


  • 2G/3G, 20


  • 3G Evolution, 27

  • 3GPP SA WG2, 15, 18


  • Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting, 9

  • Access Network Discovery and Selection Function

  • ANSI, 9

  • Application Programming Interface


  • Broadband Forum


  • CAMEL, 8

  • CAMEL application part

    • CAP, 8

  • Care-of Address, 108

  • Cell Broadcast Centre

  • charging, 196

    • 3rd party content and application suppliers, 206

    • 3rd party portals, 206

    • 3rd party service providers, 204

    • ABMF, 199

    • CDR, 199

    • diameter, 206

    • HPLMN, 204

    • internet, 206

    • IP backbone carriers, 205

    • I-PLMN, 51

    • offline, 179, 198

    • online, 179, 198

    • other operators, 205

    • PLMN, 51

    • RF, 199

    • V-PLMN, 204

  • Circuit Core, 7

  • Circuit switched fallback

  • Core Network, 26

  • CS Fallback, 12, 69


  • data traffic, 75

  • deployment scenarios, 71

    • EPC on 2G/3G, 80

    • EPS for 3GPP2, 77

    • EPS on GSM/WCDMA, 71

    • greenfield, 76

    • WiMAX, WLAN operators, 79

  • DNS sub-domain, 212

  • Duplicate Address Detection


  • efficient data transfer, 56

  • end-user, 69

  • End-User Terminal, 53

  • EPC architecture 26

    • session continuity, 37

  • EPS architecture, 24, 67

  • Equipment Identity Register

  • Evolved Packet Core

  • Evolved Packet System

    • EPS, 4, 10, 18, 24, 101

    • EMM, 323

    • ESM, 323

    • interfaces, 227

    • network entities, 4

    • routing, without RO support, 306

    • selection functions, 207

    • session management, 324

    • support for RO, 305

  • evolved Packet Data Gateway

  • ePDG, 48


  • flat architecture, 16, 29, 81


  • Gateway GPRS Support Node

    • GGSN, 61

  • gating control, 25

  • Gb interface, 42

  • GERAN, 7, 20

    • GERAN, WCDMA/HSPA interconnect, 18

  • global standards, 4

  • GPRS, 6

  • Global System for Mobile Communications

  • GSM/WCDMA, 6, 48

  • Gx interface, 37

  • Gxa interface, 44

  • Gxa/Gxc, 39, 189

  • Gxb interface, 177


  • High Speed Packet Access

  • HLR/HSS, 86

  • Home Address, 108

  • Home Location Register

  • home network realm/domain, 212


  • Idle mode Signalling Reduction

  • inter RAT handover, 123

  • interface, 21

  • International Telecommunication Union

  • interworking

    • 3GPP and non-3GPP, 46

    • LTE and CDMA, 43

    • LTE and other accesses, 35

  • IP address allocation, 108, 274

  • IP application, 83

    • mobile broadband, 84, 85

  • IP connectivity, 6

  • IP infrastructure, 9

  • IP Mobility Mode Selection

  • ITU, 5

  • Iu-PS interface, 42


  • Java Virtual Machine, 57


  • Lawful Intercept, 231

  • Location Area

  • Long Term Evolution


  • M2M devices, 59

  • MIMO, 2

  • MME identifiers

  • Mobile Application Part

    • MAP, 8

  • Mobile Device, 21

  • Mobile Internet Devices

    • MIDs, 54

  • Mobile IP, 128, 290

    • binding update, 296

    • bootstrapping, 295

    • BRI, 299

    • Care of Address, 294

    • control plane, 10

    • correspondent node, 295

    • deregistration, 298

    • downlink, 294

    • EPS, and, 291

    • foreign network, 294

    • home agent, 294

    • home link detection, 295

    • home network, definition, 293

    • host-based mobility, 5

    • IPv4, 292

    • IPv6, 292

    • IPv6 security, 299

    • Mobile Node, 294

    • mobility header, 300

    • mobility support, 291

    • network-based mobility, 293

    • registration, 296

    • Route Optimisation, 294

    • Routing Header type, 2, 301

    • user plane, 302

  • mobile radio network, 60

    • functionality, 62

    • paging, 63

  • mobility management, 278

    • active mode, 122

    • E-UTRAN and HRPD, 54

    • heterogeneous accesses, 126

    • host-based, 127

    • idle mode, 119

    • IP mobility, 128

    • network-based, 127

  • MSC Server, 50

  • M-TMSI, 80


  • NAT traversal, 14

  • Network Resource identifier

  • non-3GPP access, 24, 347

  • non-trusted network, 48


  • OFCS, 33

  • OMA DM, 267

    • discovery informatio node, 269

    • ext node, 270

    • policy node, 269

    • UE location node, 270

  • One Tunnel, 80

  • operator, 13

  • Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

    • OFDM, 67


  • packet core evolution, 12

  • Packet Data Serving Node

    • PDSN, 9

  • Passive optical Networks, 44

  • PDN, 101, 111, 273

    • connection layer, 103

    • IP address allocation, 24

    • IP address management, 103, 107

    • IP address management, non-3GPP accesses, 22

  • PDN GW, 31, 73, 109, 231

    • anchor point, 39

    • initial attach, 4

    • selection, 15

  • Policy Control and Charging, 38

  • policy, 3GPP, 33

  • power consumption, 59

  • Proxy Mobile IP

    • PMIP, 69


  • Quality of Service (QoS), 109, 162

    • AMBR, 9

    • APN-AMBR, 167

    • ARP, 166

    • bearer control, 164

    • class identifiers, 165

    • differences E-UTRAN and GERAN/UTRAN, 164

    • EPS bearer, 163

    • E-UTRAN, 163, 192

    • GBR, 166

    • interworking EPS and GERAN/UTRAN, 172

    • interworking, other accesses, 173

    • interworking, parameter mapping, 173

    • MBR, 166

    • network initiated, 192, 392

    • network versus terminal initiated, 191

    • non-GBR, 167

    • parameters, 110, 164

    • PCRF, 165

    • QCI, 165

    • service differentiation, 162

    • subscriber differentiation, 162

    • UE-AMBR, 169

    • UE-initiated, 184, 388


  • radio carrier, 62

  • radio network architecture, 16

  • RAN and CN, functional split, 16

  • RAN domains, 24

  • Real Time Streaming Protocol

  • Registration Area

  • Rel-99, 65

  • Rx interface, 261

  • Rx signalling, 184


  • S1 interface, 67

    • handover, 54

  • S10 interface, 234

  • S12 interface, 42

  • S103 interface, 270

  • S11 interface, 235

  • S13 interface, 265

  • S2b interface, 244

  • S2c interface, 245

  • S6b interface, 256

  • S8 interface, 6

  • SAE/EPC, 65

  • SAE/LTE, 20

  • service differentiation, 2

  • services, 81

  • session continuity

    • IP address preservation, 129

  • Session Initiation Protocol

  • session management, 109

    • EPS, GERAN/UTRAN accesses, 116

    • other accesses, 117

  • SGSN, 6, 38, 207

    • initial attach, 208

    • RAI FQDN, 217

    • selection, 216

    • Serving GPRS Support Node, 61

    • SGSN FQDN, 216

  • SIM card, 83

  • Single Radio Voice Call Continuity

  • Sp interface, 264

  • standards process, 14

  • SWa interface, 252

  • SWd interface, 257

  • SWx interface, 249

  • System Architecture Evolution


  • terminology

    • acronyms, 19

  • Time-Division Multiple Access

    • TDMA, 64

  • Tracking Area Identity

  • Traffic Flow Template

    • TFT, 110

    • filter information, 111

  • trusted network, 48

  • tunnel management, 279


  • UICC, 13

  • User Equipment

  • UTRAN, 20


  • Validity Areas, 57

  • Voice over IP, 109

  • voice services

    • circuit switched, 86

    • IMS, 88

    • LTE, 90

    • MMTel, 91


  • WiMAX, 17

  • WiMAX forum, 10

  • Wireless LAN, 55


  • X2 interface, 29

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