AddHandler server-parsed .html
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
Now y ou create a ļ¬le containing HTML code for a men u, or a header, or w hatever it is
that you want to include in y our pages. Note that this ļ¬le must only contain the code
that you want to include in your pages. It is only a fragment of a w eb page that does
not contain any DOCTYPE declaration or elements like <html> or <body>, which
are already part of the main, container page. An includ ed ļ¬le is therefore not a valid
HTML document. For example, you may create a ļ¬le named
my_header.html and put
the following HTML into it:
<h1>This is my Header</h1>
You can now include this ļ¬le to whatever page you wish using the virtual argument
of the include SSI directive. The directive looks like an HTML comment so as not
to intrude upon your HTML code if SSI doesnā€™t work for some reason. The eļ¬€ec t
of including the ļ¬le will be the same as if you copied and pasted the content of the
included ļ¬le to the exact location of the include directive. For example, you can
include the above
my_header.html ļ¬le like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Including External HTML</title>
<!--#include virtual="/includes/my_header.html" -->
Notice that you can use the same root-re la tive convention for acc essing the ļ¬les with
the include SSI directive as you would fo r a ccessing external resources with HTML
or CSS. The ļ¬le
my_header.html is placed in th e includes subdirectory of the website
6.3 Introducing JavaScript
Professor: And now f or someth ing completely diļ¬€erent.
HTML and CSS are only meant to show your visitor static material to read. While
HTML organizes c ontent and gives it a structure , CSS makes things look attractive
by taking care of presentation. We even saw an example of how CSS is able to make
things happen by using :hover pseudo-class, but this has quite a limited application.
6.3. Introducing JavaScript 105
Regardless of how charming and elegant it may look when just a silent p ass of a mouse
pointer turns up a sub-menu , there is a danger in doing that. Consider, for example,
that you hide some vital co ntent and make it accessible to your visitor only th rough
hoveringā€”if the visitor uses a touch screen, he/she will not be able to access it.
Fortunately, thereā€™s a third language called JavaScript, which is responsible for mak-
ing things happen . This makes it a real program ming language as opposed to HTML
and CSS, which are formatting and style-sheet languages, r espectively. We say that
JavaScript deļ¬n es the b ehavior of a web page. Pages equipped with appropriate
JavaScript code can become responsive and intelligent. They can, for example, check
if someone has ļ¬lled out a f orm correctly and let visitors know if they left out neces-
sary information or if they provided information in the wrong form. For example, if
they entered a no n-numeric character for the day of the month, or a date in the future
or too-distant past for the date of birth, which obviou sly cannot pass as a birth day of
a living person.
Although JavaScript is a full-ļ¬‚edged programming lang uage and you will have no
choice but to learn some basic programming skills, that doesnā€™t mean it is impossible
to use. All in all, progr ams written in JavaScript are usually much shorter than many
application s you are using in your everyday work, such as text processors or digital
photo-processing software.
By th e way, do you know how to put a chicken in a fridge in three steps?
Mike: First, open the fridge, second, put the chicken inside, and third, close the fridge.
Professor: Right. What about a ļ¬sh in fo ur steps? How do you do that?
Mike: Open the fridge, take the chicken out, put the ļ¬sh in, close the fridge.
Professor: Brilliant! Thatā€™s a joke, all right, but it conveys an extremely importan t
concept. Let me write the instructions down for you:
Open fridge.
Take chicken out.
Put ļ¬sh in.
Close fr idge.
In computer science, such a list of instructions that need to be followed in or der to
carry out a job is called an algorithm. An algorithm is usually written eith er in plain
English or in a so- called pseudo la nguage, which a computer does not understand. If
you want a computer to understand and execute your instructions, you must code these
instructions in a spec iļ¬c computer lan guage. Such a set of executable instructions is
called a computer program.
Although the computer will always obey the order in which your instructions are
listed, the order itself is not always important. If only the ļ¬na l state is important, you
may want, for example, to ļ¬rst put the ļ¬sh in the fridge (if the fridge is big enough to
hold both animals for some time) and only then ta ke the chicken out. But you cannot,
by any means, take the chicken out of the fridge before op ening the frid ge doors. That
is physically impossible.
106 Meeting 6. Behavior
One thing yo u should understand about programming languages is that they are lan-
guages. Just as you would explain to somebody how to get somewhere or cook some
favorite dish of yours in plain English, you also explain to a computer how to do some-
thing in a spec iļ¬c programming language. You must never forget that most things we
are going to do in our course you already know how to do. All youā€™ll have to learn is
to tell a computer how to do it, so th e computer will understand you and do exactly
what you want it to do.
For example, if you want a computer to add 19 and 2 3 and display the result in the
browser window, then you write the following program:
var sum;
sum = 19 + 23;
Maria: Looks weird.
Professor: But you understand some of the code, donā€™t you?
Maria: Yes I do. The sum of the numbers 19 and 23 is written in the same way as we
people write it. The last line pro bably writes the sum to the window, I guess.
Professor: Correct. Itā€™s a simple program, but it is impor ta nt that you under stand
everyth ing in it. Th e ļ¬rst line of the above program is a variable declaration. A dec -
laration always starts with the v ar keyword, which is short for a variable. The word
sum that follows is a user-deļ¬ned variable na m e . Variables are central to any com-
puter program as they allow the computer to remember things that happened in the
past. Although you may not always be speciļ¬cally aware of it, humans also need to
remembe r certain information in order to complete even the simplest tasks. For exam-
ple, when you count you need to remember the new number each time you increment
it. Most of the time you do that unco nsciously and only become aware of it when
something disturbs you. If youā€™re not concentrating you quickly lose count.
You can think of a variable as a box for storing informa tion that is written on a piece
of paper. Once youā€™ve put a paper in a box, it is there for you to read any time you
want. If you have more boxes, then you need to name them in order to know later on
which box to look in fo r a speciļ¬c piece of informatio n. Thatā€™s why you give names
to variables.
For example, in the second line of the above program, a value of 42 is ļ¬rst obtained as
a sum of 19 and 23 and then stored into a variable named sum. This is accomplished
using the equals sign. The ļ¬nal state after these operations can be de picted as a number
42 stored in a box named sum.
Mike: Thatā€™s like folders in my computer.
6.3. Introducing JavaScript 107
Professor: Not quite. The primitive variables, which we are going to meet ļ¬rst, can
store only a single value and thatā€™s an important diļ¬€erence. For example , consider the
following two lines:
x = 10;
x = 20;
Eventually, x ends up holding only the value 20. The value 10 is simply d eleted from
memory in the second line to give room to 20.
Maria: How do we choose a name of a variable?
Professor: A name can be chosen arbitrarily subject to certain rules. Note that the
oļ¬ƒcial recommendation provides wider allowances, but I think you will be better oļ¬€
by sticking to the following rules when selecting a variable name:
ā€¢ JavaScript variable names can contain (upper-case or lower-case) letters of the
English alphabet. For example, you can name your variable x or give it a more
descriptive n ame like counter.
ā€¢ Names can c ontain numbers and underscores (_) as well. For example , your
variable can be named B42s. If a variable name is composed of more than
one word, you can use under scores to separate the words. You must do that
because spaces are not allowed. For example, number_of_lives is a valid
variable name. Many programmersā€”includin g meā€”use a so -called camelCase
form of writin g variable names that consist o f more than one word. camelCase
is a practice where each new word begins with a ca pital letter. For example ,
numberOfLives is a camelCase variable name.
ā€¢ Names cannot start with a number. You cannot use 42 as a variable name while
_42 is a perfectly legal name.
ā€¢ Names can start with a do llar sign ($) as, for examp le , $awesome. Personally,
I donā€™t see any ne ed for using a dollar sign. You will, however, ļ¬nd it used in
the popular jQuery library, about which y ou can read in sectio n B.4 a t the end
of this book.
ā€¢ JavaScript is case sensitive, which m eans that counter is c onsidered a diļ¬€e rent
name from Counter.
ā€¢ Reserved words must not be used as variable names. Reserved words are the
keywords that have a special me aning in the language. For example, var is a
reserved word that helps you declare a variable and cannot be used as a variable
name. This is a list of the words that JavaScript reserves:
arguments break case catch class
const continue debugger default delete
do else enum eval export
extends false f inally for function
if implements import in instanceof
interface let new null package
108 Meeting 6. Behavior
private protected public return static
super switch this throw true
try typeof var void var
with yield
Mike: You mentioned the jQuery library. Whatā€™s a library?
Professor: In a nutshell, a library is a collection of diļ¬€erent solutions that y ou can
readily use in your own code. Libraries exist to spare you the tediou s work of wr iting
and testing code for c ommon tasks that have alread y bee n written a nd tested by oth ers.
Back to our program. As weā€™ve alre ady ļ¬gured out, the sum of two numbers is cal-
culated in the second line. Th e line wouldnā€™t have had any eļ¬€ect were it not f or th e
assignment operator (=), which sto res the calculated sum in the variable named sum.
In general, the assignment o perator always takes whatever value is produced on its
right-ha nd side and stores it to the variable on its left-hand side. Because a variable
can be placed to the left side of the assignment operator to receive the new value, we
sometimes call it lvalue, which is short f or a left value. Note that a constant number
cannot be lvalue. You cannot w rite 42 = x because a value cannot be stored in to a
constant number.
Obviously, the last line of the program is used to display the sum to the screen. Donā€™t
worry about the whole syntax, just remember for now that a value of anything you p ut
inside the parentheses of the do cument.write() function will be displayed in the
browser window. In our case the func tion will display the value sto red in sum.
Let me mention that the documen t.write() function is actually almost never used
in tod ayā€™s JavaScript programming. In the old days of JavaScript, though, it used to be
the only way to display text in a document dynamically and you are likely to see it in
existing code. Before we learn other methods, we are going to use it anyway because
it is simple and useful for quick experimen ting with code.
Maria: And how do we run the code?
Professor: There are many ways to do it. As for now, we ā€™ll just be happy with putting
the code inside the <script> HTML element, inside the body of the document:
var sum;
sum = 19 + 23;
Now all you have to do is load the ļ¬le into the browser and you shall see the 42 in the
browserā€™s window.
In the last example, thereā€™s one mor e detail that I want you to pay attention to. You
6.3. Introducing JavaScript 109
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