A place for the life cycle manager

The life cycle manager introduced in Chapter 6, Autoscaling Microservices, has the capability of autoscaling up or down instances based on demand. It also has the ability to take decisions on where to deploy and how to deploy applications on a cluster of machines based on polices and constraints. The life cycle manager's capabilities are shown in the following figure:

A place for the life cycle manager

Marathon has the capability to manage clusters and deployments to clusters based on policies and constraints. The number of instances can be altered using the Marathon UI.

There are redundant capabilities between our life cycle manager and Marathon. With Marathon in place, SSH work or machine-level scripting is no longer required. Moreover, deployment policies and constraints can be delegated to Marathon. The REST APIs exposed by Marathon can be used to initiate scaling functions.

Marathon autoscale is a proof-of-concept project from Mesosphere for autoscaling. The Marathon autoscale provides basic autoscale features such as the CPU, memory, and rate of request.

Rewriting the life cycle manager with Mesos and Marathon

We still need a custom life cycle manager to collect metrics from the Spring Boot actuator endpoints. A custom life cycle manager is also handy if the scaling rules are beyond the CPU, memory, and rate of scaling.

The following diagram shows the updated life cycle manager using the Marathon framework:

Rewriting the life cycle manager with Mesos and Marathon

The life cycle manager, in this case, collects actuator metrics from different Spring Boot applications, combines them with other metrics, and checks for certain thresholds. Based on the scaling policies, the decision engine informs the scaling engine to either scale down or scale up. In this case, the scaling engine is nothing but a Marathon REST client. This approach is cleaner and neater than our earlier primitive life cycle manager implementation using SSH and Unix scripts.

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