4.3. Upgrading to SQL Server 2008

Depending on the environment, the upgrade to SQL Server 2008 can be complex, particularly when technologies such as replication and clustering are involved. In this section, rather than attempt to cover all of the possible upgrade issues, I've aimed for the more modest task of providing you with an insight into the various upgrade techniques.

SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Technical Reference Guide

As with installation, upgrading to SQL Server 2008 requires considerable planning and preparation. Microsoft recently released the SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Technical Reference Guide. Weighing in at 490 pages and available for free download from the Microsoft website, this guide is essential reading as part of any upgrade project and contains important information on best practices and specific advice for various upgrade scenarios.

Depending on the availability of spare hardware and the allowed downtime, you can choose one of two upgrade techniques. The first is known as an in-place upgrade, in which an entire instance of SQL Server 2000 or 2005 along with all of its databases are upgraded in one action. Alternatively, you can use the side-by-side technique, in which individual databases can be migrated one at a time for more control. Both of these techniques have their advantages and disadvantages, as you'll see shortly.

Before we look at the details of in-place versus side-by-side, let's discuss the importance of analyzing the target database/instance before upgrading by using SQL Server's Upgrade Advisor tool.

4.3.1. Upgrade Advisor

Each new version of SQL Server contains behavioral changes, some major, some minor. In any case, even small, subtle changes can significantly impact application behavior. Regardless of the upgrade technique, a crucial step in preparing for an upgrade to SQL Server 2008 is to analyze the upgrade target and determine whether any issues require attention. Together with the appropriate upgrade technique, such analysis is essential in minimizing unexpected issues, making the upgrade process as smooth as possible.

SQL Server 2008, like 2005, includes an Upgrade Advisor tool, which you can use to examine existing 2000 and/or 2005 instances to determine whether any issues will prevent an upgrade from completing (blocking issues) or backward-compatibility issues that may lead to application failure after the upgrade. The Upgrade Advisor tool (which you access from the Planning menu of the SQL Server Installation Center as shown in figure 4.2) can be used to examine all SQL Server components, including Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Integration Services, and the core database engine itself.

The Upgrade Advisor has two main components: an analysis wizard and a report viewer. Use the wizard to select an upgrade target (SQL Server components, instances, and databases) and begin the analysis. Once complete, the report viewer can be used to view the details of the analysis, as shown in figure 4.10.

Like the 2005 version, the Upgrade Advisor tool can analyze trace files and Transact-SQL (T-SQL) scripts. You perform this analysis as a proactive measure to identify possible issues with application-generated data access code or T-SQL scripts, such as backup scripts used in scheduled maintenance plans.

Figure 4.10. The Upgrade Advisor wizard lets you inspect a SQL Server 2000 or 2005 instance before upgrading to detect issues requiring attention.

Running the Upgrade Advisor produces a list of tasks that fall into two categories: those that must be completed before an upgrade can be performed, and those for attention once the upgrade is complete. Rather than list all of the possible post-upgrade tasks, here are the recommended ones for the core database engine:

  • Compatibility level check—Post-upgrade, the compatibility level of the database is left at the pre-upgrade version. Although this is advantageous in minimizing the possibility of applications breaking due to the use of older language syntax that's no longer compatible with SQL Server 2008, some new functionality and performance optimizations won't be available until the new compatibility level is applied. Leaving an upgraded database at a previous compatibility level should be seen as an interim migration aid, with application code updated as soon as possible after installation. You can change the compatibility level of an upgraded database using the sp_dbcmptlevel stored procedure, or via the database properties in Management Studio, as shown in figure 4.11.

  • Max Worker Threads—If you're upgrading from SQL Server 2000, the Max Worker Threads setting, covered in chapter 7, is kept at the default value of 255. After the upgrade, change this value to 0, which allows SQL Server to determine the appropriate value based on the number and type of CPUs available to the instance.

  • Statistics update—Although SQL Server 2008 can work with statistics generated from earlier versions, I recommend you perform a full statistics update to take advantage of the query optimizer improvements in SQL Server 2008. Chapter 13 will discuss statistics in more detail.

Figure 4.11. After you upgrade, the compatibility level of a database should be set to SQL Server 2008, once testing has confirmed the absence of any unexpected problems.

  • Configuration check—Like 2005, SQL Server 2008 complies with the secure by default installation mode, whereby certain features are disabled upon installation. We'll cover these issues in chapter 6. Depending on the installation, certain required features may need to be manually enabled postinstallation.

  • DBCC UPDATEUSAGE—Databases upgraded from SQL Server 2000 may report incorrect results when using the sp_spaceused procedure. Running the UPDATEUSAGE command will update the catalog views used by this procedure, thus fixing this inaccuracy.

Before looking at the upgrade methods, note that regardless of the method you choose, performing a test upgrade is crucial in identifying possible issues. Test upgrades provide an opportunity to

  • Determine the length of the upgrade process, crucial in planning downtime for the real upgrade.

  • Determine application behavior after the upgrade. This will allow you to set the database compatibility level to SQL Server 2008 and ensure applications work as expected.

  • Performance-test applications on the upgraded database. If performance is poor, a test upgrade provides a chance of investigating the reasons prior to the production upgrade.

  • Last but not least, complex upgrades involving components such as replication are certainly not something you want to be doing the first time in production!

So, with these points in mind, let's take a look at the two upgrade methods, starting with the in-place method.

4.3.2. In-place upgrade

The in-place upgrade method upgrades an instance, and all of its databases, in a single irreversible action. For simple, small database instances, it provides the easiest and quickest upgrade method and has the following additional benefits:

  • Applications connecting to any of the databases don't need modification. The instance name remains the same (if upgrading from a named instance), so no connection strings need to be changed.

  • No additional hardware is required. The instance executables and data are changed in place.

Despite these benefits, there are some significant downsides to this method, making it unsuitable for a range of scenarios:

  • All of the instance's databases have to be upgraded at once. There's no option to upgrade only some. If one of the databases (or its applications) needs modification before upgrading, then all of the other instance databases will have to wait before the upgrade can proceed.

  • A failed upgrade, or one that produces unexpected results, can't be rolled back, short of running up new hardware and restoring old backup files, or using a virtualization snapshot rollback process.

Because the rollback options are limited with this method, it's critical that you complete a full backup and DBCC check on all databases before beginning the upgrade. If database activity occurs after the full backup, make transaction log backups immediately prior to the upgrade.

To begin the in-place upgrade, select Upgrade from SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 from the Installation menu of the SQL Server Installation Center.

For greater control of the upgrade process, you can choose one of several side-by-side upgrade methods.

4.3.3. Side-by-side upgrade

In contrast to an in-place upgrade, which upgrades all databases for a given instance, a side-by-side upgrade is a per database method:

  1. A SQL Server 2008 instance is installed as a new installation (compared to an upgrade). The new instance can be installed on either the same server as the instance to be upgraded (legacy instance), or on a new server.

  2. Each database to be upgraded is migrated from the legacy instance to the new 2008 instance, using one of several methods I'll describe shortly. Databases are migrated individually on their own schedule, and possibly to different destination servers.

  3. Once the new 2008 instance is up and running, the legacy instance is decommissioned, or retained in an offline state for rollback purposes if required.

The side-by-side upgrade method offers several advantages over the in-place method. The major advantage is that if something goes wrong with the upgrade, or unexpected results render the upgrade a failure, the legacy instance is still available and unchanged for rollback purposes. Further, the upgrade is granular; individual databases can be migrated with others remaining on the original server, migrated to a different server, or migrated at a later point.

Disadvantages and complexities of this method when compared to the in-place method are as follows:

  • Application connection strings will need to be modified to point to the new instance name.

  • Security settings, maintenance plans, and SQL Server Agent jobs will need to be re-created on the new 2008 instance, either manually or from a script.

  • If the new 2008 instance is on the same server as the legacy instance, the capacity of the server to run both instances in parallel must be taken into account. A possible workaround for this issue is to limit the resources of one of the instances, such as the maximum memory and CPU affinity, for the period of time that both are actively running.

  • Downtime is typically longer than for an in-place method; there are several techniques used to limit this, as you'll learn in a moment.

Side-by-side upgrades are often scheduled for the same time as server replacements—that is, the new server is purchased, installed, configured, and loaded with a new instance of SQL Server 2008, and databases are migrated from the legacy instance. At the completion of this process, the legacy server is decommissioned, cycled back to lower environments, or used for other purposes.

The method used to migrate databases as part of a side-by-side upgrade is an important consideration in determining the rollback and downtime implications for the upgrade, particularly for larger databases. Let's walk through the major methods used, beginning with backup/restore.


The backup/restore method is straightforward and keeps the original database in place for rollback purposes. A full database backup is made on the legacy database and restored to the new SQL Server 2008 instance. As part of the restore process, SQL Server will upgrade the internal structures of the database as necessary.

A variation on this approach involves filegroup backups and piecemeal restores. These topics will be discussed in more detail in chapters 9 and 10, but essentially this involves backup and restore of the legacy database's primary filegroup to the new 2008 instance. After this, the database is online and available on the new 2008 instance, after which individual filegroups can be backed up and restored using a piecemeal approach in priority order.


The attach/detach method involves detaching the legacy database and attaching to the new 2008 instance. Similar to a restore, SQL Server will upgrade the internal structure as part of the attach process. To keep the original database available for rollback, you can copy the database files to the new server before attaching them to the new 2008 instance. After the copy is complete, the database can be reattached to the legacy instance for rollback purposes if required.

Transaction log backup/restore

Depending on the size of the database to be migrated, the time involved in copying either the data files or backup files in the previous two methods may exceed the downtime targets. For example, if the backup file was hundreds of gigabytes and had to be copied over a slow network link, the copy could take many hours to complete. To reduce downtime, a third method can be used involving transaction log backups. This method is similar to setting up log shipping (covered in chapter 11) and involves these steps:

  1. A full database backup of the legacy database is taken and copied to the new SQL Server 2008 instance. The legacy database remains online and in use throughout the copy process.

  2. The legacy database is restored on the new 2008 instance WITH NORECOVERY (full details provided in chapter 10).

  3. Finally, at the moment of migration, users are disconnected from the legacy database, and a transaction log backup is made and copied to the 2008 instance.

  4. The transaction log backup is restored WITH RECOVERY.

  5. At this point, application connection strings are redirected to the 2008 instance and users are reconnected.

There are several variations of this method. If the transaction rate is very high, the size of the transaction log backup in step 3 may be very large; if so, regular transaction log backups can be made leading up to this step, reducing the size (and therefore copy time) of the final transaction log backup. If using this method, restore all but the last of the transaction log backups WITH NORECOVERY.

Transactional replication

This method is similar to the transaction log backup/restore but involves replication:

  1. Transactional replication is set up from the legacy instance to the new 2008 instance.

  2. At the moment of migration, replication is stopped and applications are redirected to the new 2008 instance.

  3. Optionally, replication can then be set up in the reverse direction to support a rollback scenario—that is, data entered on the new 2008 instance post-migration is copied to the legacy database instance to prevent data loss in the event of a rollback.

Other techniques

Other migration techniques include using the Copy Database wizard (in Management Studio, right-click a database and choose Tasks > Copy Database) and manually creating the database on the new 2008 instance from script and performing bulk copy operations.

Table 4.1 compares the attributes of the various upgrade techniques.

Table 4.1. Upgrade options compared
Upgrade techniqueComplexityRollback optionsApp reconfigDowntime
—Filegroup restoreMediumYesYesModerate
—T-Log backup/restoreMediumYesYesLowest
—Transaction replicationHighestYesYesLowest

The side-by-side upgrade method offers much more flexibility and granularity than the all-or-nothing in-place approach. In all cases, regardless of the upgrade method, planning is crucial for a successful upgrade. The same is true for the installation of service packs, our next topic.

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