS; GTP across the Gn and Gp interfaces  
TS 29.061 Interworking between the Public L and Mobile Network (PLMN) supporting packet based services and PDN  
TS 29.118 Mobility Management Entity (MME)-Visitor Location Register (VLR) SGs interface specification  
TS 29.168 Cell Broadcast Centre interfaces with the EPC; Stage 3  
TS 29.210 Charging rule provisioning over Gx interface ?
TS 29.211 Rx interface and Rx/Gx signalling flows ?
TS 29.212 PCC over Gx reference point ?
TS 29.213 PCC signalling flows and QoS parameter mapping ?
TS 29.214 PCC over Rx reference point  
TS 29.215 PCC over S9 reference point  
TS 29.230 Diameter applications; 3GPP specific codes and identifiers  
TS 29.272 EPS; MME and SGSN-related interfaces based on Diameter protocol  
TS 29.273 EPS; 3GPP EPS AAA interfaces  
TS 29.274 3GPP EPS; Evolved GPRS Tunnelling Protocol for Control plane (GTPv2-C); Stage 3  
TS 29.275 PMIPv6-based Mobility and Tunnelling protocols; Stage 3  
TS 29.276 Optimized Handover Procedures and Protocols between E-UTRAN Access and cdma2000 HRPD Access  
TS 29.277 Optimized Handover Procedures and Protocols between E-UTRAN Access and 1xRTT Access  
TS 29.279 MIPv4-based Mobility protocols; Stage 3  
TS 29.280 EPS; 3GPP Sv interface (MME to MSC, and SGSN to MSC) for SRVCC  
TS 29.281 GPRS Tunnelling Protocol User Plane (GTPv1-U)  
TS 29.303 Domain Name System Procedures; Stage 3  
TS 29.304 MIPv4-based Mobility protocols; Stage 3  
TS 29.305 Interworking Function (IWF) between MAP-based and Diameter-based interfaces  

E-UTRAN specs, WG RAN1-5:

The E-UTRAN is specified in a separate specification series, the series

Click on spec number for details.

TS 36.101 E-UTRA; UE radio transmission and reception  
TS 36.104 E-UTRA; Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception  
TS 36.106 E-UTRA; FDD repeater radio transmission and reception  
TS 36.113 E-UTRA; BS and repeater Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)  
TS 36.124 E-UTRA; EMC requirements for mobile terminals and ancillary equipment  
TS 36.133 E-UTRA; Requirements for support of radio resource management  
TS 36.141 E-UTRA; BS conformance testing  
TS 36.143 E-UTRA; Repeater conformance testing  
TS 36.201 E-UTRA; LTE physical layer; General description  
TS 36.211 E-UTRA; Physical channels and modulation  
TS 36.212 E-UTRA; Multiplexing and channel coding  
TS 36.213 E-UTRA; Physical layer procedures  
TS 36.214 E-UTRA; Physical layer measurements  
TS 36.300 E-UTRA and E-UTRAN; Overall description; Stage 2  
TS 36.302 E-UTRA; Services provided by the physical layer  
TS 36.304 E-UTRA; UE procedures in idle mode  
TS 36.306 E-UTRA; UE radio access capabilities  
TS 36.314 E-UTRAN; Layer 2 measurements  
TS 36.321 E-UTRA; Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification  
TS 36.322 E-UTRA; Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification  
TS 36.323 E-UTRA; Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification  
TS 36.331 E-UTRA; Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification  
TS 36.401 E-UTRAN; Architecture description  
TS 36.410 E-UTRAN; S1 layer 1 general aspects and principles  
TS 36.411 E-UTRAN; S1 layer 1  
TS 36.412 E-UTRAN; S1 signalling transport  
TS 36.413 E-UTRA; S1 Application Protocol (S1AP)  
TS 36.414 E-UTRAN; S1 data transport  
TS 36.420 E-UTRAN; X2 general aspects and principles  
TS 36.421 E-UTRAN; X2 layer 1  
TS 36.422 E-UTRAN; X2 signalling transport  
TS 36.423 E-UTRAN; X2 Application Protocol (X2AP)  
TS 36.424 E-UTRAN; X2 data transport  
TS 36.440 E-UTRAN; General aspects and principles for interfaces supporting Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) within E-UTRAN  
TS 36.441 E-UTRAN; Layer 1 for interfaces supporting MBMS within E-UTRAN  
TS 36.442 E-UTRAN; Signalling Transport for interfaces supporting MBMS within E-UTRAN  
TS 36.443 E-UTRAN; M2 Application Protocol (M2AP)  
TS 36.444 E-UTRAN; M3 Application Protocol (M3AP)  
TS 36.445 E-UTRAN; M1 Data Transport  
TS 36.446 E-UTRAN; M1 User Plane protocol  
TS 36.508 E-UTRA and EPC; Common test environments for UE conformance testing  
TS 36.509 E-UTRA; Special conformance testing function for UE  
TS 36.521-1 E-UTRA; UE conformance specification; Radio transmission and reception; Part 1: conformance testing  
TS 36.521-2 E-UTRA; UE conformance specification; Radio transmission and reception; Part 2: Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS)  
TS 36.521-3 E-UTRA; UE conformance specification; Radio transmission and reception; Part 3: Radio Resource Management conformance testing  
TS 36.523-1 E-UTRA and E-UTRAN; UE conformance specification; Part 1: Protocol conformance specification  
TS 36.523-2 E-UTRA and E-UTRAN; UE conformance specification; Part 2: ICS  
TS 36.523-3 E-UTRA and E-UTRAN; UE conformance specification; Part 3: Abstract Test Suites (ATS)  
TR 36.801 E-UTRA; Measurement requirements  
TR 36.803 E-UTRA; UE radio transmission and reception  
TR 36.804 E-UTRA; BS radio transmission and reception  
TR 36.814 Further advancements for E-UTRA Physical layer aspects  
TR 36.902 E-UTRAN; Self-configuring and self-optimizing network (SON) use cases and solutions  
TS 36.903 E-UTRA; Derivation of test tolerances for multi-cell Radio Resource Management (RRM) conformance tests  
TR 36.913 Requirements for further advancements for E-UTRA (LTE-Advanced)  
TR 36.938 E-UTRAN; Improved network-controlled mobility between E-UTRAN and 3GPP2/mobile WiMAX radio technologies  
TR 36.942 E-UTRA; Radio Frequency (RF) system scenarios  
TR 36.956 E-UTRA; Repeater planning guidelines and system analysis  

IETF documents


  • RFC 768; User Datagram Protocol

  • RFC 793; Transmission Control Protocol

  • RFC 2003; IP Encapsulation within IP

  • RFC 2401; Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol

  • RFC 2402; IP Authentication Header

  • RFC 2406; IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

  • RFC 2407; The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP

  • RFC 2408; Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)

  • RFC 2409; The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)

  • RFC 2473; Generic Packet Tunnelling in IPv6 Specification

  • RFC 2784; Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)

  • RFC 2890; Key and Sequence Number Extensions to GRE

  • RFC 2960; Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)

  • RFC 3309; SCTP Checksum Change

  • RFC 3344; IP Mobility Support for IPv4

  • RFC 3748; Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

  • RFC 3775; Mobility Support in IPv6

  • RFC 3776; Using IPsec to Protect MIPv6 Signalling between Mobile Nodes and Home Agents

  • RFC 3588; Diameter Base Protocol

  • RFC 4005; Diameter Network Access Server Application

  • RFC 4006; Diameter Credit-Control Application

  • RFC 4072; Diameter EAP Application

  • RFC 4186; EAP Method for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Subscriber Identity Modules (EAP-SIM)

  • RFC 4187; EAP Method for Third Generation Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA)

  • RFC 4285; Authentication Protocol for MIPv6

  • RFC 4301; Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol

  • RFC 4302; IP Authentication Header

  • RFC 4303; IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

  • RFC 4306; Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol

  • RFC 4555; IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming Protocol (MOBIKE)

  • RFC 4877; MIPv6 Operation with IKEv2 and the Revised IPsec Architecture

  • RFC 4960; SCTP

  • RFC 5213; PMIPv6

  • RFC 5216; The EAP-TLS Authentication Protocol

Internet drafts

  • MIPv6 Support for Dual Stack Hosts and Routers (DSMIPv6) (draft-ietf-mext-nemo-v4traversal)

  • GRE Key Option for PMIPv6 (draft-ietf-netlmm-grekey-option)

  • IPv4 Support for PMIPv6 (draft-ietf-netlmm-pmip6-ipv4-support)

  • Improved EAP Method for Third Generation Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA') (draft-arkko-eap-aka-kdf)

  • Diameter PMIPv6: Support For Mobile Access Gateway and Local Mobility Anchor to Diameter Server Interaction (draft-korhonen-dime-pmip6)

  • Diameter MIPv6: Support for Network Access Server to Diameter Server Interaction (draft-ietf-dime-mip6-integrated)

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