Table of Contents


1 Device-Specific Development

Accessing Basic Device Information

Adding Device Capability Restrictions

Recipe: Checking Device Proximity and Battery States

Recipe: Recovering Additional Device Information

Recipe: Using Acceleration to Locate “Up”

Working with Basic Orientation

Retrieving the Current Accelerometer Angle Synchronously

Recipe: Using Acceleration to Move Onscreen Objects

Recipe: Accelerometer-Based Scroll View

Recipe: Core Motion Basics

Recipe: Retrieving and Using Device Attitude

Detecting Shakes Using Motion Events

Recipe: Using External Screens

Tracking Users

One More Thing: Checking for Available Disk Space


2 Documents and Data Sharing

Recipe: Working with Uniform Type Identifiers

Recipe: Accessing the System Pasteboard

Recipe: Monitoring the Documents Folder

Recipe: Presenting the Activity View Controller

Recipe: The Quick Look Preview Controller

Recipe: Adding a QuickLook Action

Recipe: Using The Document Interaction Controller

Recipe: Declaring Document Support

Recipe: Creating URL-Based Services


3 Core Text

Core Text and iOS

Attributed Strings

Recipe: Basic Attributed Strings

Recipe: Mutable Attributed Strings

The Mystery of Responder Styles

Recipe: Attribute Stacks

Recipe: Using Pseudo-HTML to Create Attributed Text

Drawing with Core Text

Creating Image Cut-Outs

Recipe: Drawing Core Text onto a Scroll View

Recipe: Exploring Fonts

Adding Custom Fonts to Your App

Recipe: Splitting Core Text into Pages

Recipe: Drawing Attributed Text into a PDF

Recipe: Big Phone Text


4 Geometry

Recipe: Retrieving Points from Bezier Paths

Recipe: Thinning Points

Recipe: Smoothing Drawings

Recipe: Velocity-Based Stroking

Recipe: Bounding Bezier Paths

Recipe: Fitting Paths

Working with Curves

Recipe: Moving Items Along a Bezier Path

Recipe: Drawing Attributed Text Along a Bezier Path

Recipe: View Transforms

Recipe: Testing for View Intersection


5 Networking

Recipe: Secure Credential Storage

Recipe: Entering Credentials

Recipe: Handling Authentication Challenges

Recipe: Uploading Data

Recipe: Building a Simple Web Server

Recipe: OAuth Utilities

Recipe: The OAuth Process


6 Images

Image Sources

Reading Image Data

Recipe: Fitting and Filling Images

Recipe: Rotating Images

Recipe: Working with Bitmap Representations

Recipe: Basic Image Processing

Recipe: Image Convolution

Recipe: Basic Core Image Processing

Capturing View-Based Screen Shots

Drawing into PDF Files

Recipe: Reflection

Recipe: Emitters


7 Cameras

Recipe: Snapping Photos

Recipe: Enabling a Flashlight

Recipe: Accessing the AVFoundation Camera

Recipe: EXIF

Image Orientations

Recipe: Core Image Filtering

Recipe: Core Image Face Detection

Recipe: Sampling a Live Feed


8 Audio

Recipe: Playing Audio with AVAudioPlayer

Recipe: Looping Audio

Recipe: Handling Audio Interruptions

Recipe: Recording Audio

Recipe: Recording Audio with Audio Queues

Recipe: Picking Audio with the MPMediaPickerController

Creating a Media Query

Recipe: Using the MPMusicPlayerController


9 Connecting to the Address Book

The AddressBook Frameworks

Recipe: Searching the Address Book

Recipe: Accessing Contact Image Data

Recipe: Picking People

Recipe: Limiting Contact Picker Properties

Recipe: Adding and Removing Contacts

Modifying and Viewing Individual Contacts

Recipe: The “Unknown” Person Controller


10 Location

Authorizing Core Location

Recipe: Core Location in a Nutshell

Recipe: Geofencing

Recipe: Keeping Track of “North” by Using Heading Values

Recipe: Forward and Reverse Geocoding

Recipe: Viewing a Location

Recipe: User Location Annotations

Recipe: Creating Map Annotations


11 GameKit

Enabling Game Center

Recipe: Signing In to Game Center

Designing Leaderboards and Achievements

Recipe: Accessing Leaderboards

Recipe: Displaying the Game Center View Controller

Recipe: Submitting Scores

Recipe: Checking Achievements

Recipe: Reporting Achievements to Game Center

Recipe: Multiplayer Matchmaking

Recipe: Responding to the Matchmaker

Recipe: Creating an Invitation Handler

Managing Match State

Recipe: Handling Player State Changes

Recipe: Retrieving Player Names

Game Play

Serializing Data

Recipe: Synchronizing Data

Recipe: Turn-by-Turn Matchmaking

Recipe: Responding to Turn-Based Invitations

Recipe: Loading Matches

Recipe: Responding to Game Play

Recipe: Ending Gameplay

Recipe: Removing Matches

Recipe: Game Center Voice

GameKit Peer Services


12 StoreKit

Getting Started with StoreKit

Creating Test Accounts

Creating New In-App Purchase Items

Building a Storefront GUI

Purchasing Items

Validating Receipts


13 Push Notifications

Introducing Push Notifications

Provisioning Push

Registering Your Application

Recipe: Push Client Skeleton

Building Notification Payloads

Recipe: Sending Notifications

Feedback Service

Designing for Push



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