Meeting 1
Content and Structure
1.1 Opening
Professor: I’m thrilled that you accepted my invitation to help me with a new book
I am researching. There a re three languages awaiting us in this course: HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript.
Mike: Why three? You’ll just confuse us, won’t you?
Professor: The languages have been designed for quite specific pur poses and work
very dierently, so there is little danger in confusing them. At the same time, the three
languages nicely c omplement each othe r: HTML holds the structure and content of a
web page, CSS takes care of presentation, and JavaScript is responsib le for action. I
like to say that HTML is bo nes, CSS is flesh, an d JavaScript is the brain a nd muscles
of web programming.
Maria: How much of a chance is there of us learning three languages to the level that
we can use any of them to our advantage?
Professor: You don ’t have to be a guru in any of them to start using them eectively.
It’s only important that you know the basic principles. The good news is you don’t
have to install or learn to use any new software. All you need to start o is alrea dy
installed on your computer.
Do you have any programming experience?
Maria: A ctually, I use a computer a lot but not for programming. I have never written
a computer program before.
Mike: Neither have I.
Professor: I n a way, program ming is like speaking. You speak English, right?
Mike: Yes
Professor: I even know people who have learned Finnish. Quite well, to be honest.
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