number .valueOf()
Returns the primitive number value stor ed in number . This method is most often
invoked internally by JavaScript when needed and you will rarely need to call it ex-
E.15 Object (Core JavaScript)
The Object class object provides a superclass for a ll other objects in JavaScript. A ll
JavaScript objects inherit properties and methods from the prototype property of the
Object class.
Object Instance Creation
Object() //Constructor
new Object()
new Object(value )
The Object() constructo r c reates an a ppropr ia te wrapper object for value , which
can be of any type. If the constructor is invoked without an argument, then an empty
Object instance is created. It is possible to call the Object( ) con structor without the
new operator, but the eect is just the same.
new Object(true) //Equivalent to new Boolean(true)
new Object(10) //Equivalent to new Number(10)
{} //Literal syntax
{name1: value1 , name2 : value2 , ..., nameN : valueN }
Creates an Object instance with zero or more properties name1 , name2 , ..., nameN
having values value1 , value2 , ..., valueN , re spectively. Values can be of any type
while names can eith er be valid JavaScript ide ntifiers or strings.
420 JavaScript Reference
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