Getting familiar with the Tiled application

Tiled is a very user-friendly application that can greatly speed up our development time. Once you have downloaded and installed the application, open it up and you will be presented with the user interface as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting familiar with the Tiled application

On the right-hand side we have the Layers and Tilesets views; the left-hand side will contain our tile map. First we must create a new map, this can be done by navigating to File | New… or Ctrl + N. This brings up the new map dialog as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting familiar with the Tiled application

Here we can define the size and type of our map. We are only going to use orthogonal tile maps (as opposed to isometric), so go ahead and create an orthogonal tile map that is 20 tiles wide and 15 tiles high, with tile width and height both set to 32 px. We can now see our tile map in the left-hand side of the UI (Ctrl + G will show the grid). Tiled will also automatically create a layer for us called Tile Layer 1 (Visible in the Layers view on the right-hand side) as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting familiar with the Tiled application

We are not going to deal with any terrain so we can turn off that tab by navigating to View | Terrains and unchecking. Save this map as map1.tmx in the same location as the rest of our game assets. If you open this file you will see that it is actually just an XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map version="1.0" orientation="orthogonal" width="20" height="15" tilewidth="32" tileheight="32">
    <layer name="Tile Layer 1" width="20" height="15">
        <data encoding="base64" compression="zlib">

This should all look very familiar. Tiled has a few different compression algorithms that can be used to store the tile IDs of our maps. The preceding file uses the zlib compression algorithm along with base64 encoding which, as you can see, gives great results:

<data encoding="base64" compression="zlib">

If we compare the same map with base64 encoding and no compression, we can see that the extra work needed to decompress and parse the zlib compression is definitely worth it. Here is the uncompressed map:


We will cover this in more depth once we start parsing the tile maps, but for now let's look at adding a tileset. Navigate to Map | New Tileset… and it will bring up a new Tileset dialog as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting familiar with the Tiled application

The tileset we will start with is blocks1.png as shown in the following screenshot, available in the source downloads.

Getting familiar with the Tiled application

Copy the image to the game assets location and then we can browse to it in the New Tileset dialog. This tileset has a 2 pixel wide margin around the outside and 2 pixel spacing between each tile; each tile is 32 x 32 pixels. Once these values are set, click on OK and the tileset will appear in the Tilesets view to the right-hand side. We can now start to build our map using the provided tools as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting familiar with the Tiled application

The red highlights are our bread-and-butter tools. The stamp tool adds the selected tile from the tileset to the given location, the paint bucket fills an area with a selected tile from the tileset, and the eraser tool, of course, erases. We can select tiles from the tileset one at a time or many at a time, as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting familiar with the Tiled application

Go ahead and get acquainted with these tools by building a simple map. Once the map is saved we will see that the tileset has been added to the map file:

<tileset firstgid="1" name="blocks1" tilewidth="32" tileheight="32" spacing="2" margin="2">
  <image source="assets/blocks1.png" width="614" height="376"/>

The firstgid attribute is the first tile ID that uses this tileset. If we were to have more than one tileset, it would come with its own firstgid attribute so that we knew which tile IDs to start associating with that tileset; again, we will cover this in greater detail when we come to parse our maps. Add another tileset, blocks2.png (also available in the source code downloads), to our map and we shall move into drawing it in our game.

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