CSS Reference
text-transform: uppercase;
word-spacing (Inherited)
The word-spaci ng CSS property works the same as the letter-spacing property,
only that it regulates spac e between tags and words instead of individual characters.
Positive or negative < le ngth> values are allowed th at specify the amount of sp ace be-
tween words in addition to the initial word spacing. Therefore, specifying a <length>
value of 0 is equivalent to the normal value.
Default Value
word-spacing: 1em;
word-spacing: -2px;
D.4 List Properties
The properties in this section influence th e formatting of lists with bullets (<ul>) and
numbered lists (<ol>).
list-style (Inherited)
The list-style CSS property is a sh orthand property for specifying three list prop-
erties on a single line: list-st yle-type, list-style-image, and list-styl e-
position. Values are separated by a space and can be provided in any order. If you
specify list-style-type and list-style-image at the same time, then the bullet
type will be used only if th e image is not found. That way you are ou t of danger of
ending up with a list without bullets, if the pa th to your bullet image doesn’t work.
Like with any shorthand property, the values that are not explicitly set revert to their
individual default values, even if they were previously set to dierent values using
other properties. You can find out what the default values are f rom descriptions of
respective prop erties.
D.4. List Properties 349
list-style: square url(/images/mysquarebullet.gif) inside;
list-style: inside;
list-style-position: inside;
/* The following declaration overrides the above specified
position with the default one (outside): */
list-style: lower-roman;
list-style-image (Inherited)
The list-style-image CSS property defines an image that will be used as a bullet
in a bulleted list.
< url> of the image to be used as a bullet or the none keyword.
Default Value
list-style-image: url(/images/mysquarebullet.gif);
list-style-position (Inherited)
The list-sty le-position CSS property de cides whether the bullets or numbers
should appear in sid e or outside of the content flow. If they are positioned outside of
the content flow, th en they ha ng o to the left, and if they are positioned inside th e
content flow, then they are put at the position where the first letter of the first line
normally sits.
inside, outside
Default Value
list-style-position: inside;
350 CSS Reference
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