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G. FritcheySQL Server 2022 Query Performance Tuninghttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8891-7_12

12. Dealing with Index Fragmentation

Grant Fritchey1  
Grafton, MA, USA

As people work with the data in your databases, they make changes. They may be inserting new information, deleting information they no longer need, or modifying other information, or all of the above. As the data changes, these changes directly affect your indexes, both rowstore and columnstore, albeit in different ways. For your rowstore indexes, the acts of modifying the data can lead to page splits, pages getting rearranged, and pages getting emptied, all summed up in a term called fragmentation. In your columnstore indexes, you’re not dealing with the same kind of fragmentation, but you are dealing with the deltastore, marking data that has been deleted, or keeping updated and inserted data ready for when it gets pivoted and compressed. Fragmentation can, in some circumstances, lead to performance degradation. Unfortunately, fixing fragmentation can also lead to performance degradation.

In this chapter, I cover the following topics:
  • The causes of rowstore index fragmentation

  • The causes of columnstore index fragmentation

  • An explanation of fragmentation’s impact on performance

  • How to analyze the amount of fragmentation on rowstore and columnstore indexes

  • Techniques to resolve fragmentation

  • The significance of fill factor in controlling fragmentation in rowstore indexes

  • Automation techniques for fragmentation

Causes of Rowstore Fragmentation

Making changes to the data in a database can lead to index fragmentation. Adding or removing a row, through INSERT or DELETE operations, leads to changes in the clustered and nonclustered indexes on the table. UPDATES can also lead to fragmentation. We’ll discuss the various mechanisms for rowstore fragmentation here and will address columnstore fragmentation in the next section.

How Fragmentation Occurs in Rowstore Indexes

The key to understanding fragmentation goes right back to understanding how indexes store data. Everything goes on a page, fixed in size to 8k. Removing data from a page leaves gaps. Adding data to a page that is full results in the need for a new page. Modifying data in a page that is full can also lead to the need for a new page. As new pages get added to the index, they’re not necessarily next to the existing pages on the disk. Logically, the data will absolutely maintain the correct order as defined by the index key. However, the physical order and logical order may not be in any way related.

Let’s take a simplified approach and talk about an index with nine key values. Let’s also simplify our page structure and say, just for this explanation, instead of 8k worth of information, we can only store four rows on a page. The pages in an index are in a doubly linked list, as explained in Chapter 9. Figure 12-1 shows the layout of our imaginary index.

A diagram of an index has a row of 3 bars with 4 blocks each, with the bars linked by clockwise arrows. The 4 blocks in bar 1 contain the numbers 10 to 40, bar 2, 50 to 80, and bar 3 has 90, with the last 3 blocks empty.

Figure 12-1

Leaf pages in order

If someone comes along and adds a piece of data with a value of 25, it has to go between 20 and 30 on the first page of the index. There is no room, so a new page must be allocated. This is a process referred to as a page split, since the contents of the page are split. Half will remain on the existing page, and half will move to a new page. Rather than going to the trouble of completely reordering all the pages on the index so that the logical and physical order match, the new page is just added at the end so that now our index is laid out like Figure 12-2.

A diagram of an index has a row of 4 bars with 4 blocks each, with bar 1 to 4 linked by rightward arrows, and bar 4 to 2 and 3, by leftward arrows.

Figure 12-2

Leaf pages out of order

SQL Server actually groups the pages, eight at a time, into a storage unit called an extent. Instead of allocating single pages, in order to help with things just like this, an eight-page extent gets allocated. When an index first gets created, most of a given range in the index will be on a single extent. There will be little extent switching. However, as Figure 12-3 shows, when our new page was allocated, it was placed in a second extent.

A diagram of an index has a row of 4 bars with 4 blocks each, with bar 1 to 4 linked by rightward arrows, bar 4 to 2 and 3, by leftward arrows, and bars 2 and 3 by clockwise arrows.

Figure 12-3

Pages distributed across extents

Fragmentation of the pages across extents as shown here is called external fragmentation. The fragmentation, free space, left by page splits or deletes, inside of a page, is called internal fragmentation. Both types of fragmentation can lead to poor performance.

To understand this, let’s imagine a query that retrieves all the values between 25 and 90. There will be three extent switches as follows:
  • The extent is switched to get the value 30 after the value 25.

  • The extent switches back to get the value of 50 after the value of 40.

  • Finally, another extent switch occurs to get the value of 90.

Interestingly enough, free space on the pages can help in a highly transactional system. In our example index, if the value of 26 was added, it can go right on the page next to 25.

All of this is exacerbated when we talk about tables that are stored as heaps. The fragmentation is exactly the same. However, when you decide to use the ALTER TABLE REBUILD command to eliminate fragmentation, you cause a major problem. Since any nonclustered indexes on the heap tables must point to the physical location of the data through the row identifier (RID), when the pages are rearranged to remove fragmentation, the nonclustered indexes must also be completely rebuilt in order to obtain the RID of the new location.

Enough theory. Let’s explore page splits and fragmentation through physical examples.

Page Split from an UPDATE Statement

I’m going to build a table and add data to it in order to set things up for a page split. All the data from Listing 12-1 fits on a single page.
CREATE TABLE dbo.SplitTest
    C1 INT,
    C2 CHAR(999),
    C3 VARCHAR(10)
INSERT INTO dbo.SplitTest
(100, 'C2', ''),
(200, 'C2', ''),
(300, 'C2', ''),
(400, 'C2', ''),
(500, 'C2', ''),
(600, 'C2', ''),
(700, 'C2', ''),
(800, 'C2', '');
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX iClustered ON dbo.SplitTest (C1);
Listing 12-1

Creating a table in support of a page split

Since all the data is stored at the leaf level of a clustered index, the average size of a row (excluding internal overhead) is the combined average of the key columns and the data columns. If we wanted to express this mathematically for our table, SplitTest, it would look like this:
(Average size of [C1]) + (Average size of [C2]) + (Average size of [C3]) bytes = (Size of INT) + (Size of CHAR(999)) + (Average size of data in [C3]) bytes
4 + 999 + 0 = 1,003 bytes
The maximum size of a row in SQL Server is 8,060 bytes. All eight rows will fit on that single page. We can even query the index to see how it is laid out using sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats as shown in Listing 12-2.
SELECT ddips.avg_fragmentation_in_percent,
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID('AdventureWorks'), OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.SplitTest'), NULL, NULL, 'Sampled') AS ddips;
Listing 12-2

Querying the index to get its physical layout

The results of this query are here in Figure 12-4.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes. The row entries are 0, 1, 1,100, 8, and 1010, where the first entry is highlighted.

Figure 12-4

Physical attributes of the index iClustered

Our estimations have been born out. There is a single page in the page_count column. Our fragmentation is shown in avg_fragmentation_in_percent, and it’s zero. We’ve used 100% of the space as shown in avg_page_space_used_in_percent. That last piece of information is the most interesting. If I now run Listing 12-3:
UPDATE dbo.SplitTest
SET C3 = 'Add data'
WHERE C1 = 200;
Listing 12-3

Updating a column in one row

we’re going to see changes in sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, visible in Figure 12-5.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with column headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes.

Figure 12-5

Fragmentation in the index iClustered

We now have two pages. Each page has approximately half of the rows (if there were an odd number of rows, one would have slightly more). You can see that all the other values, except for the record_count, have been updated.

Page Split by an INSERT Statement

To see the page split from an INSERT in action, I’m going to recreate the SplitTest table from Listing 12-1. We know that the page that defines the table is completely full. Listing 12-4 adds a row to the middle of the page.
INSERT INTO dbo.SplitTest
(110, 'C2', '');
Listing 12-4

Adding a row to SplitTest

Querying sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats again, we see the results of the split in Figure 12-6.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with column headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes.

Figure 12-6

Fragmentation from an INSERT in iClustered

Once more, approximately half of the rows were moved, and we get a new distribution of the data about the index. There is now space in the rows, and new inserts won’t immediately cause a page split again. This is the advantage of free space in an index.

What would happen if you added a row to the trailing edge of the index, for example, with a value of 501? You will get a new page, but you won’t get a page split. New data will be accommodated on a newly allocated page.

How Fragmentation Occurs in the Columnstore Indexes

Columnstore indexes can be fragmented, after a manner, as well. If we assume that the columnstore index has at least 102,400 rows when it’s first loaded, the data is stored in the compressed column segments that make up a columnstore index as we talked about in Chapter 9. If it’s fewer than 102,400 rows, the data just gets stored in the deltastore, a standard B-Tree index. Once the data is stored in compressed column segments, it’s not fragmented in any way. In order to avoid fragmentation, the changes to the data are stored in the deltastore. Changes to the data, whether updates or deletes, are stored as logical changes. By logical changes, I mean that a delete doesn’t actually delete a given value, but instead the data is marked as deleted, but it is not removed. Updates are also marked as deleted, and the updated value from the deltastore is used in its place. All this means that a columnstore doesn’t suffer from page splits and empty space but instead has to deal with all the logically modified data. These logical deletes represent the fragmentation of the columnstore indexes.

To see this fragmentation in action, I’m going to use the MakeBigAdventure scripts and tables that I used in Chapter 9. Using Listing 12-5, I’m going to modify one of the tables in order to make it into a clustered columnstore index.
ALTER TABLE dbo.bigTransactionHistory
DROP CONSTRAINT pk_bigTransactionHistory;
ON dbo.bigTransactionHistory;
Listing 12-5

Creating a clustered columnstore index

To see the fragmentation within columnstore, we’re going to look at a system view, sys.column_store_row_groups, as shown in Listing 12-6.
       i.NAME AS IndexName,
       100 * (total_rows - ISNULL(deleted_rows, 0)) / total_rows AS PercentFull
FROM sys.indexes AS i
    JOIN sys.column_store_row_groups AS csrg
        ON i.OBJECT_ID = csrg.OBJECT_ID
           AND i.index_id = csrg.index_id
WHERE NAME = 'cci_bigTransactionHistory'
Listing 12-6

Querying sys.column_store_row_groups

Because we’ve just created the columnstore index and it contains more than 102,400 rows, we won’t have any issues. The percentage full of all the groups, with the possible exception of the last one, will be 100%. So let’s delete some rows (Listing 12-7).
DELETE dbo.bigTransactionHistory
WHERE Quantity = 13;
Listing 12-7

Deleting rows in bigTransactionHistory

Now when we run the query from Listing 12-6, you can see the logical fragmentation of a columnstore index in Figure 12-7.

A table has 7 columns and 32 rows, with column headers table name, index name, row group i d, state description, total rows, deleted rows, and percent full. The row entry of big transaction history under the first column is highlighted.

Figure 12-7

Fragmentation within a clustered columnstore index

The percentage full, the column PercentFull, is now less than 100 for every single group as that DELETE statement hit all of them. This is the kind of fragmentation you may see over time within a columnstore index.

Fragmentation Overhead

This is a somewhat tough discussion. Fragmentation does come with overhead for both rowstore and columnstore indexes. However, the fixes for fragmentation come with overhead as well. We’ll discuss the fixes at length in the following section, resolving fragmentation. However, before we get there, we need to talk about whether or not you should worry about fragmentation at all.

While fragmentation does have some overhead, it also has some benefits. Once an index has been split, it can accommodate a number of rows before it splits again, enhancing performance of inserts and updates. Defragmentation hits you twice for performance. First, you pay a cost in resources, time, and potentially blocking while you run any of the fragmentation solutions. Second, you then begin to pay a cost in large amounts of page splits as your indexes take on new data or receive updates. A page split also causes blocking and additional resource use, especially I/O. Further, some of the more modern disk storage systems are so fast that the jumps between pages during a range scan are practically free.

Because of all this, the old, default stance that, of course you’re going to address fragmentation immediately, has fallen into serious question. Instead, with monitoring and testing to validate the result, some are simply letting fragmentation occur and are seeing no major performance hit because of it. Others are carefully choosing their fill factor on the index, to keep a certain amount of free space on each page when the index is createdin short, sacrificing storage, and memory, to reduce the overhead caused by page splits and the defragmentation process.

Keep these opposing views in mind as we discuss the overhead of fragmentation. Also, plan on carefully measuring performance regardless of the path you choose.

Rowstore Overhead

Both internal and external fragmentation can adversely affect data retrieval performance.

External fragmentation means that index pages are no longer physically stored in order. While the logical order is maintained, the physical order could be all over the disk. This means a range scan on an index will have multiple context switches between extents, slowing down performance. Also, any range scans on the index will be unable to benefit from read-ahead operations.

You’ll generally see superior performance when using sequential I/O, since this can read an entire extent (eight 8KB pages at once) in a single disk I/O operation. A noncontiguous layout of pages results in nonsequential I/O, which means only a single 8KB page can be read at a time.

However, single-row retrieval, or very limited range scans, can perform just fine, despite the fragmentation of an index. If a single page is all that is required to retrieve the necessary data, then the fragmentation doesn’t hurt performance at all.

Internal fragmentation is when the rows are distributed sparsely within a page, increasing the number of pages that must be accessed in order to retrieve the necessary rows. However, internal fragmentation also has benefits since updates and inserts can take advantage of the free space on the index.

To see fragmentation in action, and the costs it has on a query, I’m going to create a clustered index and then induce fragmentation within it. Listing 12-8 shows how.
    C1 INT,
    C2 INT,
    C3 INT,
    c4 CHAR(2000)
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX iClustered ON dbo.FragTest (C1);
AS (SELECT TOP (10000)
    FROM MASTER.sys.all_columns AS ac1
        CROSS JOIN MASTER.sys.all_columns AS ac2)
INSERT INTO dbo.FragTest
FROM Nums;
    SELECT n + 1
    FROM Nums
    WHERE n < 10000)
INSERT INTO dbo.FragTest
SELECT 10000 - n,
Listing 12-8

Fragmenting a clustered index

We’re now going to run two queries. One will retrieve a larger result set and the other a smaller one (Listing 12-9).
--Reads 6 rows
FROM dbo.FragTest AS ft
--Reads all rows
FROM dbo.FragTest AS ft
BETWEEN 1 AND 10000;
Listing 12-9

Querying the FragTest table

The performance is as follows:
6 rows
Reads: 28
Duration: 1.7ms
All rows
Reads: 10,034
Duration: 1.1 seconds
I can eliminate the fragmentation using Listing 12-10.
ALTER INDEX iClustered ON dbo.FragTest REBUILD;
Listing 12-10

Removing fragmentation in iClustered

Now, since the index has been completely rebuilt from scratch, all fragmentation is removed. This results in the following performance metrics:
6 rows
Reads: 24
Duration: 1.8ms
All rows
Reads: 6,693
Duration: 950ms

You’ll notice that the average runtime for the small data set actually went up. The actual difference between reading 24 and 28 pages is relatively small. This is probably due to some resource contention on the system. However, you’ll also note that taking the reads from over 10k to just over 6.5k resulted in a real reduction in execution time.

So it really matters what kind of queries you’re running predominantly. Smaller queries are unlikely to benefit from defragmenting indexes, while large scans will receive some benefit.

Columnstore Overhead

While what we call fragmentation within the columnstore index is not an artifact of page splits, it still has some negative impact on performance. Deleted and updated values are stored in a B-Tree index associated with the row group. Data retrieval has to go through an internal, additional, join against that index. This added join is not visible in an execution plan. It is visible in the performance metrics, though.

To see this in action, we’ll be testing with the query in Listing 12-11.
SELECT bth.Quantity,
FROM dbo.bigTransactionHistory AS bth
WHERE bth.Quantity
GROUP BY bth.Quantity;
Listing 12-11

Querying bigTransactionHistory

The performance metrics on this query are as follows:
Reads: 74,750
Duration: 32ms
I’m now going to remove information from the table using Listing 12-12.
DELETE dbo.bigTransactionHistory
WHERE Quantity
Listing 12-12

Deleting data from bigTransactionHistory

Testing the query in Listing 12-11 again, we get the following metrics:
Reads: 74,750
Duration: 64ms

I was even surprised at that change in performance. The reads stayed identical, but the duration doubled as it dealt with the fragmented data. As you can see, while the root cause of the fragmentation is different, the negative impact on performance is real.

Analyzing the Amount of Fragmentation

We’ve already introduced the mechanisms to look at the level of fragmentation inside the rowstore and columnstore indexes: sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats and sys.column_store_row_groups, respectively. While sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats is used for clustered and nonclustered indexes, it’s also used for heap tables in the same way.

The output of sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats shows information on the pages and extents of an index (or a heap). A row is returned for each level of the B-Tree in the index. A single row for each allocation unit in a heap is returned.

SQL Server stores the data on 8KB pages. These pages are arranged into eight contiguous pages called an extent. Tables that contain less than the 64KB of data necessary to occupy an extent will share an extent with another table. This is referred to as mixed extents, and it helps SQL Server save space. You can’t defragment mixed extents.

As a table or index grows and requests more than eight pages, SQL Server creates an extent dedicated to the table/index. This type of extent is called a uniform extent. Uniform extents help SQL Server lay out the pages of the table/index contiguously, enhancing performance. While information within an extent can still be fragmented, you’re still going to see efficiencies from storing the pages of an extent together.

The dynamic management function sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats scans the pages of an index to return the data. You can control the level of the scan, which affects the speed and the accuracy of the scan. To quickly check the fragmentation of an index, use the Limited option. You can obtain increased accuracy with only a moderate decrease in speed by using the Sample option, as in the previous example, which scans 1% of the pages. For the most accuracy, use the Detailed scan, which hits all the pages in an index. Just understand that the Detailed scan can have a major performance impact depending on the size of the table and index in question. If the index has fewer than 10,000 pages and you select the Sample mode, then the Detailed mode is used instead. This means that despite the choice made in the earlier query, the Detailed scan mode was used. The default mode is Limited.

By defining the different parameters, you can get fragmentation information on different sets of data. By removing the OBJECTID function in the earlier query and supplying a NULL value, the query would return information on all indexes within the database. Don’t get surprised by this and accidentally run a Detailed scan on all indexes. You can also specify the index you want information on or even the partition with a partitioned index.

The output from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats includes 24 different columns. I selected the basic set of columns used to determine the fragmentation and size of an index. This output represents the following:
  • avg_fragmentation_in_percent: This number represents the logical average fragmentation for indexes and heaps as a percentage. If the table is a heap and the mode is Sampled, then this value will be NULL. If average fragmentation is less than 10 to 20% and the table isn’t massive, fragmentation is unlikely to be an issue. If the index is between 20 and 40%, fragmentation might be an issue, but it can generally be helped by defragmenting the index through an index reorganization (more information on index reorganization and index rebuild is available in the “Fragmentation Resolutions” section). Large-scale fragmentation, usually greater than 40%, may require an index rebuild. Your system may have different requirements than these general numbers.

  • fragment_count: This number represents the number of fragments, or separated groups of pages, that make up the index. It’s a useful number to understand how the index is distributed, especially when compared to the pagecount value. fragmentcount is NULL when the sampling mode is Sampled. A large fragment count is an additional indication of storage fragmentation.

  • page_count: This number is a literal count of the number of index or data pages that make up the statistic. This number is a measure of size but can also help indicate fragmentation. If you know the size of the data or index, you can calculate how many rows can fit on a page. If you then correlate this to the number of rows in the table, you should get a number close to the pagecount value. If the pagecount value is considerably higher, you may be looking at a fragmentation issue. Refer to the avg_fragmentation_in_percent value for a precise measure.

  • avg_page_space_used_in_percent: To get an idea of the amount of space allocated within the pages of the index, use this number. This value is NULL when the sampling mode is Limited.

  • recordcount: Simply put, this is the number of records represented by the statistics. For indexes, this is the number of records within the current level of the B-Tree as represented from the scanning mode. (Detailed scans will show all levels of the B-Tree, not simply the leaf level.) For heaps, this number represents the records present, but this number may not correlate precisely to the number of rows in the table since a heap may have two records after an update and a page split.

  • avg_record_size_in_bytes: This number simply represents a useful measure for the amount of data stored within the index or heap record.

Running sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats with a Detailed scan will return multiple rows for a given index. That is, multiple rows are displayed if that index spans more than one level. Multiple levels exist in an index when that index spans more than a single page. To see what this looks like and to observe some of the other columns of data present in the dynamic management function, run the query in Listing 12-13.
--Intentionally using SELECT *
SELECT ddips.*
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID('AdventureWorks'), OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.FragTest'), NULL, NULL, 'Detailed') AS ddips;
Listing 12-13

Retrieving the complete, detailed scan of the index

There are only three rows, but with 24 columns, I’ve had to break apart the columns into what you see in Figure 12-8.

6 stacked tables have different numbers of columns and rows, with the first and fourth tables indicating highlighted entries. Table 1 on top has 6 columns and 3 rows with the first-row entry 5, under the first column, highlighted.

Figure 12-8

Complete results from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats

We have three rows in Figure 12-8 because it represents the three levels of the current B-Tree index. There is a ton of extra data, including information on columnstore indexes. Yes, you can query here for columnstore as well, but you get more actionable information from the system view I provided. Most of this information isn’t necessary for your average look to see how fragmented an index is. Instead, a lot of this is used for additional, detailed, examination of the physical layout of the index.

Analyzing the Fragmentation of a Small Table

A small table or index with fewer than eight pages will be stored on mixed extents. That extent may have other indexes or tables within it. The output from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats can be misleading. You’re likely to see fragmentation in a small index or table, but since it is a small table, you don’t need to worry about defragmenting it. In fact, while you can run an index rebuild on a small table, you may not see fragmentation get relieved in any way. For this reason, if you are dealing with a table or index below eight pages, don’t even try to defragment it.

Fragmentation Resolutions

The key to resolving fragmentation is to rearrange the pages of the index so that their physical order and their logical order are the same. On the columnstore index, you’re invoking the Tuple Mover, which will close the deltastores and put them into compressed segments. In addition, for a columnstore index, you may be forcing a reorganization of the data to get better compression. All this is achieved in one of four ways:
  • Drop and recreate the index.

  • Recreate the index with the DROP_EXISTING clause.

  • Execute the ALTER INDEX REBUILD command.

  • Execute the ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE command.

Drop and Recreate the Index

Dropping the index and creating it again guarantees that the index will be rebuilt with the logical and physical order matching. This approach has major shortcomings:
  • Blocking: Recreating the index puts a high amount of overhead on the system, and it will cause blocking. Dropping and recreating the index blocks all other requests on the table (or on any other index on the table). It can also be blocked by other requests against the table.

  • Missing index: With the index dropped, and possibly being blocked, waiting to be recreated, queries against the table will not have that index available for use. You’ll also get a recompile of any query that was using the index.

  • Nonclustered index: If the index being dropped is a clustered index, then all the nonclustered indexes on the table will have to be rebuilt after the clustered index is dropped. They then have to be rebuilt again after the clustered index is recreated. This leads to further blocking and other problems such as statement recompiles.

  • Unique constraints: Indexes that are used to define a primary key or a unique constraint cannot be removed using the DROP INDEX statement. Also, both unique constraints and primary keys can be referred to by foreign key constraints. Prior to dropping the primary key, all foreign keys that reference the primary key would have to be removed first.

For all these reasons, dropping and recreating the index is a poor choice unless you can do it during scheduled down times.

Recreating the Index with the DROP_EXISTING Clause

You can avoid the overhead of recreating the nonclustered indexes while rebuilding a clustered index if you use the DROP_EXISTING clause. This recreates the clustered index in a single atomic step. Listing 12-14 shows the syntax in action.
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX PK_EmailAddress_BusinessEntityID_EmailAddressID
ON Person.EmailAddress (
Listing 12-14

Recreating the Person.EmailAddress primary key

You can use the DROP_EXISTING clause for both clustered and nonclustered indexes. You can even use it to convert a nonclustered index to a clustered index. You can’t do the reverse though and change a clustered index into a nonclustered index through DROP_EXISTING.

The drawbacks to this approach of dealing with fragmentation are severe:
  • Blocking: Most of the very same blocking problems discussed in the DROP and CREATE section apply here.

  • Index with constraints: Unlike the first method, the CREATE INDEX statement with the DROP_EXISTING clause can be used to recreate indexes with constraints. If the constraint is a primary key or the unique constraint is associated with a foreign key, then failing to include the UNIQUE keyword in the CREATE statement will result in an error.

Execute the ALTER INDEX REBUILD Command

ALTER INDEX REBUILD rebuilds an index in one atomic step, just like CREATING INDEX with the DROP_EXISTING clause. Using the ALTER INDEX REBUILD command makes SQL Server allocate new pages and extents as it populates them with the data ordered logically and physically. However, unlike CREATE INDEX with the DROP_EXISTING clause, it allows the index to be rebuilt without forcing you to drop and recreate the constraints.

In a columnstore index, the REBUILD command will, in an offline fashion, completely rebuild the columnstore index. It will invoke the Tuple Mover to remove the deltastore, and it will rearrange the data to ensure effective compression.

With rowstore indexes, the preferred mechanism is ALTER INDEX REBUILD. For columnstore indexes, however, the preferred mechanism is ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE, covered in the next section.

Rebuilding an index will also compact any large object (LOB) pages associated with the table. You can choose not to do this by setting LOB_COMPACTION = OFF. You’ll need to experiment with this to determine if it’s needed in your system.

When you use the PAD_INDEX setting while creating an index, it determines how much free space to leave on the index intermediate pages, which can help you deal with page splits. This is taken into account during an index rebuild. New pages will be set back to the original values you determined at the time of index creation.

If you don’t specify otherwise, the default behavior is to defragment all indexes across all partitions. If you want to control the process, you just need to specify which partition you want to rebuild.

You can also use ALTER INDEX REBUILD to rebuild all indexes on a given table in a single command like Listing 12-15.
Listing 12-15

Rebuilding all indexes on a table

While this is the preferred mechanism to deal with fragmentation in rowstore indexes (and you can use it for columnstore indexes if you choose), it does come with some overhead:
  • Blocking: Just like the other two techniques discussed, ALTER INDEX REBUILD introduces blocking to the system. It blocks all other queries trying to access the table (or any index on the table). It can also be blocked by other queries.

  • Transaction rollback: Since ALTER INDEX REBUILD is fully atomic in action, if it is stopped before completion, then all the defragmentation actions performed up to that point in time are lost.

You can run ALTER INDEX REBUILD using the ONLINE keyword, which will reduce the locking mechanisms but will increase the time involved in rebuilding the index.


For a rowstore index, ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE reduces the fragmentation of an index by rearranging the existing leaf pages to better match the logical order of the index. It compacts the rows within the pages, reducing internal fragmentation, and discards the resultant empty pages. When dealing with rowstore fragmentation, the REORGANIZE technique, while having the least overhead of all the techniques discussed, is also the most ineffectual. The amount of resources used to REORGANIZE an index is not as high as rebuilding it, but it is still a very expensive operation. I do not recommend using this command on your rowstore indexes.

For a columnstore index, ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE will ensure that the deltastore within the columnstore index gets cleaned out and that all the logical deletes are taken care of as actual, physical, deletes. It performs these actions while keeping the index online and accessible. You can also choose to force compression of all the row groups. This function is very similar to running ALTER INDEX REBUILD, but it keeps the index online and accessible during the process. This is why I recommend using ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE for columnstore indexes.

Another issue with rowstore indexes is that the REORGANIZE command uses a nonatomic method to clean up the index. As it processes the data, it requests a small number of locks for as short a period as possible. If it attempts to access a page that is locked, the process skips that page and never returns to it. While this makes REORGANIZE have a much lower overhead, it’s also part of what makes it so ineffectual.

If I recreate the fragmented table from Listing 12-8, it has the level of fragmentation shown in Figure 12-9.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes.

Figure 12-9

Fragmentation of the dbo.FragTest table

I’m using Listing 12-16 to run the REORGANIZE COMMAND.
ALTER INDEX iClustered ON dbo.FragTest REORGANIZE;
Listing 12-16

Using REORGANIZE on dbo.FragTest

The results are shown in Figure 12-10.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes.

Figure 12-10

dbo.FragTest after running REORGANIZE

The fragmentation was reduced quite a lot, but you’ll notice that there is still some fragmentation. This would be worse if there were other queries running against the table at the same time.

If the index is highly fragmented, as this one was, ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE can take a lot longer than rebuilding the index. If an index spans multiple files, ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE doesn’t migrate pages between the files.

To see REORGANIZE in action against a columnstore index, we’ll need to remove some more data. This is because REORGANIZE will only clean up deleted data when more than 10% of the data in a rowgroup has been deleted. I’m going to run Listing 12-17 to take out more data from the table.
DELETE dbo.bigTransactionHistory
WHERE Quantity
Listing 12-17

Deleting data in dbo.bigTransactionHistory

Now let’s take a look at the fragmentation level as shown in Figure 12-11.

A table has 7 columns and 32 rows, with column headers table name, index name, row group i d, state description, total rows, deleted rows, and percent full. The row entry of big transaction history under the first column is highlighted.

Figure 12-11

Several rowgroups are missing 10%

Now we can run the REORGANIZE command in Listing 12-18.
ALTER INDEX cci_bigTransactionHistory ON dbo.bigTransactionHistory REORGANIZE;
Listing 12-18

Reorganizing the columnstore index dbo.bigTransactionHistory

The results are shown in Figure 12-12.

A table has 7 columns and 47 rows, with column headers table name, index name, row group i d, state description, total rows, deleted rows, and percent full. The row entry of big transaction history under the first column is highlighted,

Figure 12-12

Results of REORGANIZE on dbo.bigTransactionHistory

There are quite a few things to note here. First, you’ll see that a bunch of rowgroups have switched from COMPRESSED to TOMBSTONE. That’s the result of the REORGANIZE command. You’ll see that some rowgroups are now COMPRESSED and at 100%, while a number of rowgroups that were at 89% deleted are now marked TOMBSTONE. That means that the data has been moved from them, and at some point in the future, those rowgroups will get removed from the index entirely.

Remember, this index is online and accessible during this operation, so the fact we didn’t get all the defragmentation possible is OK. You can still use ALTER INDEX REBUILD with a columnstore index if you choose.

We can get more defragmentation if we add row compression in Listing 12-19.
ALTER INDEX cci_bigTransactionHistory
ON dbo.bigTransactionHistory
Listing 12-19

REORGANIZE using row compression

The results are in Figure 12-13.

A table has 7 columns and 31 rows, with column headers table name, index name, row group i d, state description, total rows, deleted rows, and percent full. The row entry of big transaction history under the first column is highlighted.

Figure 12-13

More defragmentation of the columnstore index

You can see that the TOMBSTONE rowgroups are now gone. We did get just a little more defragmentation. One point worth noting, the row_group_id values are not reused, so it’s common to see gaps like we have here. Finally, Table 12-1 lays out the various mechanisms for defragmenting indexes and details their pluses and minuses.
Table 12-1

Characteristics of rowstore defragmentation techniques


Drop and Create Index

Create IndexwithDROP_EXISTING



Rebuild nonclustered index on clustered index fragmentation





Missing indexes





Defragment index with constraints

Highly complex

Moderately complex



Defragment multiple indexes together





Concurrency with others



Medium, depending on concurrent user activity


Intermediate cancellation

Dangers with no transaction

Progress lost

Progress lost

Progress preserved

Degree of defragmentation




Moderate to low

Apply new fill factor





Statistics are updated





Defragmentation and Partitions

If you have massive databases, a standard mechanism to help effectively manage the data is to break it up into partitions. While partitioning can, in some very rare cases, help with performance, it is first and foremost a tool for managing data. You’ll notice there is no chapter on partitioning for performance. That’s because it’s not an effective performance-enhancing tool. One of the issues in rebuilding an index is that it takes it offline during the process. However, if you had a partitioned index, you could use the ONLINE command to help deal with it like Listing 12-20.
Listing 12-20


This rebuilds all the partitions but keeps the index online. This will run longer than a normal rebuild and will use a lot of extra resources, especially in tempdb. You can also define individual partitions for rebuilding as a way to get around this as shown in Listing 12-21.
Listing 12-21

Setting the partition

Now you’re only rebuilding a single partition and using the ONLINE = ON to keep the index available.

Talking about the locking involved with index rebuild operations in partitions, you also have one other new piece of functionality introduced in SQL Server 2014. You can now modify the lock priority used during the rebuild operation by again adjusting the REBUILD command (Listing 12-22).
ON dbo.Test1
                 MAX_DURATION = 20,
                 ABORT_AFTER_WAIT = SELF
Listing 12-22

Changing the lock priority

What this does is set the duration that the rebuild operation is willing to wait, in minutes. Then, it allows you to determine which processes get aborted in order to clear the system for the index rebuild. You can have it stop itself or the blocking process. The most interesting thing is that the waiting process is set to low priority, so it’s not using a lot of system resources, and any transactions that come in won’t be blocked by this process.

Significance of the Fill Factor

On rowstore indexes, the best performance comes when more rows are stored on a given page. More rows on a page mean fewer pages have to be read from disk and put into memory. This is one of the prime reasons for defragmenting indexes. However, when pages are full, especially in a high transaction OLTP system, you get more page splits, which hurts performance. Therefore, a balance between maximizing the number of rows on a page and avoiding page splits has to be maintained.

SQL Server allows you to control the amount of free space of an index by using the fill factor. If you know that there will be a lot of data manipulation and addition, you can pre-add free space to the pages of the index using the fill factor to help minimize the number of page splits. On the other hand, if the data is read-only, you can again use the fill factor to minimize the amount of free space.

The default fill factor is 0. When the fill factor is 0, the pages are packed to 100%. The fill factor for an index is applied only when the index is created. As keys are inserted and updated, the density of rows in the index eventually stabilizes within a narrow range. As you saw in the previous chapter’s sections on page splits caused by UPDATE and INSERT, when a page split occurs, generally half of the original page is moved to a new page, which happens irrespective of the fill factor used during the index creation.

To understand the significance of the fill factor, let’s use a small test table with 24 rows (Listing 12-23).
    C1 INT,
    C2 CHAR(999)
    SELECT n + 1
    FROM Nums
    WHERE n < 24)
SELECT n * 100,
FROM Nums;
Listing 12-23

Creating a test table

Increase the maximum number of rows in the leaf (or data) page by creating a clustered index with the default fill factor (Listing 12-24).
Listing 12-24

Adding a clustered index to the table

Since the average row size is 1,010 bytes, a clustered index leaf page (or table data page) can contain a maximum of eight rows. Therefore, at least three leaf pages are required for the 24 rows. You can confirm this in the sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats output shown in Figure 12-14.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes.

Figure 12-14

Fill factor set to the default value of 0

Note that avg_page_space_used_in_percent is 100%, since the default fill factor allows the maximum number of rows to be compressed in a page. Since a page cannot contain a part row to fill the page fully, avg_page_space_used_in_percent will be often a little less than 100%, even with the default fill factor.

To reduce the initial frequency of page splits caused by INSERT and UPDATE operations, create some free space within the leaf (or data) pages by recreating the clustered index with a fill factor (Listing 12-25).
Listing 12-25

Altering the index using a fill factor

Because each page has a total space for eight rows, a fill factor of 75% will allow six rows per page. Thus, for 24 rows, the number of leaf pages should increase to four, as in the sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats output shown in Figure 12-15.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes.

Figure 12-15

Fill factor set to 75

Note that avg_page_space_used_in_percent is about 75%, as set by the fill factor. This allows two more rows to be inserted in each page without causing a page split. You can confirm this by adding two rows to the first set of six rows (C1 = 100 - 600, contained in the first page) (Listing 12-26).
INSERT  INTO dbo.Test1
VALUES  (110, 'a'),  --25th row
        (120, 'a') ;  --26th row
Listing 12-26

Adding two more rows

Figure 12-16 shows the current fragmentation.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes.

Figure 12-16

Fragmentation after new records

From the output, you can see that the addition of the two rows has not added any pages to the index. Accordingly, avg_page_space_used_in_percent increased from 74.99% to 81.25%. With the addition of two rows to the set of the first six rows, the first page should be completely full (eight rows). Any further addition of rows within the range of the first eight rows should cause a page split and thereby increase the number of index pages to five (Listing 12-27).
INSERT  INTO dbo.Test1
VALUES  (130, 'a') ;  --27th row
Listing 12-27

Adding one more row

Now sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats displays the difference in Figure 12-17.

A table has 6 columns and 1 row with headers, average fragmentation in percent, fragment count, page count, average page space used in percent, record count, and average record size in bytes.

Figure 12-17

The number of pages goes up

Note that even though the fill factor for the index is 75%, Avg. Page Density (full) has decreased to 67.49%, which can be computed as follows:
Avg. Page Density (full)
= Average rows per page / Maximum rows per page
= (27 / 5) / 8
= 67.5%

From the preceding example, you can see that the fill factor is applied when the index is created. But later, as the data is modified, it has no significance. Irrespective of the fill factor, whenever a page splits, the rows of the original page are distributed between two pages, and avg_page_space_used_in_percent settles accordingly. Therefore, if you use a nondefault fill factor, you should ensure that the fill factor is reapplied regularly to maintain its effect.

You can reapply a fill factor by recreating the index or by using ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE or ALTER INDEX REBUILD, as was shown. ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE takes the fill factor specified during the index creation into account. ALTER INDEX REBUILD also takes the original fill factor into account, but it allows a new fill factor to be specified, if required.

Without periodic maintenance of the fill factor, for both default and nondefault fill factor settings, avg_page_space_used_in_percent for an index (or a table) eventually settles within a narrow range.

One other option to consider is that you can create an index with PAD_INDEX. This will ensure that the intermediate pages are also using the fill factor. While the intermediate page splits are less costly overall than the rest, it’s still an impact that you can help to mitigate.

An argument can be made that rather than attempting to defragment indexes over and over again, with all the overhead that implies, you could be better off settling on a fill factor that allows for a fairly standard set of distribution across the pages in your indexes. Some people do use this method, sacrificing some read performance and disk space to avoid page splits and the associated issues in which they result. Testing on your own systems to both find the right fill factor and determine if that method works will be necessary.

Automatic Maintenance

As I said at the start of the chapter, more and more people are largely leaving fragmented indexes alone. They are either adjusting their fill factors, as we just finished discussing, or they’re carefully targeting exactly which indexes need to be defragmented and how frequently. Your system likely presents unique problems, and you’ll have to figure out if you intend to automatically maintain your indexes through a defragmentation process or not.

For a fully functional script that includes a large degree of capability, I strongly recommend using the Minion Reindex application located at http://bit.ly/2EGsmYU or Ola Hallengren’s scripts at http://bit.ly/JijaNI.

In addition to those scripts, you can use the maintenance plans built into SQL Server. However, I don’t recommend them because you surrender a lot of control for a little bit of ease of use. You’ll be much happier with the results you get from one of the sets of scripts recommended previously.


As you learned in this chapter, in a highly transactional database, page splits caused by INSERT and UPDATE statements may fragment the tables and indexes, increasing the cost of data retrieval. You can avoid these page splits by maintaining free spaces within the pages using the fill factor. Since the fill factor is applied only during index creation, you should reapply it at regular intervals to maintain its effectiveness. Data manipulation of columnstore indexes also leads to fragmentation and performance degradation. You can determine the amount of fragmentation in an index (or a table) using sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats for a rowstore index, or sys.column_store_row_groups for a columnstore index. Upon determining a high amount of fragmentation, you can use either ALTER INDEX REBUILD or ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE, depending on the required amount of defragmentation, database concurrency, and if you are dealing with a rowstore or columnstore index.

Defragmentation rearranges the data so that its physical order on the disk matches its logical order in the table/index, thus improving the performance of queries. However, unless the optimizer decides upon an effective execution plan for the query, query performance even after defragmentation can remain poor. Therefore, it is important to have the optimizer use efficient techniques to generate cost-effective execution plans.

In the next chapter, we’re going to discuss a pernicious problem and several ways to address it: bad parameter sniffing.

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