About the Author
Iztok Fajfar got his first computer in the early 1980s, a ZX Spectrum with an a maz-
ing 48 KB of RAM. Computers soon turned into a lifelong fascination and an indis-
pensable com panion, assisting him in his professional work and hobbies alike. Izto k
has a PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University o f Ljub ljana, Slovenia,
where he is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical En gineering. His
research topic s include evolutionar y a lgorithms, in particular, genetic programming.
He teaches co mputer pr ogramming at all levels, from assemb ly to object-oriented, an d
to all kinds of audience. Now and then he even ventures to explain to his mother-in-
law how to forward an email, a nd he hasn’t given up yet. He is also a programme r
and writer. Iztok lives with his family in Ljubljana, and when he is not p rogramm ing,
or teaching, or researching weird stu, he m akes the most yummy pancakes, not to
mention the pizza.
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