6.5. Data encryption

SQL Server 2005 introduced the ability to encrypt data at rest, meaning data stored within the database itself. Known as cell-level encryption, this was a welcome addition to the other encryption features in earlier versions that allowed encryption of data in transit, such as network encryption with SSL.

Figure 6.14. Output from the cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_Production_Product Change Data Capture function

While cell-level encryption is a valuable enhancement, it requires changes to both applications and database schema to work. Most notably, the columns chosen for encryption have to be changed to the varbinary data type, and encrypted data is read and written with functions, requiring changes to application code, stored procedures, or both.

As a result, cell-level encryption in SQL Server 2005 is typically used in limited situations and for specific data, such as credit card details or passwords. What's missing is a way of encrypting everything without requiring any database schema or application changes. Enter SQL Server 2008 and Transparent Data Encryption.

6.5.1. Transparent Data Encryption

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) allows us to encrypt the entire database without requiring any changes to the structure of the database or the applications that access it. It protects the database in situations where someone breaches physical and login security and obtains access to the .mdf (data) files or .bak (backup) files. Without TDE or another third-party encryption solution, the files could be taken offsite and attached or restored.

Later in this section we'll look at some of the restrictions of TDE that may limit its usefulness in certain situations. For the moment, though, let's take a look at implementing TDE with T-SQL scripts.

Encrypting a database

The first step in implementing TDE is in creating a master key. Intended to protect the private keys of certificates and other keys, the master key is created as a symmetric key using the Triple DES algorithm along with a password supplied by the user creating it:

-- Create a Master Key

Next, we create a certificate, used to protect the database encryption key, which we'll create shortly:

-- Create a Certificate
CREATE CERTIFICATE tdeCertificate WITH SUBJECT = 'TDE Certificate';

At this point, it's crucial that we back up the certificate. When a TDE-encrypted database is backed up, the backup itself is encrypted. If we want to restore an encrypted database to another server, the certificate used to encrypt the database needs to be loaded to the other server to enable the database to be restored. Further, should we suffer a catastrophic server failure, the newly installed server will also require the certificate in order to restore the database.

The certificate backup should be stored in a secure location, and ideally separated from both the database backups and private key backup. We can back up the certificate and private key as follows:

-- Backup the certificate
-- Required if restoring encrypted databases to another server
-- Also required for server rebuild scenarios
BACKUP CERTIFICATE tdeCertificate TO FILE = 'g:cert	deCertificate.backup'
WITH PRIVATE KEY (FILE = 'e:cert	deCertificatePrivateKey.backup',

Now, let's change focus from the master database to the database we want to encrypt (AdventureWorks in this example) and create the database encryption key (DEK), used for encrypting the database with Transparent Data Encryption:

-- Create a Database Encryption Key
USE [AdventureWorks2008]

In this example, we used the AES encryption algorithm with a 128-bit key. In addition, 192- and 256-bit keys are supported, as well as Triple DES. Now that we've created our DEK, we can encrypt the database:

-- Encrypt the database using Transparent Database Encryption (TDE)
-- Encryption will proceed as a background task
-- Use the sys.dm_database_encryption_keys DMV to check progress
ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorks2008]

The encryption process will now start as a background task. During this time, some functions, such as modifying the database files and detaching the database, won't be available. The sys.dm_database_encryption_keys Dynamic Management View (DMV), fully described in BOL, can be used to inspect the progress of the encryption process.

Finally, earlier we discussed the need to back up the certificate for recovery purposes and to enable encrypted databases to be restored to another server. Attempting to restore a backup of a TDE-encrypted database to another server that doesn't have the appropriate certificate installed will result in failure of the restore process, resulting in an error like that shown in figure 6.15.

Let's take a quick look at the process of restoring a certificate on another server in preparation for restoring an encrypted database:

-- Create the Master Key if it doesn't already exist

Figure 6.15. Restoring a TDE-encrypted database on a server without the appropriate certificate will fail.


-- Restore the Certificate
FROM FILE = ' g:cert	deCertificate.backup'
WITH PRIVATE KEY (FILE = 'e:cert	deCertificatePrivateKey.backup'
, DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'jjKiid_%%4-9'),

Now that the certificate is loaded on the new server, we can successfully restore backups of the TDE-encrypted database.

Despite the clear advantages of Transparent Data Encryption, there are a number of restrictions to be aware of.

TDE restrictions

The key restrictions of TDE are summarized as follows:

  • While data at rest is encrypted, data transmitted over the network is not, and as we saw earlier in the chapter, we can use SSL or IPSec to achieve this.

  • TDE decrypts data as it's read into memory, meaning that if a person or process is able to access the memory contents of the server, the data could potentially be accessed in an unencrypted form.

  • While the CPU overhead of TDE is moderate (Microsoft estimates a 3- to 5-percent overhead), it's a consideration nonetheless for systems close to CPU capacity. In large databases with only a small percentage of sensitive data, cell-level encryption (discussed shortly) may present a better alternative,

  • The tempdb database will be automatically encrypted on a SQL Server instance in which any of the databases are encrypted with TDE. This is an important consideration in instances in which there are one or more databases that make heavy use of the tempdb database.

  • FileStream data, covered in chapter 9, can't be encrypted with TDE. For a TDE-encrypted database containing sensitive FileStream data, consider alternate means of securing such data.

  • The new backup compression feature in SQL Server 2008 (covered in chapter 10) has minimal effects on databases encrypted with TDE, with a very low compression yield. For this reason, enabling backup compression on TDE-encrypted databases isn't recommended.

With these restrictions in mind, cell-level encryption may prove to be a better alternative in particular cases.

6.5.2. Cell-level encryption

Typically, only certain parts of a database are sensitive enough to require encryption. Cell-level encryption, first introduced in SQL Server 2005, offers a more granular level of encryption compared to TDE, and for custom-written applications the additional work required in altering application code and database schema may be quite manageable.

Although data encrypted with cell-level encryption is still transmitted over the network in an unencrypted form, it avoids some of the restrictions of TDE, such as the impact on tempdb, and depending on the volume of data encrypted, may yield a much better backup compression ratio compared to that of a TDE-encrypted database. A further benefit of cell-level encryption is that the encrypted data remains encrypted until required and explicitly decrypted. As we mentioned earlier, one of the restrictions of TDE is that data is stored in an unencrypted form in memory, leaving it susceptible to inspection.

It's beyond the scope of this book to look at the process of establishing cell-level encryption, but the important thing to bear in mind is that depending on the database, it may present a better alternative to Transparent Data Encryption.

In the final section of this chapter, let's take a look at protecting the database from SQL injection attacks.

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