
About This Book

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Chapter 1: An Overview of SAS Business Intelligence

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Features of the US Health-Care Industry

1.1.2 Public Insurance Programs

1.3 Data Used in This Book

1.4 SAS BI Solutions for the Health-Care Industry

1.5 Conceptual Architecture of SAS BI Platform

1.6 Physical Architecture of the SAS BI Platform

1.7 Types of SAS BI Tools

1.8 Seamless Integration between SAS BI Tools

1.9 SAS Metadata: The Glue That Holds It All Together

1.10 Features of the SAS BI Platform

1.11 Description of SAS BI Applications

1.12 Conclusion

Chapter 2: Creating SAS Stored Processes for the Finance Department

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Basic Stored Processes

2.2.1 Tabulating Charges by Dates of Service and Payment

2.2.2 Calculating Historical Ratio of Paid/Charged Amounts

2.2.3 Tracking Revenues, Costs, and Enrollment

2.3 Advanced Stored Processes

2.3.1 Creating a Stored Process with Linked Prompts

2.3.2 Chaining Stored Processes

2.4 Modifying a Stored Process

2.5 Creating Stored Processes with Complex Macro Programming

2.5.1 Multiple Values Selection in Prompt

2.5.2 All Possible Values Selection in Prompt

2.6 Conclusion

Chapter 3: SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office for the Business Analyst

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Running a SAS Stored Process

3.3 Querying Warehouse Data with SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

3.4 Analytical Tasks with SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

3.4.1 Generating Monthly Revenues with the Summary Tables Wizard

3.4.2 Using the Summary Tables Task

3.4.3 Using SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office Graph Task

3.5 Customizing the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

3.5.1 Presenting Results in the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

3.5.2 Scheduling and Sharing in SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

3.6 Conclusion

Chapter 4: Slicing and Dicing Data with OLAP Cubes

4.1 Introduction

4.2 OLAP Cube: Concepts and Definitions

4.3 Building a Cube with SAS OLAP Cube Studio

4.3.1 Creating a Cube Using the Cube Designer

4.3.2 Adding Calculated Items to the Cube

4.4 Using OLAP Cubes with SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

4.4.1 Essentials of the SAS OLAP Analyzer

4.4.2 Adding Measures and Moving Dimensions

4.4.3 Slicing and Dicing in the SAS OLAP Analyzer

4.4.4 Filtering and Slicing

4.4.5 Creating Computed Measures

4.4.6 Conditional Highlighting

4.4.7 Bookmarking a Customized Cube View

4.5 Conclusion

Chapter 5: Building a Data Bridge with SAS Information Map Studio

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Navigating SAS Information Map Studio

5.3 Creating an Information Map

5.3.1 Identifying External Tables

5.3.2 Joining Tables

5.3.3 Organizing Content in Folders

5.3.4 Setting Properties

5.3.5 Creating Computed Items

5.3.6 Creating Filters

5.3.7 Revisiting Data Item Properties

5.3.8 Features of the Hot Spotters Information Map

5.4 Maintaining and Updating an Information Map

5.5 Creating an Information Map with Prompted Linked Filters

5.6 Conclusion

Chapter 6: Effective Patient Management with SAS Web Report Studio

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Creating Population Lists

6.3 Application Architecture

6.4 The Basics of SAS Web Report Studio

6.4.1 Accessing SAS Web Report Studio

6.4.2 Creating a Summary Report

6.4.3 Working with Report Results

6.4.4 Saving a Report and Exporting Results

6.5 Creating Prompted Reports

6.5.1 Creating the Population List Report

6.5.2 Creating the Member Profile Report

6.6 Linking Reports

6.7 Conclusion

6.8 Notes

Chapter 7: Data Security and Dynamic Updates with SAS Information Map Studio

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Data Security in an Information Map

7.2.1 Restricting Access to Claims Data

7.2.2 Restricting Access to Medical Diagnoses

7.3 Dynamic Data Updates

7.4 Scheduling and Distributing a Report in SAS Web Report Studio

7.4.1 Distributing Reports Conditionally

7.5 Conclusion

Chapter 8: Advanced OLAP Applications in the Health-Care Industry

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Creating a Multipurpose Cube

8.2.1 Creating a Star Schema Cube in SAS OLAP Cube Studio

8.2.2 Building an OLAP Information Map

8.2.3 Creating Multi-Sectioned Reports in SAS Web Report Studio

8.3 Implementing OLAP Data Security via MDX

8.3.1 Fundamentals of OLAP Concepts and Terminology

8.3.2 Creating MDX Expressions with SAS Enterprise Guide

8.3.3 Restricting Data Access with MDX

8.4 Computing Health-Care Metrics in an OLAP Cube

8.4.1 Data Manipulation

8.4.1 Summary Data Sets

8.4.3 Creating an OLAP Cube from Summary Tables

8.5 Conclusion

Chapter 9: Creating Dashboards for the Health-Care Industry

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Elements of Effective Dashboards

9.3 SAS BI Tools for Dashboards

9.4 The Executive Dashboard

9.4.1 A First Look: Overall Dashboard Organization

9.4.2 A Quick Introduction to SAS BI Dashboard

9.4.3 Creating Indicators

9.4.4 Linking Indicators for an In-Depth Analysis

9.4.5 Putting It All Together in a SAS Dashboard0

9.4.6 Placing a Dashboard in SAS Information Delivery Portal

9.5 The Medical Management Dashboard

9.5.1 Overview of the Medical Management Dashboard

9.5.2 Understanding the Medical Management Dashboard’s Indicators

9.5.2 Using a Stored Process as a Data Source for Indicator Data

9.6 Conclusion


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