Hour 10 Working with EventHandlingScope and Strongly Typed Activities

What You’ll Learn in This Hour:

Image   Basic usage of an EventHandlingScope activity

Image   Using the EventHandlingScope and Replicator activity in conjunction

Image   Creation of the engine of a highly functional and dynamic approval-centric workflow

Image   Using the wca.exe utility to create strongly typed activities

Image   Modeling a workflow using strongly typed activities

The EventHandlingScope activity is a multifaceted activity that supports a default path while listening to events at the same time. The default path is supported by a Sequence activity that runs activities through in normal sequential progression. While the sequential path is processing, the EventDrivenActivity’s event handler’s portion listens for and acts on events.

The capability to conduct a flow while listening to events is useful in at least a couple of scenarios. The first is to support events that may occur throughout the workflow’s life cycle while it is processing, such as canceling the workflow, adding an approver, and changing approvers. The second is to allow the workflow to process events for a specific period of time—for example, if allowing orders to be shipped by FedEx, UPS, and another carrier during a one-hour time period.

Hour 5, “Creating an Escalation Workflow,” introduced the Listen activity that permits two or more branches to be equipped with blocking activities (for example, HandleExternalEvent or Delay) as their first activities. The EventHandlingScope activity also permits multiple branches to be equipped with blocking activities as their first child. The difference is that the EventHandlingScope activity permits the events to reoccur, whereas the Listen activity processes one event on one branch based on the first event or expired timer it receives.

Finally, after manually binding HandleExternalEvent and CallExternalMethod activities to local service interfaces throughout this book, you will learn to create strongly typed activities already bound to interfaces, which simplifies adding them to workflows.

Learning Basic EventHandlingScope Activity Solution and Project Setup

See previous hours if you need help creating projects or solutions.

Follow the next steps to set up the solution.

1.   Open the solution named EventHandlingScopeWorkflow in the C:SamsWf24hrsHoursHour10EventHandlingScopeLab1EventHandlingScopeWorkflow directory with a project named LocalServices and another named EventHandlingScopeHostForm.

2.   Add a Sequential Workflow Library project to the solution and name it EventHandlingScopeWorkflows.

3.   Add a reference to the LocalServices project and to System.Windows.Forms.

4.   Set a reference from the EventHandlingScopeHostForm to both the LocalServices and EventHandlingScopeWorkflows projects.

Creating the Basic EventHandlingScope Workflow

In this section, you configure the EventHandlingScope activity across its different elements.

Placing the Activities on the EventHandlingScope Sequential Section

First is a brief prelude to XAML workflows because you will create them in this hour and they are one of the major pieces of the WF puzzle. Workflows can be laid out in XAML as discussed in Hour 2, “A Spin Around Windows Workflow Foundation.” So far (with the exception in Hour 2), the default workflow format has been used, which lays out the workflow via code in the constructor, in a manner much like a Windows Form. In XAML workflows, the layout resides in a .XOML file (that again contains standard XAML but the extension prohibits browsers from attempting to render it). You are not specifying a XAML-only file, and so there will still be a code-beside file. The change will be limited to where the layout is specified. The reason for choosing XAML over code is that tools can operate against it much more effectively. XAML can also make looking at the logic easier and it is helpful to look at the EventHandlingScope activity in XAML to understand what it does.

In the next steps, you add an EventHandlingScope activity and add activities to its mainline element—the one that processes sequentially until completed.

1.   Delete Workflows1.cs from the EventHandlingScopeWorkflows project.

2.   Right-click the EventHandlingScopeWorkflows project, choose Add, New Item, choose the Sequential Workflow (with code separation) project template, and name it EventHandlingScopeWorkflow.

3.   Add the following using directive to the workflow code-beside file:

                using System.Windows.Forms;

4.   Add an EventHandlingScope activity.

5.   Add a Sequence activity to the EventHandlingScope activity.

6.   Add a Code activity to the Sequence activity.

7.   Add a Delay activity below the Code activity.

8.   Add another Code activity below the Delay activity.

9.   Your workflow should now look like Figure 10.1.

FIGURE 10.1 EventHandlingScope activity in default view.

EventHandlingScope activity in default view.

Placing the Activities on the EventHandlingScope Event Handlers Section

You have completed the mainline processing element of the EventHandlingScope activity. In the next steps, you will configure its listeners that will be called on zero or more times during mainline workflow execution. This is useful because in many approval workflows it is necessary to be able to change approver midflight, and it may always be handy to cancel the workflow. Therefore, these two events are trapped in the EventHandlingScope event handling section, where they can be trapped throughout the EventHandlingScope activity’s sequential execution.

1.   Right-click the EventHandlingScope activity and notice the View Event Handlers option below the standard views, which is available for most control flow activities.

2.   Right-click the EventHandlingScope activity again and select View Event Handlers. The EventHandlingScope activity should now look like Figure 10.2.

FIGURE 10.2 EventHandlingScope activity in Event Handlers view.

EventHandlingScope activity in Event Handlers view.

3.   Place an EventDriven activity in the little rectangle (the film strip) that goes across the upper half of the EventHandlingScope activity and name it CancelWorkflow.

4.   Place another EventDriven activity next to the first EventDriven in the film strip and name it AddApprover.

5.   Click the CancelWorkflow EventDriven activity and drag and drop a HandleExternalEvent activity into the middle of the EventHandlingScope activity where it says Drop Activities Here.

6.   Place a Code activity below the HandleExternalEvent activity.

7.   Click on the AddApprover EventDriven activity and add a HandleExternalEvent activity to it.

8.   Place a Code activity below this HandleExternalEvent activity as well.

9.   Click either activity in the CancelWorkflow EventDriven activity, and your EventHandlingScope activity should now look like Figure 10.3.

FIGURE 10.3 Partially configured EventHandlingScope activity in Event Handlers view.

Partially configured EventHandlingScope activity in Event Handlers view.

Configuring the Event Handling Scope Sequential Activities

In the next steps, you configure the child activities in the EventHandlingScope activity’s sequential section.

1.   Right-click the EventHandlingScope activity and choose view EventHandlingScope. You should now see your two Code activities and one Delay activity that make up the standard processing (as seen in Figure 10.1).

2.   Double-click the first Code activity and add the following code to its handler:

MessageBox.Show("The EventHandlingScope activity has started at "
           + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

3.   Set the Delay activity’s TimeoutDuration property to 00:00:30.

4.   Double-click the second Code activity and add the following code to its handler:

MessageBox.Show("The EventHandlingScope activity is completing at "
                + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

Configuring the EventHandlingScope Event Handling Activities

In this section, you configure the child activities in the EventHandlingScope activity’s Event Handlers section.

Configuring the CancelWorkflow EventDriven Activity

In the next steps, you configure the CancelWorkflow EventDriven activity.

1.   Right-click the EventHandlingScope activity and select View Event Handlers.

2.   Click the CancelWorkflow EventDriven activity.

3.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity and set its InterfaceType property to IEventHandlingScopeBasicLocalService and its EventName property to OrderWorkflowCancel. (See Hour 4, “Learning Host-Workflow Data Exchange,” if you need help binding activities to local services.)

4.   Double-click the Code activity below the HandleExternalEvent activity and add the following code to its handler:

                    MessageBox.Show("Workflow canceled at "
                              + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

Configuring the AddApprover EventDriven Activity

In the next steps, you configure the AddApprover EventDriven activity.

1.   Click the AddApprover EventDriven activity.

2.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity and set its InterfaceType property to IEventHandlingScopeBasicLocalService and its EventName property to OrderWorkflowAddApprover.

3.   Click the Code activity below the HandleExternalEvent activity and add the following code to its handler:

                   MessageBox.Show("Approver added at"
                                + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

Running the Basic EventHandlingScope Workflow

You will now test the EventHandlingScope activity in the next steps by running a form with three buttons. The first allows you to start the workflow. The second allows you to continue to raise the cancel workflow event while the workflow is still running. The third allows you to continue to add an approver to the workflow. The workflow will run for 30 seconds after it is started, based on the Delay activity configuration.

1.   Run the project and click the CreateOrder button to start the workflow. You should see the form displayed in Figure 10.4.

FIGURE 10.4 Form supported by EventHandlingScope activity.

Form supported by EventHandlingScope activity.

2.   Now click the Cancel and Add Approver buttons as many times as you want before the workflow completes.

Looking at the EventHandlingScope Activity in XAML

In the next steps you view the EventHandlingScope activity’s XAML representation.

1.   Right-click the EventHandlingScopeWorkflow.xoml file in the Solution Explorer, select Open With, select XML editor, and click OK.

2.   Listing 10.1 contains the logic for the EventHandlingScope activity. I stripped much of the details including references to the interface for brevity. As you can see, there are two main elements of the EventHandlingScope activity—one for the sequential portion and the other for the event handler’s portion. Looking at workflows and activities in XAML can be a productive way to get a picture of the activity or workflow.

LISTING 10.1 EventHandlingScopeWorkflow XAML View

<EventHandlingScopeActivity x:Name="eventHandlingScopeActivity1">
          <SequenceActivity x:Name="sequenceActivity1">
               <CodeActivity x:Name="codeActivity1"/>
               <DelayActivityx:Name="delayActivity1" />
               <CodeActivity x:Name="codeActivity2"/>
          <EventHandlersActivity x:Name="eventHandlersActivity1">
               <EventDrivenActivity x:Name="CancelWorkflow">
                    <CodeActivity x:Name="codeActivity3"/>
               <EventDrivenActivity x:Name="AddApprover">
                    <CodeActivity x:Name="codeActivity4"/>

Creating a More Advanced EventHandlingScope Workflow

By now you have much of the gist of the EventHandlingScope activity. This section combines the EventHandlingScope activity with the Replicator. The Replicator provides the capability to provision n number of users when the workflow begins processing and the EventHandlingScope has the ability to alter the approvers during the workflow’s life cycle. This combination supplies a solid platform for many approval scenarios where flexibility is necessary throughout the process—for example, as approvers go on vacation or new approvers are required. In fact, if you look at the source code provided with the SharePoint SDK, most of the workflows are highly dependent on these two activities to allow for flexible levels of approval, flexible number and style of approval, and changes throughout their life cycle.

Setting up the Advanced EventHandlingScope Activity Solution

Follow the next steps to open and configure the WorkflowEventHandlingScopeReplicator solution.

1.   Open the solution named WorkflowEventHandlingScopeReplicator in the C:SamsWf24hrsHoursHour10EventHandlingScopeLab2WorkflowEventHandlingScopeReplicator directory with a project named LocalServices and another named EventHandlingScopeReplicatorForm.

2.   Add a Sequential Workflow Library project to the solution and name it EventHandlingScopeWorkflows.

3.   Add a reference to the LocalServices project and to System.Windows.Forms.

4.   Delete Workflow1.cs and add a new workflow named EventHandlingScopeReplicatorWorkflow; specify that it uses code separation.

5.   Add a reference from the EventHandlingScopeReplicatorForm project to the EventHandlingScopeWorkflows project.

Add the Activities to the Workflow

In the subsections of this section, you will configure the various EventHandlingScope activity views.

Add Activities to the Sequential View

In the next steps, you add activities to the EventHandlingScope activity’s sequential view.

1.   Add an EventHandlingScope activity to the workflow.

2.   Add a Replicator activity to the EventHandlingScope activity.

3.   Add a Sequence activity to the Replicator activity.

4.   Add a CallExternalMethod activity and a HandleExternalEvent activity to the Sequence activity.

5.   The overall layout of your workflow should look like Figure 10.5, although it will still have exclamation marks because it is not yet figured.

FIGURE 10.5 EventHandlingScope activity’s Sequential view.

EventHandlingScope activity’s Sequential view.

Add Activities to the Event Handlers View

In the next steps, you add activities to the EventHandlingScope activity’s Event Handlers view.

1.   Right-click the EventHandlingScope activity and choose its Event Handlers view.

2.   Drop an EventDriven activity into its film strip and add a HandleExternalEvent activity to it.

3.   Drop another EventDriven activity into its film strip and add a HandleExternalEvent activity to it.

4.   Drop a third EventDriven activity into its film strip and add a HandleExternalEvent activity to it.

5.   Click the first EventDriven activity, and your EventHandlingScope activity should look like Figure 10.6.

FIGURE 10.6 EventHandlingScope activity’s Event Handlers view.

EventHandlingScope activity’s Event Handlers view.

Configuring the Activities in the Sequential View

In the next steps, you configure the activities in the sequential view.

1.   Right-click the EventHandlingScope activity and set its view to the EventHandlingScope view.

2.   Click the CallExternalMethod activity; then set its InterfaceType property to the IOrderCorrelationLocalService and its MethodName property to GetResponse. (Be careful to choose the correct interface because there are two.)

3.   Set its CorrelationToken property to TheToken and its OwnerActivityName property to sequenceActivity1.

4.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity, set its InterfaceType property to the IOrderCorrelationLocalService, and set its EventName property to OrderWorkflowApprove.

5.   Set its CorrelationToken property to TheToken.

Configuring the Activities in the Event Handlers View

In the next steps, you configure the activities in the Event Handlers view.

1.   Set the EventHandlingScope activity to its Event Handlers view.

2.   Click the left-hand EventDriven activity and name it CancelWorkflow.

3.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity in the CancelWorkflow EventDriven activity, set its InterfaceType property to IEventHandlingScopeBasicLocalService, and set its EventName property to OrderWorkflowCancel.

4.   Click the middle EventDriven activity and name it AddApprover.

5.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity in the AddApprover EventDriven activity, set its InterfaceType property to IEventHandlingScopeBasicLocalService, and set its EventName property to OrderWorkflowAddApprover.

6.   Click the right EventDriven activity and name it DeleteApprover.

7.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity in the DeleteApprover EventDriven activity, set its InterfaceType property to IEventHandlingScopeBasicLocalService, and set its EventName property to OrderWorkflowDeleteApprover.

Preparatory Setup

The Approvers property you create will be an array list because this time the workflow will accept a list of approvers from the host form rather than manufacturing approvers based on a total number.

1.   Add the following using directive to the workflow code-beside file:

using System.Windows.Forms;

2.   Add the following variable to the top of the code-beside file class. (No constructor exists, because the workflow is expressed in XAML.)

               int counter = 0;

3.   Create a new DependencyProperty named OrderAmount by right-clicking in the code-beside file below the variable you just added. Select Insert Snippet, double-click Other, Workflow, select the Dependency Property, Property choice, and name it Approvers (leave the Property suffix). Press Tab, set its type to ArrayList, and press Enter to leave the remaining defaults.

4.   Add another dependency property, name it ApprovalStyle, and accept all remaining defaults.

Adding Code-Beside for the Replicator Activity

In the next steps, you add the code to execute when the Replicator and its children are initialized. This is nearly identical to the code used the previous hour. The major difference is that it accepts Approvers from the form, thereby eliminating the need to combine Approver + counter to manufacture approvers.

1.   Click the Replicator activity (remember to switch to the EventHandlingScope activity view if it is not shown), enter RepInitialized in its Initialized property, and enter the following code in its handler:

                    replicatorActivity1.InitialChildData = Approvers;
                    // Specify whether child instances should execute in serial or
                    if (ApprovalStyle == "Parallel")
                         replicatorActivity1.ExecutionType = ExecutionType.Parallel;
                             replicatorActivity1.ExecutionType = ExecutionType.Sequence;

2.   Enter RepChildInit in its ChildInitialized property, and enter the following code in its handler:

                   // Extract the "correct" CallExtnernalMethodActivity
                   CallExternalMethodActivity act =
                       as CallExternalMethodActivity;

                   act.ParameterBindings["approver"].Value =

                   counter = counter + 1;

Adding Code-Beside to Update the Workflow Midflight

This is where the majority of the new code resides. You will trap the Invoked methods of each of the HandleExternalMethod activities to cancel the workflow, add an approver, or delete an approver. Approvers are added and removed from the Replicator.CurrentChildData property, which carries the replicator child data as the Replicator activity executes.

You will display a message when the workflow is canceled (cancellation is covered in Hour 16, “Working with Exceptions, Compensation, and Transactions,” but you will enter code to carry out the other two choices now.

In the next steps you update the Invoked handlers of the HandleExternalEvent activities.

1.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity in the CancelWorkflow EventDriven activity (remember to switch the activity view if necessary), enter CancelWorkflowInvoke in its Invoked property, and enter the following code in its handler:

            SamsWFBook.OrderCancelEventArgs ea = e as

2.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity in the AddApprovers EventDriven activity, enter AddApproverInvoked in its Invoked property, and enter the following code in its handler:

                     ((e as SamsWFBook.OrderApproverEventArgs).Approver);

            Approvers.Add((e as SamsWFBook.OrderApproverEventArgs).Approver);

3.   Click the HandleExternalEvent activity in the DeleteApprovers EventDriven activity, enter DeleteApproverInvoked in its Invoked property, and enter the following code in its handler:

                        ((e as SamsWFBook.OrderApproverEventArgs).Approver);

            Approvers.Remove((e as

Running the Advanced EventHandlingScope Workflow

The form has been changed. It allows you to enter the name of up to three approvers and to cancel the workflow, add approvers, and to delete approvers midflight. The workflow queues are updated each time you add or remove an approver. The new form is shown in Figure 10.7.

FIGURE 10.7 EventHandlingScope form with cancel, add approver, and delete approver options.

EventHandlingScope form with cancel, add approver, and delete approver options.

Follow the next steps to load the form, enter the values, and run the workflow.

1.   Run the project and enter Robert in Approver 1, Patricia in Approver 2, and Matthew in Approver 3.

2.   Set the form to process in parallel and click the Create Order button.

3.   The Queues text box should show entries for Robert, Patricia, and Matthew.

4.   Enter New Approver in the text box alongside the Add Approver button, and then click the Add Approver button.

5.   The Queues text box should now contain a fourth entry for the new approver. You have just updated a workflow midflight, as shown in Figure 10.8.

FIGURE 10.8 EventHandlingScope form with additional approver added at runtime.

EventHandlingScope form with additional approver added at runtime.

6.   Enter Robert in the text box alongside the Delete Approver button and then click the Delete Approver button.

7.   The Queues text box should now contain only three approvers.

8.   Click the Cancel Workflow button and you will be presented with a dialog box.

9.   Now select the other approvers by entering a name in the Queues text box and clicking Submit. Do so for all remaining approvers in any order and then the EventHandlingScope activity and in turn the workflow will complete.

Using WCA.exe to Build the Strongly Typed Activities

The WCA.exe utility enables the creation of strongly typed communication activities (CallExternalMethod and HandleExternalEvent) that can be placed on the workflow where their properties can be set. The general advantages are that there is no need to point them to an interface and select the correct method or event. It is also more performant because the strong typing eliminates the need to use reflection to gather the type information at runtime. They can also be used to store additional information when integrating with other systems, as will be explained shortly. For communication activities that will be used frequently, strong typing is useful.

1.   Shell out to a command prompt and enter the following to go to the bin directory: C:SamsWf24hrsHoursHour10EventHandlingScopeLab2WorkflowEventHandlingScopeReplicatorEventHandlingScopeWorkflowsinDebug.

2.   Enter "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv6.0Bin"wca.exe to see all options available. (On Windows Server 2003 I had to include the quotes around the path and place wca.exe outside the quotes as shown. Your path might vary for WCA.exe. If so, search for it.)

3.   Enter "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv6.0Bin"wca.exe localservices.dll to run the WCA utility on the local service for this project.

4.   IOrderCorrelationLocalService.Invoke.cs and IOrderCorrelationLocalService.Sink.cs will be generated. The first contains the CallExternalMethod activities and the latter contains the HandleExternalMethod activities. (There is also an equivalent duo created for the IEventHandlingScopeBasicLocalService local service, which we will not use.)

5.   Add a new Class Library project named StronglyTypedActivities to the solution and add the IOrderCorrelationLocalService files created above using the Project, Add Existing Item option.

6.   Delete Class1.cs.

7.   Add references to System.Workflow.Activities, System.Workflow.ComponentModel, and System.Drawing. Also reference the LocalServices project.

8.   Build the project.

9.   Open the EventHandlingScopeReplicatorWorkflow in design model and you will see that the GetResponse and OrderWorkflowApprove activities have been added under the new StronglyTypedActivities section (as shown in Figure 10.9). They are available to all projects in the current solution. In Hour 20, “Creating Basic Custom Activities,” you will learn to make them available to all projects, including those outside of this solution.

FIGURE 10.9 GetResponse and OrderWorkflowApprove added to the toolbox.

GetResponse and OrderWorkflowApprove added to the toolbox.

Use Strongly Typed Activities on a Workflow

Because you will now add the same communication activities to multiple branches, reducing the configuration will streamline the process.

Follow the next steps to add strongly typed communication activities to the workflow.

1.   Disable the EventHandlingScope activity.

2.   Add a Parallel activity at the end of the workflow and change its name to ParallelWithStronglyTypedActivities.

3.   Add a GetResponse and an OnWorkOrderApprove activity, in that order, to both branches of the Parallel activity. The Parallel activity should now look like Figure 10.10.

FIGURE 10.10 Parallel activity configured with strongly typed activities.

Parallel activity configured with strongly typed activities.

4.   Click the GetResponse activity in the left branch and notice that its properties are different from those of a standard CallExternalMethod activity (as shown in Figure 10.11). It contains no InterfaceType or MethodName properties; they are unnecessary because these are part of the activity, which makes the activity strongly typed.

FIGURE 10.11 Strongly typed GetResponse activity property window.

Strongly typed GetResponse activity property window.

5.   Enter Branch1Token in the GetResponse activity CorrelationToken property and then select the enclosing Sequence activity as the owner (in my case it is sequenceActivity2).

6.   Enter branch1 in the approver property.

7.   Click the OrderWorkflowApprove activity in the left branch and notice its new properties (as shown in Figure 10.12).

FIGURE 10.12 Strongly typed OrderWorkflowApprove activity property window.

Strongly typed OrderWorkflowApprove activity property window.

8.   Enter branch1 in its approver property and select Branch1Token in its CorrelationToken property.

9.   Configure the right branch strongly typed GetResponse activity using Branch2Token as the CorrelationToken, its enclosing Sequence activity as its OwnerActivityName, and branch2 as its approver property.

10.   Configure the right branch strongly typed OrderWorkflowApprove activity using Branch2Token as the CorrelationToken property and branch2 as its approver property.

11.   Run the workflow, do not enter any data on the form, and click Create Order.

     You should see the results shown in Figure 10.13, which represent the two queues created by the HandleExternalEvent activities awaiting a response.

FIGURE 10.13 Running the workflow with Parallel activity and strongly typed activities.

Running the workflow with Parallel activity and strongly typed activities.

12.   Enter the approvers (branch1, then branch2) one at a time in the Approver Name text box and click Submit after each to respond to the events and complete the workflow. (This is a Parallel activity and not a Listen, so both events will be raised concurrently.)

If you like, open IOrderCorrelationLocalService.Invokes.cs and IOrderCorrelationLocalService.Sinks.cs to see the source code behind these strongly typed activities. Although used here for convenience, the extra attributes can also be used to communicate with external systems. For example, SharePoint’s WF implementation features numerous task-centric activities that are strongly typed activities with attributes, such as task name, due date, and so on, that are used to interact with SharePoint tasks.


A very powerful activity was introduced in this hour: the EventHandlingScope. Its general usage was explored in the first section. The second section walked though how to use this activity in conjunction with the Replicator to create highly flexible workflows. These workflows benefit from the Replicator’s known abilities to configure a number of approvers when the workflow starts and to process in parallel or sequence while allowing for workflow-wide event handlers to trap and process events, such as to add an approver or cancel a workflow. A new capability of the Replicator to update its Replicator.CurrentChildData property was also used, which is changed when an event to add or delete approvers is trapped during workflow execution. Although you still have to create the distribution vehicle to reach the users—email, InfoPath forms, SharePoint tasks, or other—this workflow provides the underpinnings for many powerful approval-centric workflows. One feature you may want to add is another Replicator so that the number of approval levels can be specified per workflow as well. So far, all our samples process one level of approvals across all approvers. Finally, strongly typed activities were created and modeled on a workflow.




What is the wca.exe utility used for?


What does the EventHandlers activity do?


What is the difference between a Listen activity and an EventHandlingScope activity?


What can be done with the Replicator.CurrentChildData property?


What are the two main functions of the EventHandlingScope activity?


What are the advantages of strongly typed activities?



To create strongly typed activities.


Holds the EventDriven activities used to process the events processed by EventHandlingScope activity.


The Listen activity processes an event for its first child to fire, and then terminates. The EventHandlingScope, on the other hand, continues firing the event until the EventHandlingScope activity’s sequential portion goes out of scope.


It can be viewed and modified at runtime to view or manipulate Replicator children.


To run its main child (essentially a Sequence activity) while being interruptible by one or more event handlers.


Streamlined modeling, faster because reflection is available, and additional attributes can be added to interaction with other systems.

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