
This book could not exist were it not for the hard work and support of our colleagues and friends. Writing it would have been impossible otherwise, and we’d like to share our gratitude with those who have toiled with us.

At FileMaker, Kevin Mallon and Delfina Daves have once again provided continuing support and help. Through the FileMaker Business Alliance and TechNet, many resources are available to FileMaker users and developers, and we thank FileMaker for so aggressively providing the information to help us all use this exciting product successfully.

At Que, Loretta Yates has been a pleasure to work with. Project editor Seth Kerney, development editor Kevin Howard, and copy editor Mike Henry all worked quickly and accurately to help guide the book through the production process. Andrew Knasinski’s perceptive technical review significantly added to the book, and his work is greatly appreciated. And, as always, Carole McClendon at Waterside Productions has helped shepherd this project through to completion.

No acknowledgment would be complete without mentioning all the work our friends at FileMaker, Inc., do to make everything in our careers possible. FileMaker 9 is a fantastic suite of products and we’re terrifically excited by the continued promise the FileMaker platform shows.

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