h1, nav a {
font-variant: small-caps;
Incidenta lly, there is one little erro r in your HTML code. The HTML re ference on
page 327 says that a < caption> element can o nly appear as the first child of a table.
So you must p ut it immediately after the <table> start tag in your code to satisfy the
I have one last thing to note. Today you’ll learn that there exist sp ecial p seudo-classes
like :link or :visit ed, which give you more control over styling hyperlinks.
Mike: We still have two questions that bother u s. First, we wanted to wrap text around
the table. I recall that we’ve alr eady stumbled upon the problem of text wrapping but
we haven’t solved it yet. Second, we wanted to arrange the navigational links in a line
instead of a column. How do we do that?
Professor: The good news is that both your question s fall in the same category, which
we shall talk about today. Let me begin with the CSS box model.
5.2 CSS Box Model
Professor: In web design, one very important concept is the so-ca lled CSS bo x model.
You kn ow, every element you place on a web page is tre ated as a little box by a
browser. Your life will be easier if you star t thinking of boxes as well. The figure
below illustrates what the CSS box looks like.
top padding
top border
top ma rgin
bottom padding
bottom border
bottom margin
left margin
left border
left pad ding
right padding
right border
right margin
At the core of the CSS box is the content box. Tha t’s whe re all text and images
appear, while the other three boxes (that is the padding, border, and margin box) are
used exclusively to sep arate the content from neighboring elemen ts. Th e padding
clears space immediately a round the content. Although no text or images intrude into
the padding area, the padding is aected by the background color or image. The
border repre sents a border ar ound the padding, which is usually made visible. Since
74 Meeting 5. Understanding CSS Boxes
the background color and image expand under the border as well, the background
may protrude through the b order if it is dotted or dashed. The margin represents
white space outside of the border and it sepa rates one element from the other. The
backgr ound color and image don’t go under the margin, so the margin is c ompletely
Mike: You mean white?
Professor: No, transparent. If an element is drawn inside an other element, then that
other element’s color is seen through the contained element’s margin.
The perimeter of ea ch of the four boxes of the CSS box is called an edge. For exam ple,
the rectangle marking o the paddin g box is called a padding edge. As you can see
in the above figure, the margin, border, and padding can be b roken down into four
segments: top, right, bottom, and left. You can set each of them individually using
correspo nding CSS properties.
I would like you to pay special attention to the dierence between the margin and
padding since the two are often confused. Both add space around the content and
you use them to separate one element from another. Unless you apply a bor der or a
backgr ound color or image, it is actually ha rd to tell whether space around the con -
tent is caused by the padding or the m argin. With a border or background, h owever,
the dierence becomes significant. Since the paddin g separates the content from the
border, it keeps the content from appearing jammed inside the box. Margins, on the
other hand, provide white space between elements and relax the tension between them,
which gives a page a lighter appearance .
Maria: So far it looks quite straightforward, but I’m afraid things will become com-
plicated in practice.
Professor: I’m afraid that you’re right. Some of the conce pts youre going to learn
today are pretty dicult to grasp. So, let’s dive into some examples, so you can g et a
clearer picture of the idea.
Consider, for example, the next fragments of CSS and HTML code:
.example-box {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
padding: 10px;
border: 5px solid;
margin: 20px;
<div class="example-box">I am a box.</div>
We will investigate the behavior of the code in Google Chrome. Having loaded the
code into the browser, you pre ss Ctrl+Sh ift+I, or select
ToolsDeveloper Tools
5.2. CSS Box Model 75
from the Chrome menu ( ) at the top-right of th e browser window to open the Devel-
oper Tools (DevTools for short). On the following screenshot the DevTools window
is located in the lower part of the browser window.
If you don’t see the same picture, select the Eleme nts pane from the top menu of the
DevTools and the
Styles pane from the right part of the DevTools window. In the
HTML tree in the left half o f the DevTools, select the <div> element (expand the
tree if necessary by clicking a correspond ing gr ay triangle) and in the right part of the
DevTools you will see the CSS box view of that element. If you don’t see it, then scroll
down that part of the DevTools window till you do. Notice tha t the measurements are
the same as we defined them by the exampl e-box class. Now let the mouse pointer
hover over the same <div> element in the docum ent tree on the left. Notice that
hovering the mouse over the element colors the area s over the space o ccupied by the
element in the document window above the DevTools. The exact are as c overed by
dierent boxes of th e element are colored. Notice also that in the tooltip above the
element in the document window you can see dimensions of the element’s border box,
90 × 90 px in our case.
Maria: Why is the margin so huge at the right? The large, middle gray area is the
margin, isn’t it?
Professor: That’s true, but let me explain the whole box model. The wi dth and
height properties actually control the size of th e content box. The content box is
a little darker gray box in the center of th e box mod el with the measurements 60 ×
60 written inside it as you ca n see on th e screenshot. You ca n also see the padding,
border, and margin, all with the exact dimensions written inside the m. These all match
the dimensions specified by our CSS rule.
You already noticed that the margin is so mewhat special. The m argin represents empty
space around an ele ment and is more flexible. <div> elements, as you may re call,
have a block display and they want to oc cupy the whole available width, which is
the body’s content box in our case. Because we explicitly made the <div> element
76 Meeting 5. Understanding CSS Boxes
narrower by setting its width to 60 pixels, the empty space is filled b y automatically
extending its right margin, which you can see at the right side of the element.
Let’s now select th e <body> element in the HTML tree and hover the mouse pointer
over it.
On the right side of the DevTools window you now see the CSS box of the <body>
element, while at the top, in the document part of the window, you see the actual areas
covered by the content and margin boxes of the body.
Maria: Is the margin of the body defined in the default style sheet of the browser?
Because w e haven’t defined it.
Professor: That’s right.
If yo u compare the last two screenshots, you will notice that the width of the bodys
content b ox is made just big enough to accommoda te the whole <di v> element includ-
ing its horizontal ( le ft and right) paddings, borders, a nd margins. Thing s, however, are
dierent in the vertical direction. Vertical (top and bottom) margins are ignored and
top and bottom border edges of the <div> element sit directly on the content e dges of
the body. In other words, the body content box is just high enough to accommodate
the <div> element without its vertical margins.
Let’s now add so me padding to the <b ody> e le ment:
body {
padding: 10px;
The situation is quite dierent now, as you can see on the following screenshot.
5.2. CSS Box Model 77
The <div> e le ment is now completely inside the bodys c ontent box, even with its
vertical margins. You can see that in the document part of the window above the
DevTools and because the height of the body’s content box is now the same as is th e
height of the <div> element’s margin box, which is 130 px, as yo u can see in the
center of the CSS box on the right sid e of the DevTools window.
This is probably the time when you can start pulling your hair o ut, trying to figure out
what is happ ening with the margins. To get so me feeling for this, you may want to
experiment with the DevTools. If you again select the <div> element from the HTM L
tree on the left and scroll the right par t of the D evTools win dow to the top, you will
see our CSS rule for the < div> element. Hovering the mouse pointer ab ove the rule
will produce check boxes, which you can u se to switch individual declarations o n and
o in situ. You can also chan ge the values of the prop erties if you want, or even add
new declarations to the rule.
Note, however, that any change s you made to the rules in the DevTools will not aect
your original CSS file.
78 Meeting 5. Understanding CSS Boxes
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