Implementing polymorphism

This leads us to our next OOP feature, polymorphism. What polymorphism allows us to do is to refer to an object through a pointer to its parent or base class. This may not seem powerful at first, but what this will allow us to do is essentially have our Game class need only to store a list of pointers to one type and any derived types can also be added to this list.

Let us take our GameObject and Player classes as examples, with an added derived class, Enemy. In our Game class we have an array of GameObject*:

std::vector<GameObject*> m_gameObjects;

We then declare four new objects, all of which are GameObject*:

GameObject* m_player;
GameObject* m_enemy1;
GameObject* m_enemy2;
GameObject* m_enemy3;

In our Game::init function we can then create instances of the objects using their individual types:

m_player = new Player();
m_enemy1 = new Enemy();
m_enemy2 = new Enemy();
m_enemy3 = new Enemy();

Now they can be pushed into the array of GameObject*:


The Game::draw function can now look something like this:

void Game::draw()
  for(std::vector<GameObject*>::size_type i = 0; i != 
  m_gameObjects.size(); i++) 

Notice that we are looping through all of our objects and calling the draw function. The loop does not care that some of our objects are actually Player or Enemy; it handles them in the same manner. We are accessing them through a pointer to their base class. So, to add a new type, it simply needs to be derived from GameObject, and the Game class can handle it.

  • So let's implement this for real in our framework. First we need a base class; we will stick with GameObject. We will have to make some changes to the class so that we can use it as a base class:
    class GameObject
      virtual void load(int x, int y, int width, int height, 
      std::string textureID);
      virtual void draw(SDL_Renderer* pRenderer);
      virtual void update();
      virtual void clean();
      std::string m_textureID;
      int m_currentFrame;
      int m_currentRow;
      int m_x;
      int m_y;
      int m_width;
      int m_height;

Notice that we have now prefixed our functions with the virtual keyword. The virtual keyword means that when calling this function through a pointer, it uses the definition from the type of the object itself, not the type of its pointer:

void Game::draw()
  for(std::vector<GameObject*>::size_type i = 0; i != 
  m_gameObjects.size(); i++) 

In other words, this function would always call the draw function contained in GameObject, neither Player nor Enemy. We would never have the overridden behavior that we want. The virtual keyword would ensure that the Player and Enemy draw functions are called.

Now we have a base class, so let's go ahead and try it out in our Game class. We will start by declaring the objects in the Game header file:

GameObject* m_go;
GameObject* m_player;

Now declare along with our GameObject* array:

std::vector<GameObject*> m_gameObjects;

Now create and load the objects in the init function, then push them into the array:

m_go = new GameObject();
m_player = new Player();

m_go->load(100, 100, 128, 82, "animate");
m_player->load(300, 300, 128, 82, "animate");


So far, so good; we can now create a loop that will draw our objects and another that will update them. Now let's look at the render and update functions:

void Game::render()

  SDL_RenderClear(m_pRenderer); // clear to the draw colour

  // loop through our objects and draw them
  for(std::vector<GameObject*>::size_type i = 0; i != 
  m_gameObjects.size(); i++)

  SDL_RenderPresent(m_pRenderer); // draw to the screen


void Game::update()
  // loop through and update our objects
  for(std::vector<GameObject*>::size_type i = 0; i != 
  m_gameObjects.size(); i++)

As you can see, this is a lot tidier and also much easier to manage. Let us derive one more class from GameObject just so that we nail this concept down. Create a new class called Enemy:

class Enemy : public GameObject

  void load(int x, int y, int width, int height, std::string 
  void draw(SDL_Renderer* pRenderer);
  void update();
  void clean();

We will define the functions of this class the same as Player with only the update function as an exception:

void Enemy::update()
  m_y += 1;
  m_x += 1;
  m_currentFrame = int(((SDL_GetTicks() / 100) % 6));

Now let's add it to the game. First, we declare it as follows:

GameObject* m_enemy;

Then create, load, and add to the array:

m_enemy = new Enemy();
m_enemy->load(0, 0, 128, 82, "animate");

We have just added a new type and it was extremely quick and simple. Run the game to see our three objects, each with their own different behavior.

Implementing polymorphism

We have covered a lot here and have a really nice system for handling our game objects, yet we still have an issue. There is nothing stopping us from deriving a class without the update or draw functions that we are using here, or even declaring a different function and putting the update code in there. It is unlikely that we, as the developers, would make this mistake, but others using the framework may. What we would like is the ability to force our derived classes to have their own implementation of a function we decide upon, creating something of a blueprint that we want all of our game objects to follow. We can achieve this through the use of an abstract base class.

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