11.9 Homework
Professor: For homework, I want you to test all the Sudoku code that we wrote today.
Try to identify as ma ny dierent representative situations as you can and work out test
examples for each one of them. Use your imagination and write additio nal methods
for testing objects if you find it necessary to do so.
And, oh, yes, review HTML and CSS because we’re going to use them next week.
Otherwise, th at’s it for this week.
In this meet ing: objects, properties, methods, constructor, object literal, hash ta-
ble, associative array, dictionary, property access operator, dot, sq uare brackets,
native objects, user-defined objects, h ost objects, class, member, object instance,
this, invocation context, constructor overloading, factory f unction, prototype
object, inheritance, encap sulation, getters, setters
11.9. Homework 225
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