Configuring Spring Security for your application

Roo supports configuring Spring Security for your application via security setup command. In this recipe, we'll look at the security related configurations added to your application by Roo when you execute the security setup command. In the next recipe, Using Spring Security with Apache Directory Server, we'll look at how we can extend the Spring Security configuration to use Apache Directory Server for addressing security requirements of a Roo-generated web application and how to incorporate method-level security.

Getting ready

Create a sub-directory ch06-security inside the C: oo-cookbook directory.

Copy the ch06_web_app_security.roo script into the ch06-security directory.

Execute the ch06_web_app_security.roo script, which creates the flightapp-web Roo project, sets up Hibernate as persistence provider, configures MySQL as the database for the application, creates Flight, FlightDescription, and Booking JPA entities, defines a many-to-one relationship between Flight and FlightDescription entities, and a many-to-one relationship between Booking and Flight JPA entities. Also, script makes use of controller all command to scaffold Spring Web MVC application. If you are using a different database than MySQL or your connection settings are different than what is specified in the script, then modify the script accordingly.

Start the Roo shell from the C: oo-cookbookch06-security directory.

How to do it...

To configure Spring Security for your application through the security setup command, follow the steps given here:

  1. Execute the security setup command to set up Spring Security for the flightapp-web Spring Web MVC application, as shown here:
    .. roo> security setup
    Updated ROOTpom.xml [Added property 'spring-security.version' with value '3.0.5
    Updated ROOTpom.xml [Added dependencies${spring-security.version}, ...]
    Created SRC_MAIN_RESOURCESMETA-INFspringapplicationContext-security.xml
    Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFviewslogin.jspx
    Updated SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFviewsviews.xml
    Updated SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFweb.xml
    Updated SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFspringwebmvc-config.xml
  2. Execute the perform eclipse command to update project's classpath settings:
    .. roo> perform eclipse
  3. Import flightapp-web Eclipse project into Eclipse IDE

How it works...

The security setup command is processed by the Security add-on of Roo. The security setup command is available only after you have installed Spring Web MVC artifacts by executing one of the controller commands of Roo. This limits the use of the security add-on only to projects that make use of Spring Web MVC.

Security add-on processes the security setup command and performs the following actions:

  • Adds a property named spring-security-version with value 3.0.5 to the pom.xml file of the flightapp-web project, as shown here:
    <project ...>

    The spring-security-version property identifies the version of Spring Security framework required by the application. The Spring Security version number property is referenced by the <dependency> elements in pom.xml, as shown here:


    As the given configuration shows, defining the version number of Spring Security required by the flightapp-web application as a property in pom.xml file can ensure that pom.xml defines dependencies on JAR files that belong to the same version of Spring Security.

  • Creates an application context XML file: applicationContext-security.xml in SRC_MAIN_RESOURCES/META-INF/spring directory. The applicationContext-security.xml file configures authentication and authorization requirements of the application.
  • Adds Spring Security's DelegatingFilterProxy servlet filter to the web.xml file of the flightapp-web application, as shown here:

    The DelegatingFilterProxy servlet filter acts as an entry point into Spring Security's web module, which handles web request security. The name of the filter springSecurityFilterChain refers to the name of Spring Security's FlightChainProxy instance configured in the applicationContext-security.xml file. The DelegatingFilterProxy filter delegates web request to FlightChainProxy instance for performing web request security.

  • Creates a login JSPX page login.jspx in the SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFviews directory.
  • Adds tiles definition for the login page in the SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFviewsviews.xml tiles definitions XML file, as shown here:
    <definition extends="public" name="login">
      <put-attribute name="body" 
  • Configures a ParameterizableViewController (via view-controller element of mvc namespace of Spring) in webmvc-config.xml file (located in SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFspring directory) that dispatches request to login.jspx page, as shown here:
    <mvc:view-controller path="/login"/> 
  • Updates the pom.xml file of the flightapp-web project to include dependency on Spring Security JAR files, such as spring-security-core, spring-security-config, and so on.

Let's now look in detail at the applicationContext-security.xml file.

Spring Security application context XML file

The applicationContext-security.xml file configures Spring Security beans, which are used for authentication and authorization of requests. As we'll see shortly, Roo-generated applicationContext-security.xml doesn't do much but gives a good starting point to configure your application-specific security.

AuthenticationManager configuration

Authentication mechanism for the application is configured in applicationContext-security.xml via the <authentication-manager> element of Spring's security namespace, as shown here:

<authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
    <password-encoder hash="sha-256"/>
      <user name="admin" password="..." 
      <user name="user" password="..." 

Let's look in detail at each of the elements in the given configuration and how they work together to provide authentication services to the application:

  • <authentication-manager>: It registers an instance of Spring Security's AuthenticationManager implementation that is responsible for providing authentication services. AuthenticationManager delegate's authentication to the AuthenticationProvider is configured using the <authentication-provider> sub-elements.
  • <authentication-provider>: It registers an instance of Spring Security's AuthenticationProvider implementation. Spring Security provides a couple of built-in implementations of the AuthenticationProvider interface to simplify incorporating different authentication mechanisms in the application. For instance, if you are using JA-SIG CAS for authentication, you can use CasAuthenticationProvider implementation and if you are using an LDAP server for authentication, you can use LdapAuthenticationProvider, and so on. The AuthenticationProvider implementation usage is specified using the ref attribute of the <authentication-provider> element. If the ref attribute is not specified (as in the case of Roo-generated applicationContext-security.xml), DaoAuthenticationProvider implementation is registered. DaoAuthenticationProvider makes use of Spring Security's UserDetailsService to authenticate users. UserDetailsService loads user details containing username, password, and granted authorities based on the username entered by the application user. DaoAuthenticationProvider authenticates the user by comparing the password entered by the application user with the user details loaded by UserDetailsService.
  • <user-service>: It creates an in-memory UserDetailsService instance that reads user details from a properties file or from the nested <user> elements.
  • <user>: It defines a user of the application. The name and password attributes identify the username and password required for authentication.
  • <password-encoder>: It converts submitted passwords to hashed versions before comparing the submitted password with the one retrieved by UserDetailsService. The hash attribute specifies the hashing algorithm to use for encoding password.

Web request security configuration

The following <http> element shows how web request security is configured in the applicationContext-security.xml file:

<http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true">

    <logout logout-url="/resources/j_spring_security_logout"/>
    <intercept-url pattern="/choices/**" 
    <intercept-url pattern="/member/**" 
        access="isAuthenticated()" />
    <intercept-url pattern="/resources/**" 
        access="permitAll" />
    <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="permitAll" />

Let's now look in detail at how the elements in the given configuration define web request security:

  • <http>: It contains the HTTP security configuration elements. It creates an instance of Spring Security's FilterChainProxy with bean name as springSecurityFilterChain. It is important to note that the name of the FilterChainProxy bean is same as the name of the DelegatingFilterProxy servlet filter configured in web.xml file.

    The auto-config attribute automatically configures Spring Security beans, which provide form-based login, logout, and HTTP BASIC authentication services.

    The use-expression attribute specifies whether the access attributes of the <intercept-url> element (discussed later in this recipe) can accept EL expressions.

  • <form-login>: It configures Spring Security's UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter filter bean (a bean that implements the javax.servlet.Filter interface of Servlet API) and LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint bean in an application context. The UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter filter bean is used by FilterChainProxy to perform authentication. UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter uses the username and password in the submitted request to attempt authentication against the configured authentication provider(s). It is important to note that the names of the request parameters that contain the username and password must be j_username and j_password, respectively. If you check the Roo-generated login.jspx file for parameters that flightapp-web project, you'll find that the names of the username and password fields are j_username and j_password, respectively. The LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint bean starts off the form login authentication using UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.

    The login-page attribute specifies the URL of the login page. The value of this attribute is used by LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint to render the login page. The value of the attribute is /login, which means that the <mvc:view-controller path="/login"/> configured controller in webmvc-config.xml is responsible for rendering the login page.

    The login-processing-url attribute specifies the URL to which the login form is submitted. The UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter handles a request submitted to the URL identified by its filterProcessesUrl property. The value of the login-processing-url attribute is used to set the filterProcessesUrl property of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter. The value of the login-processing-url attribute is /resources/j_spring_security_check, which is the same as the value of the action attribute of the HTML <form> element in the Roo-generated login.jspx file of the flightapp-web project.

    The authentication-failure-url attribute specifies the URL to which the user is redirected if login fails. The value of this attribute /login?login_error=t means that the <mvc:view-controller path="/login"/> configured controller in webmvc-config.xml will render the login page again. The login_error parameter in the URL is used by the login.jspx page to show an authentication failure message on the login page, as shown here:

    Web request security configuration
  • <logout>: It configures the LogoutFilter filter bean that is responsible for processing logout requests. The LogoutFilter handles request submitted to the URL identified by its filterProcessesUrl property. The value of logout-url attribute is used to set the filterProcessesUrl property of LogoutFilter. In case of Roo-generated applicationContext-security.xml, the value of logout-url is /resources/j_spring_security_logout. The footer.jspx file (located in /WEB-INF/views directory) contains the Logout hyperlink that is displayed if the user is logged in. The Logout hyperlink refers to /resources/j_spring_security_logout URL, which means that when the user clicks the Logout hyperlink, the request is processed by the LogoutFilter filter bean.
  • <intercept-url>: It defines the URL pattern and the corresponding access permissions. The pattern attribute specifies the URL pattern and the access attribute specifies the access permissions. As mentioned earlier, the <http> element's use-expression attribute is set to true; therefore, the access attribute can accept Boolean EL expressions. If the value returned by the expression is true, then access to the URL pattern, specified by the pattern attribute, is authorized.

    The hasRole, isAuthenticated, and permitAll are examples of built-in expressions. The hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN') returns true if the role of the authenticated principal is ROLE_ADMIN. The isAuthenticated() returns true if the user is not an anonymous user. The permitAll expression always returns true.

    The <http> element registers an implementation Spring Security's AccessDecisionManager, which makes access decisions regarding web URL access. An incoming web request is matched against the URL patterns specified by the <intercept-url> elements in the order in which they appear within the <http> element. If a match is found, it'll be used by AccessDecisionManager implementation for making access decisions. As incoming web requests are matched against the URL patterns (specified by the <intercept-url> elements) in the order in which they appear within the <http> element, more specific URL patterns should be declared before the more general URL patterns.

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