
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


() (parentheses)
in FROM clause for DB2, Prevent too many outer joins from parsing at once
surrounding ordered list of items, Conventions Used in This Book
+ (plus sign)
in comment, General hint syntax
in join clause, Filtered outer joins
<> (angle brackets), surrounding missing portions of SQL statement, Conventions Used in This Book
“E” in query diagram, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries
“F” in query diagrams, Simplified Query Diagrams
“f” in query diagrams, Simplified Query Diagrams
“R”, in query diagram, Underlined numbers


aggregation, Ordering and aggregation, Glossary
(see also grouping; post-group filtering)
not included in query diagrams, Ordering and aggregation
queries aggregating too many rows, Unsolvable Problems, Aggregations of Many Details
in reports, Report information types, Report information types
ALL_ROWS hint, Approaches to tuning with hints
AND-EQUAL MERGE operation, Combining Indexes
angle brackets (<>), surrounding missing portions of SQL statement, Conventions Used in This Book
anti-join, Diagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
apples-and-oranges tables, Glossary
application, Why Tune SQL?
(see also queries)
altering, determining necessity of, Outside-the-Box Solutions, Unsolvable Problems, When Very Fast Is Not Fast Enough, Queries that Return Data from Too Many Rows, Tuned Queries that Return Few Rows, Slowly
altering, example of, Altering the SQL to Enable the Best Plan, Altering the Application
caching in, Caching to Avoid Repeated Queries, Caching to Avoid Repeated Queries
data volume produced by, Why Tune SQL?, When Very Fast Is Not Fast Enough, Queries that Return Data from Too Many RowsSolutions
transferring data between applications, Middleware Processes Handling Too Many Rows
arithmetic expressions, indexes disabled when using, Enabling Use of the Index You Want
absence of, at ends of link, Case 3: Two-node filter (nonunique on both ends) between nodes is already linked through normal joins
at end of link, Links
at midpoint of link, Change focus and repeat, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries
audience for this book, Audience for This Book
author, contact information for, Comments and Questions


B-tree indexes, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
batch reports, large, Large Batch ReportsSolutions
Beaulieu, Alan (Mastering Oracle SQL), Objectives of This Book
benefit-to-cost ratio, Choosing the Next Table to Join, When to Choose Early Joins to Upstream Nodes
bind variable peeking, Oracle cost-based optimizer prerequisites
bit-mapped indexes, Bit-Mapped Indexes
blind queries, Large Online Queries
block buffer cache, Caching in the Database, Glossary
blocks, Tables, Glossary
branch, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
cold, Caching in the Database, Glossary
hot, Caching in the Database, Glossary
caching of, Caching in the Database, Caching in the Database
choosing for performance, Caching in the Database
hot data grouped in, Caching in the Database
indexed access and, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
physical I/O on, Caching in the Database
query causing, Caching in the Database
leaf, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
LRU (least recently used), Caching in the Database
MRU (most recently used), Caching in the Database
root, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
about Oracle Performance, Missing Indexes
about Oracle SQL, Objectives of This Book
branch blocks, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary


cache-hit ratio, Continuous Growth, Glossary
caching, Caching in the DatabaseCaching in the Database
in application, Caching to Avoid Repeated Queries, Caching to Avoid Repeated Queries
B-tree indexes and, B-Tree Indexes
block buffer cache, Glossary
continuous growth pattern and, Continuous Growth
full table scans and, Full Table Scans
indexed table access and, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
LRU caching, Caching in the Database, Glossary
performance effects of, Caching in the Database
purge eldest pattern and, Purge Eldest
purge, not by age pattern and, Purge, Not by Age
self-caching, Caching in the Database, Glossary
calcuations (see benefit-to-cost ratio; cache-hit ratio; correlation preference ratio; join ratio; filter ratio)
capitalized text used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
Cartesian join, Join Types, Glossary
Cartesian product, Glossary
optimizing execution plan for, Special Rules for Special Cases, Safe Cartesian ProductsSafe Cartesian Products
resulting from absence of join, Disconnected Query DiagramsDisconnected Query Diagrams
resulting from query with multiple roots, Query Diagrams with Multiple Roots, Query Diagrams with Multiple Roots, Case 2: Breaking the Cartesian product into multiple queries
CBO (see cost-based optimizer)
Central Processing Unit (see CPU)
cloud of nodes, Standard Heuristic Join Order
COALESCE() function, Preventing Use of the Wrong Indexes
cold blocks, Caching in the Database, Glossary
relevance to SQL tuning, Select lists
statistics for, used by cost-based optimizer, Providing the Cost-Based Optimizer with Good Data
comments about this book, sending, Comments and Questions
complete purge and regrowth pattern, Complete Purge and Regrowth
complex queries, Diagramming and Tuning Complex SQL Queries, Glossary
abnormal outer joins in, Outer JoinsOuter joins to a detail table with a filter
cyclic joins in, Cyclic Join GraphsCyclic join summary
disconnected queries, Disconnected Query DiagramsDisconnected Query Diagrams
joins with no primary key in, Joins with No Primary Key
multiple roots in, Query Diagrams with Multiple RootsCase 4: Converting an existence check to an explicit subquery
one-to-one joins in, One-to-One JoinsConventions to display one-to-one joins
set operations in, Queries with Set Operations
subqueries in, Queries with Subqueries
views in, Queries with ViewsUnnecessary nodes and joins
conditions (see filters; joins; selectivity)
contact information for this book, Comments and Questions
continuous growth pattern, Continuous Growth
conventions used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
corner-case problems, A Bonus
abnormal query diagrams indicating, Interpreting Query Diagrams
changing functionality for, Outer joins to views
view-using queries causing, Queries with Views
correlated subqueries, forcing evaluation of, Execution-order hints
correlation joins, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries, Glossary
anti-join, Diagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
in query diagrams, Diagramming Queries with Subqueries
semi-join, Diagramming EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
correlation preference ratio, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
cost-based optimizer, Controlling Plans on Oracle, Controlling Plans on Oracle
choosing, Controlling the Choice of Oracle OptimizerControlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer
controlling execution plans with, Controlling Oracle Cost-Based Execution PlansExample
response to varying table and index sizes, Absolute table sizes (as opposed to relative sizes)
rule-based optimizer used with, Controlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer
statistics affecting, Providing the Cost-Based Optimizer with Good Data, Fooling the Cost-Based Optimizer with Incorrect Data
CPU (Central Processing Unit), Glossary
cyclic join graph, Cyclic Join GraphsCyclic join summary, Glossary


amount produced by application, Why Tune SQL?, When Very Fast Is Not Fast Enough, Queries that Return Data from Too Many RowsSolutions
denormalized, Glossary
normalized, Glossary
path to (see data access; execution plans)
transferring between applications, Middleware Processes Handling Too Many Rows
data access
caching and, Caching in the DatabaseCaching in the Database
indexes and, IndexesIndex Costs, Index-Organized Tables, Bit-Mapped Indexes
joins and, JoinsJoin methods summary
reasons to understand, Data-Access Basics
selectivity, Calculating SelectivityCombining Indexes
single-table access paths, Single-Table Access PathsChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
tables and, TablesComplete Purge and Regrowth, Index-Organized Tables, Single-Table Clusters, Multitable Clusters, Partitioned Tables
data type conversions, indexes enabled and disabled by, Index Range-Condition Selectivity, Enabling Use of the Index You Want
database, Tables
(see also caching; indexes; tables)
adding merged join and filter indexes to, Merged Join and Filter IndexesMerged Join and Filter Indexes
adding missing indexes to, Missing Indexes
adding table to, for joins with hidden join filters, One-to-one joins with hidden join filters in both directions
altering, example of, Altering the Database to Enable the Best Plan
combining tables in
for exact one-to-one joins, Exact one-to-one joins
for joins with hidden join filters, One-to-one joins with hidden join filters in both directions
separating tables in, for one-to-one join to small subset, One-to-one join to a much smaller subset
database blocks (see blocks)
database vendors
SQL tuning and, Preface, Introduction
tools for execution plans provided by, Viewing and Interpreting Execution Plans, Reading DB2 Execution Plans
date-type columns in indexes, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
COALESCE() function, Preventing Use of the Wrong Indexes
execution plans
complex, Complex Execution Plans
controlling, Controlling Plans on DB2Let DB2 know when to optimize the cost of reading just the first few rows
displaying, Reading DB2 Execution Plans, The Underlying Process of Displaying Execution PlansThe Practical Process of Displaying Execution Plans, Getting the DB2 Execution Plan
interpreting, How to interpret the planNarrative interpretation of the execution plan
multipart, Complex Execution Plans
nonrobust, Nonrobust Execution Plans
robust, Robust Execution PlansNarrative interpretation of the execution plan
tables for execution-plan data, Prerequisites
modifying queries with, Modifying the QueryLet DB2 know when to optimize the cost of reading just the first few rows
nested views created on the fly, Prevent too many outer joins from parsing at once
null conditions in indexed columns, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
optimization levels, Choosing the Optimization Level
type conversions with, Enabling Use of the Index You Want
updating statistics with, DB2 Optimization Prerequisites
db2exfmt tool, Reading DB2 Execution Plans
DBMS_STATS package, Oracle cost-based optimizer prerequisites
DELETE command, Complete Purge and Regrowth
deletes in index, performance effects of, Index Costs
denormalization, Glossary
in cyclic join graph cases, Case 2: Master-detail tables each hold copies of a foreign key that points to the same third table’s primary key, Cyclic join summary
when to use, Optimizing Queries with Distributed Filters
denormalized data, Glossary, Glossary
(see also normalized data)
detail join ratio, Nonunderlined numbers, Simplified Query Diagrams, Glossary
close to 1.0, affecting optimum execution plan, Detail Join Ratios Close to 1.0Detail Join Ratios Close to 1.0
example of, Creating a Full Query Diagram
in query diagrams, Absolute table sizes (as opposed to relative sizes)
large, affecting optimum execution plan, Special Rules for Special Cases, Cases to Consider Hash Joins
less than 1.0
affecting optimum execution plan, Detail join ratios less than 1.0Optimizing detail join ratios less than 1.0 with the rules
caused by query diagram with multiple roots, Query Diagrams with Multiple Roots
detail table, Glossary
developers, tuning their own SQL, Who Should Tune SQL?
diagrams (see query diagrams)
directed graph, Information Included in Query Diagrams, Information Included in Query Diagrams
(see also query diagrams)
disconnected query diagrams, Disconnected Query DiagramsDisconnected Query Diagrams
distributed filters, Why Queries Sometimes Read Many Rows to Return FewOptimizing Queries with Distributed Filters, Glossary
driving table, Nested-loops joins, Glossary
choosing, Standard Heuristic Join Order, Safe Cartesian ProductsSafe Cartesian Products, Choosing the Driving TableChoosing the Driving Table
forcing selection of, Execution-order hints


entity-relationship diagrams, Interpreting Query Diagrams
equality condition, index ranges with, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
errors (see problem cases)
EXCEPT operation (see set operations)
execution plans, Preface, Glossary
cost-based optimizer used for, Providing the Cost-Based Optimizer with Good Data
disabling undesired index, Preventing Use of the Wrong Indexes
disabling undesired join orders, Preventing Join Orders You Do Not WantPreventing Join Orders You Do Not Want
enabling desired index, Enabling Use of the Index You WantEnabling Use of the Index You Want
enabling desired join order, Enabling the Join Order You Want
forcing execution order with subqueries, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and SubqueriesForcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries
techniques for, Universal Techniques for Controlling Plans
with DB2, Controlling Plans on DB2Let DB2 know when to optimize the cost of reading just the first few rows
with Oracle cost-based optimizer, Controlling Plans on OracleControlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer, Controlling Oracle Cost-Based Execution PlansExample
with Oracle rule-based optimizer, Controlling Plans on OracleControlling Oracle Rule-Based Execution Plans
with SQL Server, Controlling Plans on SQL ServerUsing FORCEPLAN
complex, Complex Execution Plans
displaying, Reading DB2 Execution Plans, The Underlying Process of Displaying Execution PlansThe Practical Process of Displaying Execution Plans, Getting the DB2 Execution Plan
interpreting, How to interpret the planNarrative interpretation of the execution plan
multipart, Complex Execution Plans
nonrubust, Nonrobust Execution Plans
robust, Robust Execution PlansNarrative interpretation of the execution plan
tables for execution-plan data, Prerequisites
exercise for, Exercise (See Section A.2 for the solution to the exercise.), Chapter 6 Exercise SolutionChapter 6 Exercise Solution
join order for
calculating cost of, Conceptual Demonstration of Query Diagrams in Use
choosing, Standard Heuristic Join OrderA Complex 17-Way Join, A Complex ExampleA Complex Example, Choosing the Next Table to JoinWhen to Choose Early Joins to Upstream Nodes
controlling, Execution-order hints, A Complex 17-Way Join
for outer joins, Steps for Normal Outer Join Order OptimizationExample
assumptions for, Special Rules for Special Cases
finding, Deducing the Best Execution Plan, Standard Heuristic Join OrderA Complex 17-Way Join, A Complex ExampleA Complex Example, Solving the Query Diagram
for Cartesian products, Special Rules for Special Cases, Safe Cartesian ProductsSafe Cartesian Products
for detail join ratios close to 1.0, Detail Join Ratios Close to 1.0Detail Join Ratios Close to 1.0
for detail join ratios less than 1.0, Detail join ratios less than 1.0Optimizing detail join ratios less than 1.0 with the rules
for filter ratios close to each other, Close Filter RatiosClose Filter Ratios
for join ratios less than 1.0, Join Ratios Less than 1.0Master join ratios less than 1.0
for large detail join ratios, Special Rules for Special Cases, Cases to Consider Hash Joins
for large root table, Special Rules for Special Cases
for large rowcount returned by query, Cases to Consider Hash Joins
for master join ratios less than 1.0, Rules for join ratios less than 1.0, Master join ratios less than 1.0Master join ratios less than 1.0
for master join ratios of 1.0, Special Rules for Special Cases
for one large table, A Special CaseSolving the Special Case Outside of Oracle
for one small filter ratio, Special Rules for Special Cases
for small rowcounts returned, Special Rules for Special Cases
robust execution plans as, Robust Execution Plans
special cases for, Special Rules for Special Cases
complex, Complex Execution Plans
displaying, The Underlying Process of Displaying Execution PlansThe Practical Process of Displaying Execution Plans, Getting the Oracle Execution Plan
interpreting, How to interpret the planNarrative interpretation of the execution plan
multipart, Complex Execution Plans
nonrobust, Nonrobust Execution Plans
robust, Robust Execution PlansNarrative interpretation of the execution plan
table for plan data, Prerequisites
parallel, Controlling Plans on Oracle, Controlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer
robust, Robust Execution PlansRobust Execution Plans, Glossary
creating missing indexes for, Missing Indexes
improving upon, Merged Join and Filter Indexes
reasons to choose, Summary
SQL Server
complex, Complex Execution Plans
displaying, Displaying Execution PlansDisplaying execution plans textually, Getting the SQL Server Execution Plan
interpreting, How to Interpret the PlanNarrative Interpretation of the Execution Plan
nonrubust, Interpreting Nonrobust Execution Plans
tools for generating, Viewing and Interpreting Execution Plans, Reading DB2 Execution Plans
creating query diagrams, Exercises (See Section A.1 for the solution to each exercise.)Exercises (See Section A.1 for the solution to each exercise.), Chapter 5 Exercise SolutionsExercise 6
diagramming and tuning query with subqueries, Exercise (See Section A.3 for the solution to the exercise.), Chapter 7 Exercise SolutionChapter 7 Exercise Solution
finding optimum execution plan, Exercise (See Section A.2 for the solution to the exercise.), Chapter 6 Exercise SolutionChapter 6 Exercise Solution
EXISTS-type subquery, Diagramming EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
execution order when using, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries
replacing INTERSECT, Queries with Set Operations
EXPLAIN PLAN FOR statement, The Underlying Process of Displaying Execution Plans, The Underlying Process of Displaying Execution Plans
EXPLAIN_ tables, Prerequisites
expressions, indexes disabled when using, Preventing Use of the Wrong Indexes
extents, Tables


filter conditions, Glossary, Glossary
(see also filters)
filter independence, Filter Selectivity, Glossary
filter ratio, Underlined numbers, Glossary
calculating, Compute filter and join ratiosCompute filter and join ratios
choosing driving table using, Standard Heuristic Join Order, Choosing the Driving Table
close to each other, affecting optimum execution plan, Close Filter RatiosClose Filter Ratios
example of, Creating a Full Query Diagram
notation in query diagrams, Underlined numbers
of later tables, considering in join order, Accounting for Benefits from Later Joins
one small filter ratio, affecting optimum execution plan, Special Rules for Special Cases
precision of, Shortcuts, Simplified Query Diagrams
query-specific information provided by, Interpreting Query Diagrams
rowcount and, Simplified Query Diagrams
subquery adjusted filter ratio, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries
filter redundancy, Filter Selectivity, Glossary
filtered outer joins, Filtered outer joinsFiltered outer joins
absence of, in queries, Unfiltered Joins
distributed, Why Queries Sometimes Read Many Rows to Return FewOptimizing Queries with Distributed Filters, Glossary
index merging filter column and join key, Merged Join and Filter IndexesMerged Join and Filter Indexes
join filters, Simplified Query Diagrams, Rules for join ratios less than 1.0, One-to-one joins with hidden join filters in both directions, Glossary
not included in query diagrams, Filter condition details
notation for, Filtered outer joins
notation for best and lesser filters, Simplified Query Diagrams
percentage of table satisfying (see filter ratio)
places applied in database, Calculating Selectivity
post-read filter, Narrative interpretation of the execution plan, Narrative interpretation of the execution plan, Glossary
selectivity of, Filter SelectivityFilter Selectivity
two-node filter, Case 3: Two-node filter (nonunique on both ends) between nodes is already linked through normal joinsCase 3: Two-node filter (nonunique on both ends) between nodes is already linked through normal joins, Cyclic join summary
uniqueness of, guaranteeing, Creating Query Diagrams
work required by database for, Calculating Selectivity
FIRST_ROWS hint, Approaches to tuning with hints
focus table, Glossary
fonts used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
foreign key, Glossary, Glossary
full index scan, Index Range-Condition Selectivity, Glossary
full query diagrams, Full Query DiagramsWhen Query Diagrams Help the Most, Creating a Full Query DiagramCreating a Full Query Diagram
full table scan, Full Table Scans, Glossary
forcing use of, Table-access hints, Modifying the Query
when to use, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed AccessChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
FULL() hint, Table-access hints
function-based indexes, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
functions, indexes disabled when using, Enabling Use of the Index You Want


graph theory, Cyclic Join Graphs
graphs, Cyclic Join Graphs, Cyclic Join Graphs
(see also cyclic join graphs; query diagrams)
GROUP BY clause (see aggregation; grouping)
grouping, not included in query diagram, Ordering and aggregation


I/O (Input/Output), Glossary
logical, Caching in the Database, Caching in the Database, Selectivity on Table Rows Reached from the Index, Glossary
physical, Caching in the Database, Caching in the Database, Glossary
icons used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
IN condition, execution order when using, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries
index blocks, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary, Glossary, Glossary
index range scan, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
index range-condition selectivity, Index Range-Condition SelectivityIndex Range-Condition Selectivity
INDEX() hint, Table-access hints
index-organized tables, Index-Organized Tables
indexed table access, Indexed Table AccessIndexed Table Access
in DB2 execution plan, How to interpret the plan
in Oracle execution plan, How to interpret the plan
in SQL Server execution plan, How to Interpret the Plan
when to use, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed AccessChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
indexes, IndexesIndex Costs, Indexed Table AccessIndexed Table Access, Glossary
adding for specific queries, Merged Join and Filter IndexesMerged Join and Filter Indexes
adding, effects on performance, Index Costs
B-tree indexes, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
bit-mapped indexes, Bit-Mapped Indexes
combining, Combining Indexes
date-type columns in, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
disabling use of, Preventing Use of the Wrong Indexes
dropping, risks of, Missing Indexes
enabling use of, Enabling Use of the Index You WantEnabling Use of the Index You Want
forcing use in descending order, Table-access hints
forcing use of specific index, Table-access hints, Modifying the Query
full index scan, Index Range-Condition Selectivity, Glossary
function-based, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
with merged join key and filter columns, Merged Join and Filter IndexesMerged Join and Filter Indexes
missing, Simple Examples, Completing the Solution for an Eight-Way Join, Missing Indexes
rowids used by, B-Tree Indexes
satisfying query without accessing database, Select lists
selectivity on rows reached from, Selectivity on Table Rows Reached from the IndexSelectivity on Table Rows Reached from the Index
size of
caching and, Caching in the Database, Caching in the Database
cost-based optimizer’s response to, Absolute table sizes (as opposed to relative sizes)
statistics for, used by cost-based optimizer, Providing the Cost-Based Optimizer with Good Data
updating, performance effects of, Index Costs
INDEX_DESC() hint, Table-access hints
individual-condition filter selectivity, Filter Selectivity, Glossary
inequality condition, index ranges with, Index Range-Condition Selectivity, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
inner joins, Inner joins, Place inner joins first in your FROM clause, Glossary
Input/Output (see I/O)
inserts into index, performance effects of, Index Costs
INTERSECT operation (see set operations)
italic font used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book, Conventions Used in This Book


join execution methods, Join Execution MethodsJoin methods summary
hash joins, Hash joins
forcing use of, Join-method hints, Modifying the Query
in Oracle execution plan, Nonrobust Execution Plans
in SQL Server execution plan, Interpreting Nonrobust Execution Plans
when to use, Conceptual Demonstration of Query Diagrams in Use, Completing the Solution for an Eight-Way Join, Cases to Consider Hash JoinsCases to Consider Hash Joins, The Case for Nested Loops, Unfiltered Joins
nested-loops joins, Nested-loops joins
in DB2 execution plan, How to interpret the plan
forcing use of, Join-method hints, Modifying the Query
in Oracle execution plan, How to interpret the plan
in SQL Server execution plan, How to Interpret the Plan
when to use, Robust Execution Plans, The Case for Nested LoopsThe Case for Nested Loops
sort-merge joins, Sort-merge joins
in DB2 execution plan, Nonrobust Execution Plans
in Oracle execution plan, Nonrobust Execution Plans
when to use, Completing the Solution for an Eight-Way Join, Unfiltered Joins
join filters, Simplified Query Diagrams, Rules for join ratios less than 1.0, One-to-one joins with hidden join filters in both directions, Glossary
join key, merged with filter column in index, Merged Join and Filter IndexesMerged Join and Filter Indexes
join order, Execution-order hints
(see also execution plans)
calculating cost of, Conceptual Demonstration of Query Diagrams in Use
choosing, Standard Heuristic Join OrderA Complex 17-Way Join, A Complex ExampleA Complex Example, Choosing the Next Table to JoinWhen to Choose Early Joins to Upstream Nodes
controlling, Execution-order hints, A Complex 17-Way Join
disabling undesired join orders, Preventing Join Orders You Do Not WantPreventing Join Orders You Do Not Want
enabling desired join order, Enabling the Join Order You Want
for outer joins, Steps for Normal Outer Join Order OptimizationExample
join ratio, Nonunderlined numbers, Creating a Full Query Diagram, Glossary
(see also detail join ratio; master join ratio)
calculating, Compute filter and join ratiosCompute filter and join ratios
information about actual data provided by, Interpreting Query Diagrams
less than 1.0, Join Ratios Less than 1.0Master join ratios less than 1.0, Glossary
(see also join filters)
in query diagrams, Nonunderlined numbers, Simplified Query Diagrams
referential integrity, effect on, Shortcuts
shortcuts for, Shortcuts, Shortcuts
join skeleton (query skeleton), Glossary
joins, JoinsOuter joins, Glossary
anti-join, Diagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
Cartesian join, Join Types, Glossary
condition for, Glossary
missing, Query Diagrams with Multiple Roots, Case 1: Missing join conditions, Joins with No Primary Key
not included in query diagrams, Detailed join conditions
correlation join, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries, Diagramming Queries with Subqueries, Glossary
cyclic, Cyclic Join GraphsCyclic join summary, Glossary
forcing order of, Controlling Oracle Rule-Based Execution Plans, Modifying the Query
hash join (see hash joins)
inner joins, Inner joins, Place inner joins first in your FROM clause, Glossary
many-to-one, Glossary
missing, Disconnected Query Diagrams
multipart join, Case 4: Multipart join from two foreign keys is spread over two tables to a multipart primary keyCase 4: Multipart join from two foreign keys is spread over two tables to a multipart primary key
nested-loops join (see nested-loops joins)
one-to-many, unintended, Case 3: Root detail tables that are usually no more than one-to-one
one-to-one, Case 1: Two one-to-one master tables share the same detail tableCase 1: Two one-to-one master tables share the same detail table, One-to-One JoinsConventions to display one-to-one joins
order of (see join order)
outer joins (see outer joins)
in query diagrams, Links, Diagram joins to the first focusChange focus and repeat
redundant joins, Missing redundant join conditions
semi-join, Diagramming EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
sort-merge join (see sort-merge joins)
unfiltered, Unfiltered Joins
unnecessary, in queries with views, Unnecessary nodes and joins
without primary key, Joins with No Primary Key


foreign key, Glossary, Glossary
join key, merged with filter columns in index, Merged Join and Filter IndexesMerged Join and Filter Indexes
primary key, Links, Joins with No Primary Key, Glossary


LEADING hint, Execution-order hints
leaf blocks, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
least recently used blocks (see LRU blocks)
least recently used caching (see LRU caching)
links in query diagrams, Links
logic errors, A Bonus, A Bonus
(see also problem cases)
logical I/O, Glossary
performance of, Caching in the Database, Selectivity on Table Rows Reached from the Index
pure, caching used for, Caching in the Database
LOOP hint, Modifying the Query
LRU (least recently used) blocks, Caching in the Database
LRU (least recently used) caching, Caching in the Database, Glossary


many-to-one join, Glossary
master join ratio, Nonunderlined numbers, Glossary
equal to 1.0, affecting optimum execution plan, Special Rules for Special Cases
example of, Creating a Full Query Diagram
less than 1.0, affecting optimum execution plan, Rules for join ratios less than 1.0, Master join ratios less than 1.0Master join ratios less than 1.0
shortcuts for, Shortcuts
master table, Glossary
Mastering Oracle SQL (Mishra; Beaulieu), Objectives of This Book
memory-only data access (see pure logical I/O)
merge joins (see sort-merge joins)
merged join and filter indexes, Merged Join and Filter IndexesMerged Join and Filter Indexes
Microsoft SQL Server (see SQL Server)
middleware, Why Tune SQL?, Middleware Processes Handling Too Many Rows, Glossary
Millsap, Cary (Optimizing Oracle Performance), Missing Indexes
MINUS operation (see set operations)
Mishra, Sanjay (Mastering Oracle SQL), Objectives of This Book
most recently used blocks (see MRU blocks)
MRU (most recently used) blocks, Caching in the Database
multipart execution plans, Complex Execution Plans
multipart joins, Case 4: Multipart join from two foreign keys is spread over two tables to a multipart primary keyCase 4: Multipart join from two foreign keys is spread over two tables to a multipart primary key
multiple-condition filter selectivity, Filter Selectivity, Glossary
multitable clusters, Multitable Clusters
multitable queries
join execution methods for, Join Execution MethodsJoin methods summary
joins for, JoinsOuter joins
multitable queries, Glossary
(see also complex query)


nested-loops joins, Nested-loops joins, Glossary
in DB2 execution plan, How to interpret the plan
forcing use of, Join-method hints, Modifying the Query, Modifying the Query
in Oracle execution plan, How to interpret the plan
in SQL Server execution plan, How to Interpret the Plan
when to use, Robust Execution Plans, The Case for Nested LoopsThe Case for Nested Loops
cloud of, Standard Heuristic Join Order
in query diagrams, Nodes
unnecessary, in queries with views, Unnecessary nodes and joins
nonunderlined numbers in query diagrams, Nonunderlined numbers
nonunique indexes, performance effects of, Index Costs
normal form, query diagrams matching, Interpreting Query Diagrams
normalized data, When Query Diagrams Help the Most, Glossary, Glossary
(see also denormalized data)
NOT EXISTS-type subquery, Diagramming NOT EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries, Queries with Set Operations, Glossary
null values
database interpretation of, Filtered outer joins
in indexes, Index Range-Condition Selectivity, Index Range-Condition Selectivity, Modifying the Query
numbers in query diagrams, Underlined numbers, Nonunderlined numbers, Nonunderlined numbers
(see also filter ratio; join ratio)
NVL() function, Preventing Use of the Wrong Indexes


one-to-many joins, unintended, Case 3: Root detail tables that are usually no more than one-to-one
one-to-one joins, Case 1: Two one-to-one master tables share the same detail tableCase 1: Two one-to-one master tables share the same detail table, One-to-One JoinsConventions to display one-to-one joins
online queries, large, Large Online QueriesLarge Online Queries
optimization levels in DB2, Choosing the Optimization Level
OPTIMIZE FOR ROWS clause, Let DB2 know when to optimize the cost of reading just the first few rows
optimizers (see cost-based optimizer; rule-based optimizer)
Optimizing Oracle Performance (Millsap), Missing Indexes
OPTION(FAST 1) hint, Modifying the Query
OPTION(FORCE ORDER) hint, Modifying the Query
OPTION(LOOP JOIN) hint, Modifying the Query
OR operator, indexes disabled when using, Enabling Use of the Index You Want
books about, Objectives of This Book, Missing Indexes
cost-based optimizer, Controlling Plans on Oracle, Controlling Plans on Oracle, Controlling Oracle Cost-Based Execution PlansExample
decoupling index reads from table reads, The Oracle SolutionThe Oracle Solution
execution plans
complex, Complex Execution Plans
displaying, The Underlying Process of Displaying Execution PlansThe Practical Process of Displaying Execution Plans, Getting the Oracle Execution Plan
interpreting, How to interpret the planNarrative interpretation of the execution plan
multipart, Complex Execution Plans
nonrobust, Nonrobust Execution Plans
robust, Robust Execution PlansNarrative interpretation of the execution plan
table for plan data, Prerequisites
extents, Tables
function-based indexes, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
hints used to control queries, General hint syntaxExample
index-organized tables, Index-Organized Tables
MINUS for EXCEPT operation, Queries with Set Operations
notation for filter conditions in joins, Filtered outer joins
null conditions in indexed columns, Index Range-Condition Selectivity
NVL() function used to disable indexes, Preventing Use of the Wrong Indexes
optimizers, choosing between, Controlling the Choice of Oracle OptimizerControlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer
partitioned tables, Partitioned Tables
rule-based optimizer, Providing the Cost-Based Optimizer with Good Data, Controlling Plans on OracleControlling Plans on Oracle
TRUNCATE command, Complete Purge and Regrowth
type conversions with, Index Range-Condition Selectivity, Enabling Use of the Index You Want
ORDER BY clause (see ordering)
ORDERED hint, Execution-order hints
ordering, not included in query diagram, Ordering and aggregation
Ouroboros pattern (see purge eldest pattern)
outer joins, Outer joins, Outer JoinsOuter Joins, Glossary
abnormal, Outer JoinsOuter joins to a detail table with a filter
to detail table, Outer joins pointing toward the detail table
filtered, Filtered outer joinsFiltered outer joins
to filtered detail table, Outer joins to a detail table with a filter
improving performance of, in DB2, Prevent too many outer joins from parsing at once
join orders disabled when using, Outer joins
leading to inner joins, Outer joins leading to inner joins
necessity of ratios for, Shortcuts
notation for, Change focus and repeat
optimizing join order for, Steps for Normal Outer Join Order OptimizationExample
to views, Outer joins to viewsOuter joins to views
when to use, Outer Joins
O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., contact information for, Comments and Questions


parallel execution plans, Controlling Plans on Oracle, Controlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer
parentheses (())
in FROM clause for DB2, Prevent too many outer joins from parsing at once
surrounding ordered list of items, Conventions Used in This Book
partitioned tables, Partitioned Tables
path to data (see data access; execution plans)
performance, Why Tune SQL?
(see also SQL tuning)
adding indexes affecting, Index Costs
caching scheme affecting, Caching in the Database
calculations performed on data affecting, Why Tune SQL?
compared to throughput, Why Tune SQL?
database operations affecting, Why Tune SQL?
logical I/Os and, Selectivity on Table Rows Reached from the Index
physical layout of table rows and, Tables
SQL as factor in, Preface
physical I/O, Glossary
caching used to minimize, Caching in the Database
performance of, Caching in the Database
PLAN_TABLE table, Prerequisites
plus sign (+)
in comment, General hint syntax
in join clause, Filtered outer joins
post-group filtering, not included in query diagram, Ordering and aggregation
post-read filter, Narrative interpretation of the execution plan, Narrative interpretation of the execution plan, Glossary
primary keys, Glossary
indicated by arrows in query diagrams, Links
missing from join, Joins with No Primary Key
problem cases, Outside-the-Box Solutions
(see also exercises; SQL tuning)
abnormal outer joins, Outer JoinsOuter joins to a detail table with a filter
all tables relatively small except one, A Special CaseSolving the Special Case Outside of Oracle
Cartesian products between first set of rows, Safe Cartesian ProductsSafe Cartesian Products
corner-case problems, A Bonus, Interpreting Query Diagrams, Queries with Views, Outer joins to views
cyclic join graphs, Cyclic Join GraphsCyclic join summary
detail join ratios close to 1.0, Detail Join Ratios Close to 1.0Detail Join Ratios Close to 1.0
detail join ratios less than 1.0, Detail join ratios less than 1.0Optimizing detail join ratios less than 1.0 with the rules, Query Diagrams with Multiple Roots
disconnected query diagrams, Disconnected Query DiagramsDisconnected Query Diagrams
filter ratios close to each other, Close Filter RatiosClose Filter Ratios
join ratios less than 1.0, Join Ratios Less than 1.0Master join ratios less than 1.0
joining to the same table twice, Case 1: Two one-to-one master tables share the same detail table
joins with no primary key, Joins with No Primary Key
large detail join ratios, Cases to Consider Hash Joins
large rowcount returned by query, Cases to Consider Hash Joins
master join ratios less than 1.0, Rules for join ratios less than 1.0, Master join ratios less than 1.0Master join ratios less than 1.0
middleware processes handling too many rows, Middleware Processes Handling Too Many Rows
one-to-one joins, Case 1: Two one-to-one master tables share the same detail tableCase 1: Two one-to-one master tables share the same detail table, One-to-One JoinsConventions to display one-to-one joins
outer joins to views, Outer joins to viewsOuter joins to views
performance and throughput problems, Why Tune SQL?
queries aggregating too many rows, Unsolvable Problems, Aggregations of Many Details
queries repeated a large number of times, Unsolvable Problems, When Very Fast Is Not Fast EnoughMerging Repeated Queries into a Preexisting Query
queries returning too many rows, Unsolvable Problems, Queries that Return Data from Too Many RowsSolutions
queries running slowly even when returning few rows, Unsolvable Problems, Tuned Queries that Return Few Rows, SlowlyOptimizing Queries with Distributed Filters
queries with set operations, Queries with Set Operations
queries with subqueries, Queries with Subqueries, Tuning Queries with SubqueriesTuning Queries with Subqueries
queries with views, Queries with Views, Tuning Queries with ViewsUnnecessary nodes and joins
query diagrams with multiple roots, Query Diagrams with Multiple RootsCase 4: Converting an existence check to an explicit subquery
redundant reads in view-using queries, Redundant reads in view-using queries
unfiltered joins, Unfiltered Joins
unnecessary nodes and joins, Unnecessary nodes and joins
programmers, tuning their own SQL, Who Should Tune SQL?
pure logical I/O, caching used for, Caching in the Database
purge eldest pattern, Purge Eldest
purge, not by age pattern, Purge, Not by Age
PUSH_SUBQ hint, Execution-order hints


queries, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
(see also joins)
aggregating too many rows, Unsolvable Problems, Aggregations of Many Details
altering to enable optimum execution plan, Altering the SQL to Enable the Best Plan
for batch reports, large, Large Batch ReportsSolutions
blind, Large Online Queries
choosing indexed access or full table scan for, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
complex queries, Diagramming and Tuning Complex SQL Queries
abnormal outer joins in, Outer JoinsOuter joins to a detail table with a filter
cyclic joins in, Cyclic Join GraphsCyclic join summary
disconnected, Disconnected Query DiagramsDisconnected Query Diagrams
joins with no primary keys in, Joins with No Primary Key
multiple roots in, Query Diagrams with Multiple RootsCase 4: Converting an existence check to an explicit subquery
one-to-one joins in, One-to-One JoinsConventions to display one-to-one joins
set operations in, Queries with Set Operations
subqueries in, Queries with Subqueries
views in, Queries with ViewsUnnecessary nodes and joins
distributed filters in, Why Queries Sometimes Read Many Rows to Return FewOptimizing Queries with Distributed Filters
errors in (see problem cases)
middleware processes handling too many rows in, Middleware Processes Handling Too Many Rows
modifying with DB2, Modifying the QueryLet DB2 know when to optimize the cost of reading just the first few rows
modifying with Oracle, General hint syntaxExample
modifying with SQL Server, Modifying the QueryHint Examples
multitable queries, JoinsJoin methods summary
online, large, Large Online QueriesLarge Online Queries
performance effects of, estimating, Missing Indexes
read locks in, disabling, Modifying the Query
repeated a large number of times, Unsolvable Problems, When Very Fast Is Not Fast EnoughMerging Repeated Queries into a Preexisting Query
returning too many rows, Unsolvable Problems, Queries that Return Data from Too Many RowsSolutions
running slowly even when returning few rows, Unsolvable Problems, Tuned Queries that Return Few Rows, SlowlyOptimizing Queries with Distributed Filters
set operations in, Queries with Set Operations
simple, Glossary
creating query diagrams for, Creating Query DiagramsShortcuts
criteria for, Diagramming and Tuning Complex SQL Queries
full query diagrams for, Full Query DiagramsWhen Query Diagrams Help the Most
interpreting query diagrams for, Interpreting Query DiagramsInterpreting Query Diagrams
simplified query diagrams for, Simplified Query DiagramsSimplified Query Diagrams
single-table queries, Single-Table Access PathsChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
subqueries in, Queries with Subqueries
converting existence checks to, Case 4: Converting an existence check to an explicit subquery
correlated, forcing evaluation of, Execution-order hints
DB2 execution plan for, Complex Execution Plans
exercise for, Exercise (See Section A.3 for the solution to the exercise.), Chapter 7 Exercise SolutionChapter 7 Exercise Solution
EXISTS subqueries, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries, Diagramming EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming EXISTS subqueries, Queries with Set Operations, Glossary
forcing execution order when using, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and SubqueriesForcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries
NOT EXISTS subqueries, Diagramming NOT EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries, Queries with Set Operations, Glossary
Oracle execution plan for, Complex Execution Plans
query diagrams for, Diagramming Queries with SubqueriesDiagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries
SQL Server execution plan for, Complex Execution Plans
tuning, Tuning Queries with SubqueriesTuning Queries with Subqueries
view-defining, Queries with Views, Glossary
view-using, Queries with Views, Diagramming View-Using QueriesDiagramming View-Using Queries, Redundant reads in view-using queries, Glossary
views in, Queries with ViewsUnnecessary nodes and joins
Query Analyzer (see SQL Server Query Analyzer)
query diagrams, A Bonus, Glossary
abstractness of, Table names
compared to entity-relationship diagrams, Interpreting Query Diagrams
correlation joins in, Diagramming Queries with Subqueries
creating, Creating Query DiagramsShortcuts, Reducing the Query to a Query DiagramCreating a Full Query Diagram
cyclic joins in, Cyclic Join GraphsCyclic join summary, Glossary
disconnected, Disconnected Query DiagramsDisconnected Query Diagrams
example usage of, Conceptual Demonstration of Query Diagrams in Use
exercises for, Exercises (See Section A.1 for the solution to each exercise.)Exercises (See Section A.1 for the solution to each exercise.), Chapter 5 Exercise SolutionsExercise 6
filter conditions not included in, Filter condition details
filter ratios in, Underlined numbers, Compute filter and join ratiosCompute filter and join ratios, Shortcuts, Interpreting Query Diagrams, Simplified Query Diagrams
full, Full Query DiagramsWhen Query Diagrams Help the Most, Creating a Full Query DiagramCreating a Full Query Diagram
grouping not included in, Ordering and aggregation
interpreting, Interpreting Query DiagramsInterpreting Query Diagrams
join conditions not included in, Detailed join conditions
join ratios in, Nonunderlined numbers, Absolute table sizes (as opposed to relative sizes), Compute filter and join ratiosCompute filter and join ratios, Shortcuts, Interpreting Query Diagrams, Simplified Query Diagrams
joins in, Links, Diagram joins to the first focusChange focus and repeat
links in, Links
multiple roots in, Query Diagrams with Multiple RootsCase 4: Converting an existence check to an explicit subquery
nodes in, Nodes
nonunderlined numbers in, Nonunderlined numbers
normal form reflected in, Interpreting Query Diagrams
one-to-one joins in, Conventions to display one-to-one joins
ordering not included in, Ordering and aggregation
outer joins in, Change focus and repeat
post-group filtering not included in, Ordering and aggregation
reasons for using, Why a New Method?
select lists not included in, Select lists
simplified, Why a New Method?, Simplified Query DiagramsSimplified Query Diagrams, Creating a Simplified Query Diagram
subqueries in, Diagramming Queries with SubqueriesDiagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries
table aliases in, Nodes
table names not included in, Table names
underlined numbers in, Underlined numbers
view-using queries in, Diagramming View-Using QueriesDiagramming View-Using Queries
when to use, When Query Diagrams Help the Most
query skeleton, Glossary, Glossary
questions about this book, sending, Comments and Questions


range-condition selectivity for index (see index range-condition selectivity)
ratios (see benefit-to-cost ratio; cache-hit ratio; correlation preference ratio; filter ratio; join ratio)
RBO (see rule-based optimizer)
read locks, disabling in queries, Modifying the Query
redundant joins, enabling join order, Missing redundant join conditions
referential integrity, Shortcuts, Glossary
relative running rowcount, Steps for Normal Outer Join Order Optimization
repeated queries, Unsolvable Problems, When Very Fast Is Not Fast EnoughMerging Repeated Queries into a Preexisting Query
reports, batch, Large Batch ReportsSolutions
robust execution plans, Robust Execution PlansRobust Execution Plans, Glossary
creating missing indexes for, Missing Indexes
improving upon, Merged Join and Filter Indexes
reasons to choose, Summary
root block, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
root detail table, Glossary
root nodes, multiple, in query diagram, Query Diagrams with Multiple RootsCase 4: Converting an existence check to an explicit subquery
rowcount, Glossary
correlated subqueries affecting, Tuning Queries with Subqueries
estimating cost of joins using, Conceptual Demonstration of Query Diagrams in Use
filter ratios and, Simplified Query Diagrams
inner joins affecting, Join Order for an Eight-Way Join
large, join execution method for, Cases to Consider Hash Joins
relative running rowcount, Steps for Normal Outer Join Order Optimization
running rowcount, Outer Joins
join execution method for, Special Rules for Special Cases
running slowly, Why Queries Sometimes Read Many Rows to Return FewOptimizing Queries with Distributed Filters
rowid, B-Tree Indexes, Glossary
rows, reading first rows quickly, Let DB2 know when to optimize the cost of reading just the first few rows, Modifying the Query
rowset, Glossary
RULE hint, Robust Execution Plans
rule-based optimizer, Providing the Cost-Based Optimizer with Good Data, Controlling Plans on OracleControlling Plans on Oracle
choosing, Controlling the Choice of Oracle OptimizerControlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer
cost-based optimizer used with, Controlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer
disabling unintentionally, Controlling the Choice of Oracle Optimizer
running rowcount, Outer Joins


select lists, not included in query diagrams, Select lists
selectivity, Calculating Selectivity
index range-condition selectivity, Index Range-Condition SelectivityIndex Range-Condition Selectivity
of filters, Filter SelectivityFilter Selectivity
on table rows reached from index, Selectivity on Table Rows Reached from the IndexSelectivity on Table Rows Reached from the Index
self-caching, Caching in the Database, Glossary
semi-join, Diagramming EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
set operations, queries using, Queries with Set Operations
simple queries, Glossary
creating query diagrams for, Creating Query DiagramsShortcuts
criteria for, Diagramming and Tuning Complex SQL Queries
full query diagrams for, Full Query DiagramsWhen Query Diagrams Help the Most
interpreting query diagrams for, Interpreting Query DiagramsInterpreting Query Diagrams
simplified query diagrams for, Simplified Query DiagramsSimplified Query Diagrams
simplified query diagrams, Why a New Method?, Simplified Query DiagramsSimplified Query Diagrams, Creating a Simplified Query Diagram
single-table access paths, Single-Table Access PathsChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
single-table clusters, Single-Table Clusters
single-table queries, Single-Table Access PathsChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
software, Glossary
(see also application; middleware)
software tools for generating execution plans, Viewing and Interpreting Execution Plans, Reading DB2 Execution Plans
sort-merge joins, Sort-merge joins, Glossary
in DB2 execution plan, Nonrobust Execution Plans
in Oracle execution plan, Nonrobust Execution Plans
when to use, Completing the Solution for an Eight-Way Join, Unfiltered Joins
SQL Server
COALESCE() function, Preventing Use of the Wrong Indexes
execution plans
complex, Complex Execution Plans
controlling, Controlling Plans on SQL ServerUsing FORCEPLAN
displaying, Displaying Execution PlansDisplaying execution plans textually, Getting the SQL Server Execution Plan
interpreting, How to Interpret the PlanNarrative Interpretation of the Execution Plan
nonrobust, Interpreting Nonrobust Execution Plans
modifying queries with, Modifying the QueryHint Examples
type conversions with, Enabling Use of the Index You Want
SQL Server Query Analyzer, Displaying Execution Plans, Displaying execution plans graphically, Displaying execution plans textually
example of using, Getting the SQL Server Execution Plan
updating statistics in, SQL Server Optimization Prerequisites
SQL statements (see queries)
SQL tuning, Outside-the-Box Solutions
(see also execution plans; problem cases)
example of process, The Full Process, End to End
altering application as necessary, Altering the Application
altering database as necessary, Altering the Database to Enable the Best Plan
altering query as necessary, Altering the SQL to Enable the Best Plan
checking existing execution plans, Checking the Execution PlansGetting the SQL Server Execution Plan
creating query diagram, Reducing the Query to a Query DiagramCreating a Full Query Diagram
finding best execution plan, Solving the Query Diagram
improvement percentage requirements, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
reasons for, Why Tune SQL?
steps for, How This Book Can Help
types of solutions for, Objectives of This Book
who should perform, Audience for This Book, Who Should Tune SQL?
SQL, book about, Objectives of This Book, Objectives of This Book
(see also queries)
providing for cost-based optimizer, Providing the Cost-Based Optimizer with Good Data
updating for Oracle, Oracle cost-based optimizer prerequisites
updating with DB2, DB2 Optimization Prerequisites
updating with SQL Server, SQL Server Optimization Prerequisites
subqueries, Queries with Subqueries
converting existence checks to, Case 4: Converting an existence check to an explicit subquery
correlated, forcing evaluation of, Execution-order hints
DB2 execution plan for, Complex Execution Plans
exercise for, Exercise (See Section A.3 for the solution to the exercise.), Chapter 7 Exercise SolutionChapter 7 Exercise Solution
EXISTS subqueries, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries, Diagramming EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming EXISTS subqueries, Queries with Set Operations, Glossary
forcing execution order when using, Forcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and SubqueriesForcing Execution Order for Outer Queries and Subqueries
NOT EXISTS subqueries, Diagramming NOT EXISTS subqueriesDiagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries, Queries with Set Operations, Glossary
Oracle execution plan for, Complex Execution Plans
query diagrams for, Diagramming Queries with SubqueriesDiagramming NOT EXISTS subqueries
SQL Server execution plan for, Complex Execution Plans
tuning, Tuning Queries with SubqueriesTuning Queries with Subqueries
subquery adjusted filter ratio, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries, Diagramming EXISTS subqueries, Glossary
subquery root detail table, Glossary
Sybase, Reading SQL Server Execution Plans
(see also SQL Server)
execution plans for, Reading SQL Server Execution Plans


tables, TablesComplete Purge and Regrowth
adding, for joins with hidden join filters, One-to-one joins with hidden join filters in both directions
aliases of, in query diagrams, Nodes
apples-and-oranges tables, Glossary
for exact one-to-one joins, Exact one-to-one joins
for tables with hidden join filters, One-to-one joins with hidden join filters in both directions
complete purge and regrowth pattern for, Complete Purge and Regrowth
conditions on (see filters; joins; selectivity)
continuous growth pattern for, Continuous Growth
detail table, Glossary
driving, Nested-loops joins, Execution-order hints, Standard Heuristic Join Order, Safe Cartesian ProductsSafe Cartesian Products, Choosing the Driving TableChoosing the Driving Table, Glossary
focus table, Glossary
full table scan, Full Table Scans, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed AccessChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access, Table-access hints, Modifying the Query, Glossary
growth patterns for, TablesComplete Purge and Regrowth
high-water mark of, Tables, Complete Purge and Regrowth, Glossary
index-organized, Index-Organized Tables
indexed access of, Indexed Table AccessChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access, How to interpret the plan, How to interpret the plan, How to Interpret the Plan
affecting caching, Caching in the Database, Full Table Scans
affecting indexed read performance, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access, Choosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
affecting optimum execution plan, A Special CaseSolving the Special Case Outside of Oracle, Special Rules for Special Cases
nested loops for, The Case for Nested Loops
master table, Glossary
multitable clusters, Multitable Clusters
multitable queries, JoinsJoin methods summary
names of, not included in query diagram, Table names
nodes representing (see nodes)
partitioned, Partitioned Tables
physical layout of, affecting performance, Tables
purge eldest pattern for, Purge Eldest
purge, not by age pattern for, Purge, Not by Age
root detail table, Glossary
selectivity on rows reached from index, Selectivity on Table Rows Reached from the IndexSelectivity on Table Rows Reached from the Index
separating, for one-to-one join to small subset, One-to-one join to a much smaller subset
single-table access paths, Single-Table Access PathsChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
single-table clusters, Single-Table Clusters
single-table queries, Single-Table Access PathsChoosing Between a Full Table Scan and Indexed Access
size of
cost-based optimizer’s response to, Absolute table sizes (as opposed to relative sizes)
indicating necessity of index, Indexed Table Access
represented in query diagrams, Absolute table sizes (as opposed to relative sizes)
small, affecting caching, Caching in the Database
statistics for, used by cost-based optimizer, Providing the Cost-Based Optimizer with Good Data
throughput, Why Tune SQL?, Why Tune SQL?
(see also performance)
TOAD software tool, Viewing and Interpreting Execution Plans
transitivity, implying missing join conditions with, Case 1: Two one-to-one master tables share the same detail table
TRUNCATE command, Complete Purge and Regrowth
tuning (see SQL tuning)
tuple, Glossary
two-node filter, Case 3: Two-node filter (nonunique on both ends) between nodes is already linked through normal joinsCase 3: Two-node filter (nonunique on both ends) between nodes is already linked through normal joins, Cyclic join summary
type conversions, indexes enabled and disabled by, Index Range-Condition Selectivity, Enabling Use of the Index You Want


underlined numbers in query diagrams, Underlined numbers
unfiltered joins, Unfiltered Joins
UNION ALL operation (see set operations)
UNION operation (see set operations)
unique indexes, performance effects of, Index Costs
unique keys (see primary keys)
updates in index, performance effects of, Index Costs
uppercase text used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
upstream nodes, when to choose, When to Choose Early Joins to Upstream Nodes
USE_HASH hint, Join-method hints
USE_NL hint, Join-method hints


web sites
author’s, Comments and Questions
O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., Comments and Questions
O’Reilly catalog page for this book, Comments and Questions, Creating a Full Query Diagram
WHERE clause (see filters; joins)
WITH (INDEX()) hint, Modifying the Query, Modifying the Query
WITH (NOLOCK) hint, Modifying the Query
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