
This book would not exist without the efforts of Chuck Toporek, who was my editor and whipcracker for many years and multiple publishers. He is now at Apple and deeply missed. There’d be no Cookbook were it not for him. He balances two great skill sets: inspiring authors to do what they think they cannot, and wielding the large “reality trout” of whacking1 to keep subject matter focused and in the real world. There’s nothing like being smacked repeatedly by a large virtual fish to bring a book in on deadline and with compelling content.

Thanks go as well to Trina MacDonald (my terrific new editor), Chris Zahn (the awesomely talented development editor), and Olivia Basegio (the faithful and rocking editorial assistant who kept things rolling behind the scenes). Also, a big thank you to the entire Addison-Wesley/Pearson production team, specifically Kristy Hart, Jovana San Nicolas-Shirley, San Dee Phillips, Nonie Ratcliff, and Chuti Prasertsith. Thanks also to the crew at Safari for getting my book up in Rough Cuts and for quickly fixing things when technical glitches occurred.

Thanks go as well to Neil Salkind, my agent of many years, to the tech reviewers Oliver Drobnik, Rich Wardwell, and Duncan Champney, who helped keep this book in the realm of sanity rather than wishful thinking, and to all my colleagues, both present and former, at TUAW, Ars Technica, and the Digital Media/Inside iPhone blog.

I am deeply indebted to the wide community of iOS developers, including Jon Bauer, Tim Burks, Matt Martel, Tim Isted, Joachim Bean, Aaron Basil, Roberto Gamboni, John Muchow, Scott Mikolaitis, Alex Schaefer, Nick Penree, James Cuff, Jay Freeman, Mark Montecalvo, August Joki, Max Weisel, Optimo, Kevin Brosius, Planetbeing, Pytey, Michael Brennan, Daniel Gard, Michael Jones, Roxfan, MuscleNerd, np101137, UnterPerro, Jonathan Watmough, Youssef Francis, Bryan Henry, William DeMuro, Jeremy Sinclair, Arshad Tayyeb, Jonathan Thompson, Dustin Voss, Daniel Peebles, ChronicProductions, Greg Hartstein, Emanuele Vulcano, Sean Heber, Josh Bleecher Snyder, Eric Chamberlain, Steven Troughton-Smith, Dustin Howett, Dick Applebaum, Kevin Ballard, Hamish Allan, Lutz Bendlin, Oliver Drobnik, Rod Strougo, Kevin McAllister, Jay Abbott, Tim Grant Davies, Maurice Sharp, Chris Samuels, Chris Greening, Jonathan Willing, Landon Fuller, Jeremy Tregunna, Christine Reindl, Wil Macaulay, Stefan Hafeneger, Scott Yelich, Mike Kale, chrallelinder, John Varghese, Robert Jen, Andrea Fanfani, J. Roman, jtbandes, Artissimo, Aaron Alexander, Christopher Campbell Jensen, Nico Ameghino, Jon Moody, Julián Romero, Scott Lawrence, Evan K. Stone, Kenny Chan Ching-King, Matthias Ringwald, Jeff Tentschert, Marco Fanciulli, Neil Taylor, Sjoerd van Geffen, Absentia, Nownot, Emerson Malca, Matt Brown, Chris Foresman, Aron Trimble, Paul Griffin, Paul Robichaux, Nicolas Haunold, Anatol Ulrich (hypnocode GmbH), Kristian Glass, Remy “psy” Demarest, Yanik Magnan, ashikase, Shane Zatezalo, Tito Ciuro, Mahipal Raythattha, Jonah Williams of Carbon Five, Joshua Weinberg, biappi, Eric Mock, and everyone at the iPhone developer channels at and, among many others too numerous to name individually. Their techniques, suggestions, and feedback helped make this book possible. If I have overlooked anyone who helped contribute, please accept my apologies for the oversight.

Special thanks go out to my family and friends, who supported me through month after month of new beta releases and who patiently put up with my unexplained absences and frequent howls of despair. I appreciate you all hanging in there with me. And thanks to my children for their steadfastness, even as they learned that a hunched back and the sound of clicking keys is a pale substitute for a proper mother. My kids provided invaluable assistance over the past few months by testing applications, offering suggestions, and just being awesome people. I try to remind myself on a daily basis how lucky I am that these kids are part of my life.

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