HTML Reference
This attribute connects a <textarea> element with a specific form, which thus be-
comes the <textarea> element’s owner. The value of th e form attribute must be
equal to the value of the id attribute of the form. If this attribute is omitted, then the
<textarea> eleme nt must be a descendant o f a <form> e le ment.
The r ows attribute is a non-negative integer specifying the number of text lines for the
control. If this attribute is not spe cified, it defaults to 2.
See the localStorage example on page 281.
C.10 G lobal Attributes
The attributes in this section may be sp ecified on any HTML element.
This attribute represents a list of one or more class names separated by spaces. Classes
oer CSS an d JavaScript access to specific HTML elements by means of class selec-
tors or sp ecial functions like the document.getElementsByClassName() method.
This attribute defines an id entifier, which must be u nique in the whole document, so
it exclusively identifies an element on which it is u sed. IDs oer CSS and JavaScript
access to specific HTML elements by means of id selectors or spec ia l func tions like
the document.getElementById() method. The id attribute on an <a> e le ment can
also be used to name a URL fragme nt marking an internal hyperlink target loca tion
within a docum ent.
In HTML5, there a re no limits on what form a value of an ID may assume other than
that it must contain at least one character and must not c ontain any space characters.
With this a ttribute, authors specify the language for the content of the element. Its
value must be a valid ISO 639-x/IE TF BCP 47 lan guage code, wh ic h is en for English.
This a ttribute allows authors to write inline CSS code.
C.10. Global Attributes 337
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