

ABStandin class, 299-302

Accelerate, rotating images, 215-216


catching events, 11

moving onscreen objects, 16-19


retrieving current angle synchronously, 13-16

scroll view, 19-21

sliding onscreen objects based on feedback, 17-19

achievements, Game Center

checking, 382-383

creating, 376-377

reporting, 383-385

resetting, 385

activity item sources, Activity View controller, 55

Activity View controller, 54-62

activity item sources, 55

adding services, 58-62

excluding activities, 62

HTML e-mail support, 62

item providers, 56

item source callbacks, 56-57

items, 62-63

services, 62-63

activityImage method, 58

activityTitle method, 58

activityType method, 58

activityViewController method, 59

adding contacts, Address Book, 331-333

Address Book, 297, 338

ABStandin class, 299-302

addresses, 313-315


accessing contact image data, 325-326

adding and removing, 331-333

modifying and viewing, 334-335

picking people, 326-331

searching for, 318-319, 322-325

sorting, 319

custom dictionaries, 311-312

databases, 298

date properties, 306-307

frameworks, 297-322

ABContact, 322

AddressBook UI, 298

instant-message properties, 313-315

multivalue items, 312-313

retrieving and setting strings, 304-306

wrapping, 303

groups, 319-322

images, 315-316

displaying in table cells, 326

multivalue data, storing, 311-312

querying, 302-303

records, 298-299

creating, 317

functions, 304

removing, 317-318

social profile, 313-315

Unknown Person Controller, 335-337

addresses, Address Book, 313-315

alerts, localizing, 465

altitude property (Core Location), 347

ambient audio, creating, 270-272

annotation property (document interaction controller), 71


maps, 363-368

user locations, 360-363

API providers, request tokens, 188-189

APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), 448-451, 473-474. See also push notifications

feedback service, 471-472

handling token request errors, 456

multiple provider support, 448

notification payloads, building, 465-466

responding to notifications, 456-458

retrieving device token, 455-456

security, 449-450

sending notifications, 466-471

App IDs, generating new, 451-454

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS). See APNS (Apple Push Notification Service)

application bundles, images, 197


in-app purchase items, creating, 431-435

developing and testing, 429

fonts, adding custom to, 118

registering, 454-458

submitting, StoreKit, 429-430

assets library, reading images from, 202-203

attitude property (Core Motion), 22

attribute stacks, Core Text, 100-105

attributed strings, Core Text, 89-93

drawing with, 109-111

fonts, 116-117

mutable, 95-98

paragraph styles, 92-93

Text View, 93-94

attributed text

Bezier paths, drawing along, 151-154

creating, pseudo-HTML, 105-109

drawing into PDFs, 120-122


Core Text, 87-88

layering via iterated ranges, 97-98

audio, 261, 294-295

Game Center, sessions, 411-415

interruptions, handling, 272-274

looping, 269-272

Media Queries, creating, 288-290

MPMusicPlayerController, 290-294

picking, MPMediaPickerController, 286-288

playing with AVAudioPlayer, 261-269

recording, 274-280

audio queues, 280-286

authentication, handling challenges, 176-177

authorization, Core Location, 339-344

available disk space, checking, 35-36


audio, recording, 274-286

audio interruptions, handling, 272-274

monitoring audio levels, 265-269

playback progress, 264-269

playing audio, 261-269

scrubbing, 264

AVFoundation cameras, accessing, 235-242


battery state, devices, monitoring, 6-8

Bezier paths, 166

attributed text, drawing along, 151-154

bounding, 137-142

elements, 144-148

fitting, 142-144

moving items along, 148-151


extracting, 127-129

retrieving, 149-151

thinning, 129-132

bitmap images

analyzing, 257-259

representations, 210-214

blocks, handler, Core Motion, 23-26

Bluetooth limitations, GameKit, 416

Bonjour sessions, GameKit, 416-417

bounding Bezier paths, 137-142

boxes, bounding, 138-141

building simple web servers, 181-184


C-based Core Text, 88-89

cameras, 229

AVFoundation, accessing, 235-242

CI (Core Image) filtering, 248-251

face detection, 251-257

enabling flashlights, 233-235

Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF), 242-247

image helper, 241-242

image orientations, 247-248

photographs, snapping, 229-233

previews, 240

laying out, 241

querying, 236-237

retrieving, 236-237

sampling live feeds, 257-260

sessions, establishing, 237-239

switching, 239-240

canPerformWithActivityItems method, 58

catching, acceleration events, 11

Catmull-Rom, splines, 133-134

chat, Game Center, 411-415, 423-424

testing availability, 412

CI (Core Image) filtering, 248-251

face detection, 251-257


GKLeaderboard, 378-380

UIDevice, 1-2, 5-9, 12-13

UIImage, 199-200

UIScreen, 8-9, 29, 31

code listings, 147-148. See also recipes

Adding Camera Previews (7-6), 241

Adding Images to Core Text Flow (3-4), 112-114

Application Activities (2-1), 59-62

Attributed String Core Text View (3-3), 109

Attributed String View (3-2), 109

Bezier Elements (4-1), 145-146

Building a Map Annotation Object (10-1), 363

Cameras (7-1), 236-237

Capturing Output (7-3), 238-239

Checking a Receipt (12-3), 444-445

Converting Between RGB and HSB (7-9), 259-260

Converting Geometry from EXIF to Image Coordinates (7-8), 252-254

Creating a Session (7-2), 237-238

Drawing an Image into a PDF File (6-2), 222-223

Embedding and Retrieving Previews (7-5), 240

Fitting Element-Based Bezier Paths (4-2), 147-148

Making a Screen Shot of a View (6-1), 222

Preparing Annotation Views for Use (10-2), 365

Products Request Callback Methods (12-1), 437-438

Recovering File System Size and File System Free Size (1-1), 36

Responding to Payments (12-2), 439-441

Retrieving Image Metadata (7-7), 243-244

Returning a Font from Its Traits (3-1), 99-100

Selecting from Available Cameras (7-4), 239-240

Serializing and Deserializing Property Lists (11-1), 396-397


retrieving lists, UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers), 43-45

testing, UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers), 42-43, 44-45

conformance arrays, 44-45

contacts, Address Book

accessing contact image data, 325-326

adding and removing, 331-333

modifying and viewing, 334-335

picking people, 326-331

searching, 322-325

searching for, 318-319

sorting, 319


Activity View, 54-62

activity item sources, 55

adding services, 58-62

excluding activities, 62

HTML e-mail support, 62

item providers, 56

item source callbacks, 56-57

items, 62-63

services, 62-63

document interaction, 69-75

checking Open menu, 72-75

creating instances, 69-71

properties, 71

Quick Look support, 71-72

MPMediaPickerController, picking audio, 286-288

MPMusicPlayerController, 292-294

Quick Look, 62-69

adding actions, 66-69

document interaction controllers, providing support, 71-72

Unknown Person Controller, Address Book, 335-337

converting between coordinate systems, 210-211

convex hulls, bounding, 138-141

convolution, images, 216-219

coordinate property (Core Location), 347

coordinate systems, converting between, 210-211

Core Image (CI) filtering, 248-251

face detection, 251-257

Core Location, 339, 344-347, 369-370

authorizing, 339-344

geocoding, 353-355

Geofencing, 348-350

location and privacy, resetting, 341

location properties, 346-347

maps, creating annotations, 363-368

speed, tracking, 347-348

testing, 339-341, 343-344

tracking north, 350-353

user locations

annotations, 360-363

viewing, 355-360

user permissions, checking, 343

Core Motion, 21-26

handler blocks, 23-26

properties, 21-22

testing for sensors, 22

Core Text, 87, 125-126

adding images to, 112-114

attributed strings, 89-93

mutable, 95-98

paragraph styles, 92-93

Text View, 93-94

attributed text

creating using pseudo-HTML, 105-109

drawing into PDFs, 120-122

attributes, 87-88

stacks, 100-105

C-based, 88-89

creating image cut-outs, 112-114

drawing into scroll view, 114-116

drawing with, 109-111

fonts, 116-117

adding custom to apps, 118

large text, 122-125

multipage, 119-120

Objective-C, 88-89

responder styles, 98-100

UIKit, 89

counting groups, Address Book, 319

course property (Core Location), 347


entering, 171-176

secure storage, 167-171

current angle, accelerometers, retrieving synchronously, 13-16

curves, 144-148

custom document types, creating, 77-78



serializing, GameKit, 396-397

uploading, 177-181

date properties, Address Book, 306-307

databases, Address Book, 298

design, push notifications, 473


screens, 29-30

shakes, motion events, 27-28


apps, 429

push notifications, 467-471


accessing basic information, 1-2, 9-10

adding capability restrictions, 2-5

battery state, monitoring, 5-8

orientation, 12-13

permissions, 3

proximity sensor, enabling/disabling, 5

required capabilities, 4

Retina support, detecting, 8-9

retrieving tokens, 455-456

user permission descriptions, 3

disabling proximity sensor, 5

display links, screens, adding, 31

distribution, push notifications, 467-471

document file sharing, enabling, 49

document interaction controllers, 69-75

checking Open menu, 72-75

creating instances, 69-71

properties, 71

Quick Look support, 71-72


creating custom types, 77-78

declaring support, 75-82

Documents folder, scanning for new, 50-53

Documents folder

monitoring, 48-53

scanning for new documents, 50-53

user controls, 49-50

Xcode access, 50

drawing, Core Text, 109-111

drawings, smoothing, 132-135


Ecamm’s Printopia, 55

emitters, 226-228

enabling proximity sensor, 5

ending game play, GameKit, 407-410

entering credentials, 171-176


acceleration, catching, 11

motion, detecting shakes, 27-28

EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format), 242-247

external screens, 29-35


face detection, CI (Core Image) filtering, 251-257

feedback service, APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), 471-472

file extensions, UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers), 40-41

file system, recovering size, 36

files, PDFs, drawing into, 222-223

filtering images, CI (Core Image), 248-251

fitting Bezier paths, 142-144

flashlights, cameras, enabling, 233-235

folders, Documents, monitoring, 48-53


apps, adding custom to, 118

Core Text, 116-117

frameworks Address Book, 297-322

ABStandin class, 299-302

AddressBook UI, 298

databases, 298

date properties, 306-307

images, 315-316

multivalue items, 307-309, 312-313

querying, 302-303

record functions, 304

records, 298-299

retrieving and setting strings, 304-306

storing multivalue data, 311-312

wrapping, 303


Game Center, 371, 425-426. See also GameKit


checking, 382-383

reporting, 383-385

resetting, 385

enabling, 371-373

loading matches from, 403

removing matches, 410-411

scores, submitting, 381-382

signing in to, 373-374

view controller, displaying, 380

voice, 411-415

game play

ending, GameKit, 407-410

responding to, GameKit, 403-407

GameKit 371, 425-426


checking, 382-383

creating, 376-377

reporting, 383-385

resetting, 385

audio sessions, establishing, 412-413

Bluetooth limitations, 416


creating, 413

implementing buttons, 414-415

starting and stopping, 413

state monitoring, 414

testing availability, 412

volume control, 415

Game Center view controller, displaying, 380

game play, 393-394

ending, 407-410

responding to, 403-407

handling player state changes, 390-391

invitation handlers, creating, 388-389


accessing, 378-380

building, 375-376


loading, 402-403

removing, 410-411

multiplayer matchmaking, 385-387

managing match state, 390

responses, 387-388

turn-by-turn, 399-401

peer services, 415-425

Bonjour, 416-417

creating helper, 422

online connections, 424-425

peer connection process, 417-421

peer-to-peer voice chat, 422-423

sending and receiving data, 421

state changes, 422

voice chat, 423-424

player names, retrieving, 392-393

scores, submitting, 381-382

serializing data, 394-397

session modes, 417

starting games, 388

synchronizing data, 397-398

turn-based invitations, responding to, 401-402

games, starting, GameKit, 388

geocoding, Core Location, 353-355

Geofencing, Core Location, 348-350

geometry, 127, 166

Bezier paths

drawing attributed text along, 151-154

fitting, 142-144

moving items along, 148-151

points, 127, 129-132

retrieving, 127-129

curves, 144-148

drawings, smoothing, 132-135

transforms, 154-161

velocity-based stroking, 136-137

view intersections, testing, 161-165

GKLeaderboard class, 378-380

graphics. See images

gravity property (Core Motion), 22

groups, Address Book, 319-322

GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers), 35


Hafeneger, Stefan, 467

handler blocks, Core Motion, 23-26


authentication challenges, 176-177

player state changes, GameKit, 390-391

hints, naming, 200-201

horizontalAccuracy property (Core Location), 347

HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), converting RGB (red, green, blue) to, 259-260


iCloud, images, 198

icons property (document interaction controller), 71

IIDs (Interface Identifiers), 35

image cut-outs, creating, Core Text, 112-114

ImageIO framework, 242-243

images, 197, 228

Address Book, 315-316

applying aspect, 205-207

assets library, reading from, 202-203

bitmap representations, 210-214

capturing view-based screen shots, 221-222

CI (Core Image) filtering, 248-251

face detection, 251-257

converting data to and from bitmap data, 212-214

convolution, 216-219

emitters, 226-228

Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF), 242-247

fitting and filling, 203-207

loading from URLs, 202

metadata, exposing, 245-246

orientations, 247-248

processing, 215-216

core, 219-221

reading data, 199-203

reflections, 223-226

rotating, 208-210

Accelerate, 215-216

sandbox, finding, 201-202

snapping, 229-233

sources, 197

UIImage, wrapping, 244-247

in-app purchase items, creating, 431-435

Info.plist file, 3-5

inheritance, UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers), 40

instances, document interaction controller, creating, 69-71

Internet, images, 198

interruptions, audio, handling, 272-274

invitation handlers, GameKit, creating, 388-389

invitations, responding to, GameKit, 401

iPhone files, serving through Web service, 181-184

item providers, Activity View controller, 56

item source callbacks, Activity View controller, 56-57

items, Activity View controller, 62-63

iterated ranges, layering attributes via, 97-98

iTunes accounts, signing out, 438


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

serialization, 394

transforming from dictionary to, 465

laying out camera previews, 241


accessing, GameKit, 378-380

building, GameKit, 375-376

levels, audio, monitoring, 265-269

listings. See code listings; recipes

lists, conformance, retrieving, 43-45

live feeds, sampling, 257-260


images from URLs, 202

matches, GameKit, 402-403

local notifications versus push notifications, 451

location services, testing for, 339-341

locations, Core Location

annotations, 360-363

properties, 346-347

resetting, 341

viewing, 355-360

looping audio, 269-272


magneticField property (Core Motion), 22

MapKit, 339, 369-370

maps, annotations, Core Location, 363-368

match state, GameKit, managing, 390

matches, GameKit

loading, 402-403

removing, 410-411

matchmaker fails, handling, 386-387

Media Queries, creating, 288-290


images, exposing, 245-246

querying, 243-244


battery state and proximity, 6-8

Documents folder, 48-53

motion events, detecting shakes, 27-28

MPMediaPickerController, picking audio, 286-288

MPMusicPlayerController, 292-294

multipage Core Text, 120

multiplayer matchmaking, GameKit, 385-387

managing match state, 390

responses, 387-388

turn-by-turn, 399-401

multivalue items, Address Book, 311-313


naming hints, 200-201

networking, 167, 196

authentication, handling challenges, 176-177


entering, 171-176

secure storage, 167-171

OAuth utilities, 184-196

uploading data, 177-181

web servers, building, 181-184

north, tracking, Core Location, 350-353

notifications (push), 447-449, 473-474

APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), 448-451

App IDs, generating new, 451-454

building payloads, 465-466

designing for, 473

limitations, 450

versus local notifications, 451

multiple provider support, 448

production, 467-471

provisioning push, 451-454

push client skeletons, 459-464

registering apps, 454-458

responding to, 456-458

sandbox, 467-471

security, 449-450

sending, 466-471

NSFileManager class, 36


OAuth utilities, 184-196

Objective-C, Core Text, 88-89

onscreen objects, sliding based on accelerometer feedback, 17-19

Open menu, document interaction controllers, 72-75


devices, 12-13

calculating from accelerometers, 14-15

images, 247-248

overscanning compensation, screens, 31


paragraph styles, Core Text, 92-93

passively updating, pasteboard, 47-48

pasteboard, 45-48

images, 198

passively updating, 47-48

properties, 46-47

retrieving data, 47

storing data, 46

paths, Bezier, 166

drawing attributed text along, 151-154

elements, 144-148

fitting, 142-144

moving items along, 148-151


extracting, 127-129

thinning, 129-132

retrieving points and slopes, 149-151

payloads, push notifications, building, 465-466

payments, responding to, StoreKit, 438-441

PDF (Portable Document Format) files, drawing into, 222-223

attributed text, 120-122

peer services, GameKit, 415-425

Bonjour, 416-417

creating helper, 422

online connections, 424-425

peer connection process, 417-421

peer-to-peer voice chat, 422-423

sending and receiving data, 421

state changes, 422

voice chat, 423-424

permissions, devices, 3

photo album, 197

photographs, snapping, 229-233. See also images

picking audio, MPMediaPickerController, 286-288

pictures. See images

player state changes, GameKit, handling, 390-391

predicates, 288-290

prepareWithActivityItems method, 58

previews, cameras, 240

laying out, 241

Printopia, 55

privacy, Core Location, resetting, 341

processing images, 215-216, 219-221

production, push notifications, 467-471


Core Motion, 21-22

document interaction controllers, 71

system pasteboard, 46-47

proximity sensor, enabling/disabling, 5

pseudo-HTML, creating attributed text, 105-109


registering, 441, 442

restoring, 441-442

purchasing items, 438-442

multiple, 442

push client skeletons, 459-464

push notifications, 447-449, 473-474

APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), 448-451

App IDs, generating new, 451-454

building payloads, 465-466

designing for, 473

limitations, 450

versus local notifications, 451

multiple provider support, 448

production, 467-471

provisioning push, 451-454

push client skeletons, 459-464

registering apps, 454-458

responding to, 456-458

sandbox, 467-471

security, 449-450

sending, 466-471


queries, Media Queries, creating, 288-290


Address Book, 302-303

cameras, 236-237

metadata, 243-244

Quick Look controller, 62-66

adding actions, 66-69

document interaction controllers, providing support, 71-72


reading image data, 199-203

receipts, validating, 443-445

recipes. See also code listings

Activity View Controller (2-4), 56-57

Adding a Simple Core Image Filter (7-5), 250-251

Adding Emitters (6-8), 226-228

Analyzing Bitmap Samples (7-7), 257-259

Applying Image Aspect (6-1), 205-207

Audio Recording with AVAudioRecorder (8-4), 276-280

Authentication with NSURLCredential Instances (5-3), 176-177

Basic Core Motion (1-6), 23-25

Basic OAuth Signing Utilities (5-6), 185-188

Big Text. Really Big Text (3-9), 123-125

Bounding Boxes and Convex Hulls (4-5), 138-141

Building Attributed Strings with an Objective-C Wrapper (3-3), 102-104

Catching Acceleration Events (1-3), 11

Catmull-Rom Splining (4-3), 133-134

Choosing Display Properties (9-4), 330-331

Controlling Torch Mode (7-2), 234-235

Converting to and from Image Bitmaps (6-3), 213-214

Convolving Images with the Accelerate Framework (6-5), 217-218

Core Image Basics (6-6), 220-221

Core Text and Scroll Views (3-5), 114-116

Creating a Font List (3-6), 117

Creating Ambient Audio Through Looping (8-2), 270-272

Creating an Annotated, Interactive Map (10-7), 366-368

Creating an Automatic Text-Entry to Pasteboard Solution (2-2), 48

Creating Reflections (6-7), 224-226

Credential Helper (5-1), 169-171

Detecting Faces (7-6), 255-257

Detecting the Direction of North (10-3), 351-352

Displaying Address Book Images in Table Cells (9-2), 326

Document Interaction Controllers (2-7), 73-75

Drawing to PDF (3-8), 121

Ending Games (11-17), 408-409

Establishing a Game Center Player (11-1), 374

Establishing an Audio Session for Voice Chat (11-19), 412-413

Exposing Image Metadata (7-4), 245-246

Extending Device Information Gathering (1-2), 9-10

Extracting Bezier Path Points (4-1), 128-129

Fitting Paths into Custom Rectangles (4-6), 143-144

Handling Incoming Documents (2-8), 79-81

Handling Invitations (11-14), 401

Handling Turn Events (11-16), 404-407

Helper Class for Cameras (7-3), 241-242

Implementing an Invitation Handler (11-9), 389

Layering Attributes Via Iterated Ranges (3-2), 97-98

Laying Out Text Along a Bezier Path (4-8), 152-154

Loading Matches from Game Center (11-15), 403

Loading Opponent Name (11-11), 392

Monitoring Proximity and Battery (1-1), 6-8

Multipage Core Text (3-7), 120

OAuth Process (5-7), 192-195

Obliterating Game Center Matches for the Current Player (11-18), 410-411

Password Entry View Controller (5-2), 172-175

Picking People (9-3), 328-329

Playing Back Audio with AVAudioPlayer (8-1), 265-269

Presenting the Game Center View Controller (11-3), 381

Presenting User Location Within a Map (10-5), 357-360

Providing URL Scheme Support (2-9), 84

Pseudo HTML Markup (3-4), 106-109

Push Client Skeleton (13-1), 461-464

Pushing Payloads to the APNS Server (13-2), 468-471

Quick Look (2-5), 65-66

Quick Look (2-6), 67-68

Recording with Audio Queues: The Recorder.m Implementation (8-5), 280-285

Recovering Address Information from Coordinates and Descriptions (10-4), 354-355

Requesting a Match Through the Match Maker (11-7), 386

Responding to a Found Match (11-8), 387-388

Responding to Player State (11-10), 391

Retrieving Leaderboard Information (11-2), 379-380

Retrieving Points and Slopes from Bezier Paths (4-7), 149-151

Retrieving Transform Values (4-10), 162-165

Rolling for First Position (11-12), 397-398

Rotating an Image (6-2), 209-210

Rotating Images with the Accelerate Framework (6-4), 215-216

Selecting and Displaying Contacts with Search (9-1), 323-325

Selecting Music Items from the iPod Library (8-6), 287-288

Serving iPhone Files Through a Web Service (5-5), 181-184

Simple Media Playback with the iPod Music Player (8-7), 292-294

Sliding an Onscreen Object Based on Accelerometer Feedback (1-4), 17-19

Snapping Pictures (7-1), 232-233

Starting a Match (11-13), 399-400

Storing the Interruption Time for Later Pickup (8-3), 272-274

Submitting User Scores (11-4), 382

Testing Achievements (11-5), 383

Testing Conformance (2-1), 44-45

Thinning Bezier Path Points (4-2), 131-132

Tilt Scroller (1-5), 19-21

Tracking the Device Through the MapView (10-6), 361-362

Transformed View Access (4-9), 159-161

Unlocking Achievements (11-6), 384

Uploading Images to imgur (5-4), 178-181

Using a kqueue File Monitor (2-3), 51-53

Using Basic Attributed Strings with a Text View (3-1), 93-94

Using Core Location to Geofence (10-2), 349-350

Using Core Location to Retrieve Latitude and Longitude (10-1), 345-346

Using Device Motion Updates to Fix an Image in Space (1-7), 26-27

Using the New Person View Controller (9-5), 331-333

Velocity-Based Stroking (4-4), 136-137

VIDEOkit (1-8), 32-35

Working with the Unknown Controller (9-6), 336-337

recording audio, 274-280

audio queues, 280-286

records, Address Book, 298-299

creating, 317

functions, 304

removing, 317-318

reflections, images, 223-226


apps, 454-458

purchases, 441-442

relative angles, calculating, 15-16

removing contacts, Address Book, 331-333

reporting, Game Center achievements, 383-385

request tokens, API providers, 188-189

resetting achievements, GameKit, 385

responder styles, Core Text, 98-100

Retina support, detecting, 8-9


cameras, 236-237

current angle synchronously, accelerometers, 13-16

data, system pasteboard, 47

strings, Address Book, 304-306

RGB (red, green, blue) color codes, converting to HSB, 259-260

rotating images, 209-210, 215-216

rotationRate property (Core Motion), 22



images, 198

finding, 201-202

push notifications, 467-471

schemes, URL, declaring, 82-83

scores, submitting, GameKit, 381-382

screen shots, capturing view-based, 221-222


detecting, 29-30

display links, adding, 31

external, 29-35

overscanning compensation, 31

retrieving resolutions, 30

Video Out, setting up, 30-31

VIDEOkit, 31-35

scroll views

accelerometer-based, 19-21

Core Text, drawing into, 114-116

searches, contacts, Address Book, 318-319, 322-325

sending push notifications, 466-471


proximity, 5

testing for, Core Motion, 22

serializing data, GameKit, 394-397

services, Activity View controller, 62-63

adding, 58-62

session modes, GameKit, 417

sessions, cameras, establishing, 237-239

setting strings, Address Book, 304-306

shakes, detecting, motion events, 27-28

shared data, images, 198-199

signing in to Game Center, 373-374

slopes, Bezier paths, retrieving, 149-151

smoothing drawings, 132-135

social profiles, Address Book, 313-315

sorting contacts, Address Book, 319

sound. See audio

sources, images, 197-199

speed, tracking, Core Location, 347-348

storage, credentials, secure, 167-171

storefront GUI, building, 435-438

StoreKit, 427-430, 445


developing and testing, 429

submitting, 429-430

development paradox, 428

in-app purchase items, creating, 431-435


registering, 441-442

restoring, 441-442

purchasing items, 438-442

storefront GUI, building, 435-438

test accounts, creating, 430-431

validating receipts, 443-445

storing data, system pasteboard, 46


Address Book, retrieving and setting, 304-306

attributed, Core Text, 89-98

support, documents, declaring, 75-82

switching, cameras, 239-240

synchronizing data, GameKit, 397-398

system pasteboard, 45-48

passively updating, 47-48

properties, 46-47

retrieving data, 47

storing data, 46


TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 393

test accounts, StoreKit, creating, 430-431


apps, 429

conformance, UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers), 42-45

Core Location, 343-344

Game Center achievements, 382-383

for location services, 339-341

URLs, 83

view intersections, 161-165

text displays, large text, 122-125

Text View, attributed strings, 93-94

thinning Bezier path points, 129-132

Tilt Scroller, 19-21

timestamp property (Core Location), 347

tokens, retrieving and storing, 189

torch mode, controlling, 234-235

tracking speed, Core Location, 347-348

tracking users, 35

transforms, 154-161

basic, 154-155


retrieving, 156-157

setting, 157-158

view point locations, retrieving, 158-161

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 393

turn-based invitations, responding to, GameKit, 401-402

turn-by-turn matchmaking, GameKit, 399-401

turn events, handling, 404-407


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 393

UIDevice class, 1-2, 5-9, 12-13

UIImage class, 199-200

orientations, 249-248

wrapping, 244-247

UIKit, Core Text, 89

UIScreen class, 8-9, 29, 31

Uniform Type Identifiers (UTIs). See UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers)

Unknown Person Controller, Address Book, 335-337

uploading data, 177-181

URL-based services, creating, 82-84

URL property (document interaction controller), 71

URLs (uniform resource locators)

declaring schemes, 82-83

images, loading from, 202

testing, 83

user acceleration property (Core Motion), 22

user controls, Documents folder, 49-50

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 393

user locations, Core Location

annotations, 360-363

viewing, 355-360

user permissions, Core Location, checking, 343

users, tracking, 35

UTI property (document interaction controller), 71

utilities, OAuth, 184-196

UTIs (Uniform Type Identifiers), 39-45

file extensions, 40-41

inheritance, 40

producing preferred extensions or MIME types, 41-42

testing conformance, 42-43

UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers), 35


validating receipts, 443-445

values, transforms

retrieving, 156-157

setting, 157-158

velocity-based stroking, 135-137

verticalAccuracy property (Core Location), 347

Video Out, setting up, 30-31

VIDEOkit, 31-35

view-based screen shots, capturing, 221-222

View Controller, Address Book contacts, 331-333

view intersections, testing, 161-165

view point locations, transforms, retrieving, 158-161

viewing user locations, Core Location, 355-360

views, accelerometer-based scroll, 19-21

voice, Game Center, 411-415


web servers, building, 181-184


Address Book framework, 303

UIImage, 244

Xcode access, Documents folder, 50

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