
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


acceptance criteria

writing, with BDD 204, 205

acquisition phase 101

activation phase 101

activity ratio 145

advanced testing, in environment

acceptance tests (behavior-driven development) 56

container, scanning 56

Dynamic application security testing (DAST) 55

functional testing 54, 55

IaC files, scanning 55, 56

load/performance testing 55

UI testing 54, 55

verification 54

Agile 4

emergence 5

Agile Manifesto 6

adjusting 33, 34

principles 6, 7

agile project management tools

planning with 49

Agile Release Train (ART) 15, 16, 31, 67, 154, 283

AI for IT Operations (AIOps) 281

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 53, 117, 278

Andon Cord 113

implementing, principles 113

APM Conceptual Framework 97

Application Configuration Management (ACM) 280

application performance monitoring 97

Application Programming Interface (API) 202

Architectural Enablers 162

ART, system team 63

assisting, with demos 63

end-to-end testing, setting up 63

infrastructure, building for solution development 63

release, facilitating 64

solution integration, spearheading 63

Atlassian cloud outage 112

lessons 112

automation 281

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) 56


batch sizes

cost 75

decreasing 73

decreasing, advantages 74-77

holding cost 75

transaction cost 75

behavior-driven development (BDD) 83, 202, 216, 218, 219

used, for writing acceptance criteria 204, 205

best practices, production recovery

chaos engineering 250

cross-team collaboration 249

fixing forward 251

immutable architecture 251

proactive detection 249

rollback 251

session replay 250

BizDevOps 275

blue/green deployment 232, 251

rolling back 124, 125

build-measure-learn cycle 190

bureaucratic culture 26

business case metrics 265

Business Plan Review (BPR) 29

business units (BUs) 31


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 111

challenges, product development 2-4

competition 3

customer needs 2

quality, ensuring 3

security and compliance 2

TTM pressures 2

chaos engineering 117

aspects 117

experiments, running 119-122

learning debrief, creating 121

principles 118, 119

cherry-picking 115

CI stage, Continuous Delivery pipeline

solution, developing 211, 212

classic value streams 40, 41

collaboration 281

communications lead 123

competency measurements, in SAFe

DevOps Health Radar 169

configuration management

releasing with 54

configuration management (CM) tools 9, 10, 116

Continuous Delivery Pipeline 18, 40, 68

value stream, running through 18, 19

continuous deployment 53

environment, monitoring 56

environments, configuring with infrastructure as code (IaC) 53, 54

releasing, with configuration management 54

releasing, with feature flags 54

Continuous Deployment automation 239

continuous deployment (CD) tools 10

continuous deployment, environment

alerting 57

log collection 57

performance, monitoring/reporting 56

Continuous Exploration (CE) 18

continuous integration (CI) 18, 50

changes, orchestrating 51

packaging, for deployment 52

quality, verifying 51

versus continuous delivery 50, 51

versus continuous deployment 50, 51

Continuous Integration automation 239

continuous integration (CI) tools 10

continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) 116

automated unit testing 226

building 221

practices, testing 225

static analysis for application security 226, 227

using, to roll forward 125

version control practices 222

continuous integration, quality

static analysis 52

unit tests (test-driven development 52

continuous learning 173, 174, 272

Continuous Security Monitoring (CSM) 262

Cost of Delay (CoD) 35, 205

factors 205

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) 213

crisis 274

Crystal method 6


bureaucratic culture 26

for organizational change 26-28

generative culture 26-28

pathological culture 26

Culture, Automation, Lean Flow, Measurement, and Recovery (CALMR) 16, 17

cumulative flow diagram 92

used, for measuring cycle time 94

used, for measuring throughput 95

used, for measuring WIP 93, 94

customer need pivot 193

customer segment pivot 193

customer value

canary release 257, 258

hypothesizing 190, 191

innovation accounting, measurement 192

MVP, building with 191

releases, decoupling by component architecture 256, 257

releasing 255, 256

cycle time 79

measuring, with cumulative flow diagram 94


dark launches 242, 243

dark launches, using feature flags

example 242

dashboard metrics 265

data artifacts types

performance 96

reliability 96

security 96

database administrators (DBAs) 62

DataOps 275, 276

data selection 281

data types

logs 96

metrics 96

traces 96

Definition of Done (DoD) 71

Definition of Ready (DoR) 71

deployment automation 238, 239

Deployment Management 280

development value streams 41, 42

audiences, finding 142

mapping 139

process and workflow, finding 139, 140

steps 140, 141

DevOps 8, 28, 283

emerging, trends 274

for organization 284

people and processes 12

platform engineering 279, 280

revolution model 278, 279

scaling, with Scaled Agile Framework 15

technologies 280

tools and technologies 9

XOps 275

DevOps Health Radar 169

DevOps journey

CI/CD pipeline, establishing 273

deployments, creating 274

environments, creating 274

learning 274

measuring 274

monitoring 274

right to pivot 274

tests, automating 273

value stream mapping workshop 272

value stream, working in small batch sizes 272

DevOps movement 14

aspects 157

DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics 157

DevOps toolchain 48, 49

code and documentation, creating 49, 50

planning, with agile project management tools 49

DevOps topologies 57, 58

advocacy team 61

as external service 59

as infrastructure as a service 59

container-driven collaboration 62

Dev and DBA collaboration 62

Dev and Ops collaboration 58

fully shared Ops responsibilities 58

SRE team 61

team, with expiration date 60

DevOps transformation canvas 147, 148

characteristics 147

DevSecOps 19, 275

fitting, into DevOps 284, 285

disaster recovery

elements 260

disaster recovery, measurement goal

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) 261

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) 261

disaster recovery, methods

Backup as a Service (BaaS) 262

backups 261

cold site 261

data center disaster recovery 262

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) 262

hot site 261

discourse 179

Domain-Specific Language (DSL) 219

specification 219

DORA KPI metrics 157

change failure rate 159

deployment frequency 158

lead time 158

mean time to repair 159

performance levels 159, 160

trends, emerging from State of DevOps report 160

dynamic application security testing (DAST) 55, 274


eight-step method, for driving transformation of culture 28

new changes, anchoring in culture 31

powerful coalition, guiding 29

sense of urgency, creating 28, 29

short-term wins, generating 30

vision, communicating 30

vision, creating 29

vision, enacting 30

wins, consolidating to drive change 30, 31

enablers 68

architectural 68

compliance 68

exploration 68

infrastructure 68

enabler stories 212

types 212

end-to-end testing 227

equivalent test environments 227

nonfunctional requirements, testing 231

service virtualization 229-231

test automation 227, 228

test data management 229

Environment Management 280

epic 193

error budget 114

espoused theory

versus theory in use 176

Essential SAFe configuration 283

Exploration Enablers 162

Extreme Programming (XP) 5, 214


feature flag management 244

use case 244

feature flags 10, 11, 242, 251

releasing with 54

rolling back 125

visibility, releasing with 54

Fit for Purpose (F4P) metrics 103

fitness criteria 103, 104

general health indicators 104

improvement drivers 104

net promoter score 105

vanity metrics 104

fixing forward 125, 251

Flow Framework® model 161

Flow Framework® model, Flow items

defect fixes 162

features 161

risk avoidance 162

technical debt reduction 162

types 161

Flow Framework® model, Flow Metrics 163

flow distribution® 165, 166

flow efficiency® 165

flow load® 164

flow time® 164

flow velocity® 163

Flow Metrics 161

Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing-Adjourning (FSNPA) model 85

full stack telemetry 96

application performance monitoring 97

infrastructure monitoring 97

log management 98, 99

network monitoring 98

observability 99

functional testing 54, 55

types 54

future development value stream

continuous improvement, checking 147

flow occurrence, checking 146

identifying 145, 146

process, fixing 146


Gemba walk 198

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2

generative culture 26-28

Git 9

GitOps 282

Global Product Development System (GPDS) 30

good measurements

creating 153, 154

Google HEART framework 102, 103

dimensions 102

Government Accountability Office (GAO) report 111

growth assumptions 265



setting up 123 110

fixing 111

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 3

Highest-Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO) 35

holding cost

versus transaction cost 75, 76


IaC files

scanning 55

iceberg model

event level 181

levels 181

mental model 181

pattern level 181

reference link 181

structure level 181

Improvement Kata 181

applying 181, 182

incident commander 122

incident command post 123

incident management roles 122

communications lead 123

incident commander 122

incident planning/logistics 123

operations lead 123

incident planning/logistics 123

incident state document 123

inference 281

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) 240, 274

used, for configuring environments 53, 54

Infrastructure Enablers 162

infrastructure monitoring 97

Infrastructure Orchestration 280

innovation accounting 99, 264

business case metrics 265

dashboard metrics 265

measurement 192

net present value 266

innovation accounting framework 100

Inspect and Adapt (I&A) 268

Internal Developer Platform (IDP) 280

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) 123

IT service management (ITSM) 57


Kaizen 7

Kanban 8

Kanban board 68

features 69

impediments, flagging 70

policies, for specifying exit criteria 71

urgent issues, flagging 70

workflow, specifying with additional columns 69

key performance indicators (KPIs) 147, 154

characteristics 155

setting up 154-157

Kingman’s Formula 79

actions 81, 82

effects 80-82

utilization 80, 81

variability 81, 82

Kingman’s Formula, variability

process buffers, setting up 82, 83

standard processes, establishing 83

known assets 262


launch coordination engineering (LCE) 116, 117

functions 116

lead time 143

Lean-Agile mindset 31

Lean flow

queueing theory, monitoring to enable 77

Lean Improvement Cycle

closing 182, 183

Lean manufacturing 7

principles 7

Lean User Experience (Lean UX) 198, 199

benefit hypothesis, constructing 199

evaluation 200

Minimum Marketable Feature, building 199

working on design, collaboratively 199

learning organization 173

characteristics 174

mental models 175

personal mastery 174, 175

shared vision 177-179

systems thinking 180, 181

team learning 179, 180

Left-Hand Column Analysis 176

Little’s Law 79

load/performance testing 55

log management 98, 99


Marketplace Lite (MPL) 111

mental models 175

espoused theory, versus theory in use 176

reflective practice 176

Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF) 199

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) 100, 167, 190, 267

building with 191

examples 191

mob programming 215

ModelOps 275-277

monitoring-as-a-service (MaaS) 57

MPEG audio Layer-3 (MP3) player 3

MVP feature

acceptance criteria 204

beneficiaries 204

benefit hypothesis 204


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 262

negative vision 178

net present value 266

Net Promoter Score (NPS) 155

Network Access Control (NAC) 98

network monitoring 98

Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) 18, 50, 162, 193

testing 245

Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) compliance, practices

designing for operations 220, 221

threat modeling 221


Obamacare 110

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) 155

example 155

observability 99

one-button deployment 241

operational value streams 41, 42

creating 136-138

solutions, finding 138, 139

operations lead 123


pair programming 214

patterns 214

pathological culture 26

pattern discovery 281

people and processes, DevOps 12

learning from failure 13

no fingerpointing 14

respect 12, 13

trust 13

Percent Complete and Accurate (%C&A) 272

persevere 267

personal mastery 174, 175

artifacts 174

pipelines 48, 49

PI planning

preparing 207, 208

pirate metrics 100, 166

acquisition phase 101

activation phase 101

referral phase 102

retention phase 101

revenue phase 102


avoiding 271

pivot 192, 193, 267

Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA) cycle 181

phases of activities 183

platform engineering 279, 280

reference link 280

primary market research 197, 198

process blocks 140

process step metrics 142

percent complete and accurate (%C&A) 143

process time and lead time 143

process time 143

product development 1

challenges 2-4

product development queues

versus product manufacturing queues 78

production environment

architecting for operations 263

Continuous Security Monitoring (CSM) 262

deploying 238

deployment frequency, increasing 238

failover and disaster recovery 260, 261

federated monitoring 247, 248

full-stack telemetry 246

monitoring 246

NFRs, testing 245

proactive response 249

production testing 243, 244

risk, reducing 241

site reliability engineering (SRE) 259, 260

solution, operating 259

solution, stabilizing 259

test automation 244

test data management 245

versus test environment 230

visual displays 246, 247

production failures

lessons 109, 110

production testing

advantages 243

Product Management (PM) 15, 33

Profit & Loss (P&L) 99

Program Backlog

features, prioritizing with WSJF 205-207

Program Increment (PI) 16, 33, 162

Program Predictability Measure (PPM) 167

project-based management

versus product-based management 83-86

project budget 84

project management

factors 84

project management collaboration 196

Agile teams 197

business owners 196

customers 196

product owners 197

system architects 196

project management, research activities 197

Gemba walks 198

Lean UX 198

primary market research 197, 198

secondary market research 198


queueing theory

monitoring 77

queueing theory, to enable Lean flow

elements 78-80


Recovery Point Objective (RPO) 261

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) 261

referral phase 102

reflective practice 176

regression testing 55

release engineering 115

principles 115, 116

Release on Demand 19

Release Train Engineer (RTE) 15, 38

retention phase 101

retrospective 182

Return on Investment (ROI) 35, 99

revenue phase 102

revolution model 278, 279

rogue assets 263

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) 280

rollback 251


SAFe® Lean Startup Cycle 193-195

SAFe House of Lean 32

foundation 33

pillars 32, 33

roof 32

sanity testing 55

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) 14, 283

adopting, to move to DevOps 283

competency, measuring 168

core values 34

DevOps, scaling with 15

flow, measuring 167, 168

implementation roadmap 132, 133

measurements 166

outcomes, measuring 166

principles 34-40

Scrum 6

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101

secondary market research 198

Secure Shell (SSH) 54

Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) 160

selective deployment 240, 241

self-service deployment 241

service-level agreements (SLAs) 113

service-level indicators (SLIs) 113, 114, 259

service-level objectives (SLOs) 113, 114, 259

parts 113

service virtualization 229

factors 229

session replay 250

benefits 250

set-based design (SBD) 36

shared metrics 11

shared vision 177-179

shifting left 215

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 113, 259

site reliability engineers (SREs) 61

smoke testing 55

Software as a Service (SaaS) 57, 100

software development life cycle (SDLC) 276

solution, architecting 200

operations, maintaining 202, 203

releasability 201

security, designing 201

security designing, practices 201

testability, ensuring 201, 202

solution delivery

blockers and bottlenecks 91

cycle time 90

lead time 90

measuring 89

measuring, with cumulative flow diagram 92

throughput 91

Work in Progress/Process (WIP) 90

solution development, CI stages 212-220

staging environment 231

static analysis 226

static code analysis 226

static security analysis 226

static application security testing (SAST) 226, 273

Statistical Process Controls (SPC) 276

Strangler pattern 202

Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) 160

swarming 215

synthetic monitoring 245

synthetic transactions 245

System Architect (SA) 15

system demo 232

systems thinking 180, 181


team learning 179, 180

technology-based DevOps trends

AIOps 281

GitOps 282

Test-Driven Development (TDD) 202, 216-218

test environment

versus production environment 230

testing pyramid 216


quadrants 228

text patterns 226

threats and vulnerabilities

cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities 263

data leaks 263

domain hijacking 263

leaked credentials 263

man-in-the-middle attacks 263

open TCP/UDP ports 263

poor email security 263

typosquatted domain 263


measuring, with cumulative flow diagram 95

time-to-market (TTM) 1, 2

Time to Restore Service 248

tools and technologies, DevOps 9

automated infrastructure 9

common version control 9, 10

feature flags 10, 11

IM robots, on shared channels 12

one button builds/deployment 10

shared metrics 11

total lead time 144

total process time 144

Toyota Production System (TPS) 7, 31

transaction cost

versus holding cost 75, 76


UI testing 54, 55

unit tests 226

unknown assets 263

User Experience (UX) 102, 199

User Interface (UI) 199

user interface/user experience (UI/UX) 50

utilization 80



benefit hypothesis, disproving 266

benefit hypothesis, proving 266

innovation accounting 264

measuring 264

value assumptions 265

value proposition

Fit for Purpose (F4P) metrics 103

Google HEART framework 102, 103

innovation accounting framework 100

measuring 99

pirate metrics 100

Value Stream management (VSM) 131

value stream metrics 144

activity ratio 145

rolled percent complete and accurate 145

total process and lead time 144

value streams 17, 40

classic value streams 40, 41

context for development, setting 133

development value streams 41, 42

funding 84

implementation roadmap 133

improvement areas, finding 142

mapping 17, 18

mapping session 268

operational value streams 41, 42

organizations mindset, aligning to 131, 132

outcomes, learning 266

pivot or persevere 267

relentless improvement 267

running, through Continuous Delivery pipeline 18, 19

value streams identification

customers perspective, with Gemba walks 135, 136

preparing for 134

scope, determining 134

team, creating 135

vanity metrics 100

accessible 100

actionable 100

auditable 100

vendor assets 263

Verification and Validation (V&V) 68

version control 220

practices 220

version control practices 222

CI of code 222, 223

gated commits 225

trunk-based development 224, 225

version control systems (VCS) 9

virtual assets 230

virtual machine (VM) 68

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 98


Waterfall method 4, 5

Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) 35, 203

used, for prioritizing Program Backlog features 205-207


categories 67, 68

synthesizing 203

Work in Progress/Process (WIP) 37, 71, 90

limiting 71-73

measuring, with cumulative flow diagram 93, 94

work synthesis

acceptance criteria, writing with BDD 204, 205

MVP feature, completing 203

PI planning, preparing 207, 208

Program Backlog features, prioritizing with WSJF 205-207


XOps 275

DataOps 275, 276

ModelOps 276, 277


zoom-in pivot 193

zoom-out pivot 193

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