CSS Reference
that using relative units like ems or percentages may yield u nexpected results because
of their poor inh eritance behavior.
Default Value
line-height: normal;
line-height: 1.4;
line-height: 25px;
text-align (Inherited)
The text-align CSS property specifies how text or other inline conte nt is aligned
inside its parent block element. Note tha t it is not p ossible to co ntrol the alignment of
a block element with the text-align property.
Because browsers do not hyphena te text, the align ment to both the left and right en ds
of an element (obtained by applying the justify value) may cause an uneven word
spacing if lines of text are not long enough, which makes text dicult to read.
left, right, center, jus tify
Default Value
text-align: right;
text-decoration (Inherited)
The text-decoration CSS property permits authors to draw line s under, above, or
through text. The color of the line is th e same as the fo nt color of the element being
styled. The none value can be used to remove the underline that usually appears under
none, underline, overline, line-thro ugh
D.3. Text Properties 347
Default Value
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: line-through;
text-decoration: underline overline;
text-indent (Inherited)
The text-indent CSS proper ty specifies how much the first line in a block of text
should be indented.
A positive or negative absolute <length> value can be used. Negative values indent
to the left so that the first line hangs over the lef t edge of the block of text.
A <percentage> value ca n also be used, whic h specifies the amou nt of indent r elative
to the containin g blo ck width.
Default Value
text-indent: 20px;
text-indent: 10%;
text-indent: 0;
text-transform (Inherited)
The text-transform CSS property controls the capitalization of text, which ca n be
all uppe r case, all lower case, or have each word capitalized. Wh en the capitalize
value is used , each word is capitalized regardless of accepted title casing c onventions,
like the English convention w here secondary words are not capitalized.
uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, none
Default Value
348 CSS Reference
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