
The authors would like to extend their gratitude to Radhika Kulkarni and Saratendu Sethi who have been consistently extending their support, encouragement and guidance throughout the development of this book. A special mention of the technical experts James Cox and Terry Woodfield for their invaluable input and suggestions that have greatly helped us in shaping the book. We also would like to thank Lise Cragen for her valuable input and suggestions.

We would like to express our appreciation and thanks to all of the technical reviewers of the book: Barry deVille, Fiona McNeill, Meilan Ji, Penny (Ping) Ye, Praveen Lakkaraju, Vivek Ajmani, Youqin Pan (Salem State University), and Zhongyi Liu for spending their precious time in reviewing the content for the book and providing constructive feedback.

We are also thankful to Arila Barnes, Dan Zaratsian, Gary Gaeth, Jared Peterson, Jiawen Liu, Maheshwar Nareddy, Mantosh Sarkar, Mary Osborne, Saratendu Sethi, and Zubair Shaikh for their valuable contributions to the case studies in this book.

We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to the SAS Publications Production team: Aimee Rodriguez, Amy Wolfe, Brenna Leath, Denise T. Jones, John West and Shelley Sessoms. Without their patience, help, advice and support through the thick and thin, this book would have never seen the light of day.

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