Foreword by Dr. Kalyani Bogineni

Dr. Kalyani Bogineni

Principal Architect, Verizon

There are billions of mobile devices operating on various types of 2G and 3G wireless networks. Projections are for several billion more devices in the next few years on newer technologies with expectations of simultaneous services with high throughput and low-latency requirements. There will be multiple wireless devices for each user and there will be wireless devices embedded in machines supporting automation of many functions. In short, the users will be ‘any-where any-time on any-device’. This is heralding an era of communication and information exchange that will test the limits of many existing telecommunications and data technologies. Hence there is a need for implementing concepts born out of disruptive thinking combined with pragmatic application of innovations.

From a service provider point of view, this is a time for laying the foundation for many of the features needed in future generation networks in order to meet the above expectations. For example, the networks need to enable signalling and low-latency media paths across segments of different technologies to support real-time applications like voice and gaming. Fundamentals like mobility and roaming, the pillars of global cellular technologies, need services management based on availability of resources, offered via policy-peering mechanisms between the home and visited networks. Simplicity and ease of using devices and services is enabled through unified authentication and subscription validation mechanisms across various access networks and application platforms. Coexistence and cooperation is needed between end-user-driven intelligent devices and intelligent network elements.

The 3GPP has specified a core network based on the Internet Protocol (IP) that provides numerous operational benefits in addition to meeting the above-mentioned expectations. The specification

  • Allows evolution of any deployed wireless or wired access technology network towards a common architecture with benefits of seamless mobility between various generations of access networks and global roaming capabilities on different technologies.

  • Enables network designs based on high availability, reliability, scalability and manageability paradigms as well as efficient bandwidth usage on access, backhaul and core networks.

  • Supports delivery of combinations of advanced telephony and Internet services that can be hosted by any access network or application provider.

  • Provides the user security functions like privacy and confidentiality while protecting the network through functions like mutual authentication, firewalls, etc.

  • Minimizes the number of services databases and the number of services controllers which reduces the number of provisioning points in the network.

  • Provides an efficient charging architecture that reduces the number of network elements sending billing records and minimizes the number of billing records formats.

The scope of the 3GPP specifications is ambitious but essential. The authors have done an excellent job in writing this book. Their familiarity with the requirements, concepts and solution alternatives, as well as the standardization work allows them to present the material in a way that provides easy communication between Architecture and Standards groups and Planning/Operational groups within service provider organizations.

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