Fitting the factory into the framework

With our factory now in place, we can start altering our GameObject classes to use it. Our first step is to ensure that we have a Creator class for each of our objects. Here is one for Player:

class PlayerCreator : public BaseCreator
  GameObject* createGameObject() const
    return new Player();

This can be added to the bottom of the Player.h file. Any object we want the factory to create must have its own Creator implementation. Another addition we must make is to move LoaderParams from the constructor to their own function called load. This stops the need for us to pass the LoaderParams object to the factory itself. We will put the load function into the GameObject base class, as we want every object to have one.

class GameObject

  virtual void draw()=0;
  virtual void update()=0;
  virtual void clean()=0;

  // new load function 
  virtual void load(const LoaderParams* pParams)=0;


  GameObject() {}
  virtual ~GameObject() {}

Each of our derived classes will now need to implement this load function. The SDLGameObject class will now look like this:

SDLGameObject::SDLGameObject() : GameObject()

voidSDLGameObject::load(const LoaderParams *pParams)
  m_position = Vector2D(pParams->getX(),pParams->getY());
  m_velocity = Vector2D(0,0);
  m_acceleration = Vector2D(0,0);
  m_width = pParams->getWidth();
  m_height = pParams->getHeight();
  m_textureID = pParams->getTextureID();
  m_currentRow = 1;
  m_currentFrame = 1;
  m_numFrames = pParams->getNumFrames();

Our objects that derive from SDLGameObject can use this load function as well; for example, here is the Player::load function:

Player::Player() : SDLGameObject()


void Player::load(const LoaderParams *pParams)

This may seem a bit pointless but it actually saves us having to pass through LoaderParams everywhere. Without it, we would need to pass LoaderParams through the factory's create function which would then in turn pass it through to the Creator object. We have eliminated the need for this by having a specific function that handles parsing our loading values. This will make more sense once we start parsing our states from a file.

We have another issue which needs rectifying; we have two classes with extra parameters in their constructors (MenuButton and AnimatedGraphic). Both classes take an extra parameter as well as LoaderParams. To combat this we will add these values to LoaderParams and give them default values.

LoaderParams(int x, int y, int width, int height, std::string textureID, int numFrames, int callbackID = 0, int animSpeed = 0) :


In other words, if the parameter is not passed in, then the default values will be used (0 in both cases). Rather than passing in a function pointer as MenuButton did, we are using callbackID to decide which callback function to use within a state. We can now start using our factory and parsing our states from an XML file.

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