Page references followed by fig indicate an illustrated figure; followed by t indicate a table.


Actions taken: incorporated into scenario-based e-learning; as knowledge type; sample questions to elicit

Adams, D. M.

Advisor and coaching guidance: Bridezilla lesson using; description of; Selecting a Specific Advisor example of

After-the-fact stories

Albanese, M. A.

Aldrich, N. J.

Alexander, P. A.

Alfieri, L.

Anderson, L. W.

Anesthesiology lesson. See Dog anesthesiology lesson

Asynchronous collaborative learning

Automotive Troubleshooting Lesson: Computer in the Virtual Auto Shop Links to Technical References in; delivery media tradeoff analysis for; Instructional Feedback for the; multiple-choice response options in; Persistent Failure Symptoms Providing Intrinsic Feedback; Scenario-Based e-Lesson format of; steps to compare training delivery alternatives for; testing for the; time to reach competency in three learning environments; training wheels source in the; virtual automotive shop in. See also Lessons/courses


Back-of-the Chapter Forms. See Scenario-Based e-Learning and You Forms

Bank Loan Analysis Lesson: anticipated outcomes of; menu-driven interface of; The Upper Tabs and Left Menu Links Link to Scenario Data in

Basarab, D. J.

Belief Meter Slider Bar (Salmonella hypothesis testing)

Best used. See Outcomes

Beyond the Front suicide prevention course (U.S. Army)

Bioworld Drag-and-Drop Interactions

Blended training solutions

Blood loss lesson. See Dog anesthesiology lesson

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bohr, N.

Branched scenario interface: comparing production costs for menu, whole-screen, and; description of; sample template for Automotive Troubleshooting

Bridezilla lesson: Album and Advisor Tabs Link to Guidance in; branching logic used in; case data in; coaching and advisors incorporated into; guidance and instruction provided in; Murphy’s Law trigger used in; part of the introduction to the; preplanned environment of; resources made available during; screen shots provided from

Brock, T. C.

Brooks, P. J.

Brown, K. G.

Business case: building the scenario-based e-learning; compliance training; delivery media tradeoff analysis for Automotive Troubleshooting Lesson; determining the magnitude of the performance gap; estimate your production costs; highlight opportunities to build expertise otherwise unavailable; identify tradeoffs to diverse solution options; incident-driven training; leverage the motivational potential of scenario-based e-learning; present evidence on benefits of scenario-based e-learning; visualize scenario-based e-learning for stakeholders


Case data: Bank Loan Analysis and Anticipated Outcomes example of; defining; Defining Your Trigger Event and Case Data form on; draft design model of the; examples for scenario-based e-learning domains; formats for; revisiting material on; saving and tracking; Upper Tabs and Left Menu Links Link to Scenario Data

Case study (scenario-based vs. directive)

Casper, W. J.

Checklist response option

Cheng, J.C.Y.

Chi, M.T.H.

Clark, R. C.

Click on object response option

Coaching and advisor guidance: Bridezilla lesson using; description of; Selecting a Specific Advisor example of

Cognitive modeling example

Collaborative learning: for more challenging scenarios; as source of guidance; suggestions on how to provide; synchronous and asynchronous. See also Team coordination/collaboration domain

Compliance: policies and procedures domain: case data examples for; description of the; draft design model consideration of; feedback options for; learning objectives and response options for; learning objectives of; potential advisors for; sample terminal and enabling learning objectives; settings and trigger events for

Compliance-mandated training

Concurrent verbalization

Content: considering volatility of your; providing visual discrimination in; text supplemented with visuals. See also Visuals

Coscarelli, W. C.

Courses. See Lessons/courses

Crandall, B.

Criterion-Referenced Test Development (Shrock & Coscarelli)

Critical decision method

Critical thinking: for common knowledge and skills required in workplace; incorporating into your lessons; scenario-based e-learning used for. See also Knowledge elicitation

Cues used: incorporating into scenario-based e-learning; sample questions to elicit; as type of knowledge

Customer Service Scenario-Based e-Lesson


de Jong, T.

Decision making: lengthy timelines tasks and; military Gator 6 course on leadership; scenario-based e-learning evidence-based. See also Operational decisions domain

Decisions made knowledge: incorporating into scenario-based e-learning; sample questions to elicit; as type of knowledge

Defining Feedback Form

Defining Guidance Form

Defining Instructional Resources Form

Defining Your Trigger Event and Case Data Form

DeNisi, A.

Design domain: case data examples for; description of; draft design model consideration of; feedback options for; learning objectives and response options for; learning objectives of; potential advisors for; revising learning objectives for purpose of; sample terminal and enabling learning objectives; settings and trigger events for

Design model: draft design of; illustrated figure of; modes and media used in scenario-based e-learning; overview of individual components of; task deliverable design options for; typical learning objectives by domain built into. See also Lesson development

Design model components: feedback; guidance and instruction; reflection; scenario data; the task deliverable; the trigger event

Designing scenario-based e-learning templates: aligning scenario to design model; for branched scenario design; for menu design; for whole-screen

Diagnosis and repair domain: case data examples for; description of; draft design model consideration of; feedback options for; learning objectives and response options for; learning objectives of; potential advisors for; sample terminal and enabling learning objectives; settings and trigger events for

Directive training: comparing environment of scenario-based vs.; comparing specific features of scneario-based vs.; description of; learning Excel in scenario-based vs.

Discovery learning

Dog anesthesiology lesson: branching logic used in; scenario-based e-learning simulation used in

Drag and drop response option: Bioworld Drag-and-Drop Interactions; description of


Eggan, G.

Eliciting Tacit Knowledge Form

Ely, K.

Embedded references

Embedded worksheets

Emotional impact consideration

Erickson, K. A.

Evaluation: consideration of and securing resources for; planning evaluation in stages; revisiting the material on; Scenario-Based e-Learning and You: Planning Your Evaluation; scoring test items for; test items for scenario-based e-learning; test reliability and validity used for; testing with online scenarios; typical questions by category of. See also Outcomes

Evaluation categories: learning effectiveness; learning efficiency; motivation; return on investment (ROI); transfer to the workplace

Evidence-based Decisions Form

Evidence-based instructional research: building business case for scenario-based e-learning by using; on discovery learning deficiency; does it motivate? question answered by; the Does it work? question answered by; Evidence-based Decisions Form on; on feedback and reflection promotion of learning; on guided discovery vs. “traditional” instruction; is it efficient? question answered by; on learner scaffolding; limits of; revisiting material on; on scenario-based e-learning accelerating expertise; self-assessing what you think; summary of the scenario-based e-learning; on visual representations congruent with learning goals; what features make a difference? question answered by. See also Instruction; Training

Examples: used as instructional resources; making them engaging to learners; Weight-Reducing Drugs Lesson’s Cognitive Modeling. See also specific examples

Excel lesson

Expertise: accelerating electronic troubleshooting; accelerating orthopedic; evidence-based research on scenario-based e-learning acceleration of; goal of scenario-based e-learning is to accelerate; highlighting opportunities for scenario-based e-learning to build; learner actions (on right) compared with expert actions; 21st century work as being rooted in. See also Subject-matter experts


Faded support

Feedback: Checklist for Needs Assessment Interview Role Play; compliance domain; design domain; design model component of; diagnosis and repair domain; draft design model of the; guidance provided by adjusting the; instructional; interpersonal skills domain; intrinsic; learning from mistakes through; operational decisions domain; options by scenario domain; the power of; research and analysis domain; research on learning being promoted by; response windows encouraging learner response to; revisiting the material on; Scenario-Based e-Learning and You: Defining Feedback; scenario-based vs. directive training; summary of features of; summary of learner’s actions displayed next to expert solution; team coordination/collaboration domain; tradeoffs domain; types of. See also Reflection

Feedback focus levels: definition of; summary and discussion of; three different scenarios and

Feedback frequency: definition of; summary and discussion of; three different scenarios and

Feedback scenarios: on safety scenario and provided feedback; on selling skills and provided feedback; on underwriting and provided feedback

Feedback specificity: definition of; summary and discussion of; three different scenarios and

Feedback type: instructional

Fiorella, L.

Flounder factor

Full screen active object interface. See Whole screen object interface


Gadgil, S.

Gan, M.

Gator 6 course

Green, M. C.

Guidance and instruction: adjusting feedback frequency based on need for; Customer Service Scenario-Based e-Lesson; description of effective; as design model component; draft design model of the; flounder factor due to lack of; revisiting material on; scaffolding technique for; Scenario-Based e-Learning and You: Defining Guidance; techniques for. See also Instructional resources

Guidance techniques: add training wheels; adjust feedback; consider open vs. closed response options; embedded worksheets; faded support; incorporate coaching and advisors; making learning collaborative; move from simple to complex scenarios; open vs. closed response options

Guided discovery instruction: comparing motivation in traditional vs.; learning Excel in scenario-based vs. directive lessons


Hagemans, M. G.

Handbook of Research on Learning and Instruction (Mayer & Alexander)

Hattie, J.

Hoffman, R. R.

Hung, L. K.

Hung, W.


Implementing scenario-based e-learning: adopting either a low- or high-profile road to; the four steps to; revisiting the material on; Scenario-Based e-Learning and You: Planning Your Implementation

Implementing scenario-based e-learning steps: one: present a strong business case; two: plan your project; three: design your approach; four: develop your first scenario

Incident-driven training

Incorporating coaching and advisors

Instruction: discovery learning; evaluating effectiveness of; evolution from single experiments to meta-analysis of new; guided discovery; guided nature of scenario-based; problem-based learning (PBL); scenario-based vs. directive training; scenarios to lead or to culminate. See also Evidence-based instructional research; Training

Instructional feedback: Automotive Repair Scenario; description of; multimedia designs for providing; promoting learning by providing detailed; used in three different scenarios

Instructional resources: embedded references as; examples used as; incorporating into scenario-based e-learning; instructors used as; integrating knowledge and skills; learning domains and sample terminal learning objectives and use of; revisiting materials on; scaffolding as; Scenario-Based e-Learning and You: Defining Instructional Resources; tutorials used as

Instructors: giving your learners the role of; as instructional resource

Interactivity: making it easy to use; scenario-based vs. directive training

Interfaces. See Multimedia interfaces

Interpersonal domain: case data examples for; description of the; draft design model consideration of; feedback options for; learning objectives and response options for; learning objectives of; potential advisors for; sample terminal and enabling learning objectives; settings and trigger events for

Intrinsic feedback: Automobile Troubleshooting: Persistent Failure Symptoms Providing; description of; multimedia designs for providing; used in three different scenarios


Janssen, J.

Johnson, C. I.

Joosten-ten Brinke, D.


Kalyuga, S.

Kapur, M.

Katz, S.

Kirschner, F.

Kirschner, P. A.

Klein, G.

Kluger, A. N.

Knowledge and skill resources

Knowledge elicitation: basic premise of; considering when you use; defining and classifying target knowledge and skills for; guidelines for successful; questions used for; revisiting material on; Scenario-Based e-Learning and You: Eliciting Tacit Knowledge; selecting which method to use for; six types of knowledge to elicit; team work required for effective; three approaches to. See also Critical thinking

Knowledge elicitation methods: after-the-fact stories; concurrent verbalization; critical decision method for; evidence on the; reflections on recorded behaviors

Knowledge types: actions taken; cues used; decisions made; monitoring; rationale and rules of thumb

Koenig, A.

Kumta, S. M.


Laboratory Procedure Lesson (Wall Chart Reference)

Lajoie, S.

Lazonder, A. W.

Leach, R. C.

Leadership Gator 6 course

Learner motivation: comparing guided discovery vs. traditional instruction; evaluating; evidence-based research on scenario-based e-learning; leveraging potential of scenario-based e-learning

Learners: comparing prioritized evidence and expert priorities; response windows encouraging feedback response by; scenario-based e-learning preferred by; scenario-based vs. directive training role of; summary of expert’s solution displayed next to actions by. See also Scaffolding

Learning: collaborative; considering amount of mental load affecting; problem-based learning (PBL); research on feedback and reflection impact on; scenario-based e-learning approach

as inductive

Learning domains. See Scenario-based e-learning domains

Learning environment: comparing scenario-based vs. directive training; evaluating efficiency of; scenario-based e-learning preplanned

Learning management system (LMS)

Learning objectives: adjusting feedback frequency based on; built into design model by learning domain; focusing feedback based on; revised for design purposes; task deliverable design options for translating; visual representations that are congruent with. See also Outcomes

Learning transfer evaluation: of near and far transfer outcomes; questions used for

Leighton, J. P.

Lengthy timelines tasks

Lesgold, A.

Lesson development: build a lesson orientation as part of; building and testing a prototype; comparing branched, whole-screen, and menu design of; document “lessons learned” during; evidence-based research on improving your; incorporating critical thinking into your; planning course launch as part of the; planning your project as part of your; scaffolding built into. See also Design model

Lessons/courses: Bank Loan Analysis; Beyond the Front suicide prevention course (U.S. Army); Bridezilla; Customer Service Scenario-Based e-Lesson; dog anesthesiology; Excel; Gator 6 course; learning Excel in scenario-based vs. directive; scenario-based vs. directive training organization of; Weight-Reducing Drugs Lesson’s Cognitive Modeling. See also Automotive Troubleshooting Lesson

Lim, J.

Links response option

Loyens, S.M.M.

Lyons, C.


MacNamara, A.

Master’s golf tournament (2011)

Mathematician novice/experts

Mayer, R. E.

McGill University

Mcillroy, R.

McMasters University

Mental load

Menu-driven interface: comparing production costs for branched, whole-screen, and; description of; high level of navigational control of; sample template for Automotive Troubleshooting

Merrill, M. D.


Military leadership Gator 6 course

Mistakes: learning from feedback given on; scenario-based vs. directive training attitude to

Monitoring skills: questions to elicit knowledge on; scenario-based e-learning used to teach; as type of knowledge

Moody’s Analytics

Moreno, R.

Motivation. See Learner motivation

Multimedia interfaces: album and advisor tabs used for; branched scenario; Bridezilla lesson Album and Advisor Tabs used for; Bridezilla lesson using coach to orient the learner; comparing production costs for branched, menu, and whole-screen; comparing templates for branched, menu, and whole screen object; guidance and consideration of options for; making it easier to use; menu-driven; navigational control of menu and whole screen; overview of the; providing training wheels; virtual worlds; whole screen object. See also Multimedia interfaces

Multimedia response options: common types of; considering open vs. closed; learning objectives and; multiple-choice; as outcome complexity factor; revisiting material on the

Multiple-choice response options: Automotive Troubleshooting Lesson; Belief Meter Slider Bar; Bioworld Drag-and-Drop Interactions; description of; shown on left panel and pull-down type response fields

The Murphy’s Law Introduction (Murphy’s Law)


Navigational interfaces. See Multimedia interfaces

Needs Assessment Interview Role Play Feedback Checklist

Nokes-Malach, T. J.


Objectives. See Learning objectives

Olina, Z.

Olympiou, G.

On-the-job training (OJT)

Open object interface. See Whole screen object interface

Operational decisions domain: case data examples for; description of; draft design model consideration of; feedback options for; learning objectives and response options for; learning objectives of; potential advisors for; sample terminal and enabling learning objectives; settings and trigger events for. See also Decision making

Ortegano-Layne, L.

Orthopedic expertise

Outcome complexity factors: influencing complexity of multimedia design; interface response options as; number of possible outcomes as; outcome precision as; social presence as

Outcomes: assessing the complexity of your; Bank Analysis Scenario-Based e-Learning Lists Anticipated; Beyond the Front suicide prevention course (U.S. Army); sample test items measuring scenario-based e-learning; scenario-based vs. directive training best; task deliverable design options for best; translating learning objectives into. See also Evaluation; Learning objectives; Scenario-based e-learning domains


Paas, F.

Palmer, M.

Part-task training

Pass, F.

Phillips, J. J.

Planning scenario-based e-learning project: consider your evaluation strategy and secure resources; define and classify the target knowledge and skills; plan and secure your resources

Planning Your Evaluation Form

Planning Your Implementation Form

Prins, F. J.

Problem-based learning (PBL): evidence-based research on scaffolding and; learner preference for; origins of; research on the effectiveness of; scenario-based e-learning labeled as. See also Scenario-based e-learning

Problem-solving: blended solutions for training; comparing mathematician novice and expert; evidence-based research on scaffolding for; identifying tradeoffs to diverse solution options for training

Production costs: comparing for menu, branched, and whole-screen designs; estimating and presented to stakeholders

Pull-down menu response option: description of; shown on left panel


Rao, G.

Rare occurrence tasks

Rationale: incorporating into scenario-based e-learning; sample questions to elicit; as type of knowledge. See also Research, analysis, and rationale domain

Raytheon Professional Services

References (embedded)

Reflection: compliance domain; design domain; design model component of; diagnosis and repair domain; draft design model of the; embedding opportunities for; interpersonal skills domain; knowledge elicitation through; operational decisions domain; Questions Promoting Review and Reflection on Interview Techniques; research and analysis domain; research on how learning is impacted by; team coordination/collaboration domain; tradeoffs domain. See also Feedback

Reiser, R. E.

Research. See Evidence-based instructional research

Research, analysis, and rationale domain: case data examples for; description of; draft design model consideration of; feedback options for; learning objectives and response options for; learning objectives of; potential advisors for; sample terminal and enabling learning objectives; settings and trigger events for. See also Rationale

Response options. See Multimedia response options

Return on investment (ROI) evaluation

Reviews forms. See Scenario-Based e-Learning and You Forms

Rikers, R.J.J.P.

Risk-adverse tasks

Rules of thumb: incorporating into scenario-based e-learning; sample questions to elicit; as type of knowledge

Rummel, N.


Sales Training virtual world

Salmonella hypothesis testing (Belief Meter slider Bar)

Scaffolding: assign problems first and then provide explanations; use collaboration for more challenging scenarios; description of; evidence-based research on learning and; make instructional interface easy to use; minimizing the flounder factor by using; provide explanations before and during learning. See also Learners

Scenario-based e-learning: characteristics of; comparing directive training environments vs.; considering the need for; critical thinking skills elicited for; definition of; design model for; evaluation of; evidence-based decisions on using; implementing; introduction to; multimedia interfaces of; problem-based learning label of; revisiting reasons to consider; six reasons to consider using; teaching monitoring skills in; understanding what it is not. See also Problem-based learning (PBL); Training

Scenario-Based e-Learning and You Forms: Defining Feedback; Defining Guidance; Defining Instructional Resources; Defining Your Trigger Event and Case Data; Eliciting Tacit Knowledge; Planning Your Evaluation; Planning Your Implementation; Translating Your Objectives; Why Now?; Your Draft Design Model; Your Scenario-Based e-Learning Opportunities

Scenario-based e-learning applications: compliance-mandated training; critical thinking skills training; learner expertise and scenario-based e-learning; lengthy timeline tasks; rare occurrence tasks; risk-adverse tasks; strategic tasks

Scenario-based e-learning benefits: better transfer potential; build critical thinking skills; can accelerate expertise; can offer return on investment; learners like scenario-based e-learning; technology can facilitate scenario-based e-learning development

Scenario-based e-learning components: the environment is preplanned; the goal is to accelerate workplace expertise; the instruction is guided; learner is an actor responding to job-realistic situation; learning is inductive rather than instructive; scenarios incorporate instructional resources

Scenario-based e-learning domains: compliance policies and procedures; design; diagnosis and repair; evidence-based research on when to introduce; interpersonal skills; operational decisions and actions; research, analysis, and rationale; team coordination/collaboration; tradeoffs. See also Outcomes

Scenario-based e-learning instruction. See Instruction

Scenario-based e-learning myth busters: not a game; not a scenario with questions; not a simulation; not about a delivery mode or media; not about specific technology

Scenario-based multimedia interfaces. See multimedia interfaces

Scenario data. See Case data

Schoenfeld, A. H.

Search engines response option

Sherlock troubleshooting simulation

Shrock, S. A.

Simple-to-complex scenarios: guidance through; subject-matter experts to identify complexity factors; suggestions on how to move from

Simulations: Dog anesthesiology lesson’s scenario-based; scenario-based e-learning as not being a; Sherlock troubleshooting

Sitzmann, T.

Slider bar response option

Sluijsmans, D.M.A.

Social media response option

Social presence

Stakeholders: building a business case for scenario-based e-learning for; helping them to visualize scenario-based e-learning; presenting scenario-based e-learning production costs to

Strange, J. J.

Strategic tasks: considering scenario-based e-learning for; defining specific types of

Subject-matter experts: comparing prioritized evidence and priorities of; comparing problem-solving patterns of mathematic novices and; defined as someone who has already made all the mistakes; eliciting knowledge and role of selected; planning your project and securing resources of; providing opportunities to compare answers with; scenario-based e-learning matched to more experienced; scenario complexity factors identified by; summary of learner’s actions displayed next to solution by. See also Expertise

Suicide prevention course (U.S. Army)

Synchronous collaborative learning


Target audience (scenario-based vs. directive training)

Task deliverable component: assessing the complexity of your outcomes responses to select best; common multimedia response options for; draft design model of the; learning domains and; multimedia interfaces and; overview of the; revisiting outcomes using different; translating your objectives through use of

Tasks: lengthy timelines; rare occurrence; risk-adverse; strategic

Team coordination/collaboration domain: case data examples for; description of; draft design model consideration of; feedback options for; learning objectives and response options for; learning objectives of; potential advisors for; sample terminal and enabling learning objectives; settings and trigger events for. See also Collaborative learning

the Telegraph (June 22, 2011)

Templates: aligning scenario to design model; for branched scenario design; for menu design; for whole-screen

Tenebaum, H. R.

Testing: distribution of competent and non-master performer scores; Inter-Rater Reliability; items for scenario-based e-learning; online scenarios; reliability and validity of; scoring the

Text: benefits of visuals supplement; providing visual discrimination with

Tradeoffs domain: case data examples for; description of; draft design model consideration of; feedback options for; learning objectives and response options for; learning objectives of; potential advisors for; sample terminal and enabling learning objectives; settings and trigger events for

Training: blended solutions for; compliance-mandated; directive; eight scenario learning domains in workforce; identifying tradeoffs to diverse solution options for; incident-driven; OJT (on-the-job); problem-based learning (PBL) used for. See also Evidence-based instructional research; Instruction; Scenario-based e-learning

Training wheels: providing guidance through; sources of

Translating your objectives: Scenario-Based e-Learning and You on; task deliverable design options for; understanding process of

The trigger event: Defining Your Trigger Event and Case Data form; as design model component; draft design model of the; military Gator 6 video used as; The Murphy’s Law Introduction (Murphy’s Law) approach to; planning; revisiting material on; settings for scenario-based e-learning domains

Troubleshooting lessons: accelerating electronic; Automotive Troubleshooting

Tsang, P. L.

Tutorials: Bridezilla lesson; Clicking on Tutorial Button leads to Short Demonstration; guidance and instruction through

Type in response option


U.S. Department of Education


Van Gog, T.

van Merrienboer, J.J.G.


Veterinary Information Network

Videos: considering amount of mental load affecting learning; considering emotional impact of; using realistic animation or

Virtual automotive shop. See Automotive Troubleshooting Lesson

Virtual worlds: response option in; scenario-based multimedia interface of

Visuals: considering emotional impact of; evidence-based research on learning goals congruency with; production facilitates and volatility of; providing visual discrimination with; realistic animation or video; supplementing text with. See also Content


Wainess, R.

Wall Chart Reference (Laboratory Procedure Lesson)

Wedding planning lesson. See Bridezilla lesson

Whole screen object interface: comparing costs for menu, branched, and; description of; high level of navigational control of; sample template for Automotive Troubleshooting; virtual automotive shop

Why Now? Form

Wiedmann, M.

Wiley, J.

Will Interactive

Witte, P.

Worksheets (embedded)


Yes-No response option

Your Draft Design Model Form

Your Scenario-Based e-Learning Opportunities form


Zacharia, Z. C.

Zimmerman, R. D.

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