Plan the evolution

It is not simple to break an application that has millions of lines of code, especially if the code has complex dependencies. How do we break it? More importantly, where do we start, and how do we approach this problem?

Evolutionary approach

The best way to address this problem is to establish a transition plan, and gradually migrate the functions as microservices. At every step, a microservice will be created outside of the monolithic application, and traffic will be diverted to the new service as shown in the following diagram:

Evolutionary approach

In order to run this migration successfully, a number of key questions need to be answered from the transition point of view:

  • Identification of microservices' boundaries
  • Prioritizing microservices for migration
  • Handling data synchronization during the transition phase
  • Handling user interface integration, working with old and new user interfaces
  • Handling of reference data in the new system
  • Testing strategy to ensure the business capabilities are intact and correctly reproduced
  • Identification of any prerequisites for microservice development such as microservices capabilities, frameworks, processes, and so on

Identification of microservices boundaries

The first and foremost activity is to identify the microservices' boundaries. This is the most interesting part of the problem, and the most difficult part as well. If identification of the boundaries is not done properly, the migration could lead to more complex manageability issues.

Like in SOA, a service decomposition is the best way to identify services. However, it is important to note that decomposition stops at a business capability or bounded context. In SOA, service decomposition goes further into an atomic, granular service level.

A top-down approach is typically used for domain decomposition. The bottom-up approach is also useful in the case of breaking an existing system, as it can utilize a lot of practical knowledge, functions, and behaviors of the existing monolithic application.

The previous decomposition step will give a potential list of microservices. It is important to note that this isn't the final list of microservices, but it serves as a good starting point. We will run through a number of filtering mechanisms to get to a final list. The first cut of functional decomposition will, in this case, be similar to the diagram shown under the functional view introduced earlier in this chapter.

Analyze dependencies

The next step is to analyze the dependencies between the initial set of candidate microservices that we created in the previous section. At the end of this activity, a dependency graph will be produced.


A team of architects, business analysts, developers, release management and support staff is required for this exercise.

One way to produce a dependency graph is to list out all the components of the legacy system and overlay dependencies. This could be done by combining one or more of the approaches listed as follows:

  • Analyzing the manual code and regenerating dependencies.
  • Using the experience of the development team to regenerate dependencies.
  • Using a Maven dependency graph. There are a number of tools we could use to regenerate the dependency graph, such as PomExplorer, PomParser, and so on.
  • Using performance engineering tools such as AppDynamics to identify the call stack and roll up dependencies.

Let us assume that we reproduce the functions and their dependencies as shown in the following diagram:

Analyze dependencies

There are many dependencies going back and forth between different modules. The bottom layer shows cross-cutting capabilities that are used across multiple modules. At this point, the modules are more like spaghetti than autonomous units.

The next step is to analyze these dependencies, and come up with a better, simplified dependency map.

Events as opposed to query

Dependencies could be query-based or event-based. Event-based is better for scalable systems. Sometimes, it is possible to convert query-based communications to event-based ones. In many cases, these dependencies exist because either the business organizations are managed like that, or by virtue of the way the old system handled the business scenario.

From the previous diagram, we can extract the Revenue Management and the Fares services:

Events as opposed to query

Revenue Management is a module used for calculating optimal fare values, based on the booking demand forecast. In case of a fare change between an origin and a destination, Update Fare on the Fare module is called by Revenue Management to update the respective fares in the Fare module.

An alternate way of thinking is that the Fare module is subscribed to Revenue Management for any changes in fares, and Revenue Management publishes whenever there is a fare change. This reactive programming approach gives an added flexibility by which the Fares and the Revenue Management modules could stay independent, and connect them through a reliable messaging system. This same pattern could be applied in many other scenarios from Check-In to the Loyalty and Boarding modules.

Next, examine the scenario of CRM and Booking:

Events as opposed to query

This scenario is slightly different from the previously explained scenario. The CRM module is used to manage passenger complaints. When CRM receives a complaint, it retrieves the corresponding passenger's Booking data. In reality, the number of complaints are negligibly small when compared to the number of bookings. If we blindly apply the previous pattern where CRM subscribes to all bookings, we will find that it is not cost effective:

Events as opposed to query

Examine another scenario between the Check-in and Booking modules. Instead of Check-in calling the Get Bookings service on Booking, can Check-in listen to booking events? This is possible, but the challenge here is that a booking can happen 360 days in advance, whereas Check-in generally starts only 24 hours before the fight departure. Duplicating all bookings and booking changes in the Check-in module 360 days in advance would not be a wise decision as Check-in does not require this data until 24 hours before the flight departure.

An alternate option is that when check-in opens for a flight (24 hours before departure), Check-in calls a service on the Booking module to get a snapshot of the bookings for a given flight. Once this is done, Check-in could subscribe for booking events specifically for that flight. In this case, a combination of query-based as well as event-based approaches is used. By doing so, we reduce the unnecessary events and storage apart from reducing the number of queries between these two services.

In short, there is no single policy that rules all scenarios. Each scenario requires logical thinking, and then the most appropriate pattern is applied.

Events as opposed to synchronous updates

Apart from the query model, a dependency could be an update transaction as well. Consider the scenario between Revenue Management and Booking:

Events as opposed to synchronous updates

In order to do a forecast and analysis of the current demand, Revenue Management requires all bookings across all flights. The current approach, as depicted in the dependency graph, is that Revenue Management has a schedule job that calls Get Booking on Booking to get all incremental bookings (new and changed) since the last synchronization.

An alternative approach is to send new bookings and the changes in bookings as soon as they take place in the Booking module as an asynchronous push. The same pattern could be applied in many other scenarios such as from Booking to Accounting, from Flight to Inventory, and also from Flight to Booking. In this approach, the source service publishes all state-change events to a topic. All interested parties could subscribe to this event stream and store locally. This approach removes many hard wirings, and keeps the systems loosely coupled.

The dependency is depicted in the next diagram:

Events as opposed to synchronous updates

In this case depicted in the preceding diagram, we changed both dependencies and converted them to asynchronous events.

One last case to analyze is the Update Inventory call from the Booking module to the Inventory module:

Events as opposed to synchronous updates

When a booking is completed, the inventory status is updated by depleting the inventory stored in the Inventory service. For example, when there are 10 economy class seats available, at the end of the booking, we have to reduce it to 9. In the current system, booking and updating inventory are executed within the same transaction boundaries. This is to handle a scenario in which there is only one seat left, and multiple customers are trying to book. In the new design, if we apply the same event-driven pattern, sending the inventory update as an event to Inventory may leave the system in an inconsistent state. This needs further analysis, which we will address later in this chapter.

Challenge requirements

In many cases, the targeted state could be achieved by taking another look at the requirements:

Challenge requirements

There are two Validate Flight calls, one from Booking and another one from the Search module. The Validate Flight call is to validate the input flight data coming from different channels. The end objective is to avoid incorrect data stored or serviced. When a customer does a flight search, say "BF100", the system validates this flight to see the following things:

  • Whether this is a valid flight?
  • Whether the flight exists on that particular date?
  • Are there any booking restrictions set on this flight?

An alternate way of solving this is to adjust the inventory of the flight based on these given conditions. For example, if there is a restriction on the flight, update the inventory as zero. In this case, the intelligence will remain with Flight, and it keeps updating the inventory. As far as Search and Booking are concerned, both just look up the inventory instead of validating flights for every request. This approach is more efficient as compared to the original approach.

Next we will review the Payment use case. Payment is typically a disconnected function due to the nature of security constraints such as PCIDSS-like standards. The most obvious way to capture a payment is to redirect a browser to a payment page hosted in the Payment service. Since card handling applications come under the purview of PCIDSS, it is wise to remove any direct dependencies from the Payment service. Therefore, we can remove the Booking-to-Payment direct dependency, and opt for a UI-level integration.

Challenge service boundaries

In this section, we will review some of the service boundaries based on the requirements and dependency graph, considering Check-in and its dependencies to Seating and Baggage.

The Seating function runs a few algorithms based on the current state of the seat allocation in the airplane, and finds out the best way to position the next passenger so that the weight and balance requirements can be met. This is based on a number of predefined business rules. However, other than Check-in, no other module is interested in the Seating function. From a business capability perspective, Seating is just a function of Check-in, not a business capability by itself. Therefore, it is better to embed this logic inside Check-in itself.

The same is applicable to Baggage as well. BrownField has a separate baggage handling system. The Baggage function in the PSS context is to print the baggage tag as well as store the baggage data against the Check-in records. There is no business capability associated with this particular functionality. Therefore, it is ideal to move this function to Check-in itself.

The Book, Search, and Inventory functions, after redesigning, are shown in the following diagram:

Challenge service boundaries

Similarly, Inventory and Search are more supporting functions of the Booking module. They are not aligned with any of the business capabilities as such. Similar to the previous judgement, it is ideal to move both the Search and Inventory functions to Booking. Assume, for the time being, that Search, Inventory, and Booking are moved to a single microservice named Reservation.

As per the statistics of BrownField, search transactions are 10 times more frequent than the booking transactions. Moreover, search is not a revenue-generating transaction when compared to booking. Due to these reasons, we need different scalability models for search and booking. Booking should not get impacted if there is a sudden surge of transactions in search. From the business point of view, dropping a search transaction in favor of saving a valid booking transaction is more acceptable.

This is an example of a polyglot requirement, which overrules the business capability alignment. In this case, it makes more sense to have Search as a service separate from the Booking service. Let us assume that we remove Search. Only Inventory and Booking remain under Reservation. Now Search has to hit back to Reservation to perform inventory searches. This could impact the booking transactions:

Challenge service boundaries

A better approach is to keep Inventory along with the Booking module, and keep a read-only copy of the inventory under Search, while continuously synchronizing the inventory data over a reliable messaging system. Since both Inventory and Booking are collocated, this will also solve the need to have two-phase commits. Since both of them are local, they could work well with local transactions.

Let us now challenge the Fare module design. When a customer searches for a flight between A and B for a given date, we would like to show the flights and fares together. That means that our read-only copy of inventory can also combine both fares as well as inventory. Search will then subscribe to Fare for any fare change events. The intelligence still stays with the Fare service, but it keeps sending fare updates to the cached fare data under Search.

Final dependency graph

There are still a few synchronized calls, which, for the time being, we will keep as they are.

By applying all these changes, the final dependency diagram will look like the following one:

Final dependency graph

Now we can safely consider each box in the preceding diagram as a microservice. We have nailed down many dependencies, and modeled many of them as asynchronous as well. The overall system is more or less designed in the reactive style. There are still some synchronized calls shown in the diagram with bold lines, such as Get Bulk from Check-In, Get Booking from CRM, and Get Fare from Booking. These synchronous calls are essentially required as per the trade-off analysis.

Prioritizing microservices for migration

We have identified a first-cut version of our microservices-based architecture. As the next step, we will analyze the priorities, and identify the order of migration. This could be done by considering multiple factors explained as follows:

  • Dependency: One of the parameters for deciding the priority is the dependency graph. From the service dependency graph, services with less dependency or no dependency at all are easy to migrate, whereas complex dependencies are way harder. Services with complex dependencies will also need dependent modules to be migrated along with them.

    Accounting, Loyalty, CRM, and Boarding have less dependencies as compared to Booking and Check-in. Modules with high dependencies will also have higher risks in their migration.

  • Transaction volume: Another parameter that can be applied is analyzing the transaction volumes. Migrating services with the highest transaction volumes will relieve the load on the existing system. This will have more value from an IT support and maintenance perspective. However, the downside of this approach is the higher risk factor.

    As stated earlier, Search requests are ten times higher in volume as compared to Booking requests. Requests for Check-in are the third-highest in volume transaction after Search and Booking.

  • Resource utilization: Resource utilization is measured based on the current utilizations such as CPU, memory, connection pools, thread pools, and so on. Migrating resource intensive services out of the legacy system provides relief to other services. This helps the remaining modules to function better.

    Flight, Revenue Management, and Accounting are resource-intensive services, as they involve data-intensive transactions such as forecasting, billing, flight schedule changes, and so on.

  • Complexity: Complexity is perhaps measured in terms of the business logic associated with a service such as function points, lines of code, number of tables, number of services, and others. Less complex modules are easy to migrate as compared to the more complex ones.

    Booking is extremely complex as compared to the Boarding, Search, and Check-in services.

  • Business criticality: The business criticality could be either based on revenue or customer experience. Highly critical modules deliver higher business value.

    Booking is the most revenue-generating service from the business stand point, whereas Check-in is business critical as it could lead to flight departure delays, which could lead to revenue loss as well as customer dissatisfaction.

  • Velocity of changes: Velocity of change indicates the number of change requests targeting a function in a short time frame. This translates to speed and agility of delivery. Services with high velocity of change requests are better candidates for migration as compared to stable modules.

    Statistics show that Search, Booking, and Fares go through frequent changes, whereas Check-in is the most stable function.

  • Innovation: Services that are part of a disruptive innovative process need to get priority over back office functions that are based on more established business processes. Innovations in legacy systems are harder to achieve as compared to applying innovations in the microservices world.

    Most of the innovations are around Search, Booking, Fares, Revenue Management, and Check-in as compared to back office Accounting.

Based on BrownField's analysis, Search has the highest priority, as it requires innovation, has high velocity of changes, is less business critical, and gives better relief for both business and IT. The Search service has minimal dependency with no requirements to synchronize data back to the legacy system.

Data synchronization during migration

During the transition phase, the legacy system and the new microservices will run in parallel. Therefore, it is important to keep the data synchronized between the two systems.

The simplest option is to synchronize the data between the two systems at the database level by using any data synchronization tool. This approach works well when both the old and the new systems are built on the same data store technologies. The complexity will be higher if the data store technologies are different. The second problem with this approach is that we allow a backdoor entry, hence exposing the microservices' internal data store outside. This is against the principle of microservices.

Let us take this on a case-by-case basis before we can conclude with a generic solution. The following diagram shows the data migration and synchronization aspect once Search is taken out:

Data synchronization during migration

Let us assume that we use a NoSQL database for keeping inventory and fares under the Search service. In this particular case, all we need is the legacy system to supply data to the new service using asynchronous events. We will have to make some changes in the existing system to send the fare changes or any inventory changes as events. The Search service then accepts these events, and stores them locally into the local NoSQL store.

This is a bit more tedious in the case of the complex Booking service.

In this case, the new Booking microservice sends the inventory change events to the Search service. In addition to this, the legacy application also has to send the fare change events to Search. Booking will then store the new Booking service in its My SQL data store.

Data synchronization during migration

The most complex piece, the Booking service, has to send the booking events and the inventory events back to the legacy system. This is to ensure that the functions in the legacy system continue to work as before. The simplest approach is to write an update component which accepts the events and updates the old booking records table so that there are no changes required in the other legacy modules. We will continue this until none of the legacy components are referring the booking and inventory data. This will help us minimize changes in the legacy system, and therefore, reduce the risk of failures.

In short, a single approach may not be sufficient. A multi-pronged approach based on different patterns is required.

Managing reference data

One of the biggest challenges in migrating monolithic applications to microservices is managing reference data. A simple approach is to build the reference data as another microservice itself as shown in the following diagram:

Managing reference data

In this case, whoever needs reference data should access it through the microservice endpoints. This is a well-structured approach, but could lead to performance issues as encountered in the original legacy system.

An alternate approach is to have reference data as a microservice service for all the admin and CRUD functions. A near cache will then be created under each service to incrementally cache data from the master services. A thin reference data access proxy library will be embedded in each of these services. The reference data access proxy abstracts whether the data is coming from cache or from a remote service.

This is depicted in the next diagram. The master node in the given diagram is the actual reference data microservice:

Managing reference data

The challenge is to synchronize the data between the master and the slave. A subscription mechanism is required for those data caches that change frequently.

A better approach is to replace the local cache with an in-memory data grid, as shown in the following diagram:

Managing reference data

The reference data microservice will write to the data grid, whereas the proxy libraries embedded in other services will have read-only APIs. This eliminates the requirement to have subscription of data, and is much more efficient and consistent.

User interfaces and web applications

During the transition phase, we have to keep both the old and new user interfaces together. There are three general approaches usually taken in this scenario.

The first approach is to have the old and new user interfaces as separate user applications with no link between them, as depicted in the following diagram:

User interfaces and web applications

A user signs in to the new application as well as into the old application, much like two different applications, with no single sign-on (SSO) between them. This approach is simple, and there is no overhead. In most of the cases, this may not be acceptable to the business unless it is targeted at two different user communities.

The second approach is to use the legacy user interface as the primary application, and then transfer page controls to the new user interfaces when the user requests pages of the new application:

User interfaces and web applications

In this case, since the old and the new applications are web-based applications running in a web browser window, users will get a seamless experience. SSO has to be implemented between the old and the new user interfaces.

The third approach is to integrate the existing legacy user interface directly to the new microservices backend, as shown in the next diagram:

User interfaces and web applications

In this case, the new microservices are built as headless applications with no presentation layer. This could be challenging, as it may require many changes in the old user interface such as introducing service calls, data model conversions, and so on.

Another issue in the last two cases is how to handle the authentication of resources and services.

Session handling and security

Assume that the new services are written based on Spring Security with a token-based authorization strategy, whereas the old application uses a custom-built authentication with its local identity store.

The following diagram shows how to integrate between the old and the new services:

Session handling and security

The simplest approach, as shown in the preceding diagram, is to build a new identity store with an authentication service as a new microservice using Spring Security. This will be used for all our future resource and service protections, for all microservices.

The existing user interface application authenticates itself against the new authentication service, and secures a token. This token will be passed to the new user interface or new microservice. In both cases, the user interface or microservice will make a call to the authentication service to validate the given token. If the token is valid, then the UI or microservice accepts the call.

The catch here is that the legacy identity store has to be synchronized with the new one.

Test strategy

One important question to answer from a testing point of view is how can we ensure that all functions work in the same way as before the migration?

Integration test cases should be written for the services that are getting migrated before the migration or refactoring. This ensures that once migrated, we get the same expected result, and the behavior of the system remains the same. An automated regression test pack has to be in place, and has to be executed every time we make a change in the new or old system.

In the following diagram, for each service we need one test against the EJB endpoint, and another one against the microservices endpoint:

Test strategy

Building ecosystem capabilities

Before we embark on actual migration, we have to build all of the microservice's capabilities mentioned under the capability model, as documented in Chapter 3, Applying Microservices Concepts. These are the prerequisites for developing microservices-based systems.

In addition to these capabilities, certain application functions are also required to be built upfront such as reference data, security and SSO, and Customer and Notification. A data warehouse or a data lake is also required as a prerequisite. An effective approach is to build these capabilities in an incremental fashion, delaying development until it is really required.

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